Book Read Free

Cocky Nerd

Page 11

by Kayley Loring

“Hi, sorry, it’s about the banquet, I have to talk to her.”

  She says nothing, exhales loudly and retreats to the bathroom.

  I confirm that we’ll be in the lobby at five forty-five to be picked up to go to the restaurant. I can hear Olivia moaning in the bathroom. She’s getting herself off while I’m on the phone. That is just so unfair.

  “Yes, yes, my girlfriend eats meat, she’s a very adventurous eater, thank you for asking, whatever you’ve ordered will be perfect.”

  She is pressed up against the bathroom door. I hear her breathing heavily, the door is rattling. She is vigorous. I stand in front of the door, imagining her touching herself.

  “Yes, we’re really looking forward to it and we’ll see you very soon…Thank you. Okay. Yes, thank you so much. Okay, bye.”

  I make sure to hang up before tossing the phone onto the bed, knocking on the door and pushing it open. Olivia’s got one hand on her breast, one down her panties and she’s on the brink. She uses one hand to push me away. She’s mad at me.

  I grab onto that hand, hold it up over her head against the door and put my hand over hers, inside her panties, applying more pressure, kissing her neck. She holds her breath and resists at first. “Have you been touching yourself all day?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You want to, don’t you?”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  Her body stiffens, but she moves her hand away, allowing my fingers to rub against her clit. Fuck, she is so warm and wet and smooth and I push two fingers inside. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day,” I growl into her ear.

  “Yeah?” Both arms clasp around my shoulders as she tenses around my fingers.

  I slide them out and in. “You shaved again today, didn’t you?”

  “Every day.”

  I groan.

  “I thought about you too.”

  “Tell me. Tell me what you did today.” My whole hand is drenched. I slide in a third finger and work her clit with my other hand. She sighs and shudders. “Tell me, baby, tell me what you thought about.”

  She catches her breath. “I read the book you sent me. I had breakfast in the room and read it, and I touched myself and pictured myself doing those things to you and remembered what you did to me, and I was so wet.”

  “You’re so wet right now.”

  “I went swimming and I had to touch myself in the ladies room because all I could think about was what you would have done to me if you’d seen me in my bathing suit.”

  “I would have done everything to you.”

  “I’ve been turned on all day. I had to change my panties three times and I bought new ones when we were shopping today.”

  I’m so hard it’s killing me, but I don’t have time to deal with it. I slide my fingers in and out, faster and harder. One of her legs is curled around mine, pulling me in.

  “Ahhh! John! Fuck!”

  She starts tensing and releasing. That’s when I find her G-spot, gently at first, then slowly increasing the pressure when her noises and undulations tell me she’s ready for more. Finally, I go deeper with my long fingers, finding that little nook, curving and swiping, to stimulate her A-spot. Yeah, it’s a thing.

  “Oh my God! Yes! Don’t stop! John!”

  I don’t stop until she’s been tensing and writhing around, shaking and shimmying for almost a full minute before going very rigid. Then I focus on her clit, slow things down, and watch her come back from a far-off place. She is so fucking beautiful. It’s too much. This is what I’ll see, every time I close my eyes, for the rest of my life—her eyes closed, head back, lips parted, long neck arched, breasts full and flushed. When she says my name, she’s bewildered and possessive and I love it.

  I pull my hand out from her panties and start to unbutton my shirt.

  She opens her bleary eyes. She is still experiencing aftershocks, but she reaches out for me. I step back.

  “I have to take a quick shower and change and then we need to get down to the lobby.”

  She glares at me. She grabs the box of Kleenex and leaves the bathroom, shutting the door.

  I find quick relief in the shower, as quietly as possible.

  I don’t know exactly why I didn’t want to come with her.

  I guess I need the space. Her magnetic pull is so strong. If the Earth had an ego, wouldn’t it try to break free from the sun’s power over it, just to prove that it could, despite what would happen to all life as we know it?

  She doesn’t speak to me until we’re in the hallway, waiting for the elevator. I tell her about the people we’ll be dining with at the banquet. She tells me that Mrs. Chen has already told her about some of the women that will be there because she knows them. She tells me she’s downloaded the WeChat app that Mrs. Chen told her about. I have it too, because all of my Chinese contacts use it. You can leave voice messages for anyone with the app, using WiFi or cellular data. She’s very excited about it. I tell her not to use the text messaging feature, or any feature other than the voice-only messages, due to lack of encryption and regulation issues that I won’t get into. She frowns and puts the phone back into her purse. I have smothered another one of her lively fires, once again.

  Fortunately, the elevator is empty when it reaches our floor, so I can use the next few seconds to try to cheer her up. “I had a really good time last night, did I mention that? You were amazing.”

  She looks down at the floor and says, “Thanks, you were too. Congratulations, you’re the Baryshnikov of fucking.”

  “And you’re the Steve Jobs of wit.”

  “Why thank you.”

  “It’s not really a compliment. Everyone in Silicon Valley knows that Wozniak was the real brains behind Apple.”

  “But everyone in the world thinks of Steve Jobs when they think of Apple. And aren’t you more of a Jobs than a Wozniak?”

  “I’m not going to argue about this.”

  “I would definitely cast Michael Fassbender as you in the movie of your life.” She doesn’t even have to scan her eyes down the front of me to let me know that she’s thinking about my dick.

  “I’m definitely not going to argue with that.” I take her hand. “You look beautiful.” She’s wearing billowy pale pink pants and a matching top that hangs loose and only hints at the subtle but devastating curves beneath it. Her hair is up in a tight ballerina bun. She is summery, elegant casual and perfect.

  “Thank you,” she says, reluctantly. She doesn’t pull her hand away, but she doesn’t squeeze mine either. “I guess you’re going into to good boyfriend mode now.”

  “Yes, there was an update, which I just downloaded. It addresses a few bugs and user-related complaints.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Finally, I get the reassuring hand-squeeze, and even a little smile.

  Just like that, my heart skips a beat, and I’m back in her orbit.

  The banquet that I’m co-hosting tonight is for twenty-four people and was organized by a young entrepreneur named Mei Li. She is one of the happiest entrepreneurs I’ve ever met, but her sunny personality belies a shrewd business sense and a fantastic mind for internet technology. We have the private room of a classic Chinese restaurant in another hotel on the Bund, with a fantastic view of the futuristic Pudong district across the water.

  The Encompass Foundation means a lot to me, and the women in tech that I’ve met here are brilliant and strong and they will make a real difference. As I say in my little speech when I give a toast, there’s already an organization called Project Include, formed by women in Silicon Valley who help CEOs implement diversity and inclusion at their companies. I don’t want this organization to overshadow theirs, I want to join forces and expand our reach. When I start talking about my mother, how she has always worked twice as hard as my father (which is saying a lot since they’re both workaholics), as a woman in the tech industry, and mention that she is on the board of this foundation, I notice Olivia sit up and pay closer attention.

  She always looks so perplexed by me. How can she not know how simple a creature I am when it comes to her? I raise my glass to everyone at the table, and then to her.

  She rubs my back when I sit down, and I can tell she wants to ask me about my mother, but the servers start bringing in the next course of this feast, and Mrs. Chen, who’s seated on the other side of her, is explaining all the food to her.

  Olivia’s enthusiasm for new experiences is one of the sexiest things about her. Watching her try every kind of food that Mrs. Chen piles onto her plate is entertaining; watching her knock back four shots of Maotai liquor (which is essentially lighter fluid) is a tiny bit frightening. I’ve never been around her when she’s drunk. Surely four shots and a glass of beer will make her drunk, although she seems to be holding her own against everyone who calls out “Ganbei!” while holding up a shot glass.

  I myself draw the line at two shots and put my hand on her arm when she reaches for the fifth shot. I make a face and people laugh politely. Olivia, I can tell, is torn between defying me and being a proper date, and when she acquiesces, pushing the shot glass away and taking a sip of beer instead, I’m ready to get down on one knee.

  One of the great things about Chinese banquets, besides the food, is that they are always over by the time most Western dinner events are just getting started. Mr. and Mrs. Chen invite us to join them for karaoke at a club nearby, and we refuse the obligatory three times, before politely sending Mei Li and the driver home so that we can walk back to our hotel.

  It was blessedly breezy today, so the air is relatively clear and it’s a beautiful warm night along the riverbank. If Olivia is inebriated, she isn’t showing it. She must have a high tolerance level, which is surprising given her compact health-conscious body. I guess everything about her surprises me.

  There are hundreds of people with us on the promenade. They are milling about, or sitting around fanning themselves. There are plenty of tourists taking pictures. Olivia pulls out her phone and hands it to me while hanging her purse from my shoulder.

  “Take pictures of me! I need ballet shots for Instagram!” She pulls off her heels and shoves them into the purse.

  I get shots of her leaping and twirling, with the river and sci-fi inspired skyscrapers in the background. When she leans against the railing by the water, raising her leg up in the air alongside her head and grasping her ankle, crowds gather around her, taking their own pictures. She does more dance-y poses and finally stops when people have started applauding. She thanks them and returns to me to check the images. I got some with my own phone and post it on my Instagram account.

  When she posts her picture and checks her account, she says: “Holy shit! I have two thousand more followers since a few days ago.”

  I hold up my hand for a high-five and remind her to put her shoes back on.

  “I have more followers than Kennedy Sloan now!” This is a little victory for her, I suppose. “Eat my dust, KennedyOnPointe!” she says, jumping up and down.

  It’s so cute. I kiss the top of her head when I put my arm around her shoulder and she leans into me, sighing. “Thank you for bringing me here,” she says.

  “Thank you for coming with me.”

  She wraps both arms around my waist. “You’re impressive,” she says, without a hint of irony.

  “Thank you.”

  And that’s when we both hear the man singing into his karaoke machine a ways down the promenade. “Wise man say…onaly fool rush in…bud I can’duh hep falling in alove, widuh you…”

  She lets go and starts dancing the ballet routine she did when she was twelve. “Oh my God—do you remember this?”

  “I remember—” “You remember everything, I know.”

  When she spins around I catch her and pull her to me.

  We slow dance to the most beautiful-terrible version of Can’t Help Falling In Love in the middle of the Bund, by a river that flows gently to the sea, with people all around us taking pictures and videos with their cameras. We’re both here now, and there back then at her recital, ignoring her brother with his threatening fist.

  If I had to pick one moment to live over and over again, it might be this one, though I know that she still has no idea how much every moment with her means to me.



  I have just had one of the most romantic experiences of my life, and it was really weird, and now I am ready to rock John’s cock’s world.

  Also, I’m super tipsy and doing an amazing job of not showing it.

  I’ve been a lady all night, but now that we’re back in a room with a bed in it, I am going to take this man down to Chinatown. Or an ancient Chinese village. Or just to bed.

  As soon as he shuts the door to the suite and pulls out his phone, I grab his phone and run over to the sofa, slipping it under the sofa pillow, like that will stop him from using it.

  “I have to check my email. Sanjay will freak out if I don’t get back to him.”

  “And I’ll freak out if you don’t take your clothes off right now.”

  He grins as he starts unbuttoning his shirt. “Remember that time you told me you didn’t want to be obligated to have sex with me?”

  I pull off my top and let my pants drop to the floor. “Remember that time I told you I read that sex book you sent me and had to change my panties four times?”

  He makes a guttural sound and strips down to his underpants in no time flat, and I march him over to the bed. “You said you changed them three times.”

  “That was before I had to change them again right before dinner.”

  “You’re going to bring me to the brink?”

  “I’m going to bring it and you can decide if you want to come or not when you get there.”

  “I’d prefer it if you set an intention to bring me to the brink, because I will too. If you read the book you’d know that it’s better for me, health and energy-wise, to do this occasionally.”

  “As you wish. Face down and stop talking.”

  He kisses me deeply, before climbing onto the bed and lying face-down, adjusting his erection first.

  I place a pillow under his face, then rub my hands together to warm them up, straddle his thighs and plan to start by massaging his shoulders. But first, I take a moment to appreciate his spectacular butt. I place a hand on each bun and just squeeze them, because they make me so happy. He starts laughing.


  I massage his shoulders and neck and tease him by lowering my hard nipples to his back, sweeping them back and forth. He groans and presses his face deeper into the pillow, mumbling something incomprehensible. I apply pressure to the love points in his upper and lower back, and then knead the toned flesh around his waist and sacrum. I slowly pull his boxer briefs down, exposing his marvelous butt, and I massage those butt cheeks, palming and pressing, alternating with stroking and kneading, until his muffled groans are so loud I know it’s time to turn him over.

  As I turn him onto his back, and carefully remove the front part of his underwear, I am greeted with an erection that is so massive and beautiful, I kind of want to take a picture of it. I’ve never wanted to take a dick pic before. But I don’t want to ruin the moment, so I just bite my lower lip and stare at it, letting the image of this monument burn into my brain. I’m salivating. I think it’s a blessing that I never accidentally caught sight of this dick when he was sleeping over, because I probably would have hid myself in his sleeping bag instead of rubber snakes, and I would have been sent to a nunnery.

  John’s hands squeeze my thighs, reminding me that there is more to him than this gorgeous engorged cock. I sigh and run my hands up his inner thighs and cup his balls while wrapping one hand around the base of his Jade Stalk, as they call it in Taoist bedroom arts literature…I so want that angry Jade Stalk to penetrate my Celestial Palace, but I will delay that gratification so that I can give this man at least a fraction of the pleasure he’s already given me.

  I scoot down
and nudge him to spread his legs wider so I can lick and suck on his magnificently-groomed scrotum. Times like this, it seems there is no end to this guy’s thoughtfulness. I am totally turned-on by his moaning and I gently move my hand up and down his erection while kissing his balls. Then my fingers find the spot behind his balls called the perineum, stroking the area lightly. John tenses up immediately, sucking in air between his teeth, then groans and rocks his pelvis. He says my name, over and over. Impossibly, I feel his cock get slightly bigger and harder in my hand. I lick my lips and kiss the tip of it, cover the ridge with my mouth. His skin is tight and fever-hot. I flick the tip of my tongue and then tighten my lips into an O and begin moving them up and down. He strokes and gently tugs on my hair while making the most delicious throaty sounds. When his voice starts to get more high-pitched, I lick up the underside of his erection, kiss the tip again and he tells me to get a condom from his pants, “just in case.”

  When I slowly lower myself onto him, I watch him watching our connection. His eyes are so hooded he probably can’t see very well, but he is so focused. My whole body feels alive and awake and built to be with his. I move up and down a few times before finally feeling him so deep inside me that I cry out, my body jerks around before I can lean forward and rest my hands on his chest. I rock back and forth slowly, enjoying the hot sensations. John’s eyes are closed, his head tilted back. He is controlling his breaths and gripping the bedcover. I am so full of him that I barely need to move to get myself to a place of full-body ecstasy. The waves come slow and massive, unassuming but capable of destroying everything within its path. This is a next-level orgasm and because I’m not in such a mad rush to get there, I can actually feel our energies fueling each other. When my awareness shifts back to John, I can tell that he’s more relaxed now, no longer struggling to control himself.

  I lower myself to him and kiss his lips. It’s the most sensual kiss I’ve ever had. I don’t even know how long it goes on for, but at some point I realize I’ve stopped moving and John isn’t as hard anymore. He stretches and groans happily, like he’s waking up from a perfect eight-hour sleep.


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