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Page 7

by Saranna Dewylde

  Jesus, his mouth was made of sin no matter what expression he wore on his face.

  “And if you get in the tub, I’ll go with you to that party.” His hands were still on her hips and she was having trouble thinking about anything besides the hard ridge of his cock against her pussy.

  She was still a bit sore from the night previous, even after the soak, but Chase was a drug and she’d take another hit any way she could get it.

  “I thought you had to study?”

  “I’ll study later and sleep when I’m dead.”

  He eased to the edge of the bed with Anne still wrapped around him and stood, taking her with him. She squealed and clung more tightly, loving the play of muscles rippling under her fingers.

  “No,” she squeaked. “I can’t get in with just my panties. I want to wear them tonight.”

  “Fine. You don’t need them anyway.”

  “I thought you said you were going to keep your hands to yourself?” Anne was having a hard time with that herself. Part of her just wanted to say “fuck it all” and go with whatever happened, no matter the consequences.

  “You’re right.” He deposited her on the mattress. “Better find your suit.”

  “I left it outside.” Her cheeks colored and she felt stupid for being embarrassed. After everything they’d already done together, Chase knowing she’d been outside naked wasn’t even a drop in the bucket.

  “I’ll meet you in the tub.” He winked at her.

  Anne changed out on the deck, feeling exquisitely naughty. She liked feeling so brazen and exposed. After all, getting caught naked had already had its perks. She was definitely going to hold him to his promise of the rubdown. Her skin would be as flaky as a good pie crust after a second dip.

  The water was still perfect but it didn’t soothe her as she’d hoped. Anne was tempted to use the jets for a quick one-off so she could at least maintain rational thought with Chase in the hot tub.

  But he was faster. He emerged from the house only seconds after she’d decided to appropriate the jets for licentious use.

  Anne was sure she’d had blinders on growing up as she took in his body. How had she slept comfortably next to that during their secret sleepovers in high school? How had she cuddled up next to him on movie nights and not noticed his biceps? The broad plane of his chest? That jaw that was like granite?

  Or his cock, tool of the devil that it was, engineered specifically to make her pussy ache every time she thought of it.

  He was so obviously and deliciously hard, his Speedo doing nothing to hide his generous gifts.

  She bit her lip and was reminded again that if she kept doing that, especially looking at Chase, she was going to bite it right off.

  He slid into the water next to her, his arms spread like wings on the edge of the hot tub. “So, you wanted to talk?”

  Anne was unexpectedly tongue-tied. Even though she reminded herself that this was just Chase. She’d always been able to tell him anything. But he was suddenly the popular jock and she felt like the girl with glasses and braces in the corner, reading Byron and dreaming that the poet wore his face.

  It was stupid.

  So, she blurted, “Will you tell me about the site?”

  “What do you want to know?” Chase met her gaze squarely.

  “Everything?” Anne laughed. “I want details. It kind of hurt that you didn’t think you could tell me.”

  “The same way that you didn’t think you could tell me you’d been using said site?” Chase admonished with another smirk.

  “Okay, I see your point.” She blushed.

  “That still embarrasses you, even though I’ve already seen parts of you even you haven’t seen?”

  “Yeah, kind of. That’s not something I’ve ever shared with anyone.”

  “That you jill off to me?” He sounded so pleased with himself.

  There was the Chase she knew so well, the confident man so sure of his own appeal, but she couldn’t let him one-up her.

  “I didn’t only jill off to you, Chase. I objectified you. I used you like a stripper would a new pole,” Anne said boldly with a smile. When she saw the hard set of his jaw and the muscle tic in his cheek, she knew she’d won that round, but she couldn’t resist going for the bonus point. “Even after I stopped using the site, I couldn’t stop imagining you, or innocent things we’d done together, and what they could have been. Sleeping in the same bed on our senior trip, the warmth of our bodies together in the dark. It was so cold and sometimes I wish we’d done other things to warm up. I wish my first time had been with you, too.”

  He wasn’t about to be outdone. “Every video I’ve posted on Dreamed Desire, I was thinking of you.”

  She gasped in surprise. All of that want, the lust she’d seen in his eyes when he’d finally shown his face—it was all for her. It made her clench her thighs together, hard, as if that could stop the onslaught of need that throbbed in her cunt.

  “Are you saying that to one-up me, or are you saying it because it’s true?” she asked, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. How had this already careened so far off course? This was supposed to be a discussion about boundaries, but instead of setting any, they were bulldozing through them.

  “I would tell you to come here and see for yourself, but we promised we wouldn’t touch.” His mouth curved in a seductive smile.

  “Keep taunting me, Chase Donovan, and just see what you get.”

  “This was your idea, sweetheart.”

  “You’re the one who said you wanted to be in here with me.”

  “You’re the one who demanded we take a hands-off approach.” He made a gesture as if he were helpless against her.

  “You’re the one who gave in to my demands.”

  “I’m not made of stone,” he tossed back lightly, gliding across the space between them to illustrate his point.

  “I beg to differ,” Anne taunted and moistened her lips. His gaze zeroed in on her mouth.

  Just as he bent his head to kiss her, Gin and Seth barreled through the door with wine and four glasses and Chase jerked away from her.

  “Dang, Anne. Have you been in there since we left?” Gin asked as she pulled off her dress, revealing her cute pink-and-black polka-dot bikini. “You don’t mind if we join you, do you?”

  She did mind. She minded very much. Anne tried in vain to school her expression.

  “You do mind?” Seth asked with a raised brow, his hands pausing on his jeans.

  YES, she wanted to scream, but she couldn’t very well do that. Not at this juncture anyway. “No, not at all. The more the merrier, right?” Anne finally twisted her mouth into a smile.

  Chase didn’t speak, but tugged Anne close. She ended up sitting between his thighs. Her hands were resting on his knees, and when she leaned back she came into contact with the expanse of his defined abs. The obvious evidence of how he felt about their earlier conversation was pressed against her back. She was thankful neither Gin nor Seth could tell the difference between the blush at Chase’s proximity and skin simply heated by the steam.

  “You guys are back a little early, huh?” Chase asked neutrally, but Anne could hear the we’re-changing-the-locks-tomorrow in his undertone.

  Seth shook his head. “Man. It was bad.”

  “We couldn’t hang,” Gin added.

  “So you just left Justin there?” Anne asked as she squirmed a bit to find a more comfortable position.

  “No, he left too,” Seth said with a smirk.

  “Oh my god, he did not! That’s awful. That poor girl,” Anne said.

  “No, no. Poor us. Devolved rather quickly. She had a meltdown on stage and there was a food fight, started by this other guy she was cheating on Justin with. It was ugly.” Gin made a face.

  “How tacky.” Anne shook her head. “We’ll have to call him and tell him how we never liked her anyway.” She grinned.

  Chase’s hands were suddenly on her hips, guiding her squirming. She realized she’d been b
rushing against him rather intimately while trying to get comfortable. Her face flamed again, but doubly so when she discovered what he was doing. He wasn’t moving her for his pleasure—he was doing it for hers.

  He had her perched over a tiny jet in the seat. It was soft, a light tease as the water pressure moved over her pussy. It was just enough to make her squirm some more. She was torn between wanting to get closer and trying to get away. If it were only she and Chase, she’d have probably crept closer to it herself, just as she’d been planning to do before he’d come outside. Anne needed some relief, so she relaxed into his knowing grasp and begged to any powers that happened to be listening that Gin and Seth would leave soon.

  It made her feel decadent and naughty to allow Chase to do this while they were in the hot tub with their friends, but Anne figured they’d both understand. Not that either of them would ever hear hide nor hair of this particular escapade, but in theory…

  A long sigh escaped from her and she spoke quickly. “Isn’t this so relaxing?”

  “I was going to offer you some wine, Anne, but I don’t think you need it.” Gin peered at her from her seat.

  “No, Annie doesn’t need any more wine. As it is, I’ll have to carry her to bed,” Chase said, a laugh rumbling deep in his chest.

  “Hers or yours?” Gin smirked.

  “Mine, of course. You know she has to pay her rent somehow.” His light words sent shivers down her back and his fingers tightened on the curve of her hips.

  Anne usually had all manner of comebacks and slick remarks, but the pulsing water between her thighs had silenced her. All she could manage was an agreeable sound and a nod of her head.

  She was nowhere near intoxicated, but if that’s what it took to get rid of their company, she’d happily play the lush.

  “Wine can really go to your head with all this heat,” Seth added helpfully. “Gin and I won’t be too long. Although I was hoping to crash on your couch tonight. Who knows when Justin’s party is going to wind down and I’ve got to be up early.”

  Anne gave a little shiver and struggled not to cry out. The jet felt so good, she wanted to surrender to it, wanted to have Chase’s hands all over her body, to have him fuck her here in the hot tub from behind…then again on the deck. Then—

  She clamped her legs together.

  Oh, why weren’t they leaving? Thankfully, Chase shifted her again so she was on his lap and allowed her a brief respite from the manipulation of the jet. Her need for him had intensified, but at least she wasn’t going to come there in front of all of them.

  She let her head fall against his shoulder and her eyes drifted closed as she enjoyed the feel of him.

  “Gin, I say we take some wine and crash out in the living room for a while. Maybe even go grab a bite so Chase can put Anne to bed.” He looked at Chase. “That is, if you don’t mind us staying.”

  “No, that’s fine, but I haven’t eaten. It’d be cool if you’d bring me something back.” Leave it to Chase to extend his hospitality and kick them out in the same sentence, all with a finesse that made them think it was a good idea. “Anne can take a quick nap and then we’ll all go to the party.”

  “Come on, Gin,” Seth said with a nod.

  “What if I’m not ready?” she pouted.

  “You’re ready. I heard your stomach growling earlier. It’s not like you ate anything at the performance.”

  “I couldn’t. Half of it was on the floor,” Gin said.

  “So, come on. My treat. I did promise you dinner.”

  “I do appreciate a man who can keep his word.”

  “I always keep my promises,” Seth said.

  “Do you?” Gin was quiet for a moment. “Then I suppose I should let you feed me.”

  “I supposed you should,” he said as he took her hand and tugged her to her feet. “Come on, blondie. We’ll be back in about an hour,” Seth said, this last to Chase pointedly.

  Anne was hyperaware of the not-so-subtle innuendo in his tone. She felt so obvious about what she wanted, or maybe it was Chase who was obvious? Whatever it was, Seth had picked up on it and was happy to oblige them.

  As soon as they were through the door, Chase reached over and turned the jets up higher. He maneuvered Anne until she was kneeling, positioned fully over one of the more powerful jets, one arm around her waist to anchor her and his other hand free to rove over her body.

  “Oh my God, Chase.”

  “You don’t like this?” he breathed against her neck.

  “I like it too much!”

  Chase’s hard cock rubbed the opening of her slit from behind and with the more intense stream of water pounding at her clit, Anne couldn’t stop from crying out.

  “What about this?” he teased, and thrust against her.

  He brushed his lips along the back of her neck, grazed his teeth over the tender place between her neck and shoulder.

  Anne shuddered and rocked back against him to meet the motion of his hips. Somehow, this was more erotic than if he’d actually been inside her. She longed for him to run his hands over her, to cup her breasts and drill into her pussy. But what he was doing now was slow and sweet, steady. He suckled at her neck, took the flesh lightly between his teeth and then laved it before suckling again.

  The intensity of her orgasm was already clawing at her, trying to pull her over the edge, but she wasn’t ready.

  Anne reached back between them but he grabbed her wrist. “Hands to yourself, remember?”

  She shook as her orgasm neared and tried to close her thighs against the continued onslaught of the hot jet of water hitting her clit. Anne didn’t want the moment to be over, but Chase was determined. He clamped his hands around her thighs and held her legs apart.

  “I thought you said your hands wouldn’t move,” she cried out.

  “I lied,” he said, unrepentant.

  Anne loved him holding her like that, demanding she take her pleasure. She’d fantasized about him this way, although he’d been even more dominant. She’d imagined him as a pirate and herself as a captured slave, bound for whatever he wanted to do to her.

  He tangled his fist in her hair and angled her head to kiss her, muffling her screams. Climax hit her hard and fast—the bliss intensified by his insistent strength holding her there and pushing her to experience more of the sensation than she would have if she were bringing herself off.

  She struggled when it became too intense and he pulled her against him. Anne took ragged and gasping breaths as she rested the back of her head on his shoulder while she drifted back to earth. He held her close, his fingers stroking lightly down her arms.

  “I love watching you come, Annie.”

  His words made her clench and shudder as another wave of ecstasy took her. “God, Chase. The things you say,” she whispered in a shaky voice.

  “Should I not say them?” he asked, not a taunt, but serious.

  “I love that you say them. I don’t ever want there to be anything else we can’t say to each other.”

  “Look! There’s a rule. One down,” Chase rasped. “Should I make you come for every one?”

  Anne shivered against him. “If you think you can.”

  “Little Annie, if that’s a challenge, you’re fucked.” He pulled her tighter against him, his cock still hard. “In every way you can stand it,” Chase promised.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to be serious—to really talk. But Anne knew him inside and out and she knew the harder she pushed one way, the harder he’d go the other.

  They’d agreed there would never be anything they couldn’t tell each other, but Anne immediately thought her promise might be wishful thinking. Already she found herself imagining what it would be like to have a real relationship with him, not just friends with benefits—and she couldn’t tell him because she knew how he felt about committed relationships.

  He didn’t want one.

  Anne wasn’t naïve enough to believe he’d change his mind just because it was h
er. Even though part of her was starting to wish he would.

  Chapter Eight

  Hours later, Anne reevaluated her reasoning for coming to the party. She felt awkward and out of place. It would have been more fun to stay at home and spend time with Chase.

  Or maybe it was just that she was more intrigued by a man who put off his own orgasm, like some kind of Tantric god, than by a bunch of beer-swilling, fart-lighting frat boys.

  Though she was embarrassed to admit that when a guy surrounded by a bunch of whey-faced freshmen did that very thing, she laughed and found it just as funny as she had in middle school.

  “Where did you run off to? Sneak back to the house for a quickie with Chase?” Gin asked as she handed her a beer.

  “The smoke was too thick, I had to go outside.”

  “Or was that just where Chase went?”

  “Will you drop it?”

  Gin rolled her eyes. “No. I’m living vicariously. You can expect me to be making cracks from now until shit sticks to the moon.”

  Anne smirked. “I guess that’s fair, considering you’re not getting any.”

  Gin eyed her carefully for a long moment. “You know if he goes in the Truth or Dare room, he’s fair game? I can’t pass up the only chance I’ll ever have to lip-lock with him,” she said lightly. “Unless, you know, that bothers you. I mean, you haven’t said you’re together…” She spoke each word of the last sentence slowly, as if she were explaining to Anne that a round piece would not fit into a square hole.

  Did it bother her? Anne didn’t know. Her gut reaction was to say that it did, to be possessive and territorial, but she and Chase had no claim on each other.

  “Why would it bother me?” Anne forced a smile. Gin was doing the good girlfriend thing. Especially considering how long she’d been crushing on him.

  “You know I can smell that from here, right?” Gin rolled her eyes again. She’d been doing that so much lately, Anne was sure she’d have to be dizzy by now. Or on the next roll, they’d roll right out of her head.

  “Smell what?”

  “The bullshit. You screwed up your face like you did when I made you try that pizza with cauliflower crust. Admit it—you don’t want me or anyone else putting their lips anywhere near Chase Donovan.”


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