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If Love was Fair

Page 20

by Savannah Stewart

  “This place is ridiculous,” I called out over the music playing.

  Mainstream songs played over the sound system between acts. Most nights they had a handful of people who played throughout the night, but for some reason there were only three, Colin being the final act.

  “There you ladies are.” Everett slipped between Emily and me.

  “That bouncer helped us here.” I pointed to the man over Everett’s shoulder.

  “Good. This place can get hectic from time to time.”

  “How’s Colin?” I nervously chewed the inside of my lip.

  “He’s good. The man was born to do this. You have to remember this isn’t his first rodeo. He’s been all over the east coast and Gulf area playing gigs. I can’t believe he’s never been offered a record deal.”

  “Well, there was an incident with Malcolm Gillens.”

  “That man’s a snake in the grass, his offer doesn’t count. I’m just glad Colin realized it before he signed on the dotted line.”

  “You and me both.”

  I shook the thought of Malcolm and his daughter out of my head. They weren’t going to ruin this night for me. It was far too special for Colin.

  The lights dimmed and the crowd roared, knowing the next act was about to step onto that stage. My man was about to step out on that stage. I couldn’t help the smile spreading widely as the smooth sounds of Colin strumming on his guitar came through the speakers. The familiar tune filled the room, covering my flesh, filling my ears, swelling my heart. The same angry, yet beautiful song he sang the night we met at The Lounge. It was as if I’d jumped into a time machine and gone back to that night. His eyes connected with mine once the lights lit up the stage. My heart galloped in my chest as he sang those sexy yet smooth words, while never breaking eye contact with me.

  “Holy, hell…” Emily’s voice was at my ear. “He’s damn good, Arbor. Damn. Good.”

  I shook my head and focused back on Colin. Performing ran through his veins and filled his soul. He was in his element as he strummed away on that guitar, belting each chord with perfect pitch. Amazement washed over me, like a girl seeing her favorite band up close and personal for the first time. I was in awe of him.

  “Thank you!” Colin called out as the crowd cheered. “My name’s Colin Banks, I’m a one man band out of Tennessee just chasing the dream. Glad Hi-Fi gave me the chance to perform for y’all. So how ‘bout we pick it up a notch, shall we?”

  Everett clapped and hollered as Emily and I yelled wildly with the crowd. Colin shot me a wink as he went directly into the following song, which was one I wasn’t familiar with. The upbeat rhythm was perfect for dancing. Emily swayed her hips, bumping mine to join her. We danced right along with the rest of the place as his gruff voice boomed. There was something sexy about a musician. Being in his element, completely consumed by the song he was performing while he poured his soul out for the audience to see. There’s no other way to find yourself than to be completely engulfed with what you love, and Colin loved performing.

  The night went by so quickly that I couldn’t believe it when Colin thanked the crowd for a great night and waved goodbye before the lights dimmed. Everett led us back to the room we’d started out in to wait for Colin.

  “That was amazing!” Emily beamed with excitement as she pulled her almost limp hair over one shoulder.

  “Did you see that crowd? They reacted to him like he was a platinum selling artist!”

  “That’s because I’m going to be a platinum selling artist.”

  I squealed and headed directly into Colin’s arms. His shirt was soaked with sweat but I didn’t care. We both probably smelled terrible, him from performing, and me from dancing my ass off.

  “You did so good.” I said each word between planting kisses on his lips.

  His arms snaked around my waist. “Now I’m ready to give you the performance of your life.”

  “Ooohhhh…” Emily teased.

  “But first, Everett and I have to get paid and talk a little business.” He patted my backside. “You ladies can stay here; there are drinks in the mini refrigerator beneath the counter.”

  I kissed him once more before he and Everett left the room. Emily had gone directly to get a drink, thankfully her choice for the two of us were bottles of water. I twisted the top off mine and flopped down on the couch before taking a big swig. It hit me just how thirsty I was, and I guzzled half the bottle.

  “Who knew dancing so much could wear a person out.”

  “Especially just shaking your hips.” Emily chuckled.

  “True that! There wasn’t enough room to do much else.”

  Silence filled the room as we relaxed on the couch drinking our water. Once my bottle was empty, I got up and tossed it in the trashcan by the door. Emily had kicked her feet up on the couch, discarding her heels in the process.

  “If those bad boys smell, you’re putting your shoes back on.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She erupted with laughter. “Come on! My feet are killing me. Yours have to be, too.”

  “These beautiful girls,” I waved my hand in front of my right nude heel, “are actually quite comfortable.”

  “Lie!” Emily pointed her index finger at me.

  “What? They are,” I scoffed with my hands on my hips.

  “No heels are comfortable for long periods of time. I don’t care how expensive they are or what name marks the inside or bottom. They make your feet feel like someone took a sledgehammer to them at some point.”

  “You’re a nut.”

  “Yeah, well…the truth is the truth.” She shrugged.

  I lifted her legs and sat down beneath them. Laying them across my lap, I said a silent thank you that they didn’t smell. I rested my head on her hip and she ran her hand through my hair.

  “He’s going places, you know.”


  “I’m glad things have worked out for you, Arbor. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.”

  “You’re gonna make me cry.”

  “I’m just being honest. You’ve been through a lot since I’ve met you, that don’t even count everything before me. A happily ever after is something you deserve, and I’m positive that Colin is that for you.”

  I smiled. “I sure hope so.”

  “Where are we going?” Colin rolled his head on the headrest to look at me from the passenger’s seat.

  Exhaustion was all over his face. But I knew as soon as I saw that street sign we had to make a short stop on the way home. It was well into the wee hours of the morning, the sun would be beginning to rise within the hour. My hand went to the locket hanging around my neck, and like clockwork I smoothed my fingers up and down the cool metal.

  “You’ll see.” I gave him a small smile.


  “What?” I barely glanced at him, pretending it was because I had to keep my eyes on the curvy road, but it was so much more than that.

  As the metal gates came into view, Colin fell silent. He knew in that moment where we were headed. His hand latched onto mine and he slowly rubbed the pad of his thumb soothingly against my skin. I swallowed the lump that was beginning to form in my throat and let out a heavy breath. I hadn’t been here in so long, but I knew it was the right time for Colin.

  Bringing the vehicle to a stop just off the main path, I put it in park and shut the car off.

  “You ready to do this?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” He gave me a small, sad smile.

  We both exited the car and he waited for me to reach his side, extending his hand for me to link mine with. The night’s breeze was a bit chilly as we made our way through the lighted path toward the second row of headstones.

  My hands began to shake as her heart-shaped stone came into view. A dozen butterflies were etched into the stone, taking flight from her name, Faith Marie Banks. Colin kissed the back of my hand and kneeled. He freed his hand from mine and rubbed her name, her date of birth, and date of d
eath. His shoulders slouched and his free hand covered his mouth. I knew how badly it hurt, but this experience for him was shattering. Neither of us had spoken about where she was buried, he hadn’t even asked, but I knew he needed to see his daughter’s grave. He might not have had the chance to be her father while she was on this Earth, but he needed to be able to have some closure.

  A part of me hated myself for not pursuing him back then. For not giving him the chance to know her, but I couldn’t have known something like this would’ve happened. Our lives were mapped out that night at Marlee’s, but neither of us had known.

  I knelt down and pulled Colin into my arms as a sob ripped from his chest. Seeing the headstone made everything real for him, I knew that.

  “I’m so fucking sorry, Arbor.” He cried against my shoulder.

  “You shouldn’t be apologizing to me, if anything I should be apologizing to you. I’m the reason you never had the chance to know Faith, Colin. Me, no one else. So don’t you dare apologize to me for anything.”

  He pressed his tear-streaked lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I hadn’t planned on bringing him here after his show, but something inside me told me to make the turn and head this way. Like fate was driving the car, I did just that.

  “I hope she looked like you.” Colin wiped a tear from beneath my eye.

  I reached behind my neck and unclasped my necklace. Colin looked confused as I held the chain, the closed heart locket dangling at the end. He opened his hand and I dropped it into his palm. Tears filled my eyes as I smiled. “Open it.” His eyes searched mine before dropping them to the locket. He gently unlatched the side and opened the heart, my heart.

  A newborn photo of Faith sat in the left side while a photo a few days before she passed sat in the right side. She was smiling widely at something silly I had said to capture the perfect shot.

  “That photo shows the happiness she always had. Faith was the best baby anyone could ask for. She only fussed when she needed a clean diaper or was hungry.”

  Colin’s chin trembled as he stared at the photographs of our daughter. A tiny, barely-there smile pulled the corners of his mouth upward. “She seems so happy.”

  “She was.” I rubbed the back of Colin’s neck. “I have a lot more back at the house, and videos, too. Emily’s gone if you’d like to come back and go through them with me. I can tell you all about her.”

  He closed the locket and placed his lips gently against it before hooking it back around my neck. Pulling me to him, he placed a deep kiss to my lips and rested his forehead against mine. “I’d love that.”

  The ride to my place was silent, not even the radio was on. Colin kept his hand linked with mine and his eyes on the road. I was hesitant about letting him drive but he insisted so I didn’t argue. I couldn’t help but hope I hadn’t overstepped, ruining not only the re-launching of his career, but our six month anniversary at that.

  He shut the vehicle off and quickly hopped out. Confused by his actions, I watched as he rounded the car and opened my door for me, extending his hand for me to take. A genuine closed-lip smile reached his eyes and I smiled back. Before I could walk a couple steps, Colin scooped me into his arms and I yelped in surprise. The sun was peeping over the line of trees, slowly illuminating the sky as it rose.

  “I know technically our six month anniversary was yesterday, but I still want to celebrate it with you.”

  I kissed his lips as he carried me to the door.

  “Can you reach your key?”

  He dangled them in front of my face with a sheepish grin.

  “Got that covered.”

  With a turn of his wrist, the door was opened and we stepped inside. With the heel of his boot he kicked the door shut, then sat me on my feet.

  “Thank you, kind sir.” I curtsied.

  Where his newfound mood had come from, I wasn’t sure. But the happiness across his face and goofy antics were quite all right with me, as long as he was truly okay.

  The smell of vanilla filled my nose. “Emily must’ve refilled the air fresheners—” I turned to find the entire living room glowing by candlelight. “Oh my gosh!” I gasped.

  Colin’s arms wrapped around my waist from behind and he rested his chin on my shoulder. “I had a little help to get this set up before we got here. Emily and Everett just left a few seconds ago. They snuck out the back and parked down the road.”

  He guided me to the couch and motioned for me to have a seat. “Now close your eyes until I say otherwise.” I felt like a giddy school girl as I did what he asked, nibbling my bottom lip with anticipation. What seemed like an eternity was only a few short minutes. “You can open your eyes now.”

  Two dozen beautiful, deep red roses sat on the table before me. I leaned forward to smell them as my eyes filled with tears.

  “My entire life has been spent searching for something special, even when I didn’t realize it. But a few years ago, when you walked into my life, I knew I was headed down a path that would forever change me.”

  I searched the room looking for Colin, but he was nowhere to be found; only his voice could be heard. “Where are you?”

  “Even though it has unfolded a helluva lot differently than I’d anticipated, I’m glad we were brought back to one another.”

  Colin appeared, carrying a bottle of champagne and two flutes. He filled them both and handed me one after setting the bottle down.

  “Thank you.” I took a sip and stared up at him.

  “Through hell and high water…” Colin knelt before me, pulling a gray box from his pocket. “Arbor Alexis Kenton, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He popped the lid open and tears rushed down my face.

  My hands were shaking, my lip was quivering, and my heart was so full I was afraid it would explode. I nodded my head numerous times because my voice had failed me. My arms flew around his neck and I buried my face into his shoulder as I cried, “Yes, Colin. Oh. My. God. Yes! I’ll marry you.”

  He pulled back and planted the deepest kiss I’d ever had in my entire life on me before sliding a beautiful rose gold ring onto my finger. Vintage, with a floral halo setting housing a heart-shaped diamond. It was absolutely perfect.

  “I wasn’t going to do this tonight, but after visiting our daughter, it felt right.” He kissed my forehead, the pad of his thumb rubbing across my cheekbone to wipe away the tears that had fallen.

  “I’m so glad you did.” I kissed his lips, his cheeks, and the tip of his nose.

  “Now how about we put those videos in of our girl, shall we?”

  “That would be perfect.”

  I retrieved an oversized music box from my bedroom, and padded back into the living room. The box was specially made for Faith. Her name was carved in the top, and the song “Beauty and the Beast” played when it was opened. Faith was mesmerized every time I opened it. It wasn’t cranked now, so when I opened it, nothing played. The memory made me smile as I pulled one of the DVDs out to play.

  “There are a lot of memories in this box.” I handed it to Colin. “It’ll tell you a lot about her.”

  He took it into his hands and rubbed her name much like I had. “Thank you for keeping all of this.”

  I sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. The DVD began to play, showcasing a very pregnant version of myself. “I figured I’d start from the beginning.”

  Colin whistled. “You were just as gorgeous then as you are now.” He sat the music box to the side. “I’ll look through this after we watch these.”


  We settled in together and he pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to toss it over us. Even though the sun was rising, we were just getting started down memory lane.

  It was quite fitting that the past was going to catapult us into the future.


  They say time flies when you’re having fun, and I couldn’t agree more.

  Right under two years had passed since Colin had proposed
to me, and a few months shy of the same amount of time since we’d said I do. Our wedding was smooth sailing, even though we planned it faster than anyone assumed possible. So much time had already been spent apart; we didn’t want to wait any longer. It was a private ceremony at the beach with Emily and Everett standing beside us as we said our vows. Colin’s parents and a few of his buddies from back home had shown up, but for me it was only Emily. She was the number one person I needed there, since my parents were both gone. We wanted to keep it simple, with just our closest loved ones and the sun going down over the ocean. Thankfully, the weather permitted, and there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky as the blue faded to bright pinks and oranges. It was a dream come true and so much more.

  “You feeling okay?” His warm hand brought me back to reality.

  “Yeah,” a weak smile adorned my lips. “Just a little tired is all.”

  “Do you need to lie down? We’ve been on the go for three weeks straight, I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

  “I’ll be okay. If I lay down I probably won’t get back up until sometime tomorrow,” I teased.

  He gently kissed my lips and helped me up.

  “You know I can handle this on my own, you don’t have to be there.”

  My hands instinctively went to my hips and I narrowed my eyes. “Colin Maxwell Banks, do you really think I’m going to let you go out there without me? What kind of wife would I look like if I did that? This is a huge milestone, and I’m not going to miss out on a single bit of it.”

  He closed the distance between us and pushed his hands into the sides of my extra curly hair. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you get bent out of shape?”

  I slapped his chest. “Don’t be silly.”

  “No, baby, I’m dead serious.” He kissed me deeply, causing my body to push into his.

  “Don’t you dare start something you can’t finish right now,” I mumbled against his lips.

  “They can wait.” He waved a dismissive hand toward where the crowd had gathered outside.


  “Okay, okay.” He removed his hands from my body, kissing me once more before stepping back. “But as soon as this shindig is over, you’re all mine.”


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