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Turn and Burn_A Blacktop Cowboys Novel

Page 18

by Lorelei James

  His heart beat a little harder when he heard the creak of footsteps on the planked walkway. He kept his focus on the crackling fire.

  The footsteps stopped.

  He glanced up at her, standing at the edge of his deck.

  “Fletch? What in the world are you doin’ here?”

  Man. He loved that honey-thick drawl of hers. “Nice evening, isn’t it?”

  “Uh. Yeah. But . . .” Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms over her chest. “You have cattle stuff to do early in the morning and Renner is making you crash here?”

  He shook his head.

  “Were you out drinking with Tobin and Hugh and you’re too shitfaced to drive home?”

  He shook his head again.

  “Okay. I give up. Why are you parked in a lawn chair in front of a fire with your feet up? At ten at night? Drinking a . . . is that a wine cooler?”

  “Tropical berry flavored. It’s what I had left over in my fridge at home. And since it’d been a particularly trying day, if I stopped at the liquor store to pick up a bottle of something, I’d be tempted to drink the whole thing. So I’m stuck with this ‘bitch beer’ as Bran calls it. I have more in the cooler if you’re interested in having a drink with me.”

  Tanna squinted at him. “I need to change clothes.”

  Fletch’s eyes wandered over her. He liked what he saw and he made sure she knew it. “Sugar twang, you always look fantastic. No matter what you are—or ain’t—wearing.”


  He hooked his foot around the plastic leg of the lawn chair, dragging it closer to the fire. “Have a seat.”

  She plopped down, propping her feet next to his. “Now gimme a damn drink.”

  He pulled out a cold bottle, twisted off the cap and passed it over. Clinking his bottle to hers, he said, “To the ass end of this day.”

  “What did you do today, Dr. Fletcher, that made it so trying?”

  Telling her that he got the smackdown from his office manager and father might give her the wrong impression, so he stretched the truth. “I wrapped up a few things before I closed down my office for six weeks.”

  She choked on her drink. “Seriously? You’re taking six weeks off?”



  “Because I haven’t taken time off for an extended period . . . ever. My office manager wanted to book a long tour to Europe and I can’t run my practice without her, so I’m using the time to write a couple of articles for ag industry journals. Reading material that’s piled up in the last year. Resting up.”

  “Is there a reason you didn’t share this tidbit when we were together this weekend?”

  The look he gave her reminded her they’d had other things on their minds besides discussing schedules. Tanna blushed and he bit back a grin. “I wasn’t sure where I’d end up. This was just one of my options.” He bumped her knee with his. “And I didn’t want to get your hopes up.”

  “Thoughtful of you.” She cocked her head and took a drink. “So, you’ll be here at the Split Rock the whole time?”

  “If I stay at my place I’ll watch too much TV. Or I’ll head out to the bar. Or my clients will pester me. This place is a good hidey-hole. I can get my work done and if I have the hankering to get wild, well, I can always peg Tobin.” He locked his gaze to hers. “Or you.”

  “I have to behave. I need this job.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting we play strip poker in the main room of the lodge. Or go skinny-dipping in the new pool.”

  “The cement pond is off-limits to employees unless there aren’t any guests around.”

  He shrugged. “I prefer the lake, anyway.”

  “Me too.”

  “Yeah? I have access to a lake house. Rustic, but the fishing is good.”

  “Bet the skinny-dipping is good too,” she said with a smirk.

  “I haven’t tried it since I’ve only ever gone there with my dad. But if you’re interested, let me know and we’ll head up there for a day or two.”

  “That does sound nice.”

  Silence lingered.

  Tanna glanced up and caught him staring at her, because he couldn’t stop. “You’re beautiful. The glow of the firelight looks good on you.”

  She squinted at him. “Sweet Lord. Are you drunk?”

  Tempting to laugh, but he merely shook his head. “Just observant.”

  “You are surely tryin’ to rattle me.”

  “Maybe.” He drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. “You aren’t gonna get all indignant on me now that I’ve complimented you, are you?”

  Tanna shook her head.

  “Can I ask . . . were you upset that I left on Sunday morning?”

  “It wouldn’t have done me any good to get upset and it just would’ve made you feel like shit. Lives are at stake in your job. Do I wish the day would’ve played out differently? Some. But you did give me a memorable good-bye.”

  “There is that. But then, I didn’t call you.”

  “So? You knew I was working.”

  “You providing excuses for me . . . that’s novel.”

  She tipped her bottle at him. “I try to be memorable.”

  The perfect opening. “I want more than just a memory, Tanna.” His heart sped up. “I’m sitting here acting all polite like, making conversation with you, while my brain keeps flashing to the image of your naked body. I keep hearing those sexy sounds you make when I’m inside you. I’m remembering how you taste. So, gorgeous, I’m just gonna lay it on the line. I want to be your lover for however long you’re in town.”

  “You wanna be fuck buddies?”

  He shook his head. “I can have that anytime I want and I’m sure you can too. I want something different. I’d like to try”—he gasped with complete exaggeration—“dating.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “It’ll be fun.”

  Tanna didn’t look convinced. “Can I think about it?”

  “Sure. I’ll give you fifteen seconds starting right now.”

  “You are such a caveman.”

  “You seemed to like that side of me well enough three times on Saturday night and once on Sunday morning.”

  “Lord almighty, you never give up.”

  “Not when I’ve found something worth keeping.” Fletch reached out and twisted a hank of her hair around his finger. “You also oughta know I’m not the sneaking around type. If we’re sleeping together then we’re together in public and private.”

  Tanna closed her eyes and ducked her head.

  Since Fletch had kept hold of her hair, he didn’t have to tug hard to get her attention. “What’s wrong?”

  She looked at him. “It’s just been a while since I’ve heard that. I’ve gotten used to bein’ the wild girl a guy wants in his bed, behind closed doors. You know, the dirty girl, dirty little secret, hidden away in the light of day.”

  He smiled, knew it looked predatory and didn’t care. “Oh, trust me, sugar twang, we’re gonna get plenty dirty behind closed doors. But everyone will understand that we’re together in every sense of the word when we’re out.” A look he’d never seen settled on her beautiful face. “What?”

  “You are so fuckin’ hot when you say stuff like that.”

  He brought them closer until they were within kissing distance. “What do you say we put out this fire so we can go inside and start another one?”

  “With body friction?” she murmured, rubbing the side of her face against the stubble on his jaw. “I bet you can supply the wood.”

  Fletch stood and grabbed the fire-dampening cover to snuff out the embers. When he glanced over at Tanna . . . all he could think was want. He hauled her to her feet and kissed her.

  She twined herself around him and tried to scale his body.

Her passion kicked his into a higher gear and his cock pressed against his shorts. He clamped one hand around her hip and one in her hair as he herded her toward the door.

  Reluctant as he was to break the kiss, he didn’t want to accidentally smack her in the head with the screen door because he was focused on getting her naked. He tore his mouth free. “Inside. Now.”

  She rested her forehead against his chest. “Good idea. Tobin and Hugh need to pay for a show this hot.”

  Damn woman cracked him up with her sass.

  Once they were inside, he plastered her against the wall, slipping his thigh between hers, tugging her hips forward.

  Tanna kissed him harder. Her hands were roving from his shoulders to squeeze his pecs, sliding down his stomach and then dipping below the waistband of his camo shorts.

  His dick jerked, trying to jump into her hand.

  Placing his hands over the tops of hers, he slipped them beneath his tank top, wanting to feel her touching more than his cock. He made a growling sound when her fingertips connected with each rib and her thumbs strummed his nipples. Then her hands dipped beneath his armpits and she clutched his back.

  Tanna slowed the kiss, letting her tongue tease the seam of his lips. “I want you.”

  “Good to know we’re on the same page.”

  “I couldn’t believe my good luck in seeing you at the Split Rock.”

  “So you were just playing hard to get?”

  Those talented lips of hers followed the edge of his jaw to his neck. “Does it seem like I’m playing hard to get now?”

  “No. God, no.” He groaned when she sucked on the section of skin below his ear.

  “I want to nibble on you. Lick you. Suck on you while my fingers learn every ripple in this hard body of yours.” Her hands moved around to his chest. “I can explore later, right?”

  “Uh. Right.”

  “Because you have plans for me right now.”

  “The more I hear that sexy drawl as your hands are on me, the more I’m losing my train of thought completely. All I can think about is bending you over the arm of the couch, because it’s closer than the bed, and fucking you until you scream.”

  Tanna’s mouth grazed his ear. “So do it. I’ll even help you get started. Lift your arms.” She pulled off his tank top and tossed it aside. Her mouth enclosed his left nipple and she sucked hard. “Your move.”

  Somehow his thick fingers managed to get the buttons on her blouse undone and he peeled the fabric off her shoulders and down her arms.

  Fletch groaned softly when he saw her simple white bra. It set off her skin tone, and the low cut allowed him to bury his face in that soft cleavage.

  “No fair. I didn’t get to play with your chest very long.”

  “It’s easy to get off track when I’m faced with these.” He followed the edges of the satin piping with his tongue and breathed in her scent as his fingers unhooked the back clasp. His palms skimmed her luscious tits and swerved to the outside of her hips as he dropped to his knees.

  He pulled off her boots. Then he removed the dress pants that were covering up her skin and his favorite warm, soft, wet girl part. Hook unfastened, he lowered the zipper and they fell to the floor. Tanna also wore plain white panties, which were far sexier than he’d ever imagined.

  He placed his mouth over the cotton, both inhaling her scent and blowing hot air over her mound, waiting to see if she tried to get away.

  Tanna looked down at him, keeping her body still.

  “Very good. Not squirming at all today.”

  “Maybe I’m just worried you’re gonna tie me up again. I’m too impatient for you to fuck me to mess around with props this time.”

  He sucked on the skin surrounding her clit, and let his tongue trace the slit through her panties. And imagine that. She was already wet in one spot. Such a chest-beating moment that she got so wet for him so quickly.

  Her head fell back and she groaned. “Why does it seem naughtier when I have my panties on than when your face is pressed into my bare pussy?”

  Keeping his eyes on hers, he used his teeth to tug her panties to her ankles.

  She laughed and crooked her finger at him.

  But as soon as Fletch got up from his knees, she fell to hers. She gave him the exact same treatment he’d given her. Putting her mouth on the bulge in his Jockeys. But since his had an opening in his underwear, that sneaky tongue of hers just slipped right in.

  “Dammit!” He jumped back at the wet swipe on his shaft. “No fair.”

  “Aw, I was just having a little fun.”

  Fletch shoved his jockeys to the floor. He wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked as Tanna scrambled to her feet.

  Instead of moving back, she moved forward, placing her hand over his and standing on tiptoe for an intoxicating kiss.

  Curling his free hand around the back of her neck, he pushed her toward the couch.

  Tanna broke the kiss to whisper, “Condom.”

  “Right. Hang tight.” Fletch grabbed the condom from the front pocket of his shorts. He quickly had it on and returned to where she waited. Her brown eyes were enormous and glazed with lust. Her mouth ripe from his kisses.

  “Knees on the edge of the couch arm and your hands on the cushions.”

  “You like bein’ bossy in the bedroom,” she challenged, tossing her hair.

  Fletch wanted that soft silk wrapped in his fist as he rode her. “Do it.” As soon as she turned around, he pressed his front to her back and grabbed her hair, putting his mouth on her ear. “To show I’m not bossy, I’m gonna let you choose how this plays out, sugar twang.” He blew a stream of air into her ear. “A fast hard fuck.” He nipped the lobe. “Or drawn out until we’re both sweaty.”

  A shudder rolled through her. “Hard and sweaty.”

  He held on to her hips as she placed her knees on the edge of the couch. She set her palms on the couch cushions, solidifying her stance.

  Before he rammed into that tight cunt, he ran his fingertips down her back, gentle as raindrops. Then he smacked the perfect white globes hard—twice on each side.

  Tanna’s gasp of surprise turned into a soft groan when he put his mouth on those red spots. Then brushed his lips and smoothed his cheek against the hot skin.

  Stepping behind her, he watched her arch as he fed his cock in, inch by inch. He waited, just absorbing the sensation of the wet heat surrounding his shaft and the quiver of anticipation in his legs; the tiny squeezes of her channel that were intimate kisses.

  The slow, slow, slow withdrawal.

  Then he snapped his hips, driving back in fully.

  “Oh God.”

  Since she’d asked for fast and sweaty, he fucked her with long, hard, deep strokes and then switched to short, hip-gyrating swirls.

  Sweat began to bead on his forehead and he noticed those sexy dimples above her ass carried a sheen. He pulled out completely and bent to lap at those damp indents as he slid his long middle finger in and out of her pussy to keep her primed. Then he followed the seam of her sex with his other hand and rubbed her clit, alternating between a side-to-side motion and a quick flick. Rotating the hand plunging in and out of her pussy, he stretched his thumb, slick with her juices, to sweep across the pink rosebud of her anus and pushed it inside the tiny opening.

  Tanna detonated. Her initial cry was quiet compared to how hard she came, her cunt spasming, her swollen pearl pulsing beneath his finger and the sphincter tightening around his thumb.

  Fletch realigned his dick, bottoming out deep into her core on the first thrust. And the next. And the next. Driving into her tenaciously.

  He was close. She was close again. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he said, “Keep your head up. Imagine you’re wearing a bridle. I wanna hear you when you come this time.”

  Four more hard thrusts and Ta
nna was climaxing again, her cunt a vise around his cock, squeezing and squeezing until he came with a roar.

  As soon as he’d regained his lucidity, he realized he’d slumped over Tanna completely. He wasn’t exactly a small guy and he knew she sometimes panicked. “You okay?”

  “I’m perfect.” She turned her head and nuzzled his cheek. “You know what? I think we’re gonna be great neighbors.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dead tired after finishing her shift at the bar, Tanna trudged down the path to the employee living quarters.

  Conversation echoed back to her.

  She stood at the edge of Fletch’s trailer, looking at the people gathered around the ceramic fire pit. Tobin, Hugh, Harlow, Dave and Yvette.


  That ticklish sensation started in her belly at seeing the sweet, sexy man who’d been on her mind more than was probably wise, given her temporary status in Wyoming. Fletch had been staying at the Split Rock only a week and they’d already spent most of their free time together.

  At a pause in the conversation, she said, “So, did my party invite get lost in the mail?”

  Tobin jumped up. “Tanna. Here, lemme get you a beer.” He pulled out a bottle of Bud Light and passed it over. “We’re short a chair, but you can have mine.”

  Tanna looked at Fletch. He raised a questioning eyebrow. Here was the moment of truth.

  She held her hand out to Fletch. “Keep your seat, Tobin. The doc and I can share.”

  He took her hand and tugged her forward, settled her on his lap, her back to his chest. Then he pressed his lips to the side of her neck. The kiss spoke of their intimacy in a way that even a full-blown make out session wouldn’t have.


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