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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

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by Scarlet Wolfe

  Vow of Devotion

  Scarlet Wolfe

  Copyright © 2015 Scarlet Wolfe Books

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  End Notes



  The One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy and Inordinate Desire must be read prior to reading this novel. This story is written from the points of view of Alayna and Damon.

  Vow of Devotion contains harsh language and descriptive sexual scenes, including aspects of BDSM.


  To those who have taken a child in as their own and loved them.

  Chapter One


  “You’re breathtaking,” Felicia says as tears crowd her green irises.

  It’s still hard to believe Damon Lear is ready for marriage, but here I am, per his pushy request, trying on wedding gowns in an upscale boutique in Manhattan. It’s September, roughly six months after his proposal. I imagine this day would’ve come even sooner if it weren’t for the merger and issues with my brother, Curtis.

  I give her a colossal grin. The touching moment sends testimony of my own happiness trickling down my cheeks.

  “Thank you. Do you think Damon will like it?” Twisting my torso, I glance over my shoulder into the mirror and view the white lace creating a lattice of artwork across my back.

  “The Gladiator will be wielding his sword in no time.”

  My eyes grow round, and I giggle as the elderly lady tending to the short train of my gown clears her throat.

  “Felicia, that better not happen until after the ceremony. How embarrassing?” A ringing sound chimes from my purse, and I immediately point. “Oh, that’s probably him. Can you grab it?”

  My friend digs through my bag before hitting the button on my phone. “She’s currently unavailable.”

  That’s not going to fly with him, and she knows it. Felicia jumps at any opportunity to get a rise out of Damon.

  “Look, Gladiator, she’s trying on wedding gowns and spending the afternoon with her bestie. You can go a few hours without hearing her voice, especially after expecting her to plan a wedding in a month,” Felicia adds with a dash of cayenne to her saucy tone. She has a point. It was only a few days ago when we booked a venue for a cancellation date that is only a month away.

  After a few seconds of listening to him, she rolls her eyes and rises from the plush, cream chair. Strolling over, she hands me my iPhone and mumbles, “Control freak.”

  “Could you give me a minute?” I ask the salesclerk as I glance at her in the mirror. Upon making eye contact, she smiles and walks away, her heels orchestrating a clickety-clack sound against the shiny, pearl marble floor. It appears Felicia isn’t going to take the same cue. Biting the corner of my lower lip, I bring the phone to my ear. “Hello.”

  “Precious, how are you?”


  “Have you picked one yet?”

  “Uh, I’m guessing you’re not referring to the dress.”

  “No, I’m not; although, I hope that process is going well, too.”

  “I believe I’ve found a gown you will love.”

  “What’s important is that you love it. Now, I want you to make the purchase we discussed, and since Felicia is obviously going to stay up your ass today,” so she can’t hear, I pull the phone tighter to my cheek, “call me when you’re headed back to the penthouse. I want you naked with garter belt in hand when I arrive home.”

  Husky and controlled, his voice is a sinful sweetener to stir into my libido. The imaginary collar that binds me to his commanding and loving soul tightens, turning my body away from Felicia and toward the mirror.

  “Yes, Sir,” I utter quietly as I splay a hand across my fluttering stomach.

  “I’m counting down the minutes until you’re opening your legs for me. Have a good day, baby.”

  Before I can reply, he ends the call. The heat spreads to my curled toes that are in stockings, and my lips part to allow for my accelerated breaths. I swear that man has a gift for making my blood pump.

  Glancing up, I notice my blotchy chest. I’m still clutching the phone at my ear, so I spin around, bringing it down to my side.

  Felicia’s arms are crossed and forehead wrinkled.

  “I’m hungry, and unlike you, it’s for something other than cock,” she chides.

  My eyes dart around for our salesclerk, but she’s not in earshot. Good thing, or Felicia’s words might’ve given the old lady a heart attack. “Geez, you’ve been cranky this morning.”

  She sighs. “I’m sorry I’m a hangry bitch.”

  I giggle. “It’s fine. I know how you get when you’re hangry.”

  Felicia’s hand covers her own belly, and she looks away from me. “It happens faster these days since I’m eating for two.”

  “What?!” Lifting the dress from the floor, I hurriedly take two steps off of the raised platform I’m standing on and grab Felicia’s cheeks in my hands. “You’re pregnant?”

  She blushes, and her eyes wash with tears.

  “Yes, and I’m sorry I’m telling you now. This is a special day for you, and I probably should’ve picked another time, but …”

  My thumb glides across her cheek, brushing away a fallen tear. “Hey, look at me. But what?”

  Felicia’s watery eyes come back to meet mine.

  “I should’ve waited, but I needed to tell you because I’m scared shitless.”

  “Aww, sweetie,” my arms wrap tightly around her, “I’ll be there for you every step of the way.”

  “No, you won’t,” Felicia says in a pouty voice. “Damon will interfere somehow.”

  “Excuse me,” the elderly lady says. “We sell our display gowns.” I am scrunching the front of the dress, so I pull back from Felicia.

  “Ma’am, I’m so sorry. Let me change out of this. I believe it’s the one.”


  Unknotting my tie, I ride in the elevator to the penthouse. I’m ready to put the workday behind me and taste my sensual being.

  I smell dinner as my feet hit the cherry wood flooring, and if she’s cooking, she better be doing it naked as I instructed. The dining room table is set intimately for two. Crimson roses are displayed in a crystal vase set between two unlit silver candlesticks. As I look to the kitchen, she’s not in there,
but the button that signals the oven is on is lit up.

  Alayna adds indulgences to moments that I feel are already perfect. In my mind, our intimate times couldn’t be grander since they include her, but she manages to layer on extra touches that reveal her thoughtfulness and commitment to pleasing me.

  This only makes me want and crave her more. I need her, so I’m marrying her as soon as possible. Dropping my briefcase and suit jacket in a chair, I tread down the hallway, stripping my tie the rest of the way off.

  I reach the master bedroom, and there she is … the center of my universe, sprawled out in the middle of our king size bed.

  “Good evening, Sir.”

  My eyes roam along her creamy skin that is speckled in faint freckles. Scarlet curls entrap a pile of pillows, and her emerald eyes seduce me closer. “Good evening, precious.”

  With one leg bent and foot flat on the comforter, her wrist rests atop her kneecap. A garter belt adorned in crystals and beads dangle over her leg. Never taking my eyes off of hers, I work the buttons apart on my grey dress shirt and shed it quickly.

  Only Alayna can test my patience to this magnitude. My control is stretched like a tight wire, ready to snap at any moment when she’s near.

  I pull off my navy pants, along with the remainder of my clothing and climb onto the end of the bed. Her mouth hints of a smirk, and I think about how far she’s come from the timid, insecure woman she once was.

  I’m grateful she finally knows her strength and beauty, but let’s see if I can make that lip quiver. It’s time to get lost in Alayna.


  Damon prowls toward me from the end of our bed. His shoulders move like a lion stalking its prey. The ball of muscular fibers shifts every time one of his fists pushes into the mattress.

  I’m unaware of his plans with the garter, but I’m sure it will only bring us closer. Every time I believe it isn’t possible, his love and desire prove me wrong.

  I’m propped on my left forearm with my right knee up. He continues his prowling until I’m forced to drop onto my back. As he hovers over me, black as night eyes are fixed on my gaze.

  “Say your mine.”

  “I’m yours, Sir, until the end of time.”

  “Then our time together better be real fucking long.”

  I purse my lips to thwart a smile. His mouth is on mine in a second flat, tasting and savoring … exploring it thoroughly.

  Dropping to his arms, he shoves his fingers into my fiery curls and engulfs my mouth deeper and firmer. His stiff cock is pressing against me harder, too, as I lie pinned beneath him.

  Pulling a hand from my hair, he glides it over my shoulder and skims it down my arm until he’s pulling the garter free from my fingers. He hums against my lips as if he’s pleased with something.

  Letting me go, he climbs off and onto his knees. Spreading my legs wide, he moves to be between them.

  “God, I can’t believe I want to be married.”

  A scrutinizing look bolts from my eyes to his as my forehead scrunches. “Oh, really, Sir?”

  He grins and winks, and I’m already at ease, loving the happy, playful Damon. “Yes, I want to be married to you, and it can’t happen soon enough, so give me back those bright, green eyes and that sparkling smile.”

  Like he had to ask. I’m already smiling goofily.

  “Thank you. Now, tell me dinner isn’t going to burn since I don’t plan on letting you out of this room any time soon.”

  “The oven is on warm.”

  “Perfect. Grasp the headboard with both hands,” he orders. His smile falters, and piercing darkness returns to his gaze. “If you let go, I will have to tie up your hands, and I’d rather focus my energy on your pussy.

  “I plan on fucking it with both my tongue and my cock, so stay still.” Sir is all business now … or should I say pleasure? I’ll do as he says since I’m dying to feel what I know his tongue and cock can do. I’m also eager to see what his intentions are with the garter I purchased.

  I grasp the wooden headboard as he settles between my legs. Dropping the garter next to my upper thigh, he flashes his wicked smile and pushes my legs even farther apart.

  At first, his touch is faint as he barely drags his tongue upward a few times to open me up. Finding my clit, he begins his swirl of circles around it, and I’m already itching to squirm.

  “Sir,” I whisper.

  His guttural groan gets me that much wetter and ready to come. Shoving his tongue into me, he fucks me like he said he would, and I find myself pushing against his mouth for more.

  When I’m close to losing all restraint, he pulls back and flicks the tip of his tongue on my clit, sending me into the abyss, a pool of pleasure, in only a few seconds.

  My eyes are closed as I gasp for air and feel something slip over my foot. “Alayna, open your eyes.” I do as he asks and watch him. He’s on his knees between my legs. Muscular thighs are flexed solid like steel as he balances himself.

  His rock-hard cock is flush against his rippled abs as he crosses the garter over my ankle. Penetrating eyes shift to mine, and he holds his hands still. “Baby, for me this garter symbolizes my desire to be married to you yesterday.

  “We can’t make it official soon enough, so until that day, you will wear this garter. It’s never to come off. It represents our bond, and I don’t want you to forget for a second who brings you pleasure.” With his eyes navigating, he glides the garter up my calf and over my knee slowly.

  It stops high on my upper thigh before he leans over and plants a sensual kiss on my mouth, transferring the taste of my excitement. His left hand reaches down and cups my pussy.

  “This is all mine, but when I can’t be with you, you’re going to touch this garter and pleasure yourself. Of course, only at my command. It will be a reminder of our bond and commitment to each other.”

  “Sir, can I please comment on this?”

  His head tilts and brow furrows a bit. “Yes, you may,” he says hesitantly.

  “Sir, I couldn’t forget even for a second the bond we have between us, and if you would prefer, I will forgo the big wedding and marry you immediately.”

  A massive grin spreads east to west, but it is soon replaced with a look of disappointment. With his head shaking an adamant no, he falls back onto his ass and crosses his legs. “Give me your hands, Alayna.”

  I do as he instructs, and they’re soon clutched warmly between his. “I want that. God, I would marry you this second if I could, but that’s the selfish me. I watched you as you spoke to both Felicia and your mother about this wedding.

  “As you discussed the venue, cake and gown, your face lit up magically. Then, I see the look you get when talking about how rushed we are to make this happen in a month. You’re already making concessions for me, and I’m aware of how excited you are to experience a big wedding.”

  “But, I really don’t mind, Si—”

  “Let me show you I’m changing. I’m selfish enough when it comes to you. Let me give you this wedding. It’s the least I can do for all you give to me every second of the day.” My hands are brought to his mouth, and he kisses them softly. “I want to experience it with you.”


  Letting Alayna’s hands go, I lie over her body and ease my cock into her. “Sir, do you want me to hold the headboard?”

  “No, and I don’t want you calling me Sir tonight. I’m going to make love to my fiancé, so put your arms around me.”

  Closing her eyes momentarily as if she’s savoring my words, she smiles and wraps her arms over my upper back. Pulling backward, I thrust into her and revel in the tight warmth and reprieve only she can give. It’s my escape from the harsh memories that still intrude on my days and nights.

  Fortunately, Alayna’s presence lessens them. We move in a rhythm, forward and back, until my brave, sensual being is shoving her fingers into my hair.

  Grumbling, I decide not to bite her, but instead, bury my face against her neck and drive harder i
nto her until we’re both coming undone. An orgasm splinters throughout my body. Alayna splintered my walls with her love and determination until they crumbled around me.

  I tell her I own her, but she’s not a fool. She knows the truth. I’m nothing without her. She owns me through and through.

  Chapter Two


  “This is Damon,” I say after answering my cell.

  “Hi, Mr. Lear, this is Mr. Potts.”

  “Do you have a report?”

  “It appears he’s following all the rules. He went to his probation appointment, and he hasn’t stepped foot into a bar. He did come out of the grocery store with several brown bags, so I couldn’t see what he purchased.”

  “OK, thank you.”

  “Do you want to continue with another week?”

  “Absolutely. I’m not letting up this soon. Mr. Wynn could fall off the wagon at any moment, and if you have the time in your schedule, I’m keeping you on until this wedding is over.”

  “Of course, Mr. Lear.”

  “If he continues walking the line, then I’ll speak to you in a week.”

  “Sounds good, sir.”

  Upon ending the call, I realize George is standing in my doorway. “Spying now are we?”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t act surprised. You’d want to do the same.”

  “Yes, but I doubt I would. Is Alayna aware you’re tailing her brother?”

  “No, and she doesn’t need to know. I’m simply ensuring we’re safe. That man was released from the mental hospital in no time. That is insurance companies for you right there,” I reply after pointing at him.

  “How’s he doing?”

  “Good from what Alayna tells me. He’s living with the Wynns, which he’s not real happy about, but he has to find a job before he can move out on his own.”

  “Man, his life really went down the toilet.”

  “It did, but I believe he can get it together if he stays away from liquor. By the way, the venue is setting up a bar in a separate room so the temptation won’t be as great for Curtis. This was Alayna’s doing, but I have to agree that it’s probably for the best.”


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