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Loving the Bears: A Crimson Hollow Novella

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by Marissa Dobson

  “How could you jeopardize this tribe? Our friendship? Do you care so little about me that you’d allow them to come here and kill off the foxes that remain?”

  “Damn it, Swift.” Camellia could no longer keep her anger in check, but it was Kaden who growled behind her.

  “You know nothing about us, or how much she cares for you. Yet you stand there and curse the one person who’s been by your side, trying to help you through this turmoil.”

  “Bear, you know nothing.” Swift swung at him, missing, but giving Camellia time to step between them before Kaden could retaliate.

  “Stop this!” she hollered over his growls. “Kaden please,” she said, darting a glance over her shoulder. “I’ll meet you at the cabin.”

  “I’m not leaving you.”

  “Fine. But back up a few paces.” She wasn’t going to argue with him. Swift was angry, but Camellia could easily take down her friend if she needed to. When he took a step back and stopped, she realized that was the best she was going to get from him.

  Swift tried to sidestep Camellia as if she was going to go after Kaden again. Camellia grabbed her wrist. “Stop this. I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt because I know you’re letting your emotions get the best of you, but if you go after him again I’m not going to intercede.”

  Swift’s upper lip lifted in a snarl. “Since you’re so willing to welcome my executioner, maybe it’s for the best. Maybe I can eliminate him before he can wipe out the rest of the foxes.”

  “Damn it, Swift. I’m at the end of my rope tonight.” She let go of the other woman’s wrist and took a deep breath. “Why were you waiting out here for me?”

  “I know Jase approved them, but I don’t trust them.” Swift paused for a moment as Ari came up behind them.

  Camellia held up a hand to halt him. “Just stay back. I’ve got this.”

  Swift’s body shivered with outrage. “I’ve been watching them. Waiting for them to attack.”

  “They’re not here for foxes. They’re security experts, and are giving Jase and Sin assistance to keep everyone safe.” Even as Camellia said it she knew her friend wouldn’t believe her. She was convinced they were here to kill her and the other foxes. Nothing anyone said would change that.

  “I felt your fear when they showed up at your door, and you were still terrified when they left.” Swift crossed her arms over her chest. “You’ve always been cautious around bears, and while I’ve never pried I know you were hiding something. Now, instead of being afraid of them you’re welcoming them into your bed. That doesn’t seem like the friend I’ve known for years. Maybe you’re a part of all of it, too?”

  Her chest tightened as Swift accused her of being part of the attacks on their neighboring tribes. Their friendship was falling apart before her eyes and she didn’t know how to fix it. “The attacks are over and those responsible have met their demise.”

  “Only time will prove that.” Swift glanced toward the men. “Or when they kill one of us.”

  “That’s enough!” Camellia howled. “Everyone except you is working together to keep this place safe, and they are here doing us a favor.”

  “It would seem they’re here doing you.” With one last cold glare, Swift turned on her heel and headed back to her home.

  Kaden and Ari came closer, their hands touching her shoulders before she could react. Anger, hurt, and insult raced through her. In a matter of moments, Swift had sliced apart their friendship. Part of her wanted to go after Swift and beat some sense into her, while the other part that was hurt and betrayed wanted to forget the whole mess and seek comfort in her mates.


  Chapter Nine

  Kaden snuggled into Camellia’s body, nuzzling her neck, as Ari showered. The night had not gone as he had planned. Instead of mad, passionate sex with her screaming their names until the sun rose, they had collapsed with exhaustion after spending the last few hours talking and cuddling. She was upset with Swift’s outburst, and while he wanted to ease the tension between the two women, he wasn’t sure how to do it.

  “I need a pot of coffee.” She rolled to face him. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what, precious?” He lazily teased his finger down her arm.

  “Last night…I guess that would be this morning. Swift. This…” She slid her hand down his body until she brushed against his shaft. “I do want you.”

  Her hand caressed his length, instantly bringing a response. His heartbeat sped. Heat pooled in his groin. He wanted her too, more than anything else. “We can wait.”

  “Wait?” She rose and straddled him, never letting go of his cock. “I think I’ve let her get to me enough, and I think your bear would agree.” Her gaze went to his hardening flesh. “You seem like you want this as much as I do.”

  “Oh mate, you have no idea how badly I want you. I get hard just thinking about your sweet body and the way you looked with your lips wrapped around my dick.” His hands slid up her thighs then gripped her hips. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “Should we wait for Ari?”

  “If he hurries he can join us; if not, he’ll have to wait until later.” He cupped her breast, his thumb teasing over the nipple. “I’m tired of waiting.”

  “Me too.” She hovered over his shaft. “Don’t make us wait any longer. I need you inside of me.”

  Without hesitation, he guided her down his shaft. Their gazes met as he worked himself into her tight passage.

  She tossed back her head and a soft moan escaped.

  “That’s it,” he groaned. “Let me in.”

  Working in and out of her, his beast growled within him, urging him to speed the pace. He wanted her hard and fast. There’d be a time for gentle lovemaking, but that time wasn’t now.

  She began to set her own pace, urging them faster. Her hips rocked up and down, slamming against him. Her head tipped back, and the morning sunlight fell across her. Her bouncing breasts taunted him. She was beautiful, and she was his. Theirs, he corrected. He leaned up to claim her nipple between his teeth. Gently, he bit and tugged, letting his tongue swirl around the bud.

  “Oh, Kaden.” Her nails scraped his chest.

  Gaining control, he let her nipple slip out and rolled her over. He slammed into her, sliding his full length home, in and out, as her muscles tightened around him, warning him that she was close.

  He bent and claimed lips full of need and desire, and held there enthralled as her climax spiraled through her. Her moans stifled as his tongue slid into her mouth. Her core muscles tightened around him, and he surrendered to the pleasure. He tipped his head back and roared as he slammed home one final time, filling her with his seed.

  Kaden slipped out of her and collapsed onto the bed beside her, pulling her tight against his body. While his breaths slowed, he reveled in the joy of simply holding her soft, warm body.

  The sound of a door opening drew his gaze to Ari who leaned against the doorframe, a towel slung around his waist and droplets of water still trailing down his chest. “Seems I showered at the wrong time.”

  Camellia laughed softly. “There’s no reason it needs to end.” She patted the mattress, beckoning him.

  “Our mate the temptress.” Ari smirked. “I wish I could, kitten, but I have a meeting with Jase, Sin, and Garret this morning.”

  “All work and no play makes for a grumpy bear.” Slipping from the bed, she crossed over to him and ran a hand along his chest. “I could use a shower. Why don’t you come wash my back? Surely you have enough time for that?”

  “You’re already naked.” Kaden yawned and watched them from the bed. “We can’t let our mate shower alone, and I’m pretty comfortable here.”

  “If I must…” Ari slung his arm around his mate. “Come on, kitten. Let me give you a shower you won’t forget.”

  * * *

  Ari leaned back in the chair and waited. He’d laid out his ideas, making sure he highlighted what he would do if he were Chief, and also providing le
sser, minimal alternatives that needed to be taken to ensure the tribe’s safety. There were weeks, if not months, of work to make this place completely secure. However, unlike when he had arrived, he had plenty of time. He wasn’t planning on going anywhere.

  “You’ve mated with one of our members.” Sin didn’t look up from the packet he had printed off for each of them.

  “Umm, yes.” He fought the urge to shift with unease. Kaden and he were lone bears, and they were very private. They didn’t belong to a sleuth, and they weren’t used to anyone prying into their personal lives.

  “Camellia is very dear to this tribe. She’s an amazing teacher, and if we are going to lose her because of this we need to know. She would be a great loss.” Sin’s gaze was on him now, her hands folded over the papers.

  “We told her last night that we would stay. She cares for this tribe, and unlike our jobs, hers is here. We can work from anywhere, and our foreman, Jack, can handle our crew. We’ll promote him to manager and things will be fine. We’ll take some jobs out of the area, and possibly open up another branch here. Maybe some of the tribe can work for us.”

  “That will be their choice.” Jase raised an eyebrow at him. “I made the three of you aware that I would have to fill in Sin and Garret concerning Camellia’s past.”

  Ari drew a deep breath and nodded. “We know. Camellia’s only request is that it doesn’t go any further. I would add that, if this news got out, it could jeopardize her safety. There could also be some backlash from some of the children and parents.”

  “It will go no further than us.” Jase nodded. “We’ll discuss that along with these suggestions and get back to you this afternoon. Meanwhile, I believe you had a meeting with the crew installing the perimeter fence.”

  “I do.” Ari pushed back his chair and rose. “While you’re discussing that, I suggest you consider what options might be open for Swift. She’s unstable.”

  Sin frowned. “Why do you say she’s unstable?”

  “She’s been following Kaden and me since we arrived. We knew about it, but left it be. She was no threat to us.” His bear edged forward, the anger over last night’s confrontation returning. “She was waiting for us when we came back from the woods.” He eyed Jase, knowing that he understood what they’d been doing out there.

  Jase’s gaze narrowed. “And?”

  “She accused Camellia of harboring the enemy. It seems she believes Kaden and I are here to murder her and some of the other members. If you don’t do something about her, you might not have to worry about outsiders destroying the tribe. It’s going to happen from within. She’ll cause a panic.”

  Sin reached for her mate’s hand. “We knew she was upset, but we didn’t realize that she was growing paranoid. We’ll do something.”

  “We’ll find a way to help her,” Garret assured her.

  Ari paused in the doorway. “I hope so, because I’d hate for the work we’re going to do to make this place safe be a complete waste. She’s terrified, and even if she doesn’t start trying to convince others we’re here to murder her in her sleep, they’ll feel her terror.” He strolled out of Jase’s house and headed back to where he knew Camellia and Kaden were waiting for him. He had twenty minutes before he had to meet with the fence crew, and he planned to put that time to good use.


  In the weeks since Ari and Kaden had arrived in Camellia’s life, she’d never been happier. The men were busy with the security of the tribe and she had her teaching duties, but they made time for themselves. Their mating had been quick, and she was still coming to terms with it all, but already she was falling in love with them. It wasn’t just the amazing sex, though that was a huge benefit—it was them. Ari and Kaden made her feel cherished and special. The cute names they called her and the way they were always sharing an intimate touch were endearing. Never before had she felt like the center of someone’s world.

  While no out of town job had yet arisen because they were busy with the tribe’s needs, she knew there would come a time when it happened, and she hated to think of them being away even for a night. She couldn’t image sleeping in bed without their warm bodies pressed against hers, or waking next to them.

  “You seem lost in thought,” Kaden said as he stacked the dishwasher with their dinner dishes.

  She leaned against the counter, watching him for a moment. “I was thinking about how much my life has changed since you two stumbled into my life and moved into my bed.”

  “Kitten, you know you wouldn’t want it any other way.” Ari snagged her from behind, tugging her close to him.

  “I only wish Swift could…” She brushed off the longing and tipped her head back to Ari. “You’re right. I wouldn’t want it any other way. You guys are more than any girl could ask for.”

  Kaden closed the dishwasher and took her hand. “Swift will come around.”

  “Maybe.” She tried not to let it bother her, but it did. They had been friends since she’d come to the tribe, and now Swift wouldn’t even look at her.

  “Garret’s sister, Ginger, is arriving next week. Maybe she can help.” Kaden brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Ginger’s been through some rough shit in her life. Garret was there to save her, but the horrors she witnessed will always be with her. Because she has her own hidden scars, she might be able to get through to Swift and help her deal with the demons that are haunting her.”

  “What if she can’t?”

  “I don’t know.” Ari finally said when Kaden remained quiet. “No one is going to give up on her without a fight. We’re all trying to help her through this, but she’s letting her fear get the best of her.”

  “We’ve put up with her comments and have tried to prove to her that we don’t mean her or anyone else here any harm. We’ve committed to the tribe, and Jase wouldn’t let us remain here if he wasn’t sure of our intentions.”

  “But if we can’t get through to her…” She paused, hating the very thought. “Jase will have no choice but to ask her to leave. She’ll cause panic if she keeps this up.”

  “It’s not going to come to that.” Ari nuzzled her neck. “There are people around here who care about her. They’ll find a way to get through to her.”

  Kaden tugged her hand. “Let’s get away for the weekend.”

  “What?” She opened her eyes to look at him.

  “It would be good for you to get away from here for a few days and stop worrying about Swift. The school’s closed on Friday so let’s take a trip. A nice romantic weekend—just the three of us.”

  Her heart beat against her chest as she grew excited about the idea of spending a few days with just them and no interruptions. Sure, she had them in her bed every night, but during the day they were both busy with their work.

  “I know of this cute cabin. It has spectacular views of a lake, and the best part is no one will be around.” Ari said, waggling his eyebrows. “Just think, kitten, no one to hear your screams of pleasure.”

  Once upon a time, being alone with them had scared her, but now it tugged the muscles in her stomach and made her heart flutter. Her mates…the best things that had ever happened to her. “What about work?”

  “Things will be fine for a few days. The team is almost finished with the fencing and the guard house at the gate. When we get back, we can install the security measures there, and have someone on duty around the clock.” Ari slid his hands down her stomach, until he brushed against the top of her jeans. His fingers opened the button at her waistband before sliding underneath the denim. “Say yes, kitten. We need this.”

  She reached forward, her hand seeking Kaden’s shaft cloaked within his jeans. Hard and ready for her. “Yes,” she purred. She’d say yes to anything just to keep their hands on her.

  About the Author

  Born and raised in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, Marissa Dobson now resides about an hour from Washington, D.C. She’s a lady who likes to keep busy, and is always busy doing somet
hing. With two different college degrees, she believes you’re never done learning.

  Being the first daughter to an avid reader, this gave her the advantage of learning to read at a young age. Since learning to read she has always had her nose in a book. It wasn't until she was a teenager that she started writing down the stories she came up with.

  Marissa is blessed with a wonderful supportive husband, Thomas. He’s her other half and allows her to stay home and pursue her writing. He puts up with all her quirks and listens to her brainstorm in the middle of the night.

  Her writing buddy Cameron (a cocker spaniel) who is always around to listen to her bounce ideas off him. He might not be able to answer, but he’s helpful in his own ways.

  For more informaiton:



  Other Books by Marissa Dobson

  Alaskan Tigers:

  Tiger Time

  The Tiger’s Heart

  Tigress for Two

  Night with a Tiger

  Trusting a Tiger

  Jinx’s Mate

  Two for Protection

  Bearing Secrets

  Tiger Tracks

  Healing the Clan

  Alaskan Tigers Box Set Volume One

  Alaskan Tigers Box Set Volume Two

  Forever Creek Shifters:

  Forever’s Fight

  Crimson Hollow:

  Romancing the Fox

  Loving the Bears


  Storm Queen


  A Touch of Death

  Beyond Monogamy:


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