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Betrayed (Werebear Shifter Romance) Book 3 (Clan of the Werebear)

Page 3

by Madison Johns

  Elaina bit her lip before speaking. “Yes, but what do you know about that?”

  “Just that a family of werebears escaped Russia long ago. That’s the reason the clan allowed them to leave the north and relocate here.”

  Elaina’s eyes widened. “Oh, is that why, then? That makes sense, because it sure never made much sense when they told me that story. What else do you know about it?”

  “That’s about it. I just had no idea you were among royalty.”

  “We’d better get moving then, unless you don’t want to get to the pub before noon.”

  Liam released Elaina’s arm and continued to walk beside her in silence, leaving Elaina to ponder what it all meant. Did Liam know who Cullen and Damon were? Had they met? He certainly never alluded to the fact that he had, but Elaina had to wonder about Cullen and Damon. If only Cullen hadn’t taken her by force from the lodge. It had made no sense other than to show her that he was a domineering werebear. That Elaina already knew, and in many ways, she didn’t mind all that much when he was satisfying her needs.

  She had to shake that mental image from her shattered mind. She just couldn’t stop herself from believing that Cullen would somehow betray her as he had with Shauna by sharing information about Elaina. Would he really have also turned her over to clan to save himself? And what was left of his village?

  Birds of prey flew overhead, flapping their massive wings. When it came to shifters, Elaina couldn’t help but wonder if there were also bird shifters. It would be entirely possible and a formidable enemy if working in cahoots with the clan.

  Elaina breathed in deeply of the pines. She loved the smell of them and loved how soft the fallen needles felt beneath her feet as she walked.

  * * *

  Within a few hours, smoke billowed from the chimney of the Bear Claw Pub as it came into view. She welcomed the log cabin walls of the pub, and tried to prepare herself for seeing Samson again. Would he be angry with her, lock her up again, or…

  When the made their way to the front door, two very large and very hairy men wearing plaid and denim barred their way, their arms folded across their large chests.

  “Not so fast,” one of the men said. “No werewolves allowed inside.”

  Liam’s face tightened. “Since when?”

  “Since Marla tightened security.”

  “Why did she do that?” Elaina asked. “I’m no werewolf. I’m all werebear.”

  The men gave Elaina’s body a quick once over, lingering on her breasts. Liam face reddened and he stepped in front of Elaina to block their view. “We’re here to see Marla. If we can’t go in, could you please tell her someone is here to speak with her?”

  The men laughed, and as Elaina pushed Liam aside, the veins on Liam’s forehead protruded, the hairs on his arms growing longer.

  “Tell her Elaina is here to see her. She’s probably worried about me since I escaped from here not all that long ago.”

  “You?” one of the men said. He gave the other man a strange look and disappeared inside the pub, returning five minutes later, and telling them to go around to the back door.

  Liam took ahold of Elaina’s hand as he made way for the back door where Marla stood waiting for them. She hugged Elaina tightly and kindly thanked Liam for bringing her, but as she tried to propel Elaina in the door, Elaina pulled back and said, “No! Stop!”

  Marla let Elaina go and she said, “It’s not safe to stay out here.”

  “Well, I’m not going in unless Liam goes with me.”

  “Perhaps we shouldn’t go inside at all, Elaina. For all we know, we might be walking into a trap,” Liam said.

  Marla pursed her lips. “I hardly think so. I’ve been friends and a lover to your grandfather for many years now. He’s been beside himself with worry since this baby bird flew the coop.”

  “I’m no baby bird. I’m a werebear and quite capable of taking care of myself. Where’s Samson?”

  “Let’s talk inside,” Marla insisted.

  “Not without Liam, I’m not!”

  “I’ve barred all werewolves from the pub since the clan is so close now. If I let you inside, I’ll be putting all of our lives in jeopardy.”

  “Then what if we don’t go inside but meet somewhere else, like out in the supply shed?” Elaina suggested.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Give me a few minutes and I’ll clear out the kitchen.” Marla disappeared inside and returned, ushering them inside quickly. They were next led to an office that came off the kitchen, and once they were inside, the door closed with a thump.

  Marla waltzed behind a large desk with paperwork strewn across it. She motioned for Elaina and Liam to sit in two chairs and began to tap her fingernails in rapid movements.

  “Samson left some time ago. He scoured the forest for you, Elaina, but when he wasn’t able to find you, he went back home in case you might have gone there instead.”

  “I hated that I had to leave like that, but I couldn’t handle being locked up that way. I was tired of Samson’s insistence that the clan was searching for me, but it appears he was right on many accounts.”

  Marla smiled. “I can’t say I blame you, but you really need to go into hiding, and fast. Where were you all that time? Surely not with Liam.”

  “No. I met up with some werebears.” Liam tapped Elaina’s toes for a moment and gave her a look that silenced her.

  “It’s a long story, and one best left to explain to my grandfather when we find him,” Liam said. “We really need to know, though, if the clan been here.”

  “Yes, a Gerirr and Hectar were here. Not really the nicest of werebears, I tell you. They seemed to have some beef with another werebear, but I wasn’t able to overhear the whole conversation.”

  Liam rocked forward on his chair. “That’s plenty, but do you have any idea why the clan is here?”

  “Doing routine inspections is what they told the bartender. I sure hope they weren’t getting into any argument with Cullen or Damon.”

  That got Elaina’s attention, but she remained silent. “They’re not still here, I hope.”

  Marla leaned forward. “No, they headed out early yesterday morning. Take care, you two, if you plan to find Samson. There’s no telling how close the clan might be or what they might do to you, Elaina, if they were to find you.”

  “Has Samson ever shared with you the details about why the clan is searching for me?”

  He eyes widened. “Why no, but Samson is certainly a shifter with many secrets, and a private one at that.”

  “Not even interesting pillow talk?” Liam asked. “I find that odd, but I also find it strange that my grandfather is so against werewolves and werebears mating when he so readily mated with a human.”

  Marla ran her long fingers up her neck. “Well, he’s also a man underneath all that fur, too. One who has needs.”

  Elaina felt so uncomfortable about the direction that this conversation was taking. She’d rather not know the particulars about Marla’s involvement with Samson, but couldn’t keep her lips zipped and asked, “How about the werebear, Cullen? You’ve bedded down with him, right?”

  Marla’s face reddened. “Why would you ask me something like that?”

  “Just wondering how many shifters you have taken to your bed, is all. I just hope that you haven’t shared any pertinent information with the clan that would put any of us in jeopardy.”

  Marla stood, her lips in a tight line. “I think it’s best if you both leave. I’d hate for the clan to find you here and have the blame placed on me. But really, Elaina, my personal life is not any of your concern. If Cullen is your mate now, I apologize, but whatever was between Cullen and me is ancient history.”

  Chapter Six

  Damon searched the nearby caves for the werewolves, but it was all for naught. Elaina was nowhere to be found, either. He couldn’t help but feel responsible that she had left like she had. Cullen should never have taken her by force from the human lodge, and Damon felt equally as guil
ty for his hand in it.

  He sniffed the air and slunk back into a cave when three bears headed in the direction of the village, but instead of heading back, he pressed on once they had passed. Cullen was quite capable of taking care of himself and the village. Shauna was also there, so it wasn’t completely unprotected.

  It was beyond reason that Cullen had taken Elaina from the lodge only to offer her up to the clan who searched for her as Shauna had informed them. Damon had a bitter taste in his mouth now. He had never felt as angry with Cullen as he was now, but that wasn’t the reason he didn’t go back. He didn’t because Elaina’s safety was more important to him. He had to assure himself that Elaina had, in fact, arrived at the werewolves’ den safely. He’d even offer them his help, if need be. Protecting Elaina was paramount.

  Damon shifted into bear form, losing his clothing that would protect his human form from nakedness. It was an obstacle, but not one he concerned himself with. He’d simply stay in bear form until he found Elaina, and that was that.

  * * *

  Damon had spent all of the previous day in his search, and after a restless night spent sleeping under the stars, he was again searching for Elaina, hoping that today he’d have better luck.

  He dodged between trees and bushes, leaves and branches snapping against his back like an angry lover. That’s one of the great things about being a werebear: freedom. There was nothing like racing through the Alaska wilderness in bear form.

  He slowed his pace when he heard the sound of voices. Thinking it might be Elaina, he raced forward, bursting through the bushes near a pond with a waterfall that cascaded from high above. Damon could scarcely breathe at the sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen before, standing naked in the pool, poised to move. Her large, olive eyes widened and her body shifted into the shape of a wolf, her silky fur blowing in the wind.

  Damon raised himself up to his full bear height and instead of the wolf attacking, it slunk backward momentarily before lunging forward. Its fangs latched onto Damon’s leg and he shook the wolf off, watching as it tumbled back to the edge of the pool.

  With a shake of his mighty bear head, he shifted, so overcome with laughter that he couldn’t stop himself, while the wolf charged him. Damon swung out his arms and caught the wolf, both of them sailing to the ground.

  The wolf yelped and Damon felt bad almost instantly. As the wolf shifted back to human form, Damon quickly apologized, but received a blow against his forehead.

  Damon winced and said, “You didn’t have to do that. I told you I was sorry if I hurt you.”

  “Humph. No werebear is capable of hurting me, not even a clansman,” the female spat.

  “A werebear I might be, but I’m not part of the clan; not directly, anyway. I’m as wary of them as you.”

  The woman squirmed beneath Damon and he tried his best not to allow his manhood to swell, but he was incapable of stopping it. From the way the woman’s eyes widened, he knew she felt it, too.

  She panted. “Please get off me, werebear. I can’t breathe.”

  “Only if you promise not to strike me again, or shift. We can hardly get better acquainted if you do that.”

  “I don’t want to get acquainted with you. Werebears reek of musk and dung.”

  Damon shifted his weight, straddling the woman. “Oh, do I, now.” He ran his hands into her hair and lifted it to his nose taking a whiff. “You smell like roses. How is that possible?”

  Her breast heaved and Damon cupped one, enjoying the feel of this woman. He moved his lips closer to hers and when she sighed, he smiled instead of taking her lips with his. He removed his weight from the woman and stood, facing a group of very curious female werewolves, all of whom were in human form.

  Chapter Seven

  Liam pulled Elaina from the back door of the Bear Claw Pub in a hurry.

  Elaina elbowed Liam. “Stop.”

  “Not until we’re out of here. Did you have to press Marla like that?”

  “How can I really trust her? She has barred werewolves from the pub and she has werebears guarding it. For all we know, they’re part of the clan, too.”

  Liam and Elaina crossed the road, disappearing into the forest on the other side.

  “Why does it concern you so much if Samson and Marla have been together?”

  Elaina faced Liam. “Well, for one, how important are the clan’s rules if they’re being broken?”

  “They’re not being broken. My grandfather hasn’t been part of the pack for a long time.”

  “Humph. That’s an excuse. Samson has bedded Marla. Cullen has bedded Marla. Have you?”

  Liam sighed. “No, of course not. And why are you so concerned about Cullen and Marla being together. Are you sure he wasn’t your mate?”

  “No. I told you both Cullen and Damon shared me. It was only the mating fever that drove it.”

  “Are you certain? It sounds like it meant more than that. Cullen must have been your first, or your favorite, the way it sounded when you asked that question of Marla.”

  Elaina refused to acknowledge that she harbored any feelings for Cullen. “No, he crossed the line with me. He kidnapped me from the human lodge and brought me back to the village, only with plans to turn me into the clan to save his village.”

  “Did he tell you that?”

  “No, but he knew for certain that the clan was searching for me. If he was really concerned about my well-being, he would have left me at the lodge.”

  “I’m sorry you felt betrayed by him; werewolves are not like that.”

  “Cullen and Samson have both laid down with a human. Have you, Liam?”

  “That’s not a question you should be asking of me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t have to answer it, is why.”

  “So the rules of the clan mean nothing, really?”

  “I never said I had or hadn’t. We really should get moving.”

  “Fine, but just admit that the rules the clan has laid down don’t work for every shifter, and they are not being followed to the letter.”

  Liam brushed past her and she had to race to catch up to him. “Stop, Liam.”

  “No. I’m sorry if it makes you angry that I won’t mate with you, but it’s very important to me that I protect you and not endanger you unnecessarily.”

  Elaina didn’t know what to say, but said, “I’m sorry, Liam. I shouldn’t have pressed you like that. It’s none of my business who you have rutted with, and it’s none of yours who I have been with in that way. The only thing that is important to me is finding out the truth about who I really am.”

  * * *

  Many hours later, Elaina was tired of walking. She had followed Liam the better part of the day, only stopping for a bathroom break, and to munch on deer jerky that he had brought with them. She was nowhere nearer to Liam than she had been after she had kissed him that day. It felt like there was a distance between them now, one she had created with her prying questions.

  Liam stopped and led the way into a cave where he started a fire. He hunkered down and warmed himself and patted the spot next to him. “Warm up. We’ll be spending the night here. With any luck, we’ll make it to the cabin tomorrow.”

  “Is it safe to have a fire?”

  “I’ll put it out before too long. This is one of the abandoned caves I used to retreat to when Grandfather was mad at me.”

  Elaina rubbed her hands together near the fire. Although it was warmer in Alaska now, night was a different story. “What brought you to live with Samson in the first place?”

  “Well, he thought it was a good idea to have a playmate for you, but he also didn’t want me raised in the wolf den. He’s the only family I have left.”

  “You’ve never talked about your parents before. What happened to them?”

  Liam rubbed his hands against his thighs, his eyes somber. “When I was very young, a group of mountain lions attacked the wolf den, and they were killed trying to protect me

  “Oh, how awful.”

  “Damien was willing to raise me as his own, but Grandfather wanted me with him. He worried that I’d meet the same fate as my parents.”

  “I can’t say that I’d blame him, and I would be lost without you, Liam. You made all those years bearable. If only Samson had told me more when I was younger, then perhaps I might have understood why he treated me like he did.”

  “I hardly think so. Children don’t understand things that complex. There has to be a reason he hasn’t told you the particulars, and when we find him, he’ll be able to explain things better.”

  “If he will. I wonder sometimes,” Elaina mused.

  “We’ll just have to convince him.”

  “If he still refuses to tell me, I’ll search out the clan all by myself.”

  Liam took ahold of Elaina’s arms. “Don’t you dare say that. I won’t allow you to.”

  “Allow me to? While I appreciate your help, I’m certainly no mate of yours.”

  Liam released Elaina and took off his shirt, revealing his chiseled body. Elaina couldn’t stop herself from admiring all of that flesh laid bare for her wandering eyes, and how they wandered. “You should get undressed, too. It’s safer to sleep in shifted form, and much warmer, too.” He extinguished the fire and shucked his pants. As he turned, Elaina was as equally naked, but when Liam moved nearer to her, she shifted into bear form and made herself comfortable. Liam shifted also, and they nestled together on the floor of the damp cave.

  Chapter Eight

  Damon had never been so intrigued in his life, nor had he ever been attacked by a werewolf the likes of the black-haired beauty who stared him down with an arrogant tilt of her delicate jaw.

  “Are you okay, Nala?” one of the women asked.

  Nala took a deep breath and said, “Of course, Adara. I was defending our territory from this werebear,” she hissed.

  Adara’s brow raised. “Oh, it looked to me like he had the drop on you.”

  Damon raised his hands in a mock defensive mode. “Not so. This beauty attacked me and I’m lucky to be alive. I had no idea werewolves were so skilled in battle.”


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