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Broken Pentacle

Page 4

by Eden Rivers

  Fear lanced through him as he surrendered control, undermining his intense pleasure. He felt light-headed with the unexpected release, startled that he’d relaxed his guard so completely. His breath rasped in his throat, and his hands shook as he struggled to regain control. Raising his shields quickly, he glanced at Sky to see if she’d noticed his momentary panic, but her eyes remained closed, her lips tilted up in a sexy smile.

  When she abandoned the battered fruit and stroked rapid circles across her clit with her fingers, drawing out a second climax on the heels of the first, his cock shuddered again in a series of aftershocks so strong, he cried out with her. Before the last tremors faded, he pulled himself together and moved to turn on the tap. His heart raced as he adjusted the water and eased her into a sitting position, but he had command of his body again and that calmed him.

  Her skin felt cool against his burning palms, and gooseflesh covered her back. After stripping off his soiled shorts, he stepped in behind her. Helping her stand, he yanked the shower curtain into place and pulled the lever to switch the stream of water into the shower.

  Skyler swayed on her feet as he soaped away the residue of fruit and honey, careful to wash her breasts with no more passion or exploration than he cleaned her arms. Fruit pulp frothed around their ankles, stained purple by the berries, and steam billowed, sweet with the smell of honey. By the time he shampooed Sky’s heavy mass of hair and rinsed the lather away, she trembled with fatigue.

  He washed himself quickly, with one arm cradling her against his chest, then turned off the spray and helped her out of the tub. She swayed on her feet while he dried her. As he perched her on the edge of the tub to wipe the remaining smears of berry juice off her feet and ankles, she sighed and let her eyes droop shut.

  Finally, he wrapped a towel around her dripping hair, and she rested her forehead on his shoulder as he stood and lifted her into his arms. Whispering meaningless words meant to offer comfort, he carried her to bed, eased her still-damp body between the sheets, and pulled the thin, summer-weight quilt up under her chin.

  * * * * *

  The house was dark and quiet as Alec padded barefoot down the stairs. He’d waited until he was certain Sky would sleep through the night, or what little remained of it, anyway. Sorren must have reassigned a batch of guards Zach trusted to watch the warded perimeter of the grounds, because Zach snored softly in the downstairs bedroom. Summoning a white yellow glow sphere over his palm, Alec glanced through the open door at his sleeping friend.

  Shit, if running into Sky when he’d thought she was safe in Mexico hadn’t packed enough of an unexpected punch, encountering the one person he’d let close to him after Linda died delivered a kick guaranteed to leave him down for the count. He and Zach gave each other a lot of space, but more often than not, their periodic camping and fishing expeditions included sex hot enough to start a prairie fire.

  Now he didn’t know if he’d be capable of giving Zach the one thing they’d always claimed as common ground. Gods help him, if he detected so much as a glimmer of pity from the ex-cop, he’d summon a stream of power guaranteed to toss Zach flat on his ass. One thing he could count on from Sky ‑‑ she wouldn’t be throwing any pity his way. But if Zach got weird about what happened with Jaimis, Alec just flat out didn’t think he could cope.

  He stepped into the room and, moving carefully so as not to hit any creaky floorboards, he watched Zach sleep. Fully dressed in black jeans, a black tee, and black socks, Zach had peeled back the spread and lay sprawled on top of the blanket. It had been years since Alec had stayed with Zach while he recovered from the bullet wound that had forced him to trade in police work for the lucrative security firm he’d started. But cop instincts die hard, and Alec knew his friend would wake at the slightest sound.

  Alec felt like a total shit for what he was about to do. But he didn’t intend to wait around until Jaimis got tired of sending his henchmen after them and came out to play. In order to find the rogue witch, he needed the information Sorren’s people had gathered thus far. After pausing to make sure Zach’s breathing followed the regular pattern of deep sleep, he walked silently across the room and located the large backpack Zach had brought in from the slick, black Jeep Grand Cherokee earlier. Digging through layers of clothes, a razor, toothpaste, a paperback book, and a stash of candy bars, Alec found a stack of papers and a spiral-bound notebook at the bottom.

  Convinced he’d found what he needed, he lifted the pile free and tucked the papers and notebook under his arm, cradling his glow sphere with his free hand. Turning to back out of the room, he bit back a strangled shout when Zach sat up in bed and kindled a green orb of light over his palm.

  Tossing the tightly woven sphere of energy at Alec’s chest, Zach climbed out of bed and stretched.

  “Shit!” Just barely managing to duck as the light whizzed past his shoulder, Alec sighed as the green glow dissipated harmlessly behind him.

  “Alec!” Crashing down the stairs with all the grace of an advancing army, Sky exploded into the room, her eerie bluish-purple aura crackling around her.

  “Stand down, Sky. Alec’s being a shithead, that’s all.” Anger rippled through Zach’s voice. “Caught him going through my things and tossed a bit of light his way just to make him jump a little.”

  As Zach glared at him, Alec’s stomach clenched. Years of experience told him his friend’s temper simmered near the exploding point. Wouldn’t do to get into a pissing match in front of Sky on our first night back in the States.

  Sky stood naked just inside the doorway. Zach leaned across the bed and tossed her a blanket. Never taking her eyes off Alec, she wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and pulled it tight across her chest.

  “You guys have some serious history, don’t you?”

  Alec tried to come up with a suitable reply, but Zach simply patted the foot of the bed and then drew back near the pillows so as not to crowd her. Accepting the invitation, Skyler settled at the end of the bed, her knees drawn up close to her chest. Her hair fell forward in a tousled mass, pooling around her on the blanket.

  Fuck. Seeing those two on a bed together was just so messed up. Alec fought the urge to flee the room. All too aware that he stood with the evidence scattered at his feet, he suspected his friend would nail him with a light globe for sure if he made a move toward the door. And those suckers stung when they caught you full on.

  Choking back what sounded suspiciously like a laugh, Sky turned to Zach. “He thinks you’re going to peg him with a tightly spun glow sphere.”

  “Sneaky skunk tried to take my papers. Serve him right if I did.”

  “So you two are close? I mean, present animosity aside, that’s the vibe I’m getting.” Sky rested her chin on her knees, her attention riveted on Zach.

  “Hello, still in the room here?” Feeling both very stupid and very naked, Alec wished he’d pulled on a pair of shorts before sneaking downstairs.

  Desperate for a distraction, Alec picked up the scattered maps and notebook from the floor and slipped the pile back into Zach’s pack. Hell, if the two of them planned to settle in for a little chat, he was so screwed. His life had been far less complicated as a senator, and that was saying a lot.

  “Yeah, you could say we’re close.”

  Hell, if he’d caught the overtones in that last word, no doubt Sky had as well. Increasingly uncomfortable, Alec growled under his breath.

  Sky ignored him, her attention still fixed on Zach. Maybe no one would notice if he crept back upstairs for a little sleep.

  “So you go back a ways, and I can sense you care for each other. Sorry if I’m getting too personal here, but I don’t want to mess up anything between the two of you. Are you friends, lovers, or something in between?” Sky tossed her head, her hair swishing as she turned to glance at him. Probably making sure she had his attention.

  “Enough fun and games. Here’s where this conversation ends.” Fuck, he couldn’t even say what he and Zach were to each other
, let alone explain to Sky. Alec's throat felt tight, his palms sweaty, and he just wanted to get the hell out of here before one personal question led to another, and Zach started asking him about the handful of days he spent as Jaimis’s very special guest. “I’m sorry I went through your shit, Zach. As for you, Sky, I’m not sure what you’re after here, but I’m heading up to bed.”

  “Sit. Not done with you yet.”

  Damn. No use arguing with Zach once he used his cop voice. Figuring he was on shaky ground after trying to steal the papers, Alec plopped down on the other corner of the bed, as far away from them as possible.

  “As for your question…” Zach ran his hand across his short, black hair and scowled at Skyler. “I can’t imagine you wouldn’t be able to answer that yourself after whatever went on upstairs earlier. Seems to me you’ve gotten close enough to Alec to ferret out his past with those psychic talents of yours.”

  “Just to make things perfectly clear, Alec and I didn’t have sex tonight, wise guy.” Sky tossed her head, and for a moment, Alec got a flash of the in-your-face, take-no-prisoners witch she’d been before Jaimis got his filthy hands on her.

  Alec frowned. “So you’d call that…what, exactly?” Hell, it had been sex for him, and he hadn’t so much as touched her ‑‑ or himself.

  “Okay, fine, so I had sex, but we certainly didn’t.”

  “Hmm, so the thing with the fruit ‑‑ your idea? And me watching ‑‑ that didn’t so much do anything for you?” Despite his discomfort, a smile teased Alec’s lips.

  “This has all been quite entertaining, and believe me, it’ll keep my mind busy as I drift off to sleep later.” All levity gone from his voice, Zach leaned over the bedside table and tipped a green glow sphere onto the bowl of oil kept there for that purpose. “But it’s time to tell me what the fuck you were doing with my papers.”

  The additional light made Alec even more conscious of his nudity. Most witches wouldn’t think twice about being naked, but bless it, sitting here with Sky and Zach on the same bed, unclothed and vulnerable, with his cock hanging limp against his thigh, just felt wrong.

  Seeking comfort in the shadows, he snuffed out his own glow sphere. Damn thing just served as a reminder of how his aura had changed after the attack. What should shine pure yellow, like sunlight, glowed fucking white yellow, like a dwarf star. So bright, the barest hint of a glow could light up a room.

  Alec was half tempted to tell Zach he’d been searching for some writing paper, but lying to witches was never much of an option to begin with, and these two deserved the truth. “Okay, shouldn’t have done it, but I was snooping for information. I don’t intend to play mouse to Jaimis’s cat. I know Sorren wants us to draw Jaimis out of his hidey-hole, keeping us just out of reach of his goons so he’s got to crawl out into the sunlight and come after us himself. My plan’s a bit more direct than that.”

  No rule saying he had to feed them the whole plan. Let them stew over the bit he’d shared for a while first.

  “Thing is, though, Alec and I don’t seem to be able to stay the fuck out of each other’s heads.” Anger simmered through Sky’s words. “And when the big, stupid ass of a hero finds Jaimis, he plans to kill him. If the dark witch doesn’t kill him, or slowly torture him to death, first.”

  Alec winced at Skyler’s rage and channeled the faintest hint of power, putting up a buffer between them. If he’d have known she could read him that well, he’d have put up a mile-high shield around his thoughts before mulling over his plans.

  Chapter Three

  “You think I’m a threat?” Sky rose to her knees and scooted forward, still holding the blanket closed around her with one hand. She slapped her palm against Alec’s chest. “Sorren’s people haven’t been able to find Jaimis for a year. But you think you can take a look at some maps and notes, ride out on your white horse, and drag him back for a little Old West justice ‑‑ if he doesn’t kill you first?”


  “You think you’re more powerful than a man who’s soaked up the power of at least four slaughtered witches now? A witch who’s become nothing better than a crazed vampire, living off the energy of blood sacrifices? A witch who flayed your back into bloody strips and raped you as you bled?”

  Unnatural blue light crackled across her hair, and Alec’s stomach clenched as he recalled what she’d done to the cabin when he and Laura broke in earlier. Avoiding Zach’s gaze and fervently hoping that last bit wasn’t news to him, Alec focused on Sky. She was a more present and compelling threat than any pity Zach might throw his way. “Did you mean to do that ‑‑ when you brought the ceiling down around us at the cabin earlier?”

  Brought up short, Sky lowered her head and touched her mouth with her hand. “No. I meant to stop you, but I didn’t have any control over how the power would take shape. I can’t direct my own magic, not since…” She shook her head. “But getting back to what’s important, if you march off to feed yourself to Jaimis… And don’t you dare forget that, power-wise, he’s the fierce, rabid cat, and you and I are just little mousies. But for argument’s sake, let’s say you succeed and manage to take him down with you.”

  Skyler paused for air, and in a move that surprised Alec, Zach moved forward and wrapped his arms around her. More surprising still, she didn’t put up a fuss about the embrace. Anyone else, and Alec didn’t think he could have tolerated the familiarity. But Zach… Fuck, the more pertinent question was why the hell he’d be feeling possessive of Sky to begin with. His head ached and his shoulders felt tight, and he didn’t intend to give that a lot of thought at the moment.

  “So that leaves you and the dark witch both dead. Points to you for heroism. And ‑‑” Breathing hard, she pounded her thigh with her palm for emphasis. “It leaves a collection of dark lords, witches familiar with Jaimis’s power and practices, running a crime ring that puts old mafia stories to shame and endangers witches and humans alike.”

  When the last word came out with a sob, Alec felt like a complete, unredeemable shit. Her fear bombarded him, wild and unfettered, but when he reached out to touch her, she slapped his hand away and sank farther into Zach’s protective embrace.

  “Look, I’m a cop, through and through, even before I’m a witch ‑‑ never mind it’s been a lot of years since I left the force and set up my security business. And as both a man and a cop, I suck at this emotional shit.” Zach sighed and stroked Skyler’s arm. “But we’ve pressed things this far, so I’ve gotta ask. Just for the record, Sky, you’re content to play by Sorren’s rules?”

  When Sky didn’t answer, Zach continued. “You’re willing to stay a step ahead of Jaimis’s men until the rogue witch gets tired of waiting and comes out of his hidey hole to find you, hungry for a little revenge? And then you’ll stand aside and let Sorren’s strongest witches go after Jaimis, as planned?”

  Silence. A few quick breaths as Sky got her emotions under control. Then a longer, more awkward silence.

  “Shit.” Leaning forward to rest his face in his hands, Alec pushed his way into her thoughts ‑‑ and didn’t much like what he found.

  “Okay, seeing as I’m not the only one with ulterior motives here, I’ll give you an A-plus for that little, ‘don’t go off and be a dead hero’ performance.”

  Sky shrugged out of Zach’s grasp and turned to glare daggers at Alec. “Drop it. Let it rest. If you say another word ‑‑”

  “About how you planned to get your hands on those papers, too? Sniff out Jaimis’s base camp? Because you know as fucking well as I do that either you or I stands a better chance of finding him than Sorren’s people. We’re connected, the three of us, as sure as death itself. A dark bond ‑‑ captive and captor, victim and torturer, name it any way you will ‑‑ bottom line, you and I know the feel of Jaimis’s death magic, and that’s likely to lead us to him if we look in the right area.”

  “Enough!” Sky moved to climb off the bed, but Zach caught her arm and wouldn’t let go.

, just to be clear, her plan is to get within a city block of Jaimis’s camp.” Alec struggled to rein in his anger. “Use her enhanced telepathic abilities to find that evil snake’s mind. Read it. And use the information to track down each and every one of his dark lords.”

  “I’d go to Sorren with the information! I’m not stupid enough to play hero. But once the cavalry comes riding in, Jaimis will lock down his thoughts so tight, I won’t be able to get past his shields with a sledgehammer. I need the element of surprise. Need to be alone. And it’s half a block, asshole. The only one I could read from farther away than that is you ‑‑ and that’s only because I can’t get you out of my fucking head!”

  A piercing whistle split the air, and Zach followed up by pounding his fist into his palm. “Enough! Look, I’m not trained in crisis management. Not by half. But if you two plan to fall apart on me, I can call one of Sorren’s psychic healers in to help babysit you both.”

  “Not necessary.” Sky pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders, and Zach let go of her arm.

  “No one’s falling apart here. No crisis.” Not yet, anyway. But if Sky tried to sneak off, he’d make sure all hell broke loose.

  “Good, now that we’re all agreed that no one’s” ‑‑ Zach fixed Alec with his best you-are-so-busted glare ‑‑ “going off on some half-assed fool’s mission. We’ll hunker down and wait for the next batch of thugs to come after you. Then we’ll run. As planned. And we’ll keep at it until Jaimis puts in an appearance himself, at which point Sorren’s guards will take over. They have instructions to take Jaimis alive, and they’ll find out what they can about his ring of dark lords. Any questions?”

  When Sky tried to speak, Zach shifted his glare to her. Alec hadn’t seen Zach this worked up since the time he got shot and the nurses wouldn’t let him up out of his hospital bed. With Zach’s eyes flashing dark brown and dangerous Alec didn’t feel inclined to argue.


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