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Broken Pentacle

Page 24

by Eden Rivers

  “More.” Sweet goddess, she didn’t even know what she meant. More fingers? More pressure? More stretching, rolling bliss across her nipple and areola when he already had her tender flesh squeezed between thumb and forefinger to just before the point of pain?

  When he stroked the slick opening between her folds with a fourth finger, she arched upward so his head pressed against her tummy, his hair damp with sweat and his soft humming vibrating through her to the center of her being. The Celtic tune didn’t match the throaty sax still playing in the background, nor the languid heat of the day.

  “Yes, to the fourth finger. But please” ‑‑ with a shiver, she wondered if she could share this bit of his culture and history without flashing back to the first time she’d heard a similar tune ‑‑ “something Mediterranean, if you’ve got to hum? Something as hot as the forest, as sexy as the wind through the trees.”

  For a moment, he froze, curled tense against her side. “You’re certain?”

  “Nothing can pull me away from your arms right now. Nothing can pull me into the past. If this, if we, have a chance, you need to be able to love me without worrying that you’ll hum a bit of a tune from your childhood, something that will drag me back to darker times. I first heard those tunes when I needed comfort more than breath or food. Comfort me now.”

  For a while, he lay silent against her, and she stroked her fingers through his damp hair, wondering if she’d gone too far. When he finally started to hum, images of sandy beaches filled her thoughts, the sand pinkish white like the underside of seashells. Next he shared scenes of him diving into water so blue, it blended with the sky.

  “I’d love to go there with you someday. You still have family in Greece?”

  Crete, yes.

  The images kept on coming, giving the tunes new meaning. When he added thoughts of them making love on a midnight beach under the full moon, lulled by the sound of the waves, she took things a step further and answered back with vignettes of Zach tangled up in their arms.

  At which point Alec chuckled, and finally penetrated her with the fourth finger. You’re okay? You’ve done this before?

  Done everything before, and with you, it’s all new.

  Arching up to meet the pressure, with her pussy filled and stretched and still hungry for more, she tried to pick up the gist of the song and hum along with him. But she only managed to add a discordant note, and between that and the soft jazz playing in the background, she gave up in a fit of giggles.

  “You don’t do that much. Laugh easy and free like that. I like it.”

  Mulling that over, she lifted her hips off the mattress, and he sank his fingers inside her until his hand itself brushed her swollen lips. For a few heartbeats, he maintained the intensity, stretching her so tight, her hips ached, and she murmured her approval.

  “You ever take more than this?”

  Oh, wow. “Sure. I, ah, I’m pretty sure I’m wet enough. If you want to, that is?”

  “Oh, hell, I didn’t mean ‑‑ I was just curious.”

  Right, curious, and so freaking hot at the thought of his hand buried inside her that when she reached out to him, she could feel pinpricks of molten fire raging along his cock.

  “All about trust, right? I do, Alec. Trust you. Didn’t plan on it. Scared the living shit out of me when I first figured out how deep you’d managed to crawl past my defenses and into my soul. But I know you won’t do anything to hurt me.”

  For a while, he toyed with her nipple without so much as wiggling his fingers inside her, and she resisted the urge to groan in frustration. Little zings of apprehension tickled through her belly, but the overriding call from her pussy for more pressure, more penetration, more heat, drowned out the cry of reason.

  “Just go slow. I’ll let you know if it’s too much.”

  For a moment, she wondered if maybe he hadn’t tried this before, but then she caught an erotic image that sent her reeling. “Oh! Hey, I mean, wow.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean for you to see that. That time with Zach, it was pretty intense, and I’m not sure we should…”

  “What we’re talking about here with you and me is a very different situation ‑‑ believe me. So was that one of those ‘betcha won’t’ experiences?”

  “Hell, yes. Only with Zach, and only once. Very hot, and I came so hard, my world exploded into tiny fragments, but…”

  “It hurt?”

  “That too. He went slow, and we used a hell of a lot of lube, but still, by the time he ‑‑ damn, I’m sorry. This isn’t a conversation I planned on having today.”

  “You ever fist him? Pay him back in kind?”

  “That, my sexy witch, you’ll have to ask Zach. Now can we please drop this and…”

  Chuckling, Sky traced her hand over his shoulders and then cupped his face in her palms. “You’re blushing, aren’t you? Don’t. I’ve fisted guys before. Not for today, but if you’re ever up for it, keep in mind I have smaller hands than Zach. As for you and me, it’s an entirely different thing with a self-lubricating, stretchy pussy. Very intimate, and definitely intense, but you won’t hurt me.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it, because Linda was conservative in bed. After she died, something like that seemed too earthy for casual encounters.” Scissoring his fingers, he spread her flesh until she crooned her approval and bucked against his hand. “You really want to do this?”

  “Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much in bed?”

  “Zach. All the time.”

  Let me feel you, witch. I want to feel your hand inside me.

  When he pulled his fingers back, she groaned her disappointment, but he flattened his thumb against his fingers, bringing them to a narrow point, and began the unhurried slide forward. He fingered first one nipple, then the other, and the sizzle across her breasts distracted her from the uneasy moment where his knuckles stretched her at their widest point.

  “I love you, Skylark. Love you like earth, air, fire, and water. Like the moon’s pull on the ocean tides.”

  In a moment of panic, she reached up for the blindfold, but he got there before her, releasing the knot and uncovering her eyes. She couldn’t decide if the fierce stretching inside her or the swelling of her heart against her ribs when he told her how much he loved her tipped her over the edge into fear. But once she could see his face, his forehead furrowed with worry lines as he watched her for signs of distress, she smiled and shook her head.

  “I’m okay. Just hold the poetry until we finish this, okay? Too many things to absorb at once.”

  “Sure.” Settling back beside her, he stroked her face as his other hand pressed forward.

  She felt so languid splayed out on top of the satin coverlet that she didn’t think she could move if her life depended on it. Alec started humming again as he rotated his hand slightly for easier access. The tune carried her back to the pink sand beach, and she let her body drift, floating on the ocean under the hot sun.

  Alec sat up, careful not to jostle her in the process, and turned his head to watch what he was doing to her. “I’ve never seen anything so sexy. Almost there now. You’re still okay?”


  When she felt her skin contract around the base of his wrist, she risked a careful squeeze, clenching around his hand. Bliss. Scary, wonderful, fucking awesome bliss. “Only with you, Alec. Only for you.”

  His other thumb grazed the surface of her clit, brushing over her as soft and light as the caress of a moth’s wings. With the second stroke, he rubbed harder, sliding his thumb through her slippery juices at the same time he drew his fingers up to form a fist inside her.

  “Oh!” Fire flashed behind her closed eyelids, and she swallowed huge gulps of air.

  The next stroke of his thumb on her engorged clit brought her to the edge, so desperate to come, her stomach clenched, and she screamed his name. Slowly, without unclenching his fist, he moved his hand, and her body heaved and convulsed in on itself, her vision going r
ed and then black, and she cried out his name again and again as her body shook with fierce pleasure.

  Afraid he’d think he’d hurt her, she reached out and pressed into him with the full force of her being, sharing the delicious aftershocks of her climax. “Best. Best ever…”

  Giving up the struggle to speak, she tried to relax as he slid his hand free and pulled her onto his lap. Content, she curled into a ball with her hands tucked around her knees. Her hair covered them like a blanket, warm and damp.

  As she struggled to catch her breath, her pussy still spasming with after quivers, she held his hand so tight, her fingers pressed against bone. Not because she was afraid, or hurt. Far from it. Just because she never wanted to let him go.

  “I shouldn’t have ‑‑ at the end ‑‑ too much ‑‑ I’m so sorry.”

  Alec’s remorse brought her back to herself as sure as if he’d thrown a bucket of ice water in her face. Struggling upright, she pressed both hands against his chest until he lay back. Climbing astride him, she pressed her dripping wet pussy over his cock, straddling him and coating him with her fluids.

  “You make me strong, witch.” Her face felt warm, flushed, and she hoped the full extent of her joy showed in her goofy smile. “With you, I’m free.”

  Using her hands, she guided the head of his cock inside her, and his eyes clamped shut as his aura broke free, surrounding them with yellow light. Her own power flared around her in a haze of violet, and as the two colors joined, she engulfed him in her slick heat.

  Through him, she felt the desperate ache as his balls tucked up tight against his skin, and she laughed when he complained she’d be the death of him. Folding her body onto his, she rode him in smooth stokes, easing forward and then sliding back down to surround him with her wet, swollen flesh. Bits of broken Greek and English tore from his lips, his voice hoarse and low, and she caught the note of pleading, as well as the frantic endearments.

  “Now. Come for me, Alec.”

  No man had ever refused that command, but Alec shook his head, his hair shifting in damp tendrils on the blue spread. “Make it last. Make it forever.”

  With each stroke, as he arched up to meet her movements, her body ached with an irresistible thrum of passion, and she rode him harder for the sheer delight of seeing his face lined with concentration as he struggled to hold off the inevitable. Not because he feared losing control ‑‑ his easy confidence shimmered across their link ‑‑ but to ensure that when they did, it would be together.

  With each movement, their combined energy whipped against their skin, and she felt the caress of power with him and through him, as he felt it through her. Her breasts pressed so tight to his chest her nipples stung with the friction, and she forced her arms under his back to pull him even closer.

  Sensation gave way to color, and color to pure heat. Panting, she sank down on him so hard, their pelvic bones clashed together, and Alec screamed and grabbed her arms, holding tight enough to bruise her skin as he bucked and trembled beneath her, filling her with more wet, more warmth, more pleasure.

  His final thrust dragged her over the edge, her climax as sharp and hard as falling off a cliff, and she bit his shoulder to hold back her cries. When the spasms eased, she collapsed on top of him limp and exhausted, with her face pressed to his chest. His heart beat hard and fast, and his chest heaved as he gulped air.

  “I’m not going to survive you, witch.”

  With a weak laugh, she found the energy to bring her hand to his face, but when she tried to stroke his cheek, he turned his head and slid her fingers into his mouth, suckling in a gentle rhythm that lulled her into deep relaxation, drowsy and sated beyond reason.

  * * * * *

  Careful to cradle her head in his palm, Alec rolled her off him, loathe to separate but fearing she’d panic if she woke up with him still half hard inside her. He thought he’d managed the maneuver without waking her, but as he curled into the heat of her body, she reached out to tangle her fingers in his hair.

  Faint violet light, the soft aura common around sleeping witches, still clung to her. Her raven dark hair shone like polished stone in the candlelight and broken sunlight that made it past the branches. “I never brought Zach up here, Skylark. This is just for you.”

  Although he’d kept his voice to a whisper and thought she’d drifted back to sleep, she clutched tighter at his hair and made a soft humming sound.

  For us. Releasing his hair, she pushed herself up on her elbows and rested her chin in her hands. “What you said earlier, about no other witches, other than Zach, I mean…”

  Alec tensed, and waited for her to continue. He didn’t want to cage her, but the thought of sharing her with anyone other than Zach made him wild.

  “Good plan. I don’t know where we’re going, but what happened here today ‑‑ how tight we wedged into each other’s souls ‑‑ we’re past the point where either of us could have a fling with a sexy witch or two and not hurt each other.”

  “Agreed.” Afraid to press his luck, he raised his shields, eliciting a sharp slap on his chest.

  No hiding.

  “Okay, then, I, ah, looked at some land this morning, an old farm adjacent to Sorren’s estate. He’d been thinking of buying it to expand his property now that so many witches are staying in his cottages on a long-term basis.” He paused, brushing against her thoughts to see if he’d spooked her. But calm curiosity greeted his efforts. “When I decided to stay on, he sent me over to see if I’d be interested.”

  Friends or no, he and Sorren needed more space between them than the elder witch’s vast estate could provide. “Sorren and I get along all right for short visits, but settling on his land would strain our friendship. I’m smart enough to know if it came down to a pissing match between territorial witches, he’d leave me panting in the dust.”

  “And you’re so nervous about telling me all this because?”

  “I love the place ‑‑ would like to buy the land and build there. There’s a pond, and a hill that would be a perfect place for a house. But…” Gods help him if she bolted at this part. “I’d like you to take a look with me tomorrow. See if you like it. Decide together.”

  Her eyes were way too serious in the dappled light, and he fought the urge to take it back ‑‑ make a joke, get her laughing, have some more wine.

  “What are you asking, Alec?”

  “For now? That we spend a lot of time together. Like this, what we have here today. Later, some point down the line, I want to know I’ve made my home in a place you’ve helped me choose. A place you love as much as I do.”

  Leaning forward, she pressed her forehead to his chest. “No one’s ever wanted to be with me like that before. I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Say we’ve earned a little piece of happiness, and you’ll hike out there with me tomorrow, have a picnic, and tell me what you think of the place. Then take it day by day, hanging out together when we’re not either chasing dark lords or coping with the next crisis, whatever it may be.”

  Sky sighed, and her forehead dug harder into his chest as she pressed against him. Her unease surrounded him, and he stroked her back to calm her.

  “Big scary world out there, isn’t it?” And he had to go and invoke the specter of dark lords, blood rites, and the rogue witch who oversaw the hell he’d created.

  “Frightening as hell.” She tipped her head up to kiss him so fast that they bumped chins before they got it right. Her tongue darted over his, and she held him with enough heat and passion that by the time she broke away, ending the kiss, his blood simmered at a low boil. “I’ll go look at the land with you tomorrow, and we’ll see what happens after that. All that hell and death out there?”

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…”

  Shaking her head, she brought her fingers to his lips. “All the more reason to grab on and hold tight, laying claim to our own bit of magic.”


  Eden Rivers

  Eden lives i
n the Midwest with her husband and daughters, but has roots in the Northeast. Growing up in New England, she developed a fascination for things that go bump in the night, and her stories often have paranormal elements. Everyone needs a little magic in life. In addition to reading and writing, Eden enjoys gardening, yoga, listening to music outdoors, and watching the moon rise over water.

  Check out Eden’s latest news by visiting her website at




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