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Teddy Bear Sir (The Sloan Brothers Book 3)

Page 15

by Willow, Jo

  “Ayla has to go in as my Sub. She knows him and has more experience than I do with the expectations. I’ll protect her Austin. She’s my wife. I won’t let anything happen to her. Her presence alone might be enough to knock him off balance. If he sees her acting as my Sub, he might snap and make a mistake. One mistake is all we need.”

  Reality is often a difficult thing to accept and I have to give him credit. He took my explanation on board and considered it before he spoke again.

  “You’ll not force her to do it. We’ll present it to her and if she says yes, then fine. But if she seems even a little bit reluctant, then she’s not going Pierce. I don’t care who you are. I’ll not have my sister traumatized because it’ll make this easier. Understand?”

  “I understand and I agree. Let’s go home. It’s six o’clock now and we have to prepare. We’re running out of time.”

  Dorothy and Ayla fawned over Sean while we began our explanation. Chase wasn’t even finished when Ayla’s head popped up and her voice rang out.

  “Pierce and I could do it! I know the culture and my job will be easy. Pierce will have the hard part.”

  She looked over at me and I was beaming at her. I knew she’d be on board because I knew my wife. Austin sat back in defeat. There was zero reluctance on her part.

  I approached her and put my hand on her shoulder.

  “Let’s go home and get ready baby. It might be a long night.”

  She stood and wrapped her arms around my waist, then I turned to Chase.

  “Get everyone in position and text me a code word. We’ll both have our cell phones in case one gets lost or we get separated. I don’t anticipate that happening, but if we’re going in, then we’re going in prepared. I need to know your guy’s first name in case I need him.”

  “His name’s Jon and he’ll be the bartender. Tall guy, athletic, blonde hair and clean shaven. He’s got a weapon behind the bar that he stowed there a couple of weeks ago. I’ll send him photos of you both so he’ll know who he’s looking for, as well as one of Melody. If you get nervous, get his attention.”

  I nodded once and led Ayla towards the door. There was nothing more to say.

  Chapter Thirteen

  We were standing in front of a two story brick building. I’d guess it was built sometime during the Depression, judging by the architecture or lack thereof. The windows were blacked out and the door was painted black as well. A large, muscled man dressed in black leather (surprise) stood outside the door with a clipboard in his hand, checking membership cards of the people trying to get inside. There wasn’t a large crowd, but the place opened at seven and the parking lot had few remaining spots. We’d gotten lucky.

  I’d called while Ayla was getting ready and was assured that we’d be admitted tonight on a “trial” basis in order to “check the place out”. The person on the phone told me that it was common for someone in my position to be sure of the lifestyle fit before I paid the hefty membership fee. Then she surprised me by asking for my name so that they’d have me on the list of potential members. I hesitated for half a second before deciding to take a chance.

  “Pierce and Ayla Sloan.”

  “You’re bringing your wife?”

  “My wife is my Sub. Is she not welcome?”

  The woman on the phone stammered before answering.

  “Of course Sir. Subs are always welcome and encouraged to accompany their Dom. I just find it unusual that you’re married to your Sub.”

  Using my best dominant voice I replied, “I’m secure in her position in my life. It’s your club’s position that’s in question”.

  “Yes Sir. Of course Sir. I’m sorry to presume. Mr. Sloan I hope you enjoy your visit and if there’s anything we can do to further that enjoyment, please let us know.”

  “Will we have access to all of the facilities offered by your club?”

  “You will be treated as a member Mr. Sloan. You’ll have access to everything that all members have access to.”

  “Excellent. Good evening.”

  I hung up the phone and prepared myself.

  When you enter one of these clubs, you’ll notice something immediately. Men dress in black. Usually, it’s leather in some form, but tuxedos or expensive suits are not uncommon, depending on the scene they’ve undertaken for the evening. If the man is dressed up, his Sub usually follows suit and they look like they might be going out for a night on the town. Except for one thing. The Sub will be wearing some form of collar. If you’re thinking dog collar, think again. Subs are valued by most Dom and a good Sub, is worth her weight in gold. She’ll make him proud to be seen with her and make other Doms want to be with her. The collar identifies her ownership, as it were, and no one approaches her uninvited. It’s an unspoken rule that’s strictly adhered to.

  Ayla and I had a strategy. At first, we thought we’d go in under the radar and avoid drawing attention to ourselves. Then we saw the folly in that plan. If we wanted to draw out Tony and possibly Melody, then we had to stroll in like we belonged there and attract as much attention as possible. We wanted this night over as quickly as possible.

  This is where things got interesting.

  We felt like we knew one another well enough, and although we’d only slept together the one time on the plane, we’d discussed it countless times. We knew how to push one another’s buttons in the sexuality department and that’s how we knew we’d be a perfect match should the opportunity arise. There were however, a few things that we hadn’t disclosed.

  I was dressed and waiting in the living room when Ayla made her appearance. Her trenchcoat was already secured and I didn’t give it much thought. When she saw me stand with my coat over my arm, she did a double take.

  “Leather pants and vest? Pierce I had no idea you owned leather clothes.”

  “They’re the only pair of leather trousers I own and the vest matches.”

  “The white shirt is a nice touch. Do me a favor and roll the sleeves up a little.”

  I did as she asked and her lips curled into a smile.

  “Now you look hot. Dom hot. Those pants hug you in all the right places and the rolled up sleeves draw attention to your muscles. Damn baby. Now I wish we didn’t have to go.”

  I followed her to the front door, my hand on the small of her back.

  “Be nice and I’ll let you take them off of me later.”

  “Be nice to me and we may have to find a private room at the club.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks. My sweet little wife just offered to have sex with me in a public place. I placed my hand on the back of her neck and that’s when I noticed that something was missing. She stopped and looked up at me.

  I reached into the pocket of my coat and pulled out a long jeweler’s box. Then I leaned down and kissed her.

  “What’s that Pierce?”

  “It was supposed to be an engagement present, but we’ll call it a wedding present instead.”

  I opened the box and she gasped. A diamond and sapphire choker gleamed in the light and she reached out to run her fingers along the gems.

  “Pierce, this is too much!”

  I handed her the box and lifted the necklace.

  “Actually, it’s perfect. If my wife has to be seen in a collar, then the collar must be worthy of the woman. Lift your hair for me.”

  She did as I requested, and I fastened the choker around her neck. It was stunning on her and made her eyes sparkle.

  “Is it too tight?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  I kissed her forehead.

  “Then let’s go.”

  Standing outside the building, we readied ourselves for what could potentially be the worst night of our lives. I scanned the parking lot until I saw a maroon sedan with Chase and Anton sitting in the front seat. Chase acknowledged me with a nod. That’s when I noticed a few other cars with people enclosed inside as well. Everyone was in place.

  We were the last in line and it’s a good thing. The doorman
checked our names against a list and asked for our I.D.’s. Then he asked Ayla to open her coat, presumably to check for a weapon of some kind. When she untied her coat and removed it, it was everything I could do to hide my anger. The doorman smiled and waved us through.

  We checked our coats and I pulled her to the side.

  “What in the hell are you wearing?”, I asked in as low a voice as I could manage.

  “You wanted attention, right?”

  She wore a leather skirt that appeared to fall about two inches below her ass. Her thigh high boots with three inch heels matched her skirt. The white blouse she wore had full sleeves that buttoned at the cuff, but it was transparent. Beneath it, she wore a white lace camisole and no bra. Her wedding rings and collar were her only jewelry.

  “You’re practically naked!”

  “Practically being the operative word. This is tame compared to what I almost wore. Now lead me in, we haven’t got all night.”

  Against my better judgement, I took her hand and we entered a large room with several sofas, chairs, and a long bar where men in various costumes had gathered. We both scanned, but neither of us saw Tony or Melody.

  I caught Jon’s eye and he motioned us over while he started preparing drinks. Finding a small empty space, I smiled and he smiled back.


  “Mr. Sloan. It’s a pleasure to see you and Mrs. Sloan here this evening. The usual Sir?”

  Having no idea what “the usual” was, I nodded once. He slid two glasses in my direction. One was short with ice, a clear liquid and a slice of lime. The other glass was tall with a cola base and two cherries on the top. I tasted both. No alcohol. I smiled and he smiled back before he ventured off to take care of another customer. I handed Ayla the cola. She looked at me in question.

  “It’s cola. He’s made it look like a mixed drink. Mine is soda with lime.”

  She took a sip of her drink and stayed close to my side while we took in our environment.

  Leather, lace, baby doll pajamas, and expensive suits seemed to be the dress code of the evening. The women displayed more flesh than I found tasteful and I appreciated Ayla’s choice in clothing. Her look was understated in comparison to the women that were on display. As well as collars, some actually wore leashes and were lead around like pets.

  Ayla felt my body stiffen next to hers and she looked up.

  “I thought you were a Dom.”

  “I am a Dom. I find the leashes degrading. Don’t you?”

  “Absolutely. But it’s common in clubs. Have you ever BEEN in a BDSM club before?”

  I didn’t like her tone.

  “Of course I have, but the clubs I frequented were classier. This place is a dive.”

  “Pierce, it’s not a dive. This is a normal club! You need to loosen up.”

  If one more person told me to loosen up, I’d pull my hair out.

  That’s when the music started. People began making their way to the dance floor and I decided to, “loosen up”. I took her drink from her, placing both of them on the bar. Then I tugged her onto the dance floor.

  When we found a spot, I pulled her arms to my neck and placed my hands firmly on her ass. Her eyes grew huge. I leaned down and took her earlobe into my mouth.

  “Is this loose enough for you?”

  I pulled her hips tightly against mine and began to grind to the low, erotic rhythm of the tune we were dancing to. I began to move her slowly through the crowd in the guise of dancing, toward a darkened hallway off of the main room. Once there, she slid her hands down my chest and I kissed her while I tugged on her hair. She moaned and I found myself growling. Time to get a grip and remember where we were.

  Stepping back, I took her hand and we started down the hall.

  Several rooms stood between us and a staircase, low lit wall sconces lighting our path. The rooms had picture windows and curtains. If the curtains were open, you were invited to watch what was going on inside. If the curtains were closed, it was a private party. Only one of the doors stood open, indicating it was unoccupied. I peeked in and saw suspension devices, a sex swing, and racks of implements used in various ways to inflict pain. I backed out quickly and started for the stairs.

  I kept Ayla close to my side when we hit the second story landing. Once again, a hallway held several rooms, but a large room that was well lit stood at the end. We could hear voices coming from that general direction. We correctly guessed that it was another large common room like the one downstairs, but this one held a currently empty stage that was low to the ground. Several couples wandered around greeting one another and another bar occupied the wall opposite the stage. The walls were painted a dark purple, the furniture was black leather. The floors might have been wood, but large area rugs covered every inch.

  Ayla tugged on my sleeve and gestured to a corner near the bar.

  Tony stood dressed much as I was, minus the shirt. His pecs and abs on display. He was fit and advertising it to anyone that cared to notice. Standing slightly behind and to his side, was Melody.

  Melody wore a light blue dress that hugged every curve and ended several inches above her knees. Her feet were bare. Her choker was made of leather that matched Tony’s attire and attached to the choker was a leather leash. He had the end of it firmly in his grasp and her eyes never left the floor. Her hair was styled and she looked intact, but her demeanor signaled defeat. My fists were balled at my side.

  I felt Ayla tug at me and we slipped back into the hall, unseen.

  “Text Chase. I’ll text Anton. We need that bartender up here ASAP. We can’t go in without reinforcements no matter how badly we want to. Don’t flake out on me now Pierce, we have to do this right.”

  Flake out? I had no intention of “flaking out”. I was going to go in there, rip Tony’s nose off, and leave with my girls. I started to tell her exactly that, when I saw her working furiously with her phone. I pulled mine out and followed suit, keeping careful watch to the goings on around us. Once we were finished, we waited.

  A few minutes later, Jon came up the stairs and dipped his head in acknowledgement as he walked into the room and took his place behind the bar. Ayla and I kissed hard and fast and followed suit.

  Tony and Melody were exactly as we’d left them, guarding their little corner of the room, Tony’s voice lifting above the voices surrounding him. A gathering of three or four were giving him attention.

  I could tell the minute he saw us. Shock was quickly masked by arrogance as he tugged on Melody’s leash. As we got closer, his eyes roamed over Ayla and my blood began to boil. She held her head up confidently and lifted her left hand, making sure he saw the rings.

  His fists clenched and he yanked Melody into his body, wrapping the leash several times around his hand. When we were a mere few feet in front of him, he targeted us. His anger was reflected in his voice and everyone else moved away, hoping to avoid a scene of some kind.

  Tony spoke to me, but his words were low and menacing.

  “You married her?”

  I shrugged in indifference.

  “Seemed like the thing to do. It was going to happen eventually, we simply found the timing was right.”

  He cocked his head and pulled Melody in front of him. Then he leaned over and took her mouth roughly. She pushed against him and he slapped her ass for fighting him. When he jerked her head up, he spoke against her lips.

  “You’ll pay for that later.”

  I felt Ayla shiver then stiffen beside me. Tony saw her movement and raised his eyebrows at her.

  “What is it Ayla? Sloan not rough enough for you? I know how rough you like it baby. You’re missing me aren’t you?”

  His insinuation made my skin crawl but I held my position. He looked at me and the grin on his face made me want to put him down like the animal he was.

  “I’ll make a deal with you Pierce.”

  “What kind of deal would I make with the likes of you Marconi?”

  “A very satisfying one. We’
re in a private club where private things stay private. I”ll trade you Subs for an hour. Melody for Ayla.”

  “Melody isn’t your Sub, she’s your hostage.”

  “And if you leave with her, I’ll take Ayla and you’ll never see her again. But you WILL have your little hostage back.”

  I didn’t dare look at either woman, but I could feel their eyes on me as they waited for my reply. Then Ayla took a step towards him. His eyes flew to her and sparkled at the intent. Her eyes dropped to the floor from habit and she spoke softly.

  “Hand Pierce the leash and I’m yours.”

  I put my hand on her shoulder and she shrugged it off. Tony laughed and looked at me.

  “Can’t control your Sub Sloan? She never spoke out of turn when she belonged to me. I controlled that shit.”

  I looked at Melody who had narrowed her eyes at me. She wasn’t defeated. Far from it. She was hopping mad and ready to fight.

  Tony held the leash out to me with one hand and held out the empty hand toward Ayla. I took the leash and Ayla took her spot beside him. Melody walked to me and I put my arm around her. She leaned heavily against me and shook. I reached up and removed the leash, dropping it at his feet. Then I kissed her temple.

  I could see his anger simmering under the surface. I’d insulted him without using words and he would not take the insult lightly. But the best was yet to come.

  I pushed Melody behind me and in my peripheral vision, I saw Jon moving from behind the bar. He glanced to his right and I knew we were no longer alone. My confidence soared, but he still had Ayla. This could still go horribly wrong.

  She stood at his side and I knew they had a frightening connection. She’d obey him because she was terrified of him. She’d do it to protect her friend and her husband. The question remained, would she obey ME for the opposite reasons? She’d offered her submission to me in the past but I’d never taken her up on it. I’d never threatened or done a scene with her. I loved her and she knew that. Could love counter her fear of the man next to her?


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