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Prince Taurian_Dragon Ruins Compilation

Page 21

by Rinelle Grey

  Taurian looked as annoyed by the interruption as she was, but it only showed on his face for a second before it was replaced by a smile. “I am.” He patted Karla’s hand. “Thanks to your very intelligent and intuitive daughter.”

  Her father nodded as though he’d took Karla’s accomplishments for granted. “Come on through, we’ve set up a bit of a picnic in the kitchen. I bet you’re both starving.”

  Karla bit her lip. She had been hungry, but right now, she had a different sort of drive to satisfy. “Taurian and I will be there in a minute, we need to, um, check the perimeter. Taurian’s dragon senses will be able to tell if there are any dragons close by, even if we can’t see them.”

  Taurian stared at her, his eyebrow raised, but to her relief, he didn’t question her assertion.

  “Right,” her dad said. “Do you need any help?”

  “No,” Karla said, a little too quickly. “No, everyone else needs to stay inside. It’s too risky for too many of us to be outside at once. It makes us more of a target. Besides, there’s no point in everyone’s meal getting cold.”

  Her father’s eyes narrowed. “Then why are you going? Isn’t it better if Taurian goes alone?”

  Crap. He knew something was up. How was she going to explain that one?

  “Because I’m not at full strength yet. I need Karla’s assistance until I’m completely recovered,” Taurian said quickly.

  For a moment, Karla thought her father was going to protest further, but he gave a small sigh and nodded his head. “I’ll tell the others to stay inside.”

  “Thanks,” Karla said.

  Her hand in Taurian’s was heating up and she thought that if she didn’t get some time alone with him soon, she’d melt. The attraction felt even stronger than it had been the first time. She hadn’t thought that would be possible.

  Did it just keep getting stronger each time? If so, how did these dragons stand it? If this was what the attraction of the Mesmer ritual felt like a second time, she didn’t even want to think about what it might be like if it happened again after this.

  Would she get a chance to find out? Taurian was sure to be injured again at some point, it seemed to be the way with dragons. But would she be around to help him?

  Would he want her to be?

  Her father disappeared out of the room, and Karla pushed those thoughts aside and pulled Taurian out into the yard. He didn’t say anything, just looked around at the dilapidated building they had been sheltering in, and up at the branches of the giant mango tree that sheltered the house.

  Karla hoped it would keep them hidden from any passing dragons. She squinted, trying to see through the leaves without putting herself out in the open. She couldn’t see any dragons, but surely Taurian would know?

  “Would you know if there were any dragons nearby?” She turned to look at Taurian, slightly disconcerted to find him staring at her now, his expression solemn.

  “No, not unless I could see or hear them.”

  So much for that theory. Best that they spend as little time out in the open as possible then. Karla tugged on his hand, and Taurian readily followed her around the side of the house. Karla kept as close to the wall as she could, scanning the area. Any nearby dragons should be silhouetted against the clear blue sky, shouldn’t they?

  Why was she so worried? It wasn't like the dragons had any clue what direction she’d taken Taurian in. It would be sheer coincidence if they turned up here. Especially so soon. But that logical idea didn’t calm her racing heart any.

  Around the other side of the house, she pulled Taurian into the falling down shed that leaned against the western side of the house. Inside, just as she had hoped, was the ute.

  Taurian stared at the vehicle dubiously. “I realise that you want privacy, but I don’t think we should leave the others alone. If Ultrima finds them, he could hurt them, or kidnap them to use against us.”

  “We’re not going anywhere,” Karla assured him. “But this is about the only place I could think of where we could be alone.”

  “In the ute?” Taurian’s voice wasn’t any less doubtful.

  “Do you have a better idea?” Karla challenged, her hands on her hips. “Or would you rather wait?”

  She hoped he didn’t want to wait. He’d better not.

  Taurian smiled at her. Smiled. “It might be a bit confined, but if you don’t mind being pressed up against my naked body, then I like it just fine.”

  Karla felt her face heat. Wasn’t the whole point of this exercise for their naked bodies to be pressed up against each other?

  Then she saw the smirk on Taurian’s face. He was teasing her. Karla reached out her hands to give him a shove. Just a playful one. But before her fingers could connect with his chest, Taurian had captured them and swept them behind her, tucking them into the small of her back.

  The movement brought her chest up against his, and Karla’s breath caught in the back of her throat.

  Damnit. This felt so right. When he was close like this, the rest of the world seemed to fade away. Karla found it hard to remember why she wanted anything in her life but this. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she knew there was something else she had wanted. Something that was more important than this.

  But right now, she couldn’t remember it.

  Chapter 32

  Taurian could feel the moment Karla relaxed against him. He smiled, feeling the thrill of victory, even though this victory had been certain from the moment he had woken. Somehow, every time he bedded her felt like a victory.

  He’d never expected to feel this way about a human. Humans and dragons didn’t mix, not since the humans had all but hunted his kind to extinction. The dragons had retreated to a place where humans didn’t bother them. He hadn’t expected to ever find a human who made him think of them as anything but enemies.

  As he bent his head towards her, Karla’s head tilted to the side, exposing the soft skin on her neck. Taurian nibbled at it, tasting the sweet scent that belonged to Karla, and her alone. He’d never tasted anything like her before. So unlike a dragon. Her scent was a mixture of fresh flowers and sunshine. He couldn’t get enough of it.

  Running his tongue in lazy circles around her collarbone, Taurian’s blood quickened at the sound of her short, heavy breaths.

  She struggled within his arms, and automatically, Taurian released her. He couldn’t help a groan as she separated her body from his, and his hand reached for her, brushing against her waist as she moved back.

  Had he done something wrong? Did she not like his attention? Did it not excite her as she excited him?

  “Not here,” she said breathlessly. “We need to stay out of sight.”

  Whether she meant out of sight of a passing dragon, or someone from the house, he wasn’t sure. Neither help him mate with her any sooner, so Taurian didn’t bother arguing. He just nodded, and stepped back as she swung open the car door.

  Taurian stared into the beast doubtfully. The area inside was quite small, with the steering wheel taking up too much space on one side. At least the seat was in one piece, not two as Lisa’s car had been.

  When Karla crawled into the space, her butt in the air convinced him. They could make it work. Being closer just made it quicker and easier.

  Glancing back to the house, Taurian tried to estimate how long they would have before those inside came looking for them. Karla’s excuse, that they were scouting for dragon activity brought them some privacy, but it also meant that if they took longer than expected, worry would spur the others to come looking for them.

  Taurian sighed. There was no way around it, he would have to make this quick.

  In front of him, Karla flipped over onto her back, her knees up in the air, and fiddled with the button on her pants. All thought of the others in the house fled from Taurian’s mind. He had eyes only for her as she inched the baggy green pants down over her hips, revealing inch after inch of delicious skin.

  He wanted to kiss it all. He wanted to tas
te it all.

  Leaving the loose, unbuttoned shirt on, Taurian unfastened his pants, and let them fall around his ankles before climbing into the ute between Karla’s legs.

  The lack of space turned out to be an advantage. There was little room for subterfuge. No point in pretending that his goal wasn’t to get as close to Karla as he possibly could. He crawled in over her, feeling her soft body yielding beneath him.

  “Close the door,” Karla said breathlessly.

  Taurian wasn’t too sure what she thought it would do. If the others came into the shed, it would be obvious what was happening in the ute. But he wasn’t going to waste time arguing. There was no room to turn around in the confines of the cabin, so Taurian hooked his foot around the door handle and pulled.

  It closed with a snap behind them, leaving them ensconced in their own little world.

  Karla’s ragged breathing seemed louder in the confined space, ramping up Taurian’s already flaming desire for her.

  There was no pretending that this feeling was so intense because they had been waiting so long. This time, he had to admit that what he was feeling for her was something that went beyond the magic of the Mesmer ritual. In fact, the itch that characterised the need to bond was completely overshadowed by something else. Something stronger.

  This time, it was about her.

  Did she feel the same?

  She was still here wasn’t she? She had come after him when he’d gone to fight Ultrima. She’d stayed with him and helped him when he had thought all was lost.

  Did that mean she cared for him too? He hardly dared hope. And he didn’t want to examine that thought too much right now. He’d worry about that later—after he’d satisfied himself in her body. He wanted to savour this time, the last time he could freely mate with her.

  He lifted himself on his hands, staring down at her beneath him.

  She stared back wordlessly, her wide eyes saying what she couldn’t find the words for. She couldn’t hide it. She was just as hot for him as he was for her. That relieved his concerns enough for him to brush them aside.

  The area might be cramped, but there was still plenty of room for movement, a fact Taurian discovered when Karla’s hands snaked around and began caressing his back. They roamed down over his buttocks, the gentle, almost feather touch setting his nerves on fire.

  Then her fingernails dug in. Fire flared through him and Taurian couldn’t help involuntarily crushing his hips against hers. Her lips curved in a smile under his. That had been her intention.

  Taurian growled, half frustration, half desire, and bent his arms and lowered his body over hers. His lips claimed hers, and his tongue slid into her mouth, feeling her soft skin, tasting her. He rolled a little towards the windscreen, pushing her against the back of the seat. This movement freed one of his hands from holding him up and he growled in victory.

  The free hand slid down to her breast, but his access was thwarted by the clothing she still wore. The buttons were too fiddly for his fingers. Taurian pulled, the sound of the buttons popping off more than satisfying.

  As was Karla’s soft gasp of surprise. Taurian pushed the shirt aside, and reached for what he wanted, the soft skin of her breast. Only to be thwarted again, this time by the lacy fabric of her bra.

  Why did humans wear so many damn clothes?

  Perhaps in an attempt to stop his wanton destruction of her clothing, Karla reached and stretched the fabric down, pulling her breast free. It wasn’t quite what he wanted, he’d prefer the fabric completely gone, but it would do.

  Taurian bent his head, claiming her nipple with his lips. This time, Karla cried out, arching her body towards him, her hands coming up to tangle in his hair and hold his head against her breast. Taurian focused on sucking and nibbling, encouraged further by her pants and moans.

  Karla’s hips thrust against his, an insistent demand he had no intention of ignoring. He would fulfil that desire, eventually. He released her nipple and lifted his head to kiss her lips, sucking and tugging at the bottom one.

  “Taurian…” Karla’s voice was desperate.

  He loved the way his name sounded on her lips. “Say it again,” he demanded.

  She looked at him then, between her lashes, her eyes dark with desire. “Taurian,” she repeated. This time, her voice was deliberately sultry, her eyes and words teasing him.

  It completely dissolved any last shred of restraint he had. He pushed her legs apart, and slid in between them.

  Karla wrapped her legs around his body, pulling him close.

  The strength and pace of his thrusts were hampered by the fact that he had nowhere solid to put his left knee. But he wouldn’t have swapped this place, this position, this woman, this time, for anything.

  He buried himself in her, revelling in the feel of her body under him. She moved instinctively to open herself more to his awkward thrusts, her hands grasping his hips, helping to balance him on the edge of the seat.

  Taurian didn’t notice anything except the feel and smell of her. Desire built up and he held himself on the delicious edge, fighting between letting it overwhelm him, and enjoying it.

  Karla’s mouth opened in an ‘O’, and her eyes widened. Taurian felt her convulse around him, her legs tightening around his body, pulling him into her.

  The movement shredded his last ounce of self-control and sent him over the edge. With one last thrust, he spent himself in her before sagging on top of her.

  His lips found hers, gentle now, not wanting to be separated.

  Idly, he wondered if this was what it was like to be mated.

  Chapter 33

  Karla tried, unsuccessfully, to pull the edges of her blouse together. Damn Taurian hadn’t left a single button intact. How was she going to explain this to her dad? Anyone with half a brain would know exactly what had happened to the buttons, no matter how good an excuse she came up with.

  He obviously just didn’t think. Or else he’d had something else on his mind at the time.

  Her face flushed at the thought. She certainly hadn’t considered the ramifications until after the fact. At the time, his impatience had just seemed incredibly sexy.

  Now, not so much.

  “Karla? Are you out there?”

  Great. Her dad had already become worried and come looking for them. “I’m fine,” Karla called back. “Go distract him while I make myself decent,” she hissed to Taurian.

  His golden eyes stared at her, his eyes roaming her body appreciatively. “I think you’re pretty decent already.”

  Karla bit back a giggle and did her best to glare at him. “Go,” she ordered.

  After one last, lingering look, Taurian turned and strode out of the shed.

  “Karla is just checking that the vehicles are secure. Can you help me scout around the front?” Taurian’s voice grew more distant and Karla took a deep breath.

  She stared around the cab of the ute. How was she ever going to disguise the damage done to her clothes? There was nothing here that could cover her suitably. Even if she had been able to come up with a suitable reason for a change of clothes.

  Jumping out, she checked the tray, but that was empty too. Bruce had taken anything that could possibly be of use inside. Next to the ute was Lisa’s little red car. Her dad must have used it to get here earlier. Karla tested the door, relieved when it opened.

  Luckily, Lisa was a bit of a packrat. The back seat was littered with fast food packets, empty water bottles, shopping dockets, and half a dozen discarded clothes. Score.

  Karla sorted through them quickly. None were what she would have chosen and most were of dubious cleanliness, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. She held up a blue t-shirt with what she hoped was a tomato sauce stain and a singlet top covered in fluff. What a wealth of choices.

  “Shouldn’t we get Karla and head back inside?” Her father’s voice floated on the air. They were getting closer.

  She stared at both tops, unsure what to choose.

m sure she will catch up to us on the way back to the house,” Taurian’s voice was louder, trying to warn her perhaps.

  “But she said it wasn’t safe to be out here, and she was right. That dragon could be anywhere.”

  Karla gave a smile. That would teach her to make up an excuse that left her dad feeling worried. She dropped both tops onto the pile she’d pulled out of the back of the car, tucked the sides of her shirt over each other, then scooped the entire pile of clothes up against her chest, covering the missing buttons.

  “Karla is more than capable of looking…” Taurian broke off his argument as Karla emerged from the shed.

  “…after herself,” Karla finished. “Now let’s get back inside, we have things to plan.”

  “What are you doing with all that?” Her father eyed the bundle of clothes Karla held.

  Was he looking too closely? Was it obvious that her shirt was open behind the clothes? Karla resisted the urge to look, hoping her face wasn’t as red as it felt. “These are our disguises,” she said. “I’ll explain more inside.”

  Even Taurian looked a little surprised. He didn’t object though. Both he and her dad followed her inside where they were met by Lisa and Bruce.

  Great, just what she needed. More company. How was she going to get a moment’s privacy to change?

  “Did you see any dragons?” Lisa’s voice was half hopeful, half terrified.

  “Only Taurian,” Karla quipped.

  No one laughed.

  Bruce, in fact, looked far too solemn. And he stared at her strangely. Could he tell? She hadn’t even thought to check her hair in the mirror. It was probably blatantly obvious. Karla tried not to blush or obviously avoid his gaze.

  “Are those my clothes? Out of my car?” Lisa demanded.

  “We need to find Taurian’s clan,” Karla said firmly. “And Ultrima is going to try to stop us if he can. He has no idea where we are now, but he can probably guess where we’re going. Our only hope is to disguise ourselves so that he doesn’t recognise us.”

  “Do you think changing clothes is going to do that?” her dad asked, looking from Taurian to her.


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