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New Title 1 (The traveler)

Page 23

by Robin Marienus Miller

  Ranger, "credits can buy a lot of things, even loyalty. The CM pays their spies well, and yet you don't seem to be worried about telling me all your plans."

  I said, "you're a Ranger, and that's not just a name. Your people have a code you live and die by."

  Ranger, "what do you know about my people?"

  I said, "I know they are the eyes and ears of a home world that has sent its people through the universe, with a code of conduct to help the oppressed whenever they can."

  Ranger, "you make us so much grander than we really are. But you're right that I will help you, from time to time, if I can."

  I said, "I'm glad to hear it. Would you like some juice? Fresh squeezed yesterday."

  Ranger, "why yes? I'll try some."

  I poured him a mug, he took a sip, then a drink and said, "this is rather good, what is it?"

  I said, "it's a juice from the planet, "Lor re et." My translator calls it sweet tart, would you like some rum?"

  Ranger, "no thank you. We don't drink anything that has alcohol or drugs in it that may impair our thinking."

  I said, "well I hope my smoke does not bother you."

  Ranger, "it's a large room and your ventilation system seems to be working well."

  I said, "well I’m glad I brought the juice. Help yourself, the keg is full and I have plenty more back home."

  Ranger, "thank you, you're very kind."

  I said, "would you like something to eat?"

  Ranger, "well now that you mention it, I am a bit hungry."

  I said follow me and we went to the mess hall. On the way, I asked him if he knew anyone that may have a copying device. He asked me what I wanted to copy.

  I said, "paper with words on it. Right now we are copying by hand with quill and ink, but this is very slow."

  Ranger, "I understand what you need but most of the races I know just use a view screen."

  I said, "yes it is a problem. If I can't find one I will need to find someone to make one for me. Do you know of any talented engineers, looking for part-time work, willing to go to "Lo re et?"

  Ranger, "I can look around and let you know."

  When we got to the mess hall I showed Ranger a selection and told him not to worry about the picking out something he may not like as we can just recycle it. He asked if the food was made from living things. I told him no, that this was just your standard replicator.

  Ranger, "well in that case I'll try the fish sandwich, it looks good. I would just never hurt one myself without great need."

  I said, "I hope you don't mind others that killed to eat."

  Ranger, "not at all, it’s just a personal thing to try to do no harm."

  I said, "good, because I have a cargo container of fish for the dock workers at each station."

  Ranger, "I'm sure they will be grateful."

  I chose a sweet nut pie to eat, and we both sat down to enjoy our food. I had the replicator make me a large bowl of nuts to snack on, then we went back to the bridge, and I asked the Ranger if he knew where I could find someone selling land to air speeders.

  Ranger, "not on the station, but there are a number of planets out there that have things like that for sale, you're in the market for one are you?"

  I said, "yes. I park this big ship a long ways from my home and I'm looking for personal transport, something not too big."

  Ranger, "well I’ll certainly keep my eyes open for one."

  I popped a few nuts in my mouth and said, "thank you, I don't think I'll be doing any of world shopping myself for a long time."

  Ranger, "yes, sometimes while given others their freedom we need to give up some of our own. It's a burden I understand well."

  I said, "and how is it that the CM has a problem with you? What have you been doing that they don't like?"

  Ranger, "there was a sick dockworker that needed off station medical care. They would not let him go until I pressed the issue with a medical ship that took him to a planet for treatment. As soon as he could walk again he went AWOL, and no one is saying where he is. That was a week ago and the CM spread the word I was no longer allowed to use the Star gate."

  I said, "well it's a good thing it was me that picked you up. So how long will it take to get to the station?"

  Ranger, "not long in this ship, we should get there soon."

  I said, "is there anything you can tell me about the man I will be meeting?"

  Ranger, "he has been movement crystals long before the CM bought up all the mines in the area, and started trying to control or stop traders like him from selling shipments that were not mined by the CM."

  I said, "the only one’s strong enough to stand up to the corporate mining company is the Mining Guild. The CM may own the mines, ships and the gates, but the Guild takes care of the miners. The only problem is that they wash each other's hands because they need one another. The Guild will stand up for the rights of their members but that is as far as they will go. They are not interested in forming an alliance with the dock workers, and all efforts to start a dock workers union have been crushed at the first whisper of such a thing."

  Ranger, "yes, well there are a great many things wrong with this galaxy, and if there were not then who would know the difference? There is no good without evil, no right without wrong, no light without darkness and life is not precious without death."

  I said, "and we do not win every just cause, but we have the right to choose the way we live. When that right is taken away from us something must be done. The cry, "live free or die," has been heard throughout the universe. Its voice cannot be silenced and it’s battle cry shall not be ignored. Until their last dying breath men will say, "give me freedom or give me death!"

  I then took a sip of my drink and a puff on my pipe before saying, in a low voice, "I am not a great warrior, I am not some great leader of men just waiting to be heard. However, I have maybe one chance to do something good before I slip into a life without risk. Before home and family are all that is on my mind."

  I took another sip of my drink and went silent as I looked out the windows into hyperspace.

  Then a great black image passed by the front of the ship.

  And I said, "Ranger, do you see what I see?"

  And the large black ship went past us again like a shimmer in the dark.

  Ranger, "indeed, I do see something."

  Then we were out of hyperspace and coming up on the station.

  I said, "it didn’t come out with us."

  Ranger, "no it didn't, and I'm not sure but I think I'm relieved."

  I said, "that's the third time during this trip I have seen it."

  Ranger, "I think we've both may be lucky to be alive, let's not talk about it."

  As I was pulling up to the station I didn't see a place I could dock such a large ship. Then the Ranger pulled out a hand-held transmitter and said something. A moment later the ship on the end moved out, and the Ranger pointed and said, "there, dock there."

  So I pulled in and locked to the dock.

  Ranger, "we need to get our business over with before you start freeing dockworkers. Save the gift of fish until just before you leave, it will be a good distraction. I will talk to the workers and send the ones that are ready to leave to your ship."

  I said, "I have water to sell to the station, 2500 units at 200 per."

  Ranger, "that's a good price and I'm sure they can use it all. I'll make the deal for you well you are with my man, but you must come with me now."

  I said, "okay, but I'm giving this fruit to the workers know." He nodded approvingly.

  We went to my docking hatch, but the seal was not secure. The Ranger got on his communicator to dock control and they sent a worker, in a pressures suit, to fix the problem right away. As soon as the pressure stabilized I was able to open the hatch.

  The worker took off his helmet and said, "sorry about that, they stick a little bit from time to time."

  I said, "thank you," and gave him a piece of fruit.

>   He was very happy and said, "thank you very much sir. If there is anything I can do for you while you are here just let me know."

  So I put the bag down and said, "fine, pass theses out to all the dockworkers and no hoarding."

  The man said, "sure thing, it would be my pleasure sir."

  Then the Ranger and I headed toward the docks.

  I said to the Ranger, "do you think he would do it?"

  Ranger, "they are a tight group of workers here, I'm sure he will pass them out."

  I said, "here is one for you and another for the man you are going to introduce me to. Hand it to him when we meet so I know I am talking to the right person."

  Ranger, "of course I will, and thank you."

  He led me to a small diner and we stopped just outside the door as he said, "the man I'm going to introduce you to is inside, don't trust anyone else." This he said as he held the piece of fruit in one hand.

  We walked through the door and a few steps later a large reptile like fellow walked in between us and said to me, "anything that is sold on this station goes through me, understand?"

  The Ranger just shook his head no and took a few more steps toward the back of the diner.

  So I said, "well in that case I need to tell you I smelled a fart in the hallway. I think someone is trying to pass gas without you knowing about it. Maybe you should go check it out."

  The thing went out to look and I followed the Ranger to the back of the diner as he turned and said, "pass gas, that’s a good one. And it’s well that he did not totally understand each word you said."

  We walked up to the last table and the Ranger, giving the fruit to the man sitting there, said, "this is the man that can help us."

  The man motioned for us to sit down as he said, "I'm Kilroy, what did you tell that thing?"

  The Ranger said, "he told him to go look for a fart."

  Kilroy, "yeah well, he is dumb enough to be doing just that."

  I said, "I think I met a relative of his, on a station in the end of the next quadrant. Someone stepped on his head and it was full of purple goo. Then his mate showed up and pulled a weapon on me. She was full of purple goo to."

  Kilroy, "yeah well, try not to kill anyone while you're here. They tend to start asking questions."

  I said, "I'll keep that in mind."

  Kilroy, "now, what do you have for me?"

  I said, "I have six cargo containers of crystals at 2 mil a piece."

  Ranger, "he will pay 3 mil a piece."

  Kilroy, "three! What makes you think I'll pay three?"

  Ranger, "because I have need of the extra credits."

  Kilroy, "we'll all have need of extra credits."

  Ranger, "don't worry, I don't need it in credits, I just need a favor."

  Kilroy, "what kind of a favor?"

  Ranger, "when he leaves he will be hot, heavy a few dockworkers, where are the CM ships?"

  Kilroy, "there is one at the next mine, not far from here, and another due at station one in the morning, our time."

  The Ranger said to me, "that's about when you get there."

  Then he turned to Kilroy and said, "he wants to pick up all the dockworkers that want to leave, on all three stations. I can knock out the long range transmitter here, but unless I stay they will have it up before he gets to station two. There is nothing we can do about the transmissions from station two without help."

  Kilroy, "for a price I can get a ship to block transmissions for a day, maybe less, it depends on what shows up."

  Ranger, "that gets him in and out fast at number two, what about the first station?"

  Kilroy, "I can't do anything about the ship there."

  I said, "Will there be only one?"

  Kilroy, "yes, we can draw him off for a short time so you can get the dock rats. But they will be after you right after you use the gate, if you can use the gate."

  Ranger, "don't worry about the gate, that's not a problem for him."

  I said, "I think I can stop the ship while we are still in hyperspace. At least long enough for me to get out the next gate, then it's a little open space to Lor re et. Once there I don't think they can touch me."

  Ranger, "well now, it sounds like a plan."

  Kilroy, "your forgetting what all this is going to cost."

  Ranger, "that's what the extra mil per is for. Other than that it will be 12 mil upfront for the crystals. Plus I believe there’s some water to sell."

  I said, "yes, but I will not be able to stop long enough at each station to sell it."

  Ranger, "no problem, Kilroy will buy it and resell the water to the stations for you."

  Kilroy, "I will?"

  Ranger, "you will. That's another 1.5 mil for the water, 13 five in all."

  Kilroy, "yeah sure, like I got those kind of credits. Is there anything else you would like me to do that is out of the question?"

  I said, "the fish."

  Ranger, "the fish, you will take two containers of fish to the starving RATS on the other two stations. And I imagine that will need to be done right away, as there probably is not much air in those containers."

  Kilroy, "would you like me to give you a back rub while I'm doing all this?"

  Ranger, "now that you mention it my shoulders have been feeling a bit tight."

  Kilroy, "I need to make some inquiries to see how much of this is even possible."

  I said, "do you smoke?"

  Kilroy, "from time to time, why?"

  I handed him a 4 inch bud and said, "put this in your pipe and smoke it."

  Kilroy put it to his nose and smelled it, then said, "that's the good stuff, thank you."

  I said, "my pleasure."

  Ranger, "we will be on the ship, just call me."

  Kilroy left, then the Ranger and I went back to my ship.

  I thought to myself that it was too bad I didn't get to look over the shops on the station. I knew there would be no chance to shop at the other stations.

  When we got to the ship the Ranger told a dock worker to unload 2500 units of water into the station to tank and another 5000 into the ship next to us.

  We then went on board and I said, "I better lock down the tops to the cargo containers with the fish in them."

  After doing that we went to the bridge. By the time we got there, Ranger got a call telling him the ship next to us was ready to take on the crystals. The Ranger assured me I would get my payment. So I went to the computer, and input the command for auto unlock on the cargo storage doors. The containers were moved and empty ones were put back in place. While this was going on they also moved the containers on the other side with the fish.

  I started to feel like this might all be a setup. They get what they want then turn me in to the CM. But I was putting my trust in the Ranger. I had never heard of one going bad, and hoped that still held true.

  I sat there at my table, staring at the monitors and smoking my pipe, while wondering if I had just been subjected to the biggest con of my life. Or was I starting something that would change my life. Either way it didn't feel right.

  Then the Ranger got a communication that there was something at the docking hatch for me. He said he would go get it.

  I sat there wondering if this was how he would make his move. Would he leave the ship now or let station guards onboard? A number of things ran through my mind, about how I would get my revenge if they were messing with me. They don't know how much power I really have, I thought to myself.

  But the Ranger did come back, and with a large crystal credit ball that read 13.5 million. I was relieved, but I tried not to show it. I now knew that all that was said was true. As well as all that was going to happen. I was about to start a rebellion, or perhaps a small war. I took a deep breath and said, "and so it begins."

  Ranger, "have you thought where you will put the dockworkers, for the trip."

  I said, "the mess hall, it's big and they can have anything they want to eat or drink."

  Ranger, "and when you
get to your planet?"

  I said, "I thought they could use a few days to rest up before looking for jobs. They can be my guest for a short time. And if any of them want to return to their own planets or someplace else, I will arrange a ride for them."

  Ranger, "yes, they could use a little time in a grassy meadow under a warm sun."

  He then received another communication and said to me, "it has begun. I need to cut the long range communication for the station, and send all the workers that will go with you. When you see my face again wave goodbye, close the hatch and leave."

  I said, "good luck, and thank you for your help."

  Ranger, "and good luck to you my new friend."

  He left at a quick pace. I was not far behind him as he headed for the hatch and left without turning around. It was only later that I heard what he did and how.

  He went to the communications room and pulled the chips to the long-range circuits. Then he went to the dock storage bay, gathering workers as he went, saying, "free water, free water, follow me and get your free water."

  When they got to the bay he said, "the freedom ship is here. You have tasted it’s fruit now taste its water."

  And he took the top off the large cargo container of fish and water. There were over 20 workers standing or leaning over the sides of the container. They started drinking and splashing the water. One man even fell in the container with the fish. Others help him out quickly, for fear the fish may want to eat him; they were not that kind of fish.

  "Quiet, quiet," said the Ranger, "the freedom ship has shown you its water, now let it show you freedom on a world where water is free and there is no CM to stop you. This water is for those that will not take a chance and come with us to freedom. The fish is for those that will not go to catch their own. As for the rest of you, follow me to the freedom ship!"

  There was a great cheer as he led them to my ship. I had been nervously waiting at the hatch to my ship, wondering how long it would take him, when I heard the cheer. Then I saw a group of workers heading for my ship, led by the Ranger. He stood at the end of the dock as each man passed him to get on the ship. As the last worker was aboard he raised his hand to say goodbye. I returned the wave and closed the hatch. After locking it I blew the connection to the dock and told the man to follow me to the mess hall. After quickly telling them they could have whatever they wanted from the replicator I went to the bridge.


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