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BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)

Page 34

by Ava May

  He had come to her when he wanted a curvy woman and said all the right things and she had bought it all. Every single last word. As far as she was concerned, his disappearing act was a little too convenient. She could not help but feel like Dante had used her. And fine, maybe in the present state, she did sound like a silly deranged selfish bitch considering the country was in a state of emergency. But at the back of her mind she was still feeling like she had been lied to. Like there were too many layers to Dante she still had to uncover. She didn’t know what to do. And everything had just become worse when she realized that she was late and she was never late. Her period was always on time. It was like clockwork. Every 22nd day of the month. She was not sure what she was more scared of. Dante’s safety. Her own piece of mind or that her one momentary lapse of judgment might have meant that she and Dante Giovanni were bound for life.

  It was on a Thursday morning and she had just walked into the G-Spot. There was supposed to be a birthday party there later that evening. She was not very sure whose birthday it was. All she knew was that someone was splashing eighty grand on a high profile party and that the flower budget was seventy five hundred. And at that moment, that was the only thing she wanted to focus on. Lucky for her, Simon and Mona were both back so she didn’t have to bend over backwards.

  “Hey Mona,” she said in a soft voice as she walked in.

  “Hey, boss. Don’t worry we are still in very good time.” Mona turned around and looked at Corrine. “Are you all right? You look… sick.”

  Corrine forced a smile and nodded.

  “I just need to have some water and maybe some fresh air,” she said as she looked around and then shrugged. “Who orders flowers for a birthday party anyway?”

  “I know, right?” Mona said smiling. “But hey, their extravagance is my paycheck so, who I’m I to complain?”

  Corrine nodded.

  “Yeah, I guess.” She looked around again and sighed. “Has anyone heard from Dante yet?”

  Mona looked at her boss and raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “You have been awfully curious about Mr. Giovanni lately. Anything I should know about?”

  Corrine shook her head.

  “Nothing serious. Just business.” She dug through her bag and pulled out her phone. “When you are done here, would you check on the high rise complex downtown? The security guy told me that the building manager needs to make a change of flower arrangements…” her voice trailed off when her phone buzzed in her hand. She looked at her screen and felt her heart skipping a beat. It was a text from Dante.

  Hey. We need to talk. Come over to my place? I really need to talk to you.

  She was suddenly breathing hard and heavy.

  “Corrine? Are you okay?” Mona asked and Corrine looked up.

  “I’m fine. Take care of this and the high rise complex and have Simon handle the other restaurants.”

  “He already is,” Mona said in a soft voice. “Are you okay?”

  Corrine’s hand squeezed around her phone.

  “I’m fine. I need to leave… I need to go.”

  She turned around and began walking towards the door.

  “Go where?” Mona called after her but Corrine was either too engrossed to hear her or simply chose to ignore her. “Corrine!” Mona called out but she didn’t care to answer her. She could not get to her car fast enough. All she wanted to do was to see Dante. To look into his eyes so that she could get the answers she so much needed.

  The drive to his place seemed longer than she had anticipated. It seemed like forever before she finally got there. She had never really been there but she had always figured it was a few minutes away from his restaurants but as it turned out, it was a whole forty minutes away because he loved being away from the city center. He was literally living on the outskirts of town… the leafy suburban area of Northern Michigan. When she pulled up in front of his huge mansion, she could not help but wonder why a man who lived on his own needed so much room. She took a long, deep breath as she parked her Prius in his driveway. She had been planning her words all the way to his place but now that she was there, she could not help but wonder what she was supposed to say. Her heart skipped a beat when she got to his door and before she even rang the bell, the door was opened and there was Dante, standing at the door looking as dashing as ever even in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. She looked into his eyes and shook her head, confused, angry and disappointed.

  “Hey,” he said in a soft voice and she parted her lips to answer him but she couldn’t. Her throat was dry and there were tears in her eyes. She wanted to hug him and at the same time, she wanted to slap him. “I know you are a little pissed off right now…”

  “A little pissed off? Are you kidding me?” she asked when she suddenly found her voice.

  “Why don’t you come on in?” he asked but she was still rooted to the spot. He was not taking no for an answer. He reached for her hand and pulled her into the house. She yanked her hand away and he led her to the living room. “Can I get you something to eat?”

  “No, I’m fine,” she said. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Well, you know about the explosion in Richmond, right?” he asked and she rolled her eyes.

  “Precisely why I have been blowing up your phone. You could have at least text me a ‘K’ or something so I wouldn’t go out of my freaking mind!” she was now thumping her fists on his shoulder.

  “Stop it, Corrine,” he said, holding her but she was still doing it.

  “You selfish son of a bitch!” she went on and he held her hands in his own.

  “Corrine. I SAID STOP IT!” She suddenly stopped talking and looked into his eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I lost my phone and I got a concussion…”

  “What?” she asked, surprised.

  “I was trying to help with the rescue efforts. And there was a child trapped under a broken slab… I was trying to move it and something dropped on my back of my head. Next thing I knew I was waking up in a hospital and with the mess that was going on with the explosion… I was a John Doe until I woke up two days ago.”

  “You only woke up two days ago?” She was suddenly feeling like the biggest jerk in the world. “And who the hell is that?” she asked when she saw a blond walking into the room.

  “My house nurse. That was the only way I was going to get released… Gloria Velez, this is my girlfriend, Corrine.”

  Corrine looked into his eyes.

  Girlfriend, he had said. He already thought of her as a girlfriend. She suddenly felt like the biggest jerk in the world.

  “Nice to meet you Corrine but Mr. Giovanni you need to sit down,” Gloria said. “If you are not going to stay in bed then you should at least keep off your feet.” She turned to Corrine. “You know he got out of hospital AMA? I mean, with his concussion, he shouldn’t even be flying.”

  “I needed to be back home. I needed to see Corrine,” he said as he sat down. He looked at Corrine for a long second before he turned to look at Gloria. “Would you give us some privacy? I need to talk to Corrine. Alone.”

  Gloria looked a little uncomfortable but Corrine forced herself to smile at her.

  “I’ll make sure he stays off his feet,” she said.

  “And make sure he drinks this,” Gloria said as she handed Corrine a glass of what looked like green goo.

  “Not the goo again,” Dante muttered.

  “The goo will replenish your electrolytes,” Gloria said. She looked at Corrine. “I can count you, right?”

  “He will take every last drop,” Corrine said. “I promise.”

  “Good. I’ll go to the hospital and pick up some supplies and maybe pass by the grocery store.” Gloria took her bag and began walking towards the door. “I should be back in an hour and a half. Two tops.”

  Corrine looked at the glass in her hand and shrugged.

  “What on earth is this?” she asked sniffing the cold goo.

  “I don’t know but
so far, I know there is spinach in there, banana, avocado, beets and oranges.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “At least that is what I can make out.”

  She walked up to where he was and handed him the glass.

  “Do I have to?” he asked.

  “Doctor’s orders.” She sat down next to him and looked at him as he looked into his glass almost like he was trying to plan out how he was going to drink it.

  “Would you at least get me a bottle of water to wash it down?” he asked and she nodded. “Kitchen’s right down there.”

  “Thanks,” she said as she stood up. “So, I have to admit. I was really angry with you,” she said when she came back holding two bottles of water.

  “I can only imagine,” he said before he downed the glass of goo. He then opened the bottle of water and took a few sips. “But you have to understand, I would have never put you through that. Deliberately.”

  She forced a smile and shrugged.

  “You believe me, don’t you?” he asked and she nodded reluctantly. “Corrine… I don’t want to freak you out but I am falling for you and I would never hurt you. You have to know that.”

  She bit her lower lip and opened her own bottle before she took a long sip. It was not that she did not believe him. It was that she was not sure what she was about to tell him was going to make things worse or better.

  “Corrine, what’s on your mind? You look like you are a million miles away right now.”

  She took a long deep breath.

  “Dante, I’m late,” she said in a low voice.

  “Late? For what?” he asked and she shrugged. “Oh… oh… wow… okay. Are you sure?”

  She shook her head.

  “I took a pill after… you know but I guess things just didn’t…” she sighed. “I got a couple of home pregnancy tests… or five. Can’t leave this to chance…” her voice trailed off. “But you don’t have to feel obliged to stick around or anything…” He reached for her neck and pulled her down to kiss her. It was a long soft kiss, the kind that put all her doubts to rest. The kind that let her know he meant every single word of what he had been saying not just at that moment but also what he had been telling her all those months earlier.

  “Do you need something…? I don’t really know how this goes.”

  “I just need to pee on a stick. Or maybe all five.”

  “Bathroom’s right down the hall,” he said in a soft voice. He was about to get up but she put a hand on his thigh. “You need to stay off your feet. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

  She smiled before she stood up and walked to the bathroom. With every step she took closer to the bathroom, she could feel her heart pounding harder and harder. When she got there, she ripped one test out of its pack and peed on the strip. The three minutes seemed so much longer but when she saw it was positive, she could not believe it. So she took another one and then another one… until she was all out of tests.

  Her heart was pounding so hard and so loud she could almost hear it as she slowly made her way back to the living room, Dante looked even more anxious than she was. He wanted to stand up and walk up to where she was but he also knew that she wouldn’t let him.

  “Well?” he asked and she bit her lower lip.

  “Positive,” she said in a soft voice “All five of them.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek and Dante stood up to walk up to where she was.

  “I’m going to be a father?” he asked, excitedly but all she could feel was fear. She nodded and he gently used his thumb to wipe the tear off her cheek. “Hey, this is great. I told you that I am already falling for you… heck, I am already in love with you. I have been since… I first saw you.”

  “But this is going to change everything, Dante,” she whispered. “We are skipping through at least ten different stages.”

  “So, what… I have my entire life to live through every stage of life. The living together, the dating, the sleepless nights… every single one of them.” He held her face in his hands and kissed her softly as she held his waist.

  “I’m so scared… I mean I haven’t been with anyone for six years and suddenly I’m pregnant and…” she shook her head. “I don’t have the first idea how to be a mother.”

  “And you think I know how to be a father?” he took her hand and led her back to the couch. “I think most people just make this stuff up as they go along.”

  Another tear rolled down her cheek and she closed her eyes.

  “You still have doubts don’t you? About me? About us?” he asked and she bit her lip again.

  “I’m sorry but… this is so weird for me. I mean…you are you and I am… me.” She shrugged. “Tell me in what universe this works out.”

  He held the side of her face and kissed her softly before he lifted her onto his lap.

  “You shouldn’t…” she started and he shook his head.

  “I am off my feet, aren’t I?” he asked and she nodded. “Do you know what I really love about you? He gently pushed her hair back from her face and held her neck before he traced his finger down her chest. “You are real. Everything about you is real… your curly hair, your perfect full breasts and even this well-rounded ass.” His hand was now at her hip. “I want you, Corrine. I have always wanted you and I want us,” he said, his hand on her stomach.

  “Really?” she asked and he nodded before he pulled her down to kiss her again. It was no longer just a soft reassuring kiss. It was one that screamed how much he wanted her. And she knew this too because his hard cock was pressing against her soft ass. She moaned into his mouth and he roughly hiked her maxi dress up to reveal her flawless thighs to him. “Want you,” he rasped in her ear as he moved his hand in between her legs, gently caressing her soft inner thigh. “You shouldn’t be exerting yourself.”

  “I’m not on my feet and I took the goo.” He pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it aside. “Don’t make me wait any longer baby. Just ride me.”

  Corrine didn’t need any second bidding. She pulled her panties off and he pushed his sweats off before she straddled him. She moaned softly as she began impaling herself on his massive cock.

  “Oh baby,” Dante moaned. He was surprised at how fast she was able to bury herself inside her. He would not have bet that she would have ever been able to accommodate him without so much as foreplay. She began to slowly move on and off him, getting her wetness all over his mammoth cock and she was actually loving it. He held her breast as he began thrusting his hips upwards meeting her every downward stroke. Feeling her up and filling her were two of the best feelings he had ever known. He never wanted it to end. He had asked her to ride him and ride him she did. Soon enough, she was dropping her hips on his crotch so hard and so fast that the only thing he could do was moan his pleasure. He suddenly felt her coming apart all around him before he followed suit. He fucked her deeper and harder until she could no longer take it anymore. She was shivering and he was too… she might have lacked confidence in herself but she was every bit the kind of woman he saw himself with for the rest of his life.


  A Nurse for a Badass

  A Nurse for a Badass

  Chapter 1

  Alexis Ballard looked at the plate in front of her and smiled. She took a sip of her coffee and sighed.

  “Tasha Macdonald, you know me so damn well,” she said as she took a bite of her pumpkin ginger waffles.

  “You are the only person who I know doesn’t like the traditional vanilla waffles,” Tasha said with a smile. “And this is the only place I know that serves breakfast throughout the day.”

  “You have to try the pumpkin ginger waffles to know what the fuss is all about,” Alexis said matter of factly. “So, how is life at the ER anyway?” she asked as she took a bite of her waffles.

  “The usual. People being stupid getting broken bottles in the head and others smoking in a gas station…you know how it goes,” Tasha said. She took a bite of her eggs. “To be honest, I envy you. Having just one patie
nt must be heavenly.”

  “Not the one I have,” Alexis said holding up her fork.

  “Oh come on, you work for Sean Elliot.” Tasha leaned forward and looked into her best friend’s eyes. “And I know for a fact that you have had a crush on him for the longest time.”

  Alexis smiled. Tasha was right. She did have a crush on Sean Elliot since she knew what having sexual feelings meant. Sean was not only one of the Top 40 Under 40 men in the United States, he was also the hottest man she had ever known. Sean was a tall, muscular, green-eyed man known for his competitive MMA championships. He had beautifully thick brown hair that he kept a little longer than most fighters would have preferred to. The long strands of his hair always seemed to frame his face, giving him that timeless teenage heartthrob look he seemed to pull off so well. Until recently, he had been the greatest MMA fighter. His skill was unmatched thanks to the extensive training from one of the best people in the field. But a couple of months back, Sean had suffered an injury that guaranteed some four to six months out of the ring and because of who he was, he chose to recuperate at home under the care of a private nurse, and as fate would have it, Alexis got the job.

  “And now you get to see every inch of his marvelous body,” Tasha said again. Alexis rolled her eyes.


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