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Played by the Rock star

Page 22

by Ava Walsh

  “Just kiss me,” Lauren pleaded. She lifted her lips to his. Cole claimed her mouth with his. He held her tightly and pressed his body against hers. They made their way back to the bedroom where he undressed her roughly and pushed her onto the bed to stare at her. “Don’t stop,” she managed to say.

  Cole made love to her slow and hard. Lauren cried in his arms, kissing him in between gasps. He came right before she did and Lauren tightened around him as she followed suite with a scream of his name.

  At that moment, just before she dozed off, Lauren didn’t care if they got the yellow house. She’d live in a cardboard box with Cole, not that he’d ever let that happen. They had everything they needed here, and she could stay here until their future fell into place.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A month later, escrow was finally closing on the yellow house thanks to some red tape at the bank. Cole and Lauren had packed slowly and been okay with it, because they knew the house was going to be theirs. They would be all moved in just in time to decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Lauren and Jane shopped for the holidays every week. Apart from that, they worked hard on their projects and kept earning money that they put in the bank.

  Lauren and Cole’s new house had prompted Jane to start wondering about her own future, not that she’d move away from Lauren so quickly. They’d wait until something went up for sale in the same neighborhood and until that time would stay in their cottage.

  Jane and Adam helped Lauren and Cole move the things that they were keeping and shop for what they planned on buying. The house was considerably bigger than their old one and would need a few new pieces. Since Cole was living on old kitchen supplies when Lauren met him, they would also need new pots and pans. The girls took it a little further and got some new appliances too. Cole knew how hard Lauren worked and spending a few extra bucks on the house wasn’t a big deal.

  The weekend they moved in was a big one. A few of the guys from the ranch helped, and the house was set up within a day, at least for the most part. The men moved the furniture and Lauren and Jane unpacked the boxes.

  The work lasted late into the night. When it was finally time for bed, Cole and Lauren released Blue from the master bath to wander his new home and they collapsed on the bed. The bed was made and ready, and felt so good after their hard work. Lauren closed her eyes and pressed against Cole. “We’re in our house,” she murmured, smiling against his bare chest.

  “I knew this was ours when we walked in the door,” Cole replied. He inhaled her scent and moved closer. “Are you happy, Lauren?”

  “I’m exhausted, but thrilled beyond belief,” Lauren replied. They heard a cat meowing somewhere in the living room. “Oh, Blue. Sounds like he loves it here, too. There’s so much more space here, isn’t there?” There were just over fifteen hundred more square feet here, and it might take the cat some time to adjust. It would take them all time to get accustomed to things.

  Sunday was spent cleaning up and ordering pizza. They ate outside and started planning out the backyard. Cole managed to get to bed early while Lauren finished organizing the kitchen before bed.

  She walked down the hallway to climb into bed with him, finding him awake and ready for her. “Hey. What are you doing awake?” she asked him, pressing a kiss to his lips.

  “Waiting for you, baby. I’m scared all alone in this big house,” Cole teased her. He found her lips with his. They moved together so he was pressed between her thighs. He kissed down her neck and chest and told her that he loved her. He took her with one slow thrust as Lauren arched her back and closed her eyes.

  This was home. This was perfection.

  They settled in over the next few weeks, able to host Thanksgiving at their place for Cole’s family. Jane and Adam also stopped by in their rush of visits to family. It was a beautiful day, and while Lauren missed her father, she knew that he was watching over her.

  She went to sleep that night happy, safely in Cole’s arms.

  December came around quickly, and Jane and Lauren got busy decorating both houses around their schedules. They kept the guys sane in between all of the green and red that surrounded them and that tormented the animals. Someone was always telling Blue to get out of the tree and Rocky to stop eating whatever was on the floor, but they learned a lot about how to deal with pets during the holiday season in the process.

  Cole even brought a puppy home for Lauren just before the holiday, a big Burmese mountain dog that made her cry when she hugged it. They had a secure fence in the backyard, and there was no way Midori would get out of it, so she had a lot of room to run. Despite being far bigger than Blue, the two got along well and even slept together sometimes on one of the big dog beds in the house. Rocky was also a welcome part of the family, and the friends kept up the habit of going from house to house with them so they could play.

  Christmas Eve was spent going to see Christmas lights around town, bundled up warmly with coffee while they took in the bright, colorful decorations. Lauren held Cole’s hand and noticed that Jane and Adam were close all night and adorably cute. They went back to the yellow house afterwards. They made fresh coffee and ate cookies as they sat around the fireplace in the living room. Adam smiled at Jane and held her hand as he looked at their friends. “We’re not going to tell anyone else for a few weeks yet, but we found out that Jane is pregnant. It’s early, just weeks in but she needed to tell someone.”

  “Oh my God!” Lauren crossed the room to hug her friend and they danced around the room. “Are you even supposed to do that? Jane, I’m so excited!”

  “At this stage in the game, it’s a gimme. I am just going to live as I would and take each day as it comes. There’s no history in my or Adam’s family of miscarriage, so I think it will be fine.” She grinned. “We might start looking for a house too in the new year. We’ll need you guys more than ever.”

  Cole locked the door after they left and looked at Lauren. She shook her head and cried. “I’m sorry. I’m just so happy for them.”

  “Me too, baby.” Cole pressed his lips together and stepped towards the tree that Blue had managed to leave alone after a lot of yelling. It was the only light now in the living room, and he extended his hand to her as he looked at her. “Come here.”

  “Sure. Are you okay?” Lauren asked. She walked over and took his hand in hers.

  “I’m perfect,” Cole told her. He paused by the tree for a moment, then dropped slowly to one knee. He stared up at Lauren and she covered her mouth, gasping. “I have taken a lot of steps with you, Lauren. I have fallen more in love with you every day and now that we’re in this house, our house, I am not going to wait any longer. Will you marry me?”

  “Cole, you know how to make an amazing night even better,” she chided him, wiping tears from her eyes and smiling. “Yes. You know I will. You’re all I want.”

  Lauren moved to join him on the floor and they kissed for several moments. Once they came up for air, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a dark velvet box. Lauren watched breathlessly. Cole pulled out a lovely band of diamonds with a small but beautiful stone set in the center and slid it on her left hand. Lauren started to cry all over again. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” she replied and grabbed him to kiss him again.

  After they had made love that night, Lauren went to use the bathroom and glanced out of the high window. She dried her hands off, careful with her ring. A star shot across the clear sky and Lauren felt tears in her eyes, feeling her father ‘s presence fill the room. He knew everything, and she felt his approval.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The following morning, Lauren and Cole went over to Jane and Adam’s for a Christmas brunch and announced their news. It met with tears from Jane and hugs from Adam. Then they went over to Cole’s family and told his parents and brother. Lauren’s mother-in-law Janice asked her what kind of wedding she wanted.

  “I liked Jane and Adam’s at the barn. It had everyone there, not that I know all of tho
se people myself but it felt big and intimate at the same time,” Lauren replied cautiously, glancing at Cole.

  “I don’t want anything big, just our friends and family,” Cole told them, holding her hand on the couch. He had a few aunts and uncles that he was close to but his grandparents had been gone for a few years now. Lauren had Jane and Adam and now, Cole’s family.

  “I like that idea,” Thomas nodded. He was sitting beside his girlfriend Missy in their parent’s house. “You’re not a flashy guy, Cole and I think you like it that way, Lauren.”

  “I do,” she agreed and looked at her fiancé. “I don’t have anyone on my own side to attend as far as family goes, so I like small too. I just want Jane and Adam in the ceremony somehow since she’s like my sister.” She grinned at Thomas. “I’m sure that Cole wants you involved as well. And I do too.”

  “She’s so cute, Cole. You snagged yourself a good one here,” Janice said, laughing and wiping her eyes. Lauren watched her and wondered what she thought of Kelsey before she died. Had she loved her? Lauren saw a picture of her during the move, and she admitted that the girl was pretty with her big brown eyes and soft honey-colored hair. She looked like a good person, and Lauren was sad that she had to die and that her family had suffered such a big loss.

  There was no jealousy in Lauren’s heart anymore, just sadness.

  The women were washing dishes in the kitchen later. Janice rinsed and handed the plates to Missy and Lauren. “You two make my boys so happy, and that’s great to see,” Janice told them.

  Missy laughed and held up her hands. “Don’t look at me to get engaged yet!” She and Thomas were only just finishing school, leaving them plenty of time.

  “Oh, I’m not. I’d never rush that,” Janice laughed and looked around the spotless kitchen. “Let’s make some coffee and relax, shall we?”

  They’d opened Christmas presents and enjoyed dinner and dessert, and Lauren yawned, settling into Cole’s arms by the fire. When they arrived back home and went to bed, she kissed his neck.

  “Did your family like Kelsey?” she asked him. They could talk freely about her, and he held her close, quiet for a moment.

  “Yes, since there wasn’t much to dislike about her. She was a great girl, but I think Mama knew that I wasn’t all in, like I am with you. It was a different time, and we were so young when we started. I was still finding myself. I think it was you who brought me back to reality, since I didn’t know what I lost with Kelsey’s death, or what I didn’t lose, in all of the grief. It depends on how you look at it, but my folks know that I love you,” Cole explained. She snuggled closer to his warm skin.

  “I know. I just thought about it tonight is all,” Lauren murmured. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer for her father. It had been a hard first year without him, but everyone around her was silently helping her through it. She appreciated the effort without the overabundance of sympathy.

  “Were you okay today?” Cole asked her. “I saw you look sad a few times.”

  Lauren smiled and shrugged. “I missed Dad. I loved today, but it was different from what I used to do with him. Everything was so different, and I got caught up in the memories a few times. But I still had a great time,” Lauren told him. She felt his hand in her hair. “I think I’ll like our traditions just as much. I am so grateful to have you.”

  “I’m lucky to have you, baby,” Cole told her, gently stroking Lauren’s bare skin.

  They had the following day off. Lauren used the extra time to put away their gifts and pick up the house. She thought about their wedding and felt that Spring or early Fall might be nice. There was no need to start planning right this minute, but Lauren was admittedly excited. Midori and Blue followed her as she worked while she let Cole take a nap on his rare full day off. Lauren took a break to nibble on some of the cookies that Janice had baked for them and looked over the backyard, which was now covered in a soft blanket of snow.

  She heard a soft knock at the door and padded over in her slippers to see Jane standing on the big porch, dressed in a thick sweater and leggings.

  “Hey. What are you up to?” Lauren let her in and invited her into the kitchen for cookies. “I’d offer you coffee, but…” Lauren let her voice drift off and laughed as she looked at her friend’s belly. Jane was natural today with her hair just tucked behind her ears, but Lauren swore that she was already glowing. Jane looked beautiful.

  “Adam’s sleeping and I figured I’d wander over. How was your night?” Jane asked.

  “It was nice. His parents are so happy.” Lauren smiled and stirred her coffee. “I missed Dad, but I know he’s okay. Is that weird?”

  “I don’t think he ever left you, not in spirit,” Jane told her. She broke apart a cinnamon cookie and slipped a piece into her mouth. She looked at Lauren. “You were close. He’d love the hell out of Cole.”

  “He would. I think Dad had something to do with it, he somehow brought Cole and me together. Cole’s just the guy Dad would’ve picked for me.” She shrugged. “Who knows? I don’t think anyone can fully understand life.”

  “I agree with that,” Jane said and she ate another piece of the cookie, scowling. “I hate feeling nauseous like this when I just want to eat whatever I feel like.”

  “Is it bad?” Lauren asked, having been so delighted about the news that she didn’t consider the bad parts.

  “Not awful, but different,” Jane said and looked thoughtfully at the snow outside. “I’d never complain, but it’s an odd feeling. I am going to write down everything I can to remember it in fifty years.” She giggled and shook her head.

  They were still talking when Cole came out, dressed in sweats and a flannel. He poured himself some coffee and walked over to them. “Morning, baby.” Lauren smiled at him and he looked at her with soft eyes. “There’s some soup from your mom in the fridge for when you’re hungry. Just let me know, okay?”

  Jane left with some cookies in a container and Lauren heated some soup up for Cole in the microwave. She joined him at the table and took a bite before she moved into her own seat.

  She loved Cole when he just woke up. His hair was messy and his eyes sleepy and he looked at her with love in his eyes. Since he was up early for work most of the time, Lauren cherished days like this where she saw him in the early light of day.

  They watched a movie on their big sectional and nibbled on popcorn before going to bed that night, loving their time together.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The new year brought an official announcement of pregnancy from Adam and Jane for all the world to hear. Jane was very healthy with her baby growing inside of her and it just so happened that the house beside Cole and Lauren went up for sale when Jane was four months along. It was one room bigger than Cole and Lauren’s if you included the loft. They put in an offer the day that they saw it and moved in a month after that.

  Adam and Cole did the heavy lifting along with a few guys from the ranch. Adam was adamant that Jane not help with anything that was risky and she just rolled her eyes and unpacked light stuff in the kitchen. The floor plan was open with a great kitchen and living room. There was also a small room off the main part of the house that could be used as an office or a den.

  Lauren jumped back and forth to help where she could. Cole was keeping a close eye on her and she complained to Jane about it a few times. What would he be like when she was the pregnant one?

  They finished setting up, and Jane kicked everyone out to go to sleep while Adam gave them apologetic looks. Lauren and Cole walked home with their arms around each other, the earlier grumbling forgotten.

  “When do you want to get married?” Cole asked her. She smiled and glanced at him.

  “I was thinking Spring. Daddy’s birthday is April thirteenth, and I checked…it’s a Saturday. I’d love to honor him that way.”

  “That sounds perfect. Have you and Jane already been planning?” Cole asked and Lauren giggled.

  “There’s been chatter,” Lauren a
dmitted and he kissed her on the sidewalk. “I was going to break it all down for you once we settled on a final date. If April is too soon, we can change it.”

  “We will,” Cole promised her and he pulled her by the hand to their house. Their pets greeted them at the door, and they walked in to feed them after loving them up.

  They went to bed, tired and a little sore, falling asleep right away. Cole planned on helping the following day as well, and of course, Lauren would assist her friend with unpacking.

  Jane was having a boy, and Adam couldn’t be more thrilled. He painted the room across the hall from theirs a soft blue first thing once they were settled in, knowing that Jane was planning on buying things now that she was certain what gender the baby was going to be. The baby shower was scheduled for a couple of months before the baby’s arrival, but before that, there was a wedding to plan.

  Jane grumbled about being fat in the pictures, but everyone told her that she was crazy. She looked beautiful. They visited a few locations, deciding on an old house on the edge of town with amazing views of the hills as well as a pond. Cole and Lauren would say their vows at the edge of the water under a tree. The reception would be held in the room a few feet away, offering indoor and outdoor options for the guests, depending on the weather. Janice knew the owner from school, and they got a great deal on the venue, allowing them wiggle room for extras.

  Lauren bought a dress that had soft cap sleeves and that flowed over her curves into a moderate train. It was simple and made of silk with no embellishment, but it made Jane cry when she saw her friend wearing it for the first time.

  Jane went along with the theme of green and found a flattering sage green dress that draped over her growing belly. Missy was also in the ceremony and found something similar. Lauren wasn’t particular about them matching exactly.

  As before, several people offered to help with cooking, and the couple also hired the same barbecue place to cater along with the bakery that had helped with Jane and Adam’s wedding.


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