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To Seduce a Witch's Heart

Page 7

by Nadine Mutas

  Merle shook herself before she did something undignified like drooling at him. “Flesh and bone, still as stone,” she whispered harshly, infusing the words with magic.

  Her power surged, charged the air, and then whipped at Rhun. He froze. Features strained as if he were lifting a massive weight, he stared at her.

  “That’s not fair,” he pressed out through gritted teeth, obviously fighting against the magic holding him in place as if petrified. “I just wanted to snuggle.”

  “Uh-huh.” Merle raised one eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her chest so he wouldn’t notice her hands shaking from the effort it took to keep the power flowing. “Maybe I’ll just leave you like this until nightfall. Like a classic demon statue.”

  At that, his lips twitched up. “I am gorgeous to look at.”

  Everything female inside her sighed in affirmation. Not that she’d ever tell him that. Or the fact she wouldn’t be able to keep up the paralysis spell for much longer. Even if she wasn’t strung out from lack of sleep and the strain of recent events, she’d have trouble holding him like that for the day, since for all its simplicity, the spell was energy-draining. Still, as far as a display of power went, it was quite impressive. She hoped.

  “You will get dressed and get out of here,” she said, as she felt her magic weaken. The spark inside her flickered, her control over the spell slipping. “I can easily freeze you again if you don’t comply, and I’ll make sure to mute you as well so I won’t have to listen to your complaints.” She didn’t have enough power left to pull that off, but he didn’t need to know that. She took a deep breath, and deliberately let go of the spell before it broke on its own and betrayed her waning strength.

  Rhun inhaled with noticeable relief—and then did a series of lazy, delicious stretches that all but eroded Merle’s ability to think rationally. Or think at all, for that matter.

  Mouth gone dry, skin heated and heart hammering at the erotic sight of his powerful frame in slow motion, she struggled to form words. All she managed to get out, her eyes riveted on the perfect firmness of his backside, was a rather unconvincing, “Now leave.”

  Ignoring her order, he moved toward her, slowly, giving her enough time to back away.

  She didn’t—couldn’t—but she tried for some presence of mind nevertheless. “I’m not letting you in my bed. Go sleep somewhere else.”

  Coming to a halt right in front of her, he took a hold of her oversized sweater. “Merle.” He tugged a little. She was about to snap at him, when he quietly added, “Please?”

  That stumped her. Baffled, she met his eyes. They held a glint of such honest yearning that something hard inside her cracked.

  “I just don’t want to sleep alone. I have been by myself for the past twenty years and…” He paused, held her gaze, no sign of wickedness in his expression. “I really need some company.”

  Merle swallowed, past a still dry mouth, past a growing lump in her throat, and an unbidden ache of sympathy in her chest. She couldn’t deal with him like this. If there had been the slightest indication he was trying to manipulate her, she’d have thrown him out without batting an eye. If he’d been as cocky and pushy as before, she’d have snarled at him and fought him. But this…this was more than she could handle. This genuine need in his eyes, this candor in his voice.

  “All right,” she said, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead with one hand. “You can sleep in my bed.” She didn’t have the heart to send him off, and quite frankly, she was also too tired to argue about this much longer. He was still convinced killing her would kick him straight back into the Shadows, so he didn’t pose a threat in that respect. As for the much more probable result of letting him into her bed… “No sex,” she added with narrowed eyes.

  He smiled, a subtle, seductive curving of his lips. Lips she kept telling herself she did not want to kiss. Did. Not. No, no, no. Wrenching her gaze away from his mouth, she looked at her closet door, her dresser, the ceiling, anywhere except at the temptation in front of her.

  His hand holding the seam of her sweater moved up until his fingertips grazed the skin above her waistband. Merle felt that touch much, much lower, and it had her trembling.

  “You can’t feed during the day anyway,” she managed to say.

  Another slight caress of his fingertips. “Who says I want you for nourishment?”

  “Rhun.” A warning. As much for him as for herself.

  “Hmm.” He stroked along the waistband of her jeans, just a little, just enough to make her breathe faster. “You’re right.”

  Now she did look up at him, her gut knotted tight in suspicion.

  “You should get some rest first. I can be demanding.”

  She opened her mouth to verbally slap him, but he shut her up by laying a finger on her lips.

  “Now, my little witch,” he said, “I’m going to peel this sweater off your body like I’ve been planning to do since you came down those stairs, and you’re not going to squirm because that’s all I’m going to do. Understood?”

  She stared at him, into his mesmerizing eyes now holding a quiet, spellbinding assurance. Seconds ticked by, along with her heartbeat. She gave a small nod.

  “Good.” His finger was still on her mouth, now rubbing her lower lip. “However, I’d be delighted to help you out of those jeans, too, if you’ll let me.”

  She shook her head, half in a trance. For a moment there, though, she’d considered it.

  “Too bad,” Rhun muttered.

  And then he lifted her sweater.

  His fingers and knuckles brushed her skin as he pushed up the fabric, without any haste, as if he had all the time in the world and had reserved it solely for relieving Merle MacKenna of her sweatshirt.

  “Arms up,” he ordered, his voice calm.

  He never took his eyes off hers, holding her gaze with quiet force, even when she raised her arms and let him pull the sweater off over her head and throw it to the side. Only then did he lower his eyes—and stilled.

  He became absolutely, inhumanly motionless, his gaze so intent on her exposed skin, he might as well have touched her—it felt the same. Standing there, in front of him, bare-chested except for her bra and rooted to the spot by Rhun’s undivided attention, Merle got an inkling of what it must be like for a deer when a panther focused before it pounced.

  She sucked in a sharp breath. Immediately, Rhun’s pupils dilated, his eyes taking in the movement of her breasts as she inhaled. The sight of him unhinged her. Even divested of his powers, the way he looked at her now, the way he kept himself preternaturally still, feral hunger whispering behind a thin veneer of control, she realized he was the most dangerous creature she’d ever come toe-to-toe with.

  “Rhun,” she whispered. Her heart racing, she didn’t dare move or say anything else. It might just make him snap.

  He blinked, once, twice, then raised his eyes to meet hers. Bit by bit, he regained a more sane expression, though the single-minded intent was still plainly visible on his face. “You,” he said, his voice rough and low, “make it hard to be good.”

  Gods only knew, she so wanted him to be bad right now. Apparently, she had a suicidal streak. Before she could act on that, though, she took a hasty step back and muttered, “I’ll put on my pajamas.”

  She didn’t wait for his reaction and hurried to her closet, opened it and picked a set of shorts and a tank top. Hidden from Rhun’s gaze by the open door, she pulled on the tank top and proceeded to get rid of her bra underneath. Next she discarded her jeans and quickly put on the shorts. Sliding into the bed without looking at Rhun, she turned to lie on her side and covered herself with the blanket up to her chin.

  Her hands shook. Whether from the extreme exhaustion, which had gotten worse, or from the striking awareness of the naked demon who was getting in bed behind her just now, she didn’t know. Probably both.

  The mattress dented beside her, and the next moment Rhun had slipped underneath the blanket and up to her. Her whole
body tensed and she stopped breathing.

  “Shh.” His breath tingled on her neck. “Relax. Just snuggling up, remember?”

  “Right,” she ground out. His rock-hard erection pressed into her backside, and—gods have mercy on her soul—made her want to push back and rub up against him, give in to the warm tingles of excitement rushing through her body, melting her core. This was so wrong on so many levels. And yet, she didn’t even think of scooting away from him.

  “Take it as a compliment,” he said, and she could feel his lips curve against her neck.

  Slinging his one arm around her waist, he replaced the pillow under her head with his other arm and entwined his legs with hers. His hand slid up her torso to her rib cage, stopped there below the swell of her breasts, and pressed her back to his chest. It felt like he had wrapped himself around her.

  Merle was encased in immovable male strength, heat and raw power just short of overwhelming. She should have been terrified to be locked into his embrace like that—instead, she found herself relaxing into his touch.

  Yep, she was definitely suicidal. Maybe she’d gone delirious from her lack of sleep?

  “Don’t you dare make a move on me while I’m asleep, or I swear, I’ll make you regret it.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s much more fun when you’re awake and blushing.” He nuzzled the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. “Now sleep, little witch of mine.” Pressing her closer to him, he took a deep breath, his fingers curling into the thin fabric of her tank top, and it seemed as if he inhaled the essence of her being. He made a sound of utter relish and slowly exhaled.

  As Merle drifted off to sleep, she realized she was royally screwed.

  For nothing had ever felt more right than being wrapped in Rhun.

  Chapter 6

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Merle woke with a jolt, bolting upright. Eyes popping open, she stared at the source of the voice—and cringed.

  Lily Murray, fellow witch, best friend since kindergarten, partner in crime, and royal pain in the ass when pissed, stood in the open door, brandishing a baseball bat as a weapon. As a friend of the family, she’d been allowed in by the wards and now tilted her head, ebony locks falling around her shoulders, her dark blue gaze darting between Merle and Rhun.

  Flinching, Merle realized what the scene must look like—she was sitting in bed, her hair ruffled, the sheets rumpled, and a very naked Rhun lay next to her, his arm slung around her waist in a casual display of possession.

  He yawned, stretched, and gave her an impossibly gorgeous sleepy smile. “Morning, little witch.”

  “Merle?” Lily finally asked in the same voice one might use on a friend that was about to jump off a high building.

  “Umm…” Merle cleared her throat, embarrassment heating her cheeks. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “Oh? So…you’re not cuddled up to a naked demon in your bed?” Lily asked, undoubtedly having picked up the faint trace of Rhun’s demon aura, even toned down as it was during the day. She arched one black eyebrow, her body still in battle mode.

  Merle grimaced. The heat in her face increased. “I can explain.”

  Lily didn’t loosen her alert stance, holding the baseball bat ready-to-swing above her shoulder and eyeing Rhun as if he were a rabid dog. “Yeah? I’d like to hear that. Why is there a demon in your bed? And why the fuck is he naked?”

  “Oh dear,” Rhun said from his sprawling position. He peered up at Merle, a worried expression on his face. “Has no one told her yet?”

  Merle stared at him, too stunned to react.

  Propping himself up on his elbows, he turned to Lily. “All right, it pains me to be the one breaking it to you—I think that’s your parents’ job, but since you asked…” He sighed. “Well, grown-up men and women—yes, even witches and demons—have certain needs, and when a woman feels especially needy—”

  He didn’t get to finish that explanation. The pillow Merle smacked down on his face effectively shut him up.

  Her best friend gaped at Rhun, dumbstruck. Rendering Lily Murray speechless was quite an achievement.

  “Let’s step out for a moment, shall we?” Merle scooted to the edge of the mattress and was about to get off the bed when the embarrassment factor of her situation shot up by several points.

  “Lil, I checked downstairs, all clear,” a familiar male voice called from the hallway, seconds before Basil Murray walked in the room. “Find anything up—” Lily’s twin brother froze and fell silent as he beheld the scene.

  Different from his sister as day was from night, with dark blond hair and eyes the color of molten chocolate, he was indisputably handsome. Add to that the air of protective warmth and quiet strength that he exuded, and he was a prime male specimen, appealing to women on the most visceral level. In fact, if Merle hadn’t grown up with him, her feelings toward him those for a brother she’d never had, she’d have been one of his drooling female admirers.

  However, the fact she considered him her brother didn’t make it any less embarrassing that he’d walked in on her being in bed with a naked male.

  “Uh…” Basil’s gaze darted from Merle to Rhun and back to Merle. “I guess that explains why she hasn’t been answering her phone all day,” he said to Lily, cocking one eyebrow.

  “It’s not what it looks like!” Merle threw up her hands.

  “That hitch in your voice,” Rhun said while gazing up at her, “is that despair?”

  Lily turned to her brother. “She was just about to tell me what she’s doing in bed with a naked demon.”

  “He’s a demon?” Basil’s head whipped around and he pinned Rhun with a lethal stare.

  “And I’m naked.” Rhun waved at the nude length of his body and grinned.

  Merle stared at the floor, waiting for a hole to open up and mercifully swallow her.

  “Hold this and watch him,” Lily said to Basil, and, handing him the baseball bat, she motioned for Merle to follow her out of the room.

  Merle narrowed her eyes at Rhun as she got off the bed. “Behave. And, for the love of the gods, get dressed.”

  “Yes, honey.”

  She caught Basil’s appalled look and cringed. “It’s not—we’re not—” Sighing with resignation, she muttered, “It’s complicated.”

  Basil said nothing as she walked past him, simply raised his eyebrows and returned to staring at Rhun as if the demon were a mold fungus in his breakfast cereal.

  “All right,” Lily said as soon as Merle had closed the door behind her, “what in the world is going on here? First you tell me Maeve’s been taken by a demon, then you fall off the grid for almost two days, you don’t answer your phone, and then we find you having a pajama party with another demon. What the hell is up with that?”

  Merle took a deep breath before venturing to answer. The air was suddenly as thick as fog. “I unbound him from the Shadows to help me find Maeve. He’s a bluotezzer demon, same as the bastard who took her.” She held up a hand as Lily started to reply. “He’s still leashed to me and I’ll send him back into the Shadows once we find Maeve.”

  Lily stared at her, indigo eyes wide. “You unleashed a demon that was bound in the Shadows? Have you gone insane? What if he turns on you?”

  “I made him believe he’ll be automatically bound again if he kills me.” Believe being the operative word.

  “What if he finds out the truth?”

  “Let’s pray he won’t,” was Merle’s quiet answer. She reached out to squeeze Lily’s hand. “Look, I’m sorry I was out of touch—I turned my cell on mute before I unbound Rhun, and I had no idea you’ve been trying to reach me. I didn’t mean to spook you guys.”

  Lily’s deep blue eyes darkened, and the lines of her face softened as she studied Merle for a moment. “Why didn’t you tell me what you were going to do?”

  Merle’s heart weighed heavy in her chest. “Because I know you, Lily Murray. You’d have tied me to a chair to keep me from
doing it.”

  “Damn right I would have—it’s a suicide mission!”

  “It’s the only chance I’ve got to find her. I’ve tried every other way I could think of, believe me, but nothing worked. And I have to find her, Lil.” It was not a question of choice, but of simple survival. A part of her would die along with Maeve, the part that mattered most.

  “So you unleash a monster to catch a monster.”

  “I can’t give up on Maeve. She’s out there, at his mercy.” Merle took a shaky breath, fought down the urge to cry. Weakness wouldn’t get her anywhere. “I’d unleash a thousand monsters to find her.”

  Lily regarded her for a long moment with eyes that had always put Merle’s motives to the test, challenged her in the best of ways. While being loyal to a fault, Lily was also the one person who never sugarcoated her opinion, and her unwavering honesty had helped Merle more than once positively question herself, and grow in the process.

  Now, Lily nodded and gave her a grim smile, tempered with grief matching her own. Although she’d always been closer to Merle, Lily had never considered Maeve any less than a sister by choice, too. “Yeah, and since I can’t stop you from risking your neck, I’ll be right behind you, saving it.”

  Merle returned her best friend’s smile, her heart a bit less heavy at the display of a bond that was as thick as blood.

  “Okay,” Lily said more lightly after a moment, “now explain to me why that demon hunk in there is nude. Have you two…?”

  “No, I’m not sleeping with him. He’s just…really difficult to handle.”

  Lily crossed her arms in front of her chest, fine lines forming on her forehead. “I’ve been doing some research on bluotezzer demons since you told me about Maeve, and they seem to have a special kind of diet.”

  “I know.” Merle rubbed her forehead with one hand. “Blood, pain, and pleasure.”

  Lily’s gaze bored into her. “Please tell me you’re not providing him with that.”


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