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Love Required (The Real Love Series)

Page 23

by Codina, Melanie

  “No, I feel good. Maybe a little tired, but good.”

  Jason nodded and then moved to sit in the chair beside her bed. Once seated, he moved her in front of him and gently guided her to his lap. Cradling her against him, he pulled the sheet from the bed and wrapped it over the lower half of her body, shielding her from anyone who might walk in. With the right side of her body snuggled up against him, it left the IV exposed on the other side. So when the nurse came in and hooked up the bag, she didn’t say anything about it. The two of them just sat there, holding one another, soothing the other merely from their proximity.

  JASON knew the moment Tori had fallen asleep. Her body relaxed further into his, and her breathing leveled out. He loved that she could fall asleep on his lap so easily, regardless of what she’d been through. Trying not to let his mind wander down that dark path again, he reached for his phone to text Logan. A few minutes later, he quietly entered the room as Jason had requested. Logan planted himself at the end of the bed and smiled—his features full of compassion as he took in Tori asleep on his lap. “Glad she’s okay, man.”

  Jason held her tighter, confirming to himself that she was, in fact, okay. Nodding, he agreed, “Me too.”

  “Okay, so, Gillian texted me the hotel information. I had her get us two rooms since the doc said she could go today. That gets us through until tomorrow. We can’t fly home with Tori because, as my oh-so-smart-ex-wife pointed out … we don’t have Tori’s ID since her purse is back in San Diego. According to Sean, she could use the police report, but you’d have to wait until it’s ready.”

  Jason hadn’t even thought about that. “Shit, I don’t want to have to wait for a report.”

  Logan nodded, his voice full of sarcasm. “Yep, that about sums it up. So you thinking we should drive?”

  The drive home wasn’t a big deal for him. They’d done that drive countless times over the years. But when he thought about bringing Tori back to San Diego, he realized he didn’t want to. She was in more danger now than before, so he couldn’t take her home. They needed to come up with a plan. When he asked Logan if he’d be willing to carry to the load back at work, he expected nothing less than full support.

  “Of course. And if anyone has a problem with any delays, given the circumstances, we don’t need them as clients.”

  Jason agreed. As he continued to think on a plan, his stomach growled against Tori’s side, and Jason was surprised it hadn’t woken her up. Lunch the day before had been his last meal. Now that the nerves and fears had dissipated, his body was quickly returning to normal—meaning, he was famished. Jason asked, “You think you can get us some food while her IV finishes?”

  Logan stood. “Sure thing, but since I’m buying and flying, I get to pick.”

  “Thanks, man,” Jason said with sincerity. It was for more than just the offer of food and Logan knew it.

  Smiling at him, Logan said, “What are friends for? It’s what we do.” And with that, he left him alone with Tori.

  Closing his eyes, he rested his head against the back of the chair. Letting out a deep breath, he focused on feeling Tori against him. Having her safe again. He used the time Tori rested to come up with a plan, to find somewhere he could take her to make sure Damien couldn’t get to her or Lexi. When the idea came to him, he called Gillian. She answered immediately, “Hey there, how are you?”

  “Hey Gilly, she’s good. Better than I could’ve hoped for,” he said with a smile as he looked down at her.

  “I already know that, Jay. I’ve been riding Logan’s ass for information since you got there. I asked how you were?” Gillian clarified.

  Jason sighed. “I’m fine now. But I need some help; can you make some reservations for me? Or am out of line to ask?”

  “Don’t make me sick Allie on you, Jason Michaels. Just tell me what you need.”

  Jason smiled. It was his first real smile since the dead weight residing in his stomach dissolved. “Okay, okay. Don’t rat me out.” He then proceeded to tell her what he needed her to set up for him. By the time the doctor returned with discharge papers some time later, Jason had everything ready to go. He wasn’t going to bring Tori back to San Diego to be hunted by her ex. No, she deserved a little bit of paradise to erase the hell she’d just endured. To help her forget that he was still out there and most likely looking for her.


  TORI sighed as she relaxed against the back of the huge tub. Jason had booked a room for them, and her first order of business was soaking in a warm bath to soothe her aching muscles. After being discharged, she’d assumed they were going straight home. Everyone had lives to live, despite the interruptions her kidnapping caused. But Jason surprised her by saying they weren’t leaving until tomorrow, and that they weren’t going home. Her immediate concern was for Lexi, because she had to get back to her. But Jason anticipated this and added that Lexi would be going with them, too. Wherever it was they were going.

  She honestly couldn’t care where; so long as she had Lexi and Jason, she would be happy. When they arrived at the hotel, Jason handed her the phone and told her to let Allie know what necessities she would need from home. For both her and Lexi. She tried to be as cooperative as possible, but she felt like she was putting these people out. Then again, being difficult would be rude considering all they were doing for her. Once done with that, Jason took the phone and sent her to the bathroom, where she currently rested in the luxury of warm bubbles, in complete bliss. She sighed again.

  The door opened a few moments later. With her eyes remaining closed, she heard Jason moving around the bathroom. So she was startled a bit when she felt him move her body forward in the tub. Looking up, she watched as his naked form slid in behind hers, before pulling her to rest snugly against him. Okay, so maybe the bubbles weren’t as blissful as she thought. Leaning her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and rested her nose against the side of his neck. The smell of him was far more potent than the fragrance of bubbles that filled the air. The scent of car exhaust and spare tire that had filled her nose earlier was long gone now.

  Relaxing further into him, they sat silently, his arms wrapped around her. His lips pressed against her forehead, he would periodically kiss her. When the water began to cool, Jason turned on the hot water. After reaching for a washcloth, he leaned her forward and proceeded to wash her skin. At first it hadn’t occurred to her, but when he slowly used the washcloth to go over each one of her fingers, clear to the tip, she wondered if he was only washing her. Their silence, though comfortable, might be telling her more than she realized. Turning toward him, she saw his intense eyes roaming her skin as he caressed, wiping away the soap.

  The power of his stare confirmed he was doing more than just cleaning her, he was checking to make sure she was okay. Just as he’d done with her scars. She reached for his hand, stilling it against her skin. When he looked at her in question, she smiled for him and said, “I’m okay Jason, I promise.”

  Jason blinked, and a frown formed on his face, but no more than a second later, it was gone. He nodded. “I know that’s what you said … I just need to make sure myself.”

  It had skipped her mind how this might have affected him. But she understood now. The love she felt for him exploded in her chest, sending warmth throughout her body. Worry for what he must have gone through, not knowing what had happened … she couldn’t imagine what that would be like if the positions were reversed.

  She knew what he needed, not only because it was his way, but because it would be what she needed, too. Placing her hand on his cheek, she nodded her understanding before adding, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” he whispered in a shaky voice. Then he continued to wash every part of Tori’s body he could reach, until he was satisfied with her answer—that she was fine.


  JASON was pleased the trip to Long Beach wasn’t extended by the usual Southern California traffic. Considering it was a work day, they’d planned t
heir drive around those heavy traffic times. Since they were meeting Allie and Mike there, with Lexi, he wanted to get there sooner rather than later. And that wasn’t just for Tori’s benefit; he wanted his eyes on Lexi, too. Tori had never gone that long without seeing her daughter, and it was clearly causing her some anxiety. This was her first trip from Las Vegas to Long Beach, so she had no idea how long it would take, and the fact that she asked several times during the trip how much longer it would be, proved she was suffering.

  When Logan parked the car they all got out, and Jason grabbed the one bag he had with them. Taking Tori’s hand, they walked toward the dock where Allie and Mike were supposed to meet them. Jason didn’t think it was possible for Damien to be nearby, but he found himself looking around anyway. And when Tori caught sight of Allie holding Lexi, he reluctantly let go of her hand and watched her jog over to them. Her long, vibrant hair trailed behind her, picked up by the wind, and he found himself mesmerized by the beauty of it—once again, of her.

  The sounds of Lexi’s laughter broke his trance, and he watched as her chubby hands found their way around Tori’s neck, and straight into her hair. He understood the compulsion to touch it, but Lexi gravitated to it every time, entwining her little fingers into it. Jason smiled at the sight of his girls together, just as they should be. Then Allie wrapped her arms around Tori in an overenthusiastic hug, pulling a laugh from everyone as she said, “I’m so excited to see you, I almost peed my pants!”

  Tori pulled her face out of Lexi’s hair and kissed Allie on the cheek. “I know the feeling.”

  After a few moments, Allie finally let go of his girls, and he was able to get close. Hugging both of them, he kissed Lexi on the head. “Hi there, baby girl. I missed you.”

  And he did. Both Tori and Lexi had become an important part of his life in such a short period of time. Remembering the pain from only twenty-fours ago confirmed just how important. He quickly shook off the residual pain lingering in his chest; they needed to get a move on. Taking a look at the large volume of luggage surrounding Allie and Mike, he asked, “Did you bring both of our closets with you?”

  Allie said, “Not all of them are yours. Mike and I are going to Catalina with you guys.”

  Shocked, Jason looked to Mike for confirmation. Mike shrugged. “She thinks you might need us around to help with Lexi, but don’t worry, we rented our own villa. Besides, I think Allie’s a little attached.” The two of them looked to Allie, who was playing peek-a-boo with Lexi.

  Jason snorted a laugh. “Doesn’t surprise me.” He shook Mike’s hand and added, “Thanks for getting Lexi up here. I appreciate your help.”

  Mike said, “You’d do the same for me.” Jason nodded in agreement. With his friends, once you were brought into the fold, you had no choice but to accept the help.

  Picking up one of the suitcases, he asked, “Allie, did you bring all the papers we need?”

  Allie broke away from Lexi and grabbed her purse, pulling out their boat tickets and handing Jason the ones he needed. Then she handed Tori her own purse and said, “You’re gonna need this.”

  Tori shouldered it and said thanks. They were all busy gathering their stuff when Logan spoke up, “Don’t worry about me here on the mainland. I’ll be fine. I’m just gonna jump in the rental and drive back to San Diego all by myself. Some of us have to hold down the fort and all …”

  Jason laughed, and Allie snorted, “Oh, please.” While Mike just smiled.

  But Tori, she walked to Logan and hugged him tightly. Logan looked surprised by the action, and it took him a few seconds to return the hug. When she pulled away, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Logan winked at her and said, “Anytime. But just for the record, I’d be happy to accept enchiladas in lieu of a thank you in the future.”

  Tori giggled. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

  “Tori, don’t fall for his crap! He’s just desperate for a home-cooked meal since he’s on his own now,” Allie chided as she passed by.

  TORI watched a wave of sadness pass over Logan’s face before he schooled his features. She didn’t know the details of his divorce from Gillian, but he had a front row seat to her new life. Tori felt bad for him, and she didn’t like how Allie’s comment saddened him. It made her want to defend him, but it wasn’t her place. So she decided to be his friend. Winking back at him, she said, “I have no problem making you a home-cooked meal, anytime.” Logan smiled back, the bit of sadness she saw there now gone. She knew what it was like to live with mistakes, but it had to be even worse when it was thrown in your face repeatedly.

  With a nod, Logan stepped away before Jason gave him a hug. They spoke quietly to each other, about what she didn’t know, but it was a moment she didn’t want to interrupt. So she moved around and took her daughter back from Allie. Then, as a group, they gathered the rest of their stuff. Tori was surprised to see a running stroller mixed in with everything. She hadn’t noticed it before, and Jason must have missed it, too. He rested his arm on her shoulder and said, “I guess I should know better when it comes to Gillian and Allie. I didn’t think about telling them where your stroller was, but should’ve known they’d make sure you had one.” Jason shook his head as he took Lexi from her arms. With a quick kiss to her head, he placed her in the stroller.

  Then they were all boarding the boat. Or was it a ship? She wasn’t sure what distinguished the difference, but she was excited regardless. She’d never been on either. Hell, she’d never seen the beach before last year, let alone visit an island. Excitement coursed through her veins at the new adventure. All thoughts of why they weren’t going home were pushed to the back of her mind.


  Tori discovered on the boat ride to Catalina that she gets motion sickness. Her mom had the issue, but Tori had never had a problem. Then again, she’d never been on a boat before. But the thought of having another similarity to her mother brought a smile to her face. In spite of the lingering queasiness.

  Once on the island, she let Jason take the lead. She had no idea where they were going, so she just followed and took in the sights around her. Catalina was crowded, probably since it was summer, but the island was magnificent. Everywhere they went, there was something beautiful to stare at.

  She’d been told they were staying at a villa, and while she wasn’t really sure what a villa was, she didn’t want to ask and sound ignorant. Guess it was going to be a learning trip, she thought as they made their way through town. When they arrived at their location, she let out a small laugh. “So apparently a villa is another word for condo?”

  It was beautiful, but it was basically a condo. The old, Spanish-style building was done in white and topped off with heavy terracotta shingles. There were shutters on the visible windows and planters beneath each one, boasting a bouquet of colors. The building was narrow and on one of the higher points of the island. Or so she assumed since they drove up a hill to get there, but she had no viewpoint from where they stood. Allie came around from the other side of the car and said, “On an island like Catalina, people can call their shoe box a villa if they want. So long as it has a view, people will rent it.”

  And with that, Allie and Mike grabbed their bags and made their way to the villa next door. Jason had opened the door to theirs and stood there waiting. “Are you coming or what?”

  She nodded with a smile and grabbed her bag. Making her way inside, she was surprised by the elegance of the interior. It had obviously been remodeled and decked out in high-end appliances, complete with marble countertops, but she felt it didn’t match the front of the building. Then when Jason opened the double doors leading to a balcony, her entire vocabulary fled her brain, leaving her speechless.

  The view was breathtaking. She now knew that they were on the top of a hill, and from where she was, she could see virtually everything. If she could choose to, she would stay in that spot the entire time they were there. Taking in a deep breath of ocean air, she let it out and smiled at
Jason, who was apparently waiting for her reaction.

  She snorted a laugh and asked, “Are you seriously worried I wouldn’t like this place?”

  Shoving his hands in his pockets, he shrugged and looked out at the ocean. “No, I hoped you’d love it.”

  Moving to him, she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. She kissed his chest then looked back out at the view. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  His hand lifted to her hair, sweeping it off her face. The breeze blew it right back, but it didn’t block her view when he said, “It sure is.”

  She blushed at his implication. “You are quite the sweet talker, you know that?”

  He shrugged. “I call ‘em like I see ‘em.”

  Resting her head against his chest, she stared out at the water again, the serenity of the view soaking into her bones. Between the view, and being in Jason’s arms, she was beyond content. Sighing, she said, “I could stay right here forever.”

  Jason kissed to top of her head and held her tighter. “We’ll stay as long as we need.”

  He couldn’t be serious, she thought. Pulling back to look at him, his expression told her he most certainly was. “Jason, you know you can’t hide me away in a cliffside villa to protect me forever, right? It might be paradise, but it’s very public.” Her hands motioned toward the view and the crowds lingering the streets in the distance, like he needed it pointed out to him.

  Scowling, he retorted, “I’m not locking you away. I’m hiding you in paradise in hopes to distract you enough that you forget about him.”

  She gave him a sad smile. “I know you are, and you should know it’s working. But it’s not because of where I am; it’s because of who I’m with. You have a life to get back to, and I won’t let you put it on hold for too long on account of me.”


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