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Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 9)

Page 16

by Jessie Donovan

  As he stared up into her beautiful green eyes, her black hair dancing around her face, he took a chance and leaped. “I’m sure you’ve read my file and know I spent some time in Italy.” She nodded and he continued, “It was for my mother. Most of her family lives in Italy and she missed them. I didn’t know if she was going to stay long-term or not, but regardless, I went with her to help her settle in. I was only going to stay a few months, but then I met a female named Nerina.”

  Teagan’s jaw tightened, but she grunted and he continued, “She was pretty, loved to laugh, and always knew how to find a good time. After spending most of my childhood in isolation and controlled by my father, I thought a carefree and social female was what I wanted. In my mind, I thought Nerina was the key to that kind of future.”

  Teagan’s eyes turned curious. “What happened?”

  While Aaron didn’t blink at facing a challenge on the battlefield, he glanced to the side to avoid seeing Teagan’s pity. “She pretended to want me and only used me to stir jealousy in the male she truly wanted to catch.” He paused and growled. “When I tried to remind her of the good times, she laughed in my face and said no Italian dragon-shifter in their right mind would want the trouble of having an English dragon as a mate. Besides, English dragon-shifters were cold and unfeeling. She would never saddle herself with that.”

  “Aaron,” Teagan whispered.

  Determined to finish, he kept his gaze averted. “If it had only been me, I would’ve given Nerina the finger and returned home with purpose. But my failure cost my mother, too. She defended me and called out some of the higher-ups in the Italian clan. As a result, we were kicked out and forced to return to Stonefire.”

  He paused. Telling her about his dream could ruin his chances with Teagan. She wouldn’t want a weak male.

  And yet, if he didn’t carry on, he would most assuredly push her away forever.

  That’s not what either of us wants, his dragon growled.

  Aaron was tired of lying to both his beast and himself. No.

  No matter how much he wanted to reach out and take Teagan’s hand, he instead clenched his fingers into a fist and continued, “As for my dream, in it, Nerina was a friend of yours, and you agreed English mates aren’t worth the trouble. I was also just a plaything, to make the male you truly wanted jealous and eager to be by your side.” He finally looked back to Teagan, relieved not to see pity but anger there. He could handle that. “Let’s just say I have trust issues. You already have a full plate. Are you sure I’m worth the extra trouble? I might even cost you your position, Teagan. Maybe I should go home early and only return to help with guarding the judges.”

  He waited for Teagan’s reply, which would quite possibly determine his future as well.


  As Aaron told Teagan about his time in Italy, it took everything she had not to bolt from the room, shift, and fly straight to the Italian clan’s gates to kick Nerina’s arse.

  No doubt the female had preyed on the lingering effects of Aaron’s childhood and his desire for acceptance. If his father wasn’t already dead, Teagan would’ve had to fly to America to kick his arse, too.

  She could only imagine the strength it took to survive the British Army and be a bloody good Protector without ever revealing his true self and fears.

  He may not be a clan leader, but Aaron probably understood her nearly as well as if he had been. Both of them essentially lived double lives—strong in public, but vulnerable and lonely in private.

  Maybe he was meant to be the male who stood at her side to challenge tradition after all.

  Pushing aside that thought, she focused back on Aaron. She spat out, “Nerina is a bitch.”

  Aaron’s brows drew together. “What?”

  “You heard me. If your mother had family there, then Nerina probably heard about what your father did to you both. Verbal abuse leaves scars like any other type of abuse, even if they aren’t visible. Nerina used that knowledge to her advantage, not caring if it destroyed families, let alone lives or happiness.”

  He searched her gaze. “Considering you’ve never met the female, you’re doing a lot of assuming.”

  Teagan waved a hand. “She’s not worth my time. She used you, and that’s enough to cement my opinion of her. If I ever meet her, she’ll learn a lesson or two.” She leaned down until she could lay her forehead against his. “And if you try to leave now, I will catch you and tie you to this bed. I need you, Aaron, and not just for a bit of fun.” She hesitated, but decided he deserved truth as well. “Apart from my family, you’re the only one I can relax and be myself around. Not only that, you respect my position.” The corner of her mouth ticked up. “Well, at least in public.”

  He moved an arm so he could gently hold the back of her neck. “So, you want me to stay? I can tell you now that it’ll cause strife and division. I’m not Irish, remember. Between the British and Irish DDA offices, not to mention our clans, it’s going to be a fight.”

  “Fuck what others think. I already have males with ego issues threatening to attack me. Besides, once the clan sees your dedication to the clan and me, they’ll come around. They’ve already seen you win over my grandmother, and that counts for a lot around here.”

  “Well, Orla did ask me to look out for you. She’d better be on my side.”

  For a split second, Teagan wondered if she’d made a mistake. “Is that why you’ve been feeding me and put me to bed earlier today? Just because my gran asked you to?”

  He growled and tightened his grip on her neck. “Of course not. You need someone to tell you to breathe and take a step back, even if for only a few minutes. Maybe it was to humor her at first, but now, whenever I see you about to fall over from exhaustion, and yet someone still approaches you, I want to intercede and tell them to call on you later.” He gently squeezed her neck. “Will you give me that right, Teagan O’Shea? I want to be your male.”

  Her heart pounded faster as an image of her and Aaron leading the clan together flashed into her mind, followed by one of them much older with them teaching their daughter to fight. As the little green-eyed girl pinned Aaron and grinned, her black hair flowing in the breeze, Teagan’s heart swelled with pride.

  She had no idea how it would play out, but she wanted those glimpses of the future.

  She whispered, “I want you to stay.”

  His hand moved from her neck to fist her hair. “And be your male?”

  She nodded. “And be my male.”

  “Good.” He raised his head to kiss her gently. “Don’t break my heart, love, and I’ll do my bloody best to be the male you deserve. Although I have conditions.”

  She sat up and Aaron released his grip on her hair. She rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”

  “I’m serious. I can’t leave my mother unprotected. And you’ll have to convince Bram to give my mother and me up. You can’t afford to make Stonefire an enemy.”

  Tracing his jaw, she asked, “Why don’t you ask your mother what she wants? Believe me, I understand wanting to protect someone, but sometimes people need freedom to find happiness. Your mother should know she has a choice.”

  “I’ll ask her, but I’ll always worry.”

  “That is part of the reason I want you as my own. Underneath the muscles and morning crankiness, there is a caring, kind male who isn’t blinded by ego and insecurities about his manliness.”

  He grunted. “I hope you’re not going to share that with your clan and ruin my reputation.”

  Tapping her chin, she answered, “Well, we’ll see. I guess it depends on if you piss me off or not.”

  His muscles tensed to move, but she allowed him to flip her onto her back and pin her wrists above her head. His voice was husky as he said, “Arguments can be fun. After all, making up is the best part.”

  Lifting her hips, she rubbed against his erection. “I know we’re not making up now, but maybe we should practice for the future. I like to be prepared.”

  He nipped
her jaw. “Just as long as there is a future.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “And to ensure you’re in charge for it, I’m going to help you prepare for the trials using every dirty trick I can think of. No more going easy on you.”

  As Aaron moved to her earlobe and worried her flesh, she let out a moan. “Trials?” He blew on her wet flesh and she shivered. “How am I supposed to concentrate on anything when you do that?”

  He nipped her ear. “It’s my secret weapon against you.” Moving to her neck, he gently bit her and eased the sting with his tongue. “But for now, it’s my duty to help you relax.”

  “Your duty, aye?” Arching her back, her hard nipples brushed against Aaron’s chest. “Then you’d better demonstrate your skills so I can determine if you’re qualified for the task on a regular basis.”

  Aaron took her lips in a rough kiss, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and claiming her tongue. Each stroke heated her body and made her ache between her thighs.

  The male knew how to claim.

  When he broke the kiss, he whispered, “How was that?”


  He narrowed his eyes, extended a talon, and sliced through her top and bra. Pushing aside the material, he took one of her nipples into his mouth and suckled.

  Teagan moaned and tried to rub against him for friction, but he moved his lower body out of reach. She let out a cry. “Aaron.”

  He released her tight point and met her gaze. The heat and desire in his eyes sent even more wetness between her legs. “Stay still or I’ll extend my torture even longer.” He licked her other nipple. “After all, I need to prove my skills are worthy of a clan leader.”

  She opened her mouth to say he’d more than passed the test, but he tortured her nipple with slow caresses and gentle bites. Her entire body burned with yearning, wanting to feel Aaron inside her again.

  Fisting his hair, she gently tugged until he raised his head. “I think it’s time you prove yourself with your cock.”

  “As long as I can flip you over and take you from behind, I’m up to the task.”

  “Stop talking and start doing.”

  He released her wrists and turned her onto her stomach. His warm hands caressed her ribs and moved to her arse cheeks. As he slowly rubbed her skin, Teagan melted into the mattress. “I want a massage later.”

  Aaron kissed her shoulder, and his breath danced against her skin as he said, “You’ll have to earn it first.”


  One of his hands slid down and lightly brushed her opening. “I’m going to make you come hard and then hand over control to you. If you make me scream your name, I’ll do whatever you wish.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “That sounds like a challenge.”

  Plunging a finger inside her, Aaron chuckled at her intake of breath. “The day I stop challenging you is the day I die.”

  Before she could comment on his serious remark, Aaron removed his finger and opened a condom package. She watched as he rolled it down his cock. “I love that you think of me.”

  He finished and raised her hips. “I won’t take your future away from you, Teagan. When the day comes that you want a child, ask, and I’ll be ready. I can be patient.”

  His words chiseled away at her defenses. She was starting to believe he would be content to be her equal and not force her to be someone she wasn’t.

  Aaron’s eyes flashed. As soon as she had the chance, she needed to get to know his dragon better, too.

  Her dragon spoke up. Maybe later I can be in control.

  We’ll see, love. I don’t know how much time we have before I’m called away.

  If I have anything to say about it, we have the rest of our lives.

  She wanted to agree, but there was still so much uncertainty in her life.

  Aaron’s husky voice interrupted her thoughts. “I think of you often, but right now, I want to do this.” He positioned his cock at her entrance. “Can you take what I give, love?”

  Teagan nodded and he thrust into her. Taking hold of her hips, Aaron moved in quick, hard thrusts, each movement hitting her in just the right spot.

  As the pressure built, she focused on the sensation of Aaron filling her to near bursting. No delicate motions for her male.

  He increased his pace and soon she cried out his name as pleasure coursed through her body.

  Aaron roared as he stilled and found his own release.

  Teagan watched as the cords of his neck relaxed, and he slumped over her back. He gently kissed her neck and whispered, “I don’t think you screamed my name loud enough. I’m going to make you come once more before you get a go.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but Aaron pulled out and flipped Teagan to her back. He settled his head between her thighs and went to work. Each lick and nibble on her already sensitive, throbbing flesh quickly pushed her over the edge.

  She lost count of how many times she yelled Aaron’s name before she finally elicited a roar from him with her own mouth.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Much later the same day, Aaron lay on the bed and watched Teagan as she returned from the door with a bag in her hand. She waggled a finger at him. “If I ever have to call my mother again to bring me clothes because you destroyed mine, you’re going to be the one answering the door.”

  He grinned. “It won’t bother me. Although I’m not sure you want your mother seeing my jewels.”

  She picked up a shoe from the ground and hurled it at him. Aaron moved out of the way.

  Teagan glared. He tried his best not to laugh as she growled out, “At this rate, the entire clan will see your penis before the week’s out.”

  He lazily stroked his semihard cock, and her eyes followed the motion. “They can look, but it’s only for you, love.”

  His dragon spoke up. Why are we lying here? Take her again. She is ours and laid claim on us.

  She has duties, as do I.

  One more hour shouldn’t matter.

  Teagan’s voice prevented him from replying. “As much as I want to shout ‘Prove it,’ I can’t. Today is my weekly appointments with disgruntled clan members. I can’t afford to irritate anyone right now by canceling.”

  Aaron released his dick and rolled off the bed. Closing the distance between them, he kissed her and murmured, “If there’s any way I can help, tell me.” She hesitated and he pushed. “I mean it, Teagan. The sooner this is done, the sooner I can set a puzzle to exercise your brain and maybe even wrestle you in dragon form. Tell me what you need me to do.”

  “You aren’t going to like it,” she said slowly.

  “Try me.”

  She tilted her head. “Well, if you could find out the reason for each visit, in detail, as they wait their turn, it would dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to handle each person. They tend to ramble, you see, or shout. With you, they might be less comfortable and just give the pertinent details.”

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “So I should use my scary Protector frowns and growls to whip them into shape.”

  Teagan smiled. “That might help.” She laid a hand on his chest and idly ran her fingers back and forth through his chest hair. “You don’t mind? I know it’s not exactly the best use of your skills, but it would help me out quite a bit.”

  “If I offer to help, I mean it, no matter what it is. You need to understand that now. I won’t have you doubting me or wondering if you’ll scare me off. Provided you don’t cut off my balls, I’m staying.”

  Amusement danced in her eyes. “Is that a challenge to see what I can come up with and see if you stay?”

  He growled. “It’s not a joke. I’m staying, Teagan. And my top priority is taking care of you so that you have the strength to take care of everyone else.”

  Teagan’s face softened. All he wanted to do was kiss her, but he somehow resisted. He needed to hear her response.

  She finally cleared her throat. “Thank you.”

  He ran a hand down her back to c
up her arse through the fabric of his shirt she wore. “Stop being so formal.” He lightly slapped her bum. “I think once I’ve made you scream my name, all pretenses are off.”

  She swatted his chest. “Aaron.”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “I’m going to have to work hard to make you stop blushing.” He lowered his voice as he pulled her closer. “After all, no one needs to know what happens between us when we’re alone. You don’t want the clan members pointing and whispering because your cheeks turn pink whenever you see me.”

  Pushing against his chest, Teagan leaned back. “And you can train me for that later. Right now, I need to shower and change. My first appointment is with Renny Walsh, and if I’m late, he will complain for ages about it to anyone who’ll listen.”

  Aaron kissed her once more before releasing her. “Then to save time, let’s shower together.”

  She searched his gaze. “No funny business.”

  “I promise no sex, but if you think I’m going to keep my hands off your wet body, then you’re in for a surprise.”

  She smiled. “Oh, you might have a few surprises coming your way as well.”

  Teagan took his hand and led him into the bathroom.

  It was hard to believe the sexy, clever leader of Clan Glenlough wanted him. But as she looked at him with a devilish glint in her eyes, he quickly pushed aside any doubts and joined her in the shower. It was going to take death to pry him from her side. She may not know it, but Teagan O’Shea would be his—she was his future.


  Teagan’s head began to pound when her first appointment, Renny Walsh, asked her point-blank if she was sleeping with the English dragon-shifter.

  She managed to keep a smile pasted to her face as she answered, “Your appointment is for airing grievances, not talking about my personal life. You resisted telling Aaron your purpose for coming here, and I still allowed you to keep the appointment. But if you don’t have anything for me to hear and rule on, then you should probably go.”


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