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Dangerous Place For Love

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Cathy O’Donald made first contact when a young girl by the name of Christine Thompson went missing. A young, fresh eighteen-year-old. She told us her husband Arthur O’Donald had brought a woman that matched her description to the house and fucked her in front of her. She said it appeared as if the girl had been drugged and wasn’t in her right mind. Through investigation and with her help, we found Christine alive, drugged and being forced to whore out her body for payment.”

  Erik paused as he saw the horror on Kelly’s face. He gave her time to digest everything she heard.

  “Do you want me to continue?” he asked.

  Kelly nodded but her eyes were glazed over with tears.

  “From that moment, Cathy O’Donald helped us to save over one hundred girls who would have been lost to the system and probably ended up dumped in some river somewhere. Broken and dead. The problem was Cathy was so good at getting us what we needed, we didn’t intervene. We left her with Arthur and she would phone us with details. The only thing she wanted from us was the promise we’d keep you safe once you left home. The deal being once we secured enough evidence we could get you and Cathy out of there.” He stopped as the wounds of the past opened up and threatened to consume him.

  “If everything was going so well, what happened to make it all go wrong?”

  “We were so close to having him, Kelly. So close and then the calls stopped coming. Our contact, who was there undercover, went missing and turned up three weeks later dead. Arthur found out about what happened and we believe he was instrumental in getting rid of Cathy.”

  The pain of hearing the news of Cathy’s bizarre and life-threatening illness had sent a wave of guilt through the entire force where he worked. All of the men in his division had known Arthur was doing something to Cathy but because of the laws, Cathy had died and they’d not been able to find out what happened to the woman they’d come to care about. A great life had been lost that day.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We think your father poisoned Cathy after learning she’d come to us. He couldn’t kill her and tell you some made-up story, could he? He needed to make it a clean death where nothing could stop him,” Erik said the last on a whisper.

  The tears were falling from her eyes and all he wanted to do was reach out and comfort her. To promise he would keep her safe.

  “How do you fit into this?”

  “The case had literally hit bottom. Cathy was gone and dead and everything we collected pretty much null and void with her death. Our informant was dead and so we needed someone on the inside and after careful thought, I was the one who drew the short straw. My name and everything associated with the force was wiped clean. I was Erik Coldwell, a killer and right-hand man to Arthur O’Donald. The hitch in the plan was you. You came back when you were supposed to stay in another country far from the death. My men worked against me, brought you on board and didn’t inform me. I’ve been in the dark for over a year.”

  The calls and connection to his special division had been broken. With no choice left, Erik had taken on the role he’d been playing in full force. No matter what he did, he always waited for the call to reveal his next moved. Kelly had been the one piece of the puzzle he hadn’t thought about. She was always around, always close by.

  “This is insane. Are you telling me that you are in fact a cop?”


  Kelly stormed away and Erik cursed. It wasn’t safe for her to be running off. “Stay away from me.” She pushed him away as he made to grab her. “You’re the one who should be protecting me but you’re nothing but a guy who’s gone rogue. I’ve seen what you’ve done to people.”

  Erik cursed. She would know every single sin he’d committed in his time serving under O’Donald.

  “Do you think I don’t get that?” he yelled.

  “You could have ended it. Put a bullet through his head or something.”

  “Listen to me, Kelly.” He followed her across the sandy beach to the shady part of the island.

  “No. You listen to me. I don’t trust you. I want off this island and I want far away from you.”

  Erik allowed her to walk off. He’d given her a lot of information and she would need the time to think.

  He walked away and sat down, burying his feet in the dry sand. Kelly sat on a rock with her feet skimming the water. His heart broke for her, for everything she’d lost and for the life she’d had to live for the past three years. If he’d known what she’d gone through, he would have stopped it when he had the time. Erik didn’t know why his men had broken their contact but he knew he was on the outside depending on the years of training to keep himself safe.

  Living a life always looking over his shoulder left a lot to be desired.

  Her cries broke the calm silence. Erik fisted his hands at his sides and waited until she finished. It broke him inside hearing her sadness. She didn’t deserve the pain. Out of all of this, she was the innocent.

  Erik felt ashamed of his growing feelings toward the woman. He was older than her and should be able to control his need. When Kelly was around, he couldn’t think properly and in the thick of it with Arthur, he’d needed to think. She’d become a distraction he couldn’t control.

  Kelly moved off the rock and walked toward him. Her eyes red rimmed and still glazed with more unshed tears.

  “I don’t blame you for what happened to my mum. I want to get out of this place and get home.”

  Erik nodded and together they walked back to camp.

  Chapter Four

  That night Kelly dreamt of her mother and the pain she must have suffered in the final days knowing what Arthur was doing to her. She woke with a start and lay perfectly still. Erik lay at her back with an arm flung over her waist.

  “I take it you’re having nightmares?” he asked. His voice startled her.

  The sounds of the night were of the ocean. When she got home, she wasn’t going near any beaches, ever again.

  “Do you want to talk about the dreams?”

  Kelly shook her head. She didn’t want to talk about her troubles. The more she talked, the more real they began to feel. The thought of her mother being killed by her father’s hand. She’d been away and there was nothing she could have done about it. If she’d been a good daughter, she’d have returned home and stopped the bad things happening to her mother.

  “It might help to talk about the crash and everything.”

  “Crash?” Kelly frowned.

  “Yeah, the plane crash,” he said.

  “I wasn’t dreaming about the crash.”

  His fingers stroked the soft swell of her belly. Her senses were heightened by the darkness as each touch had her belly quivering. For years she’d tried exercise and extreme dieting trying to rid herself of the last few pounds and the horrid swell. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get rid of the damn thing and now he was playing with it.

  “Could you stop doing that?” she asked.

  “Doing what?”

  She sighed in frustration. “Playing with my fat. I know it’s disgusting.”

  His fingers stilled but he didn’t move his hand.

  “Don’t ever think of your body like that,” he whispered in her ear.

  Kelly sighed and allowed his touch. She supposed it was only a matter of time before it came to this. Not that she was complaining. Erik had always had the ability to arouse her when they were in each other’s company. They hadn’t been together often but out of all of her father’s bodyguards, Erik didn’t appear as dangerous as all the others. Strange, considering she thought Erik was her father’s right-hand man, responsible for all the death she’d heard about.

  “You’re thinking too much when you should be sleeping.”

  Rolling over, Kelly glanced at him. The moon shone over them and she could see the outline of his face.

  “What’s going to happen when we get back home?” she asked. He continued to caress her stomach.

  “Providing everythin
g went all right with incarcerating your dad, then I’ll be reinstated on the case trying to bring down his associates, and you’ll end up in witness protection. Kelly O’Donald will cease to exist. You’ll probably find they’ll try to link the plane crash to your death.”

  Kelly nodded and she watched him play with her belly. She never liked her belly but she enjoyed him playing with it.

  “What’s the matter? You’re going to get worry lines,” he teased.

  “It seems a little surreal. One moment I thought I was all alone and the next I’ve got you. I can’t believe it could all be over,” she whispered not wanting to infringe on the cool ocean sound.

  “You’ll always have me.” Erik moved closer to her and Kelly caught her breath. He may be touching her but his closeness was awakening her body in ways she thought long dead.

  Since learning about her father and what he did to secure money, she found men and sex repulsive. Erik, touching her and being close, was making her feel again. Her nipples were hard and sensitive, the material from her bra irritating her skin. Goose bumps erupted on her flesh and she gasped as his palm moved farther down her body. His fingertips teased under her panties and she couldn’t contain the gasp of arousal.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Did she want him to go further? He didn’t move anymore and gave her time to adjust to his touch.

  “I’ll never do anything you don’t want.”

  Heat pooled in her panties and her eyes widened as his fingertips grazed the fine hairs on her pussy.

  “I don’t know what I want,” she admitted.

  Kelly desired this man but did she want to lose what little ground she’d gained by a quick tumble on a deserted island? Most women would only dream of being left alone with a hot, sexy man who was now tempting her with the delights of his body. Why did she hesitate?

  Kelly had several sex partners before but that had been years ago.

  “Tell me to stop, Kelly.”

  Kelly opened her mouth to say something but the words left her. She didn’t want him to stop. Licking her lips, she placed her hand over the top of his. The heat from his palm warmed her stomach. She wanted the heat of those fingers pushing inside her.

  Gazing into his eyes, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips as she guided his hand farther inside her panties.

  She gasped at her own wetness as she moved his fingers over her swollen clit. Erik kissed her back and she accepted him. Moving over as he pushed above her. He lay with no clothes as he’d done for the past few weeks. They took no time at all to remove her underwear. She was under him with her legs wide open in a matter of seconds.

  Kelly couldn’t stop kissing him. His lips with his stubble had her panting for more. Trailing kisses down to her neck and along her collarbone before coming back up.

  “Are you sure of this?” he asked.

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my whole life.”

  Pulling his head down, she kissed him again. Thrusting her tongue between his lips. Erik didn’t ask her another question. Kisses rained down on her lips and neck and he travelled down her body until he took the tight bud of her nipple in his mouth.

  Kelly screamed and arched up to his touch. His tongue circled one red, swollen nub before his teeth bit down. Kelly cried out from the pleasurable pain of the contact. Before she got a chance to get over the intense pleasure in her first nipple, he moved onto her second, giving her the same attention having her arching up and screaming out his name.

  As her mind calmed down from the torture of her breasts, he kissed down her stomach, nibbling on each of her hip bones and biting into the round flesh of her stomach, making her giggle.

  “I love this,” he moaned and for the first time Kelly began to see the attraction of having a little more meat on her bones. She was always under the impression men loved women who were skin and bones but Erik made her feel desirable.

  He moved down and she held her tongue as his breath breezed over the hair of her mound. She panted and it took every last bit of willpower to not move or beg for him to touch her, to lick her.

  “You’re so pretty,” he growled.

  “Touch me,” she gasped as his tongue swiped through her creamy slit. The next wave of pleasure consuming her.

  ~* * *~

  Her essence teased his tongue, his cock was so fucking hard he was dying to be inside her sweet cunt.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them by her side and tormented her swollen clit. The sight before him obscured by the cloak of darkness. He growled in frustration. He wanted the sunlight to see her beautiful wet pussy begging for his dick. This was so wrong. He should turn away and not look at her again. The mission was to protect her, not to fuck her.

  Screw the mission, he wanted this woman more than anything and for tonight at least he intended to have her.

  Her hips gyrated up to his mouth, and she smashed her mons on his face. He bit down on the swollen clit and relished the sounds of her cries. She wouldn’t last much longer and once she came all over his face, he could fuck her and not worry about hurting her.

  With the thoughts of being inside her prevalent in his mind, he didn’t tease her any longer. He wanted her juice spurting on his tongue.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come,” she screamed seconds before her entire body shuddered and her moans and cries echoed with the blessed sound of a wonderful release.

  She gave so much of herself and Erik, with an expert hand, brought her up and over her flood gates and down peacefully. She lay on the ground calm and supple. Moaning as he took his large, thick dick in his hand, he smeared his pre-cum all over the head of his cock, before he tested her body. Thrusting three fingers inside her tight channel already coated with his seed. He didn’t care they were unprotected.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard. You better hold onto me baby. This is going to be one wild ride.” Her fingers latched on behind his neck and he pushed his head in between her aching folds.

  Her pussy was soaking wet and dripping with her own juice.

  Erik bit his lip, her cunt was tight like a fist and even with all the natural lubrication he needed to work himself inside her slowly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t hurt me. I’m not easily broken,” she said near his ear.

  Placing one of his hands around her body and kissing her lips, he placed the other on her hip and holding onto her. He drove straight home. Thankful she didn’t push him away or fight the length and width of his cock. He stayed perfectly still for a few minutes allowing her time to adjust.

  Only when she started to move on him and force him to take more of her did he begin to move. She was tight, hot and wet.

  “Harder,” she growled when he stopped her from riding him hard.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “It’s been years since I’ve been properly fucked by anything but a dildo. Do me a favour and show me what I’ve been missing all these years.”

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he kissed her. Plunging his tongue inside her mouth at the same time he took her pussy. He pounded into both not letting up. The only time he would stop is to gaze down and look where they were joined.

  “Look at us, Kelly. We’re one-person now.”

  They made love and drove each other over the edge of completion. Erik was going to pull out and spurt his seed over her belly or in the waiting sand. Instead the pleasure was too much to deny himself as his climax rolled up from his balls through his cock and spurted out the end.

  He gazed down at Kelly and knew he wanted to keep her. His seed released and he had enough time to pull out but he refused. Erik had watched her fight for her survival. Every time she split a coconut or tried to catch a fish. The more he learnt about her determination and the strength it must have taken to enter into a witness protective deal, he found himself admiring everything about her. Kelly was his woman, the one destined to be his. She fought him on every leve
l, but here, they could be together without fear of the outside world looking in. Erik didn’t know if they were going to make it off the island, as long as his last moments were spent with this woman, he didn’t care. He wanted Kelly for his own. Not as some source of release on the island but a forever woman. He pulsed wave after wave of spunk into her body and sent out a prayer for one of his little fellows to catch on and never leave.

  From then on, their time on the island would be something new. A chance to explore each other. Erik collapsed on top of her, feeling no guilt or shame. He was a ruthless man and what he went after he always got.

  Chapter Five

  Kelly moaned and turned over to escape the glaring sun shining down on her, forcing her to wake. She wanted a few extra minutes in dream land. Jerking awake as a pair of lips teased her neck.

  Opening her eyes, she stared into the eyes of Erik Coldwell, special agent, slash, undercover operative, slash, her lover.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  The ocean interrupted her response as the waves rushed toward the beach. “Good morning. I can’t wait to never hear the ocean again,” she complained, stretching out the kinks in her body. The thrill of being naked in the sunshine so Erik could finally see her.

  They hadn’t washed after last night’s lovemaking and she knew she’d see the evidence on her thighs and his body. Darkness was a great disguise for many things and she didn’t want to blush so early in the morning.

  She kept her eyes firmly locked on his. He, however, let his gaze roam her body.

  “You look so fucking tasty,” he murmured, appreciatively.

  “You like what you see?”

  “I more than like it. Look at these tits. Ripe and red from my touch last night.” He cupped a breast, his thumb rubbing over the sensitive area.

  Last night he must have flicked a switch because her body was already responding to his touch.

  “No more of this though. We got to get cleaned.” Kelly squealed as he lifted her up easily. She clung to his neck.

  “Erik Coldwell, put me down right this instant,” she demanded. He chuckled and she had no choice but to cling tighter. “I’m too heavy.”


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