Book Read Free

Orientation Week

Page 13

by Ruby Vincent

  “Alright.” Cameron stopped on the fringes of the party and gestured for us to get closer. “This is how it’s going to work.” His brown eyes swept over us, meeting our gaze in turn. “The most important skill you need to survive is how to find your opponent’s weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Sometimes it’s as easy as paying attention like Manning does, but most often it’s not that simple—”

  “What’s the point of this?” Derek growled. “Just tell us what we’re here for!”

  Cameron’s eyes narrowed. His calm and collected mask was cracking. “I’m getting to that, Grayson. Like I was saying, some secrets are buried too deep and you need to find a way to dig them up.”

  “Secrets?” I asked.

  “That’s right. Your task for tonight is to get someone here to tell you something they’ve never told anyone. One of those deep, dark secrets they prayed would never get out.”

  I gaped at him. “How are we supposed to do that?”

  The other guys shared my look of disbelief.

  “Figuring that out is the whole point of the test.”

  “This is stupid,” Derek stated. “I’m not doing it.”

  Cameron’s lips curled. “Why am I not surprised you’d be the first one to quit? You were never cut out for the Elite Network.”

  “I’m not quitting the Network! I’m just refusing to do this shit!”

  Cameron’s eyes flashed. “Everyone who is invited in must do it. If you refuse, you can’t join us.”

  “Bull.” Derek elbowed me to the side as he advanced on the older boy. “I bet you made up all this kidnapping and tests crap because you have nothing better to do with your life.”

  “Guys, come on.” Adam stepped in the middle of them. “Cool it.”

  “I don’t need to do this anyway,” Derek plowed on. “If my dad is in the Network, then I’m in too.”

  “You think so?” Over Adam’s shoulder, I saw Cameron smirk. “Then, why didn’t he tell you about any of this before? If you ask me, he knew you’d screw up, so why waste air telling you about it. Face it, Grayson. You’re a fucking disappointment and everyone—including your dad—knows it.”

  “What did you say?!” Derek launched himself at Cameron—shouting and swearing. Adam, Landon, and Michael rushed to hold him back.

  I cast a look over my shoulder and saw half the party was staring at us.

  “You’re wasting time,” Cameron said over Derek’s noise. He didn’t sound bothered by the fact that Derek was trying to rip his head off. “You have two hours to bring me a secret or you’re out. Get going.”

  Derek shoved out of Adam’s hold and stomped away, disappearing back into the trees. I looked around at the other guys. Part of me wanted to go after him, but he made his feelings for me very clear. I doubt my presence would help him, but the alternative was going into that party and...

  How could I do this? I thought as I turned toward the chilled-out crowd. Even if I could get someone to spill their secrets in two hours, turning around and sharing it with everyone was just slimy. What would Cameron do with information like that?

  He told us what he would do. Exploit their weaknesses.

  A hard pit lodged in my stomach, but I forced myself to join the party. This was worse than hazing. They weren’t trying to hurt me. They were forcing me to hurt someone else.

  I scanned the faces. We weren’t the only people I recognized. Justin and Owen were standing by the drinks, talking to a couple of girls. A few feet from them wearing a simple, sleeveless dress was Melody.

  I made a beeline for her. “Hey, Melody.” She turned at my voice. “I see you got past Matron.”

  She laughed. “Luckily there is only one of her. We snuck out while she was on the top floors. I see you’ve got shoes on this time.”

  “I like to mix it up.”

  Melody’s giggles were probably helped along by the drink in her hand. I spotted her flushed cheeks and bright eyes. She was well on her way to getting drunk. No wonder Cameron made us do this at a party.

  “How did the rest of the trials go?” I asked.

  “It was good, but I’m glad they’re over.” She sighed. “Not that I want to take the placement test either. I just want to get out of this place and go back to enjoying my summer.”

  “What’s summer like in Evergreen?”

  “Oh, it’s perfect,” she replied, beaming. “My parents and I travel for part of the summer, but when we’re home, I go to the beach every weekend, eat ice cream at the Promenade, shop with my friends. What do you do?”

  “I’m usually in a different place every summer, but now that I’m back, my cousin wants to take me to—”

  A hand gripped my forearm and pulled me back. “Can you excuse us for a second, Melody? I need to talk to Zeke.”

  She shrugged. “Sure.”

  I tripped after him as Adam hauled me off. “Hey,” I cried. “What are you doing?”

  “What are you doing?!” he hissed. “If you think I’m going to let you manipulate her for Cameron’s stupid little game—”

  “Adam, come on.” I ripped my arm out of his grasp and planted my hands on my hips. “I would never do that. I’m sticking close to her so that no one else comes along and tries to take advantage, you dolt!”

  He blinked at me. “You were? Oh.” He had the decency to look sheepish. “Sorry.”

  “You should be. I want to get into the Network, but not like this. I’m not participating in this test.”

  Nodding, he looked over at Melody. “You’re a good guy, Zeke. I forgot that for a second. Thanks for looking out for her.”

  “She’s my friend too.” I shoved his arm. “But why don’t you take over? Go talk to her about summers in Evergreen.”

  “I... think I will.” He backed away. “Thanks, man.”

  I waved him off, shaking my head. I watched as within minutes they were deep in conversation. Adam finally spoke to her and it only took the threat of Cameron and the Elites hanging over our heads.

  Without them to talk to, I wandered around the party and chatted with random people. At least it would look like I was playing along.

  “I learned how to make it while I was in Korea,” I said. “Bulgogi is one of my favorites.”

  “My mom owns a restaurant,” said Kim. This was the first time we had talked even though I’d seen him in the cafeteria a few times. “She taught me how to make all kinds of stuff. I wish cooking had been one of the trials. I would have killed that.”

  “I wonder why they choose those five sports.”

  “I think it’s because—”

  “Hey, Manning.” I peered over my shoulder and found Cole behind me. “It’s time.”

  My good mood evaporated. “Right. I’m coming.”

  I said bye to Kim and followed Cole out of the party. The other guys were waiting for us—even Derek. Without a word, we left everyone behind and once more trailed Cameron and Santi through the dark. It wasn’t until I spotted the boulder through the trees that I recognized where we were.

  We stepped into the clearing, but it wasn’t empty. The other Elites who took us that night were waiting for us. Cameron took his perch on the rock and made us line up in front of him. “Alright. Let’s hear it. What did you find out?”

  No one spoke.

  Cameron pointed at one of the boys. “Cole. Speak.”

  “Fine.” He stepped forward. The line of his shoulders was as taut as a bowstring. “I was talking to...”

  I hummed loudly in my head. Sang, thought of old movies, recited things I needed to know for the practice test. Anything to distract myself. I did not want to hear this stuff. None of this was right.


  I jerked. “What?” Was it my turn already?

  “What’s wrong with you?” asked Santiago. “Pay attention.”

  I pressed my lips together rather than say anything, but Santiago kept his eyes on me while Cameron called the next name.

  “Adam, share your

  Adam stepped forward. I hadn’t been watching him. I didn’t know if he ended up speaking to someone other than Melody.

  He’d never take advantage of a drunk Melody, but please tell me he didn’t find someone else.

  A cold sweat broke out on my skin as though it wasn’t my own secret he was about to spill. I was quickly starting to see Adam as one of my best friends and now I had to watch him do something awful.

  Adam cleared his throat. “I have a secret.”

  “We’re listening.”

  He lifted his chin high and looked Cameron right in the eyes. “Something that no one knows... is that I’m in love with Melody Durand.”

  Wait. What?

  Cameron’s smile slipped. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. That’s my big secret. I love Melody.”

  “You do?” Zachary asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

  Whispers broke out from the others. They were looking around like they had no clue what to say or do while I just stood there. What was Adam doing? Had his feelings for Melody truly been a secret?

  Frowning, Cameron pushed himself up and jumped down. “What the hell are you playing at, Moon? Your task was to—”

  “To share a secret from someone at that party. I was at the party and this is my secret that no one knows.”

  “Really? No one knew before tonight?” His voice rose. “You expect me to believe you haven’t been telling your boys all about your little Melody wet dreams. Fields!”

  The boy jumped.

  “Did you know?”

  Zachary tossed his head. “I had no idea, Cam. I swear.”

  Cameron turned on me. “What about you?”

  “I didn’t know,” I said without hesitation. “So there, Cam. Adam followed your rules. He passed.”

  “Zeke’s right.” I swung my head around at Michael’s voice. “You didn’t say it couldn’t be our own secret.”

  Cameron’s lips peeled back from his teeth until his snarl distorted his handsome features. “You think you’re pretty smart, Moon?” He stalked toward him, getting right in Adam’s face. “But that’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. What kind of idiot exposes his own weakness? I was right about you. You’re soft.” His hand flashed out and shoved him. “You’re too soft to be in the Network, and too soft to take over your daddy’s company.” He shoved him again. “You’ll always be soft!”

  Adam straightened and calmly brushed off his shirt. He met Cameron’s glittering eyes steadily. “You say I don’t have what it takes, but it seems to me beating a bully at their own game is way more impressive than getting a drunk teenager to spill their guts. I passed, Cameron. Say it.”

  I wasn’t in the middle of their staredown, but yet my heart was beating like a drum.

  “Alright, Moon,” said Cameron. He slowly fixed his jacket and smoothed back his hair. The cool and collected Cameron was reappearing before my eyes. “You passed.”

  Adam turned and walked back to the line.

  “But don’t think you won’t regret this.”

  If Adam was worried about that final parting shot, his face gave no indication. He took his place next to Zachary without a word.

  “Zach, you’re next,” said Cameron. “And if you pull the same shit as Moon, you’re out.”

  “No, no,” he said quickly. Zachary stepped out into the middle of the circle. “I have a secret.”

  “About who?”

  “It’s about... Owen Price.”

  I blinked. Owen? That couldn’t be right.

  “Zach?” Adam frowned at his back. “What are you doing?”

  “Be quiet,” Cameron snapped. “We’re listening, Fields.”

  “It’s that— It’s—” He took a deep breath. “Owen used to fantasize about our middle school English teacher... Mr. Eckheart.”

  “Zach!” Adam cried.

  Zachary pushed on, forcing the rest out in a rush. “He thinks he might be gay, but he’s not sure.”

  “What the hell, Zach?!” Adam bellowed. “What is wrong with you?! He’s your best friend!”

  Zach flinched like the words were a physical blow but said nothing. He shuffled back to my side while I gazed at him through wide eyes.

  “Alright, Manning. You’re up.”

  I didn’t speak right away. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Zachary although he refused to look back at me. How could he do something like this to his own friend?

  “What’s your secret?” Cameron pressed. “Or did you not get one?”

  “Oh...” I said softly. “I’ve got a secret. Although I think by now everyone knows.” I raised my voice and let it echo through the clearing. “Zachary Fields is so desperate to be accepted that he’d ditch and betray his best friend since preschool.”

  Zachary’s head snapped up.

  “It’s not even about getting into the Network. He just wants the attention and popularity that comes with being on top, but what he doesn’t know is that he’ll never get the adoration he really wants because everyone sees him for the sneaky, pathetic person he is.”

  Zachary flushed beet red. “Hey! Back the fuck off! I just did the test same as everyone else!”

  “You’re a—!”

  I halted. A noise was filling the space—one I hadn’t been expecting. Cameron was... laughing?

  Cameron cracked up so hard tears streamed down his face. I backed away, not knowing what to make of his reaction. Eventually, he got control of himself. “I said you were observant, Manning. You’ve got Fields pegged. I’d think we’d all agree by now that wanting to be popular is his weakness.”

  If it was possible, Zachary got even redder.

  “You pass, Manning.”

  I didn’t respond. I wasn’t trying to pass this test or get his approval and it didn’t make me feel any better to have it. I didn’t know Owen that well, but he had been nothing but nice to me. I knew why I needed into the Network, but this isn’t who I am. Zeke was only ever supposed to be a costume. I’m still Zela.

  “Alright, let’s wrap this up.” Cameron turned on the final boy. “Derek, what did you find out?”

  “You want a secret? I’ve got one for you.”

  My brows furrowed. Something in his voice made me look at him. Why is he smiling?

  “Well, I don’t know if you can actually call this a secret since most people suspect but can’t prove it.” He strode out in front and turned his back to Cameron. It was to us he spoke. “There’s been a lot of talk about Dupre Financial Holdings and just how much of that money is dirty.”

  All traces of mirth vanished from Cameron’s face. “Grayson—”

  “But the answer is,” Derek continued, “all of it! His dad is up to his filthy, rotten neck in gang money, stolen pensions, bribes, and all sorts of things the SEC frowns on.” Derek even scrunched up his face in a little pout. He was enjoying this.


  “He’s got money sacked away in so many extradition countries that he’s got Manning beat, and despite Cameron’s act—strutting around like he’s above everyone else. The truth is he’s nothing but the illegitimate son of a worthless crimin—”

  “Argh!” Cameron launched himself at Derek.

  I let out a scream as they fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

  “Motherfucker!” Cameron grabbed him and flipped him on his back. Spittle flew from his mouth as he raged. “None of that is true! Take it back!” He lifted a fist clenched so tightly, his knuckles turned white. “I said take it back!

  Derek laughed in his face. “Make me.”

  Santi grabbed his arm before Cameron got his chance. Shouting, he was hauled off Derek by his friend and two of the other sophomores.

  Derek was still laughing as he got to his feet. “Trying to beat me up? I expect nothing less from the son of a thief.”

  Cameron let out a roar. His hand shot through the shield of his friends, clawing at Derek as he fought to escape their hold. “I’ll kill you for th
is, Grayson! Do you hear me?! You’re going to be fucking sorry!”

  “Wow, you’re mad.” He carelessly brushed off his clothes. “What was the point of this game? Finding your opponent’s weakness and using it against them. Well, I’ve done that, so this means I pass.” His voice turned hard. “I guess I’m not a disappointment to my dad after all.”

  Cameron screamed such horrible things at him it made my stomach churn. I don’t think I’ve ever seen naked hatred before. It twisted his face beyond recognition.

  “That’s enough!” Santi yelled. “All of you, get out of here. Now!”

  Derek didn’t need to be told twice. He sauntered off without a word, looking nothing but pleased with himself. After a minute, I followed and Adam fell in behind me.

  We didn’t speak. We didn’t look back. But Cameron’s words stayed in my mind long after his shouts faded.

  Chapter Seven

  Saturday brought a new day, but not new worries. Adam and I stayed at our desks, studying for the placement test, but thoughts of the night before were so loud I could hear them coming from both of us. In the end, neither one of us had done something to be ashamed of, but still, a strange feeling hung over me.

  I didn’t know what was going to happen now. My phone didn’t buzz with a message from Cameron or Santiago and I wouldn’t step out of the room for fear of running into the others. We survived on snacks we brought from home and tried to focus on our last task.

  It wasn’t until we woke up on Sunday morning that I broached the topic. “Hey, Adam?”

  “Yeah?” He smacked the alarm clock off and heaved himself out of bed. “What’s up?”

  “That stuff with Melody... are you going to be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He reached into his wardrobe and started pulling clothes out. “Once I made up my mind to give up one of my secrets, I had my pick of which ones to share. Loving Melody isn’t something to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I’ve done worse.”

  “I can’t think of you doing anything wrong. You’re a good person—much better than Cameron and it’s not because of who his father might be. He never should have asked us to do that.” I shook my head. “I wish I believed it would end here, but I have a feeling that with the Elite Network, this is just the beginning.”


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