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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

Page 13

by Scarlet Wolfe

  It’s unlikely, but there is the risk of abrupt, heavy bleeding, so she doesn’t want me by myself in a hotel. As much as I hate to impose on him, I must ask Phillip if I can stay at his house until Damon arrives. It seems ironic since he encouraged me to stay with him on my first visit.

  I give him a call, and he seems happy to oblige. Instead of sending Jeff and Cliff, he’s going to pick me up personally for discretion.


  Phillip drops my suitcase at the door of the guest bedroom and offers me some privacy to rest. He states he’ll have his housekeeper provide dinner for me in my room around six.

  “Thank you. That’s kind. Hopefully, Damon will arrive tonight, and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “You’re no trouble, Alayna. I’m happy I could be of assistance.” He gives me a sympathetic smile before leaving my room. Maybe he’s not so bad after all.

  I lie on the bed and call Damon.

  “Hi, baby. How are you?” he asks after the first ring.

  “I was discharged from the hospital.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Don’t freak, but I’m at Phillip’s. The doctor didn’t want me alone. Where are you?”

  “We’re still an hour out of Philadelphia. The traffic is horrible. I believe everyone had the same idea as me, and with the bad weather, we’re creeping along.”

  “How is Cameron?”


  “That’s not surprising, given the circumstances. Please be careful, and let me know when you make it there.”

  We say our goodbyes, and I’m riddled with guilt that Cameron has been dragged out in this weather. There is not a damn thing I can do about it, either. I’m tired after the hospital stay, so I lie back to take a nap.


  The phone ringing has me jerking my eyes open and scrambling for my phone. It’s Felicia.


  “Girl, do you ever have some explaining to do.”

  “I’m so sorry I hadn’t called. Did Damon tell you?”

  “No, I saw you on television. Are you and the baby OK?”

  “Yes, the baby and I are fine. It’s a long story. What do you mean you saw me on television?”

  “Do you want to explain what is going on between you and Phillip Channing in these photographs?” she asks suspiciously.

  “What are you talking about? You know I’m writing a book with him.”

  “Alayna, turn on a damn television. You are on the entertainment channels. Someone took pictures of you two leaving the hospital together, and they look like intimate photographs.”

  I sit straight up in bed and glance around the room. Spotting the remote on a dresser below the wall where the television is hanging, I slowly walk over and grab it.

  Switching on the TV, I begin scrolling through channels. I gasp and cover my mouth when I see the still shot of Phillip touching my cheek.

  “Oh, god, this isn’t what it looks like. I mean, it is, but it was taken out of context. I have to talk to Damon before he finds out, but you know I would never cheat on him, so shame on you for even having that tone with me.”

  I promptly end the call, more anxious than angry; although, I can’t fathom why she is being suspicious when she witnessed firsthand how the paparazzi badgered me in the past.


  “Holy shit!” Cameron shouts.

  “Hey, don’t use that language.”

  “You do, all the time.”

  I glance over and wrinkle my forehead.

  “That’s different. I’m an adult. What’s the problem?”

  “It looks like you have a big one,” he says, staring at his smartphone.

  “Well, spit it out.”

  He holds the phone in front of my face, and I feel the blood drain from my head.

  “One of my friends sent it to me. It’s Alayna with that author guy she’s working with. They look pretty cozy to me.”

  “I can see who the hell it is. It can’t be what you think.”

  “I don’t know. These things happen all the time.” He brings the phone back to his face. “Mom broke up a few marriages. Of course, she said they were destined to end, and she wasn’t the reason, but I often wondered.”

  I want his rambling to stop, so I can think clearly if it’s even possible. Why in the hell is Phillip touching Alayna’s face?!

  Pulling my phone from my jeans pocket, I dial his number.

  “Phillip Channing.”

  “I asked you to look out for her, asshole. Not paw at her and land yourself all over the news with my wife!”

  “Damon, calm down. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve seen the photo of you two leaving the hospital.”

  “I haven’t a clue what you’re speaking of. Let me turn on the television.”

  My phone beeps, and I see it’s Alayna. Without a thought, I hang up on the charming asshole and click over to speak to her.

  “Do you want to explain this damn photo to me or should Mr. Womanizer himself do it?”

  “Damon, calm down. It’s not what you think. We came out of the hospital, and once I stepped out from the overhang, something blew into my eye. I couldn’t get it out, and Phillip was simply looking at my eye, trying to see what it was before I sat down in the car.”

  I growl and slam my fist down on the steering wheel. I know she’s telling the truth, but it’s not what the public will think.

  “I believe you, but now, the whole world is going to think you have a thing for him. Hell, once they catch wind of the baby, they will probably say it’s his, too!”

  “Please, calm down. We’ve gotten through this shit before, so we will get through it again. I’ll make a statement when we do our press interviews if I have to.”

  I feel my blood pressure lowering a bit. I still want to hurt the man. He’s wanted Alayna since the first time he saw her.

  “OK, I’m sorry. You don’t need the stress I’ve created. I just…” I hold the phone closer to me as if it will keep our call more private. “I’m not in control, Alayna. I can’t take it.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry, too. We shouldn’t be apart. Please, get here safely.”

  We say our goodbyes, and I’m overcome with anxiety. I hate it. I don’t want to feel the helplessness that is crawling under my skin.

  Glancing over at Cameron, I see he’s trying to appear uninterested as he messes with his phone, but there is no denying he felt the emotion attached to that phone call.

  Every word–every touch between Alayna and me is directed by an underlying intimacy. A connection so strong it emits a thick fog of want and need that lingers in the air.

  When we’re both well, we can be without the other, knowing that we’re still chained by our unwavering bond, but when one of us is suffering, the other feels the same pain. It’s a crack in a fault line only she or I can fill.

  “Oh, man, that car is off the road,” Cameron says pointing. Sure enough, there is a Ford Fiesta off the interstate and somewhat in a ditch. No one is stopping, and as we get closer, I see there is a woman inside. It looks like she’s holding a phone to her ear.

  It’s freezing outside. She shouldn’t even be in the cold car while she waits for help. Maybe I could pull her vehicle out of the ditch. Since we’re creeping along, I pull off the road. I tell Cameron to stay put while I get out to check on the lady.

  Hesitating, she rolls down her window, and I notice her striking resemblance to Tiffany. I look in the backseat and see a young boy, maybe about five, sitting in a booster seat. His nose and fingers are already red.

  “Hi, I can’t get it started, but I’ve called for help,” the young woman says.

  About this time, an F-150 pickup pulls off the road, and a man gets out. “You need some help here?” he asks, sounding a bit from the country.

  “She’s called someone, but I was thinking about pulling her out of the ditch.”

  “Let me do it.” At this point Came
ron has not listened and is approaching us, too. “Here, why don’t you and your son push while I pull her out with my truck?”

  “OK, sounds like a plan.” It’s obvious he doesn’t want me showing him up with the Jeep Cherokee. He winks at the lady. “We got you covered, ma’am.”

  “I guess we’re pushing,” I say to Cameron. He’s staring into her car as he tightens his gloves and pulls the hat he’s had the sense to put back on farther down over his head.

  After the young man hooks a chain to the trailer hitch of his F-150 and the Fiesta, he gets back inside his vehicle.

  Cameron and I get behind and begin to push. The vehicle is wedged in the ditch deeper than I thought, and the tires only want to spin.

  “Push harder, Cameron,” I say to him.

  “I’m trying!” he says sourly.

  We’re both shoving, but the car is barely budging.

  “Come on, we can do this.”

  “I said, ‘I’m trying!’” He’s shouting now and noticeably frustrated with me and himself.

  “OK, come on. 1-2-3 push!”

  We give it our all, and the car gets traction, moving with the truck and finally breaking free from the ditch.

  Once the lady is on the side of the highway, she steps out of her vehicle. The young man in the truck is hopping out, too, and I imagine he will use this opportunity to flirt.

  “You OK, ma’am,” he asks.

  “Yes, my son and I are fine, and thank you so much.” She turns around, giving her attention to Cameron and me. “Thank you for all of your help. I hope my son grows into the fine young man you are,” she says, smiling at Cameron.

  “No problem, ma’am. I’m glad you’re back on the road,” I say. Glancing to Cameron, I see he’s staring at the young woman who has an uncanny resemblance to his mother.

  “We better get back on the road.”

  “OK, thanks again,” she says before getting into her car in front of our vehicle. Both of us go back to the Overlander and get inside. Cranking up the heat, I pull off my gloves and rub my hands together.

  “You did good out there,” I say to Cameron.

  “Then why were you yelling at me?” he asks rudely.

  “I was only pushing you, so we could get her out of that ditch.”

  “I was trying–hard.” The next thing I know, Cameron is sobbing. He covers his face with his hands. “I want my mom. I want things to be the way they were,” he says muffled through his gloves and cries.

  Dammit, this parenting shit is difficult. I grab hold of his shoulder. “Cameron I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be hard on you. I know you didn’t grow up with a father, so you’re not used to me. I get that. I’m also sorry that lady reminded you of your mother.”

  Cameron moves his face from his gloves and glances to me.

  “You noticed?”

  “Yeah, I noticed. She was pretty like I remember your mom when she was younger.”

  “I thought you hated my mom.” He sniffles and wipes his nose on the back of his black glove.

  “I don’t hate her. I will admit that I did for a lot of years, but we talked things out before she died.” Taking hold of Cameron’s chin, I turn it toward me. “Look at me.” I duck my head a little, so he sees into my eyes. “I mean it, Cameron. I don’t hate her, and you remind me of all the things I once loved about her.”

  “I want her back. I like you and Alayna, but I want my old life back!” He continues to cry and yanks off his hat again.

  “If all my money could give you your wish, I’d give up every dime for you to have her back.”

  “You would do that for me?” He stares at me in disbelief.

  “Yes. I already care about you that much, Cameron. I would hate to see you go, but I would give it all up if I could give you more time with your mother.”

  He turns his head and stares out the passenger window.

  “That’s cool.”

  I mess with his mop of red hair that reminds me of my missing half. My heart hurts right now for too many fucking reasons. “Can we get out of here? I want to get to Alayna, and take us back home.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready to see LA. I’ve never been there.”

  “Well, we’ll have to go back. How about we spend spring break there? You and Marcus stay out of trouble, and maybe his mom will let him go, too.”

  Cameron wipes his eyes and smiles. I’m so damn relieved. I throw the Jeep in drive and wave at the next vehicle, hoping they will let me in front of them. I’m ready to board that plane and get to my precious girl.


  I eat dinner alone in my bed. This is going to get old real fast. The last time I spoke to Damon, his flight was likely going to be delayed, so I imagine he’s on a plane at this point.

  I watch some television but grow frustrated when I stumble across the photo of Phillip and me on one of the channels. I’m also becoming sleepy after my meal. This baby is taking everything out of me. Clicking off the TV, I close my eyes and attempt to nap to pass the time.


  “Alayna, wake up.” My eyes fly open, and there stands Damon. He’s in jeans and a navy t-shirt. His dark hair is a mess, and he hasn’t shaved today, but it makes him that much sexier.

  Immediately, he sits on the side of the bed and hugs me hard. Our hug turns into a tight embrace, and our peck on the lips turns into a passionate kiss. He strokes my hair and then hums in my ear as he breathes in the scent of me.

  “You have no idea how happy I am to be here with you.”

  “I do know. I’ve missed you.”

  “I also have an itch to spank your bottom. I shouldn’t be walking into a strange man’s bedroom to find you.” Damon sits back and smirks at me.

  “Unfortunately, that among other fun things are out of the question for a while.”

  “I figured as much.” Damon runs a hand down my arm. “I’m perfectly fine with that, Alayna. The health of you and this baby is far more important.”

  I cup his cheek and caress it with my thumb.

  “We’ll get creative in the meantime.” I can tell he’s looking for a distraction from the thoughts of sex when he pulls my hand down and kisses my knuckles.

  “You’re already worrying about my needs. God, I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Where is Cameron?”

  “He’s downstairs. He got sidetracked by the view of the ocean. He’s never seen the Pacific. I told him maybe we can return over spring break.” Damon’s brow furrows. “Damn, I didn’t think that through. You probably won’t be able to fly.”

  “The doctor said I could be better by then. We’ll see, but right now, I don’t want to worry.”

  “Let’s get you out of here. I’m ready to sleep in a bed with you, even if it’s in a hotel suite.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Three Months Later


  “It’s April, Alayna. Three months. That’s how long it’s been since I buried myself inside you, but I heard the words myself at your appointment today. You have the all clear.

  “All–meaning I can use this riding crop on you. But don’t worry, baby; I only plan to bring you pleasure and a touch of pain.”

  Shuddering, I inhale sharply and tense up. I’m naked and on my knees, facing Damon and feeling vulnerable. I’m staring down at my protruding belly. I’m close to six months pregnant.

  “Look up at me,” he commands.

  I try, but I’m too self-conscious, so I look down again. My chin is tipped upward, and my lip quivers. I’m staring into dark eyes that flicker with a light of burning desire.

  “Why can’t you look at me?”

  “I’m … I’m self-conscious, Sir. I feel unattractive and huge.” My chin is pinched tightly as Damon tilts it up farther.

  “You’re gorgeous, and you’re pregnant with the most magnificent gift I could ever receive besides you.” He leans over and kisses the corner of my mouth. His lips sway to the beat of my heart across mine. “Let me show you just how much
I desire you.”

  His slick tongue pushes its way in, sending a confirmation of his truth as it slides across mine lasciviously. His desire blooming farther.

  I wish I could touch him, but my hands are secured behind my back. I would glide them through the luster of his hair reflecting off the light on the nightstand of our master bedroom. His tongue sets mine free, and I gaze into his attentive eyes.

  “I wish to touch you, Sir.”

  Damon’s lethal smile hovers in front of me as he remains leaning over. “If you follow instructions, I will reward you further.”

  My lashes flutter, and I can’t help the coy smile curling from my lips. No matter the time that passes between us, it’s as if he’s touching me for the first time, exploring my body teasingly and teaching me.

  Standing, he lightly drags the flappy end of the leather, black riding crop across my upper chest and down one arm to my elbow. The bumps rise beneath my skin, and I shiver. He proceeds to do the same the other direction on my chest, leisurely moving down my arm.

  Placing the crop at the top of my navel, he drags it upward, between my breasts and along the left side of my neck. My head naturally falls over to allow him more room to provide me pleasure.

  My body is at full alert as the riding crop grazes back down my chest to my navel. Instead of stopping there, Damon lets it trail down farther. He’s about to take me to one of my most favorite places; an abyss of ecstasy and eroticism.


  Alayna is beside our bed and on her knees. Her hands are held captive behind her back by a zip tie, and she’s divine. Although she’s always had amazing tits, they are more voluptuous because of the baby, and I’m itching to have them in my mouth.

  I drag the flap of the riding crop to her pussy. It barely skims along it, and I know what I’m going to see when I bring it back up.

  As I suspected—a wet sheen. I drag the juices up along her body to her jaw and then over to her lips.

  “Open,” I say. She follows my instructions and opens her mouth widely. Gently I push the square flap of the long crop into her mouth. “Suck it off. All of it. Taste how sweet and wet you are.”


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