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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

Page 8

by Scarlet Wolfe

  “OK, asshole, I’m opening up here, and you’re kind of being a dick about it.” That sure got him straight-faced.

  “You’re right. This is the most you’ve told me that’s personal in a long time. I’m sorry, and I’m glad you’re OK, but you did just get married a little over a week ago. I don’t think you have to jump into having kids.”

  “I’m sure Alayna and I can survive it with our marriage intact. I know she wants it to happen right away, and I imagine one of her reasons is so our kids can grow up with yours and Seth’s. I don’t think that’s a bad idea.”

  He smiles. “I do like the sound of that. Our boys growing up together.”

  “Damn, what if I have a girl?” I ask.

  The shit bird is laughing again, so I throw a pen at him. He chuckles his way right out my door.

  What if I had a daughter?

  I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with her. Would she want anything to do with me? Debra liked spending time with Dad growing up, and I hope I can do a better job than he did. I’m excited. We can do this.


  What have I gotten myself into?

  “This was a bad idea,” I say before wiping my sweaty hand on my tan cargo shorts. Alayna grabs it and hooks our fingers.

  “We can do this. It’s just an afternoon, hanging out with a couple of teenagers. The movie will occupy two hours of it.”

  “True. The arcade and dinner. I have to talk to him through those. And why you wanted to entertain two teenage boys instead of one is beyond me.”

  “I told you; Cameron will feel more comfortable having a friend with him. Be yourself like you are with Rylan and Mia, and it should go great.”

  She’s too damn optimistic at times. “We can’t control how Cameron reacts, so you need to admit it could be disastrous.”

  “I will not. We can keep it from going that badly.”

  I inhale a long breath. She’s right. I play in the major leagues every day. I tackle business deals like a champ. We can do this.

  Roger pulls up in front of Tiffany’s small but adequate appearing home upstate. It’s old, but it seems to have been kept up, and the lawn is manicured with fall mums.

  I can’t help but think of the rich men’s money that has kept her going all these years. “Wait here please, Roger. We should only be a few minutes.”

  “Yes, sir,” he says as he holds open the door for Alayna and me. One knock is all it takes before a woman is opening the door. She’s in scrubs and appears to be in her twenties.

  “Hi, I’m Cassandra.” She smiles and bats her lashes at me before she’s twirling a piece of her light brown hair around her finger.

  “Hi, I’m Alayna, and this is my husband, Damon.”

  I can’t hide my smirk. I love the sound of that, and I love when she gets a little jealous, too. I get to see her feisty side.

  “Um, it’s nice to meet you both. Follow me.” Cassandra moves, so Alayna and I follow her into the living room. “Ms. Kinkade is in bed. She’s having a rough day.”

  “I should probably wait out here if you’re going to speak with her,” Alayna says.

  “Are you sure?” I ask. She nods, and her ample smile gives me reassurance. I glance around the room, but there are no kids in sight.

  The space is small but overly classy for the size of her home. It appears more like a showroom from a furniture store.

  I follow Cassandra down a hallway to a bedroom. There is a cart outside her room with small boxes on it. She pulls masks from one of the boxes and shoves a pair of gloves from the other into her pocket on the front of her scrubs.

  “Here, put this mask on. Ms. Kinkade can’t catch any germs right now. Her immune system is too weak. She said you wouldn’t be touching her, so this should be all you need.”

  I exhale too loudly and put the mask over my mouth, looping the ends around my ears. It feels extremely awkward to be in Tiffany’s home, but this takes it to a whole new level.

  Upon entering her room, I see a hospital bed has been moved in. There is an IV pole, and other medical equipment is on her dresser.

  She looks over and gives me a faint smile. Her eyes are heavy as she tries to hold them open. This is bad. Real bad. She wants me to see how dire this situation is and hopes I’ll feel obligated to help her child. Alayna has now walked us right into Tiffany’s web.

  “Damon, hi.” Picking up a phone next to her thigh, she types something into it. “I told Cameron to come out. He’s ready to go, but I’ll admit he’s a bit hesitant since he doesn’t know you. I finally fessed up about his father, so that has only added to his frustration.”

  “When did you tell him this?” I ask anxiously.

  “Last night.”

  “Real smart move, Tiffany. Why in the world did you tell him so close to meeting me?”

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t get the nerve until then. It’s better than breaking the news today.”

  I shake my head at her. She hasn’t changed a bit.

  “Like Alayna told you on the phone, we’re taking him and his friend to the movies and dinner. We’ll bring them home right after, so it shouldn’t be more than four or five hours.”

  “That’s fine, Damon. He’s bored here and hates seeing me like this, so keep them as long as you want.”

  I shake my head again. Everything is beginning to make sense. I want to think that maybe being sick has changed Tiffany, but if I had to guess, I would say this is her way at getting back at Alayna. She’s attempting to reconnect herself to me after all these years. Taking custody of Cameron would keep it that way.

  The thing is, Alayna doesn’t have the same kind of heart or manipulative gene Tiffany possesses. Alayna would take Cameron in to help him, putting her anger toward Tiffany aside.


  “Hi,” a young man says after entering the living room with another teenage guy. I’m seated on the sofa, so I promptly stand.

  “Hi, I’m Damon’s wife, Alayna. Are you Cameron?” I ask as I stick my hand out to shake his. With apprehension, he lifts his hand and places it in mine.

  He has red hair like me. Interesting. I expected light brown hair like his mother, but it’s uncanny how much he favors me. His eyes are even a vibrant green like my own.

  “That’s me, and this is my friend Marcus. So, where is he?”

  “Talking to your mom. He should be finished soon.”

  “Alright. I guess I should grab my house key. We’ll be right back.” Cameron and his friend file down the hallway opposite of the one Damon took.

  He looks close to six feet tall, and I sense maturity older than fourteen. Time will tell. Damon appears and looks around the room. “He went to grab his house key.”

  “You met him?” Damon’s eyes are round as they stare into mine.

  “Yes. He seems nice,” I say quietly. “Nervous but pleasant.” It’s only moments until the boys reappear. They both come to a stop as soon as they enter the room. I look up at Damon, trying to encourage him to make the first move.

  “Uh, hi, I’m Damon,” he says as he takes a few steps forward to greet Cameron.

  “Cameron.” He sticks his hand out once more and shakes Damon’s.

  “I’m Marcus, the cool one.” Damon then reaches out to Marcus. Cameron rolls his eyes as his friend chuckles. He appears African American and does seem cool. This will go smoothly. I feel it.

  “Ready to go?” I ask. “We thought we could catch a movie and grab dinner … get to know each of you better.”

  “OK. I don’t know either of you at all, but Mom insisted we go, so I guess we will.”

  Damon nervously slides a hand through his tousled, black hair. “Look, I imagine it does feel strange, but we’re harmless.”

  “Alright, cool.” Cameron puts the lanyard that his house key is attached to around the neck of his t-shirt.

  Nervously, he lowers his blue athletic shorts a bit on his slender hips and messes with his damp, red hair. Damon glances back and forth between us, and
I see he’s noticing the resemblance.

  We get to the car, and I hear the boys talking behind us.

  “Wow, is this your car?” Marcus asks.

  “Yep, one of them. I also have a Nissan GT-R.”

  “No way, man. That’s cool. I wish you brought that one,” he adds, glancing from the vehicle to Damon.

  “Well, it would’ve been a little cramped for all of us,” Damon says.

  “He even has a driver, dude.”

  Cameron is quiet, but Marcus is doing enough talking for the both of them. Damon steps back from the door.

  “Roger, meet Cameron and Marcus. They’ll be with us this evening.” Roger nods and smiles as he holds the door open for us.

  I climb in, and Damon has the boys enter next. They are gabbing to each other and looking around the Mercedes as they sit across from us. “This is awesome,” Marcus says.

  “Are you thirsty? We have drinks in here. There is water and soda,” I say to them.

  They glance to each other and grin before they raid the mini refrigerator. Damon squeezes my hand and smiles. His relief is evident.

  First, we hit the movie theater. We purposely planned to arrive there early, so the guys can play in the arcade. Yes, we’re trying to win them over a little, but it’s all we have to work with until we get to know them better.

  “Here are some quarters to play,” Damon says after he feeds a twenty into the change machine. He hands Cameron the first handful, and after placing another twenty in, he hands Marcus the second bunch of quarters. Their bubbling grins display their excitement before they’re off, feeding two racing games change.

  I stand next to Damon and watch. “So far so good. Now, we need to get a little time for you to talk to him. I think the next outing we should take Cameron to the penthouse alone, so we can get more time with him.”

  “Next outing, huh?” Damon asks.

  A sheepish smile crosses my lips. “Well, that is if you want to see him again.”

  “It’s not going to be all arcades and movies, Alayna. There will be chores, homework and moodiness. There will be rules broken and a teenager dealing with major grief when his mother isn’t around. She’s all he’s known.”

  Now, I’m tearing up. I have thought about those things, but to hear Damon say them makes my heart hurt.

  “OK, OK, you’re right. It’s a lot to consider, but we need to know him to make that decision.”

  Damon pulls me close by way of his arm around me.

  “Baby, if tonight goes well, we’ll ask him if he wants to see us again.”

  “That’s fair.”

  “Hey, uh, Damon, do you want to play a game?” Marcus asks. “You can race next to Cameron.”

  “Sure.” Damon takes a seat in the racing chair after Marcus climbs out. In no time, he and Cameron are concentrating as they race in the same game. Cameron gets to his finish line first and is visibly pleased with his results as his hands punch straight up.

  “He beat you,” Marcus says, pointing at the screen. “I bet we play more than you, though.”

  “Yeah, I don’t get much time in the arcade.”

  I giggle. Try never. This brings forth the realization that we need to get out more and do fun things. Damon works way too much. Maybe children would change that.


  The time at the arcade and movie goes smoothly. We sit down for dinner, and the boys are quiet for the first time tonight.

  “So, tell me about school. Do you two play any sports?” I ask.

  “We both play basketball,” Cameron replies.

  “That’s exciting.”

  “The chicks dig it,” Marcus says with a chuckle.

  Cameron’s face turns red.

  “Do you two have girlfriends then?” I ask.

  “No, sir, but we look. That’s for sure.” Marcus laughs again before he’s looking to Alayna. “Sorry ma’am.”

  “You’re fine,” Alayna says. “Girls look, too.”

  I jerk my head her way. “Oh, really?”

  “Uh, that is until they’re taken.” She giggles, and she might’ve just earned a spanking. The boys chuckle, and I’m grateful the tension is easing. The waitress arrives with our burgers and fries, and I think we got this.

  “Ah, man, my mom wants me home for something,” Marcus says as he types on his phone. “Do you think you could drop me off there instead of taking me back to Cameron’s?”

  “Certainly,” I reply as I lay my credit card on the bill. We’re going to be alone with Cameron. This should be interesting.


  As I expected, the ride back to Tiffany’s is quiet once we drop off Marcus.

  “Did you have a good time, Cameron?” Alayna asks.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Marcus is funny and kind.”

  “Yeah, he’s cool.”

  “Have you been friends long?” she asks.

  “A few years now.” Cameron stares out the window into the darkness as he answers her questions.

  “Would you want to hang out again and see our penthouse?” Alayna asks. She’s trying hard to pull him back to us.

  He finally looks my way. “I thought you were my dad until yesterday.”

  “I know. Your mom shouldn’t have led you to believe that. You probably know she tends to say and do what comes to mind without thinking about the consequences.”

  His eyebrows lift and he nods as if he’s surprised how well I hit the nail on the head.

  “I’ve been pissed at you for years, and now I find out you’re just a stranger who has a history with my mom. It’s weird, and I don’t get why she wants me to live with you once she’s gone.”

  Alayna squeezes my hand to let me know she’s right here with me, so I squeeze it back as a thank you.

  “She believes we can provide the things you need.”

  “Money isn’t everything.”

  “You’re smart for fourteen,” I say. “Would you rather live with her friend, Lori?”

  “Hell, no.” His eyes dart between mine and Alayna’s. “Sorry, but I don’t like it at Lori’s. She’s not that nice, she fights with her husband, and her kids get on my nerves.”

  “What about Marcus? Could you live with him?”

  “If you don’t want me to live with you, just say so. I don’t need you taking me out if that’s the case.”

  “I didn’t say that. You seem comfortable around him, so I thought you might prefer it.”

  “His mom is single and works all the time. Mom doesn’t want me living there. She’s afraid my grades will slip, or I’ll end up in trouble.”

  “Then why don’t you come visit with us again at our place? See what you think about it,” Alayna says.

  She’s getting us in deep here. If the kid likes us, I don’t know how we could tell him no.

  “OK, that’s fine.” Cameron sighs and turns to stare out the window again.

  Alayna mouths to me that it’s OK. I mean, I guess his attitude is to be expected. He has to harbor a lot of anger, so I should be grateful he didn’t show more of it tonight. He was civil, and that’s all I can ask for.

  Chapter Eleven

  Six Weeks Later


  Grabbing a handful of tissues off the sink, I wipe the leftover vomit from my mouth.

  Why am I sick again? Maybe my immune system is so rundown I’ve contracted another stomach virus.

  A baby.

  Surely, I wouldn’t already be sick if I was pregnant. Unless … unless I got pregnant before I stopped my pills, when Damon refused to wear condoms. Now that I think about it, I only had spotting once I went off of them, and I just missed my cycle.

  Hurrying to my office, I grab my phone from my desk.

  Me: I need a pregnancy test ASAP!

  Felicia: Oh, my gosh, I’m jumping up and down at my desk. Shit, now I have to pee. Way to go.

  Me: I’m laughing and crying. What if I’m already pregnant? Damon and I are going to end up with two kids tha
t are like fifteen years apart!

  Felicia: It’s crazy, but it will all work out.

  Me: I’m headed to the drugstore. I will keep you posted.


  I get the call right before I’m leaving for the day. I sit numb at my desk. I’m not sure how I should react. My attorney has been dealing with Tiffany’s to ensure everything after her passing runs smoothly. I’m not sure who I expected to tell me that she died this afternoon, but it wasn’t my attorney, Trent.

  “We were supposed to be there when it happened to support Cameron!” I bark into the phone.

  “It was sudden, Damon. Death is out of our control. Tiffany’s friend, Lori, is with him, and some friends from school are there, as well,” Trent says.

  Tiffany’s friend, Lori, is pissed that she’s not getting custody of Cameron with my financial help, so I’m not surprised she didn’t call to tell me the news.

  “Thank you. I will get over there right away.”

  I hurry down to George’s office to catch him before he leaves. After I tap on the open door, he looks up from his desk.

  “Tiffany died. I need to get over there, but I wanted to talk to you first.” I shut the door behind me and take a seat across from his desk. Like he usually does when we share stressful news, he goes to his minibar and fixes us both a stiff drink.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Fine … I think. What do I do now? Do I stay at her house with Cameron? Do I take him to my place immediately? I thought we had a little more time to figure out the final details.” I’m waving my hands around as George approaches me with a glass.

  “Calm down, and let’s talk this out. Have you told Alayna yet?”

  “No, I just found out.”

  “I think you need to pick up Alayna and go see Cameron. This is the time to show the boy you are going to be there for him. Maybe you can ask if he would like to stay at his home or yours for the night. Let him decide.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good plan. Thank you. I’ve spent about a dozen days with the kid in the last six weeks, and I don’t see how that constitutes me becoming his father. I’m scared shitless.”


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