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Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 9)

Page 13

by Jessie Donovan

  Silence stretched, so Teagan pressed hard enough to prick his skin. A few drops of blood rolled down his throat. She ran a finger to catch one and held it up to his face. “This is my last warning before I hand you over to someone who is a lot less polite about interrogations than me. Is there anything you want to share?”

  The male stared at the blood on her fingers for a few seconds before he answered, “No. Killing me will only drive the other leaders harder to defeat you. If my death means preserving tradition, it will be worthwhile.”

  Fucking patriarchal maniac, she murmured to her dragon.

  In this one instance, I wish we followed old traditions. Then this male would be executed with pomp and circumstance.

  As much as I’d like to see that, we can’t. The humans will never become our allies if we return to fear and violence to rule.

  Her dragon huffed. I suppose.

  Teagan focused back on the male. “It looks like we’re going to have to move you to someplace cozy, with a new flatmate. I’m sure he’ll be much quicker to extend a talon than me.”

  Hatred flashed in his eyes. “Weak bitch. You will know your place soon enough.”

  Not rising to the bait, Teagan turned and exited the room. Her dragon growled. If we were male, we’d be called strong and leader-like. But because we’re female, we’re a bitch.

  Don’t let him get to you.

  Are you sure I can’t drop him from a great height?

  Not at the moment. But I never rule out all possibilities so early.

  As she made her way back toward Killian’s office, Teagan resisted running a hand through her hair. She didn’t want to have her best interrogator work on the male and probably cause harm, but there was little choice.

  Until some of the old traditions were shattered for good, she would have to follow some of the same tactics as the other clans to get her point across.

  Bloody pointless violence. She needed to make the trials as challenging as ever to truly prove her worth. There was no fucking way she was going to repeat the process year after year, just to appease old-fashioned male egos.

  She picked up her pace. There was much to do and Teagan didn’t give up easily. She would change Ireland for the better, even if it killed her.

  And given that some of the clan leaders weren’t above killing her to get what they wanted, it just might.


  As the sun sank low in the sky, Aaron headed toward Killian’s office. Every available Protector had done double duty, spending part of the day patrolling the areas surrounding the clan to look for trespassers. Since many humans came and went every day to visit Glenveagh National Park, where Glenlough was situated, it made the task that much more difficult, especially if a female human mate from one of the other clans had been sent to spy on them. It would be bloody difficult to spot her, if she existed.

  His beast spoke up. Bloody stubborn arses. At this rate, we’ll never have time to help Teagan train.

  She never promised to do it today, anyway.

  Still, I want to race her in dragon form.

  We’ll see her naked tonight. That should count for something.


  He snorted at his dragon’s tone. Priorities, dragon, priorities.

  You seem to think about her a lot.

  It was one of the reasons Aaron had been glad of the extra duties; he could forget Teagan while he was distracted with work.

  However, her smiling face flashed inside his mind for the hundredth time. He shouldn’t care, but he kept wondering what she had done for the day. Maybe he could help her with something.

  His beast huffed. We will find out soon enough. Besides, we need to make sure she eats properly.

  Of course we will.

  Thankfully he reached Killian’s office so Aaron’s beast couldn’t reply. Aaron knocked on the door, and Killian’s muffled voice said, “Come in.”

  Aaron entered to find Killian sitting at his desk and an unfamiliar male sitting across from him. Killian motioned toward the fair-haired male who was probably a few years older than Aaron. “This is Colm MacDermot. He’s helping with planning the leadership challenges.”

  Colm smiled. “Nice to meet you, Aaron.” He looked to Killian. “I should be going anyway. I still have lessons to prep for tomorrow.”

  Colm took his leave. When they were alone, Killian spoke up again. “Did your team find anything?”

  “No, but there must be another reason you wanted to see me since we already reported our findings, or lack thereof, not that long ago.”

  “There is.” Killian leaned back in his chair and placed his hands on the armrests. “Why did you leave my sister’s house late last night?”

  Shit. He’d been seen. “She’s a grown woman. It’s none of your business.”

  “As her brother and head Protector, it is most definitely my business. She can’t afford to be distracted right now.”

  Aaron decided to screw it and be forthright. “Everyone in your family keeps claiming to be protecting Teagan, yet you do so behind her back. Why don’t you fucking sit down and talk with her? You might learn something that way.”

  Killian rose and closed the distance between them. “You being here is a privilege. I can send you back to Stonefire tomorrow.”

  A few days ago, Aaron would’ve jumped at the chance to return to England. But he wasn’t ready to go back just yet. “Try it and I’ll appeal to Teagan. She can then decide my fate.”

  Teagan’s voice filled the room. “Why do I need to decide anything? You two look about ready to go a few rounds. Maybe we should schedule some training time together. Male bonding and all that. Beating each other to a pulp should make you best friends.”

  Aaron turned to look at Teagan, and it took everything he had not to rush up to her and kiss her. With her hair dancing around her shoulders and amusement dancing in her eyes, she was so fucking beautiful.

  She cocked an eyebrow and Aaron focused back on the situation. He motioned toward Killian and then to her. “Ask your brother. Maybe he won’t chicken out and will actually talk with you.”

  Teagan met her brother’s gaze. “What’s going on, Killian? I leave for a few minutes and all hell breaks loose.”

  Killian grunted. “I’m just trying to protect both you and the clan.”

  “What’s going on?” she demanded.

  Killian waved toward Aaron. “I saw him leave your cottage late last night. I was trying to figure out why.”

  She shrugged. “He lost a few challenges and now is paying up his debt by cooking me supper. He’ll be at my cottage fairly often.”

  His dragon perked up at that remark, but Aaron focused on the conversation at hand. Killian sighed. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I know you want the alliance with Stonefire to work out, but we know little about him.”

  “I’m standing right here,” Aaron drawled.

  Killian met his gaze. “I’m aware.”

  The urge to punch Killian coursed through his body, but Teagan’s voice prevented him from doing something stupid. “Now, now, boys. I think you are going to train together tomorrow. I can’t afford any in-fighting for the next few weeks.”

  Aaron felt about ten years old. Teagan was trying to keep her clan together, and he was throwing a fit. “There’s no need for special training. I’ll be nice if he is.”

  Killian looked between Teagan and Aaron. “Is there something going on between you two? Because if so, I need to know so I can prepare for the repercussions.”

  Teagan rolled her eyes. “If me having Aaron in my cottage to cook for me causes a scandal, I’ll handle it. Speaking of which”—she took out a key and tossed it at Aaron—“get started on supper whilst I finish up here.”

  Killian scowled. “Teagan—”

  “Just stop, Killian. I need my head Protector right now, not my brother.”

  Before coming to Glenlough, Aaron would’ve made a crack and flipped off Killian. But not wanting to create unnecessary work for T
eagan, he merely headed for the door. “Don’t be too late because I’m going to eat with or without you.”

  “Then let’s hope another spy doesn’t show up at our front gates or you might have to start a delivery service. Killian might need some food, too. You wouldn’t want us to starve and lose focus, now would you?”

  He could feel Killian’s eyes on him, but Aaron ignored him. “That wasn’t part of our terms. If you want an extra portion, then it’s going to cost extra.”

  Her pupils flashed. He wondered if her dragon was thinking of ways to tip him.

  Killian’s deep voice garnered his attention. “I’m fine. We have lots to discuss, Teagan. Send your cook on his way.”

  Aaron did meet Killian’s gaze then. Unfortunately the bastard’s expression was neutral so he couldn’t tell if Killian was planning how to murder him or not.

  Teagan waved toward the door. “I’ll update you if I’m going to be late.”

  Not giving Killian a chance to speak again, Aaron exited the room and strode briskly down the hall. His dragon spoke up. Make something light. I want to spend most of the time naked and inside her.

  Patience, dragon. I’d rather she unload her day and come to bed relaxed and curious.

  His beast huffed. But it’s our turn. I want her hands and mouth on our cock.

  The image of Teagan’s hot lips brushing the tip of his dick flashed into his mind. Stop it. I’m not about to spend the next two or three hours with a hard-on.

  It’ll motivate you to see things my way.

  His response was to toss his beast into a mental prison. While his dragon thumped and attempted to escape, it held.

  Maybe this way he could actually talk with Teagan over dinner. If he focused on her, then he wouldn’t have to talk about himself. He’d revealed more than enough the night before.

  Besides, he’d noticed the tightness around her eyes. Something had happened and he wanted to know what.

  Chapter Twelve

  A little over an hour later, Teagan smiled and answered questions from every clan member she passed on the way home. For good reason, everyone was concerned and full of questions about her announcement the other night.

  So when her cottage’s glowing windows finally came into view, she let out a sigh of relief. A few more steps and she’d be inside her sanctuary.

  Her dragon spoke up. And what about Aaron? He will be waiting, too.

  Before Teagan could wonder what Aaron might do to her once she was naked again, the voice of Colm MacDermot boomed behind her. “Teagan, there you are. I was wondering if I’d catch you on your way home.”

  So close and yet so far.

  Pasting a smile on her face and standing up taller, she turned. “What did you need, Colm?”

  “I was hoping we could discuss some of the historical documents I found about the leadership challenges.” He raised his arm holding a cloth bag. “I figured we could make it a working dinner date.”

  Her dragon grunted. No. Aaron is making dinner and waiting for us to jump him.

  This is more important.

  Are you sure?

  Look, I wanted a night of kinky sex too. But if it costs us the clan, then what?

  Her beast sighed. I suppose.

  Teagan motioned with her head toward the door. “I just need to let my visitor know the change of plans, and then we can work in one of the conference rooms inside the Protectors’ central command.”

  “If your gran is here, we can do it tomorrow morning. I’m not about to put Orla Kelly out. She’ll make sure I never forget it, and I don’t need the trouble.”

  “No, it’s not her. Just give me a second.”

  Teagan put a hand on the door, but Colm’s voice prevented her from entering. “We could just work here to save time.”

  She looked back at Colm’s green eyes but couldn’t read them. She didn’t think he had an ulterior motive of wanting to woo her, but with dragonmen, it was hard to tell. “It’s messy, and it’s safer for all if we use one of the conference rooms.”

  He smiled. “I live alone. Believe me, my place is worse. If your place is worse than mine, I’ll owe you twenty euro.”

  Teagan hesitated. She didn’t like bringing work into her home, at least work that involved others. Yet she needed Colm’s support and help. Turning him away might make him distant, especially since they’d known each other their whole lives and had always gotten along.

  He winked. “It can’t be that bad.”

  “All right. But I still need to let my guest know of the change. Come in.” She entered and waved toward the mostly clean sofa. “You can wait in there.”

  Colm raised an eyebrow. “Who’s this guest of yours? And why the secretive nature?”

  Aaron’s voice echoed down the hall. “Yes, why?”

  Aaron appeared a foot away from her and she met his gaze. While to most he’d appear nonchalant, she noticed the tightness of his jaw.

  Her dragon chuckled. Good. He’ll work harder to impress us later.

  Teagan acted as if her beast hadn’t spoken. “Colm MacDermot, this is Aaron Caruso. Aaron, this is Colm. He’s helping me plan the leadership trials.”

  Aaron studied Colm a second before saying, “We met earlier. It’s a good thing I made extra. Come on, let’s eat.”

  Aaron turned before Teagan could say a word. Colm spoke, his voice full of amusement. “I thought he was a Protector.”

  “He is. He’s just helping me out.”

  Her dragon chimed in again. So, you’re not going to mention the bet? I wonder why.

  It’s between Aaron and me. I don’t need Colm thinking Aaron is weak.

  Look who’s defending who.

  Teagan motioned a hand toward the kitchen. “Come. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

  As she made her way into the kitchen, Teagan only hoped Aaron wouldn’t act possessive and try to undermine her authority. She hoped he understood that when others were inside the house, their agreement of being equals was on hold.

  Her dragon huffed. He’s intelligent. Give him some credit.

  I don’t have a brilliant track record with males.

  Aaron is different. Wait and see.

  Teagan hoped so. She might want some sex to relieve stress, but she wasn’t about to suffer alpha male bullshit to achieve it.

  It was time to see if Aaron passed the test.

  And why is that important? her dragon asked.

  Ignoring her beast, Teagan entered the kitchen.


  Aaron shouldn’t care that Teagan had brought someone home with her. After all, it was her house and not his. Not to mention he had zero claim on her.

  Still, seeing the smiling, handsome man he’d spotted earlier in Killian’s office at Teagan’s heels had made him clench his fingers into a fist.

  His dragon spoke up. You should just admit that you want her as much as I do.

  You want a relationship. I just want sex.

  Tell yourself that. We’ll see if you feel the same way once dinner is over.

  Aaron busied himself with dishing out the shepherd’s pie he’d baked. He heard Teagan and Colm sit down at the table, but he focused on his task. The rhythmic motion of dishing out food, in tandem with measured breaths, helped to ease his irritation.

  Once he could paste a smile on his face, he picked up two plates and turned toward Teagan and Colm. He walked over and laid their food down. “It’s nothing fancy since I didn’t have a lot of time today.”

  Teagan smiled. “It’s better than a sandwich or reheated stew for supper.”

  Since he’d laid cutlery on the plates, the two took their first bites. Aaron quickly retrieved his own supper and sat down. He accidentally brushed Teagan’s thigh with his own as he settled. Electricity raced up his skin and her gaze shot to his.

  She must’ve felt it, too.

  What was wrong with him? She wasn’t his true mate and merely brushing a thigh shouldn’t set him on edge.

sides, if he pulled her to his lap and kissed her in front of the other male, Teagan might never forgive him. The clan watched her like a hawk and she couldn’t afford gossip right now.

  He held her eyes for a few seconds more before he looked to Colm. The dragonman studied Aaron but spoke up with a smile. “So, Caruso, how did you end up cooking for our fine leader?”

  Teagan opened her mouth, but Aaron beat him to it. “My own clan leader told me to do whatever was necessary to help. Teagan asked, and I agreed. It also means free food for me since Teagan buys the groceries.”

  “And males do love their food,” Teagan muttered.

  Colm grinned. “That we do.” He asked Aaron, “So are you helping with the planning, too? I heard you were assigned to guard the judges but didn’t know if you’d be doing anything else.”

  Aaron looked to Teagan for permission. She swallowed and answered, “Aaron is helping in other ways. But we should start going over what you found in the records now so that we’re not here all night.” Colm hesitated, and Teagan added, “Caruso can be trusted.”

  Her words stoked his ego and his dragon said, She’s as eager as us to get this bloke out of here.

  Or she could just be thinking of her clan and doing her job.

  I like my reason better.

  Colm’s voice prevented Aaron from replying. “Well, let’s start with the differences. Whilst most trials today focus on stamina, strength, and getting out of tough situations, the ones of old were more like quests.”

  “What do you mean by ‘quests’?” Aaron asked.

  Colm took a folder out of the cloth bag at his feet and opened it on the table. He took out a document, scanned it, and then read from it. “The finding of the golden dragon egg proved my most strenuous task to date. I nearly drowned finding one of the clues and singed my hair trying to heat another clue hot enough to make it glow with the final destination.”


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