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Turn and Burn_A Blacktop Cowboys Novel

Page 36

by Lorelei James

  Silence lingered, not a particularly comfortable silence.

  When Berlin said, “I’m just going to see where our waitress ran off to,” and Chuck followed her, Tanna had a sinking feeling. She’d probably been too honest. Sutton should’ve been here to kick her under the table.

  Excruciating minutes passed until Chuck and Berlin returned. A waitress appeared and Tanna rattled off food without really knowing what she’d ordered.

  Berlin leaned forward. “Your honesty is appreciated. So you deserve ours also. We’ve had half a dozen riders on Madera in the last two months and she’s never performed the way she did with you. Which is why we still think you’re a perfect match and could win another national championship on our horse.”

  “I sense a but.”

  “But we’re sensing some ambivalence on your part on whether you’re still interested in competing in the sport at the level you used to.”

  “Maybe you’re sensing my fear that I won’t ever get to that level again, regardless of what horse I’m on.”

  “Tanna, we watched you today. Quite frankly, we don’t give a shit about plying you with false flattery. We’re all about the performance. And that’s one thing you can do: perform. Just imagine the difference even two months of training on Madera will make.” Chuck’s eyes twinkled. “You might shave your time down to twelve seconds at next year’s CRA.”

  Tanna snorted. “That’d be the day. Although, during a practice run in Galveston one year, the electronic eye timed me and Jezebel at eleven point nine eight. I assumed the machine hosed up.”

  They laughed.

  “So, here’s what we’re proposing.” Chuck laid it all out and Tanna was stunned by their generosity. For the first time, in a very long time, and since she’d ridden Madera, she felt like she wasn’t washed-up. These people believed in her, which went a long way to her believing in herself. Sutton had been right about this too—riding a horse like Madera gave her a glimpse of the champion she used to be. The champion she could be again.

  “Can you be there next week?” Berlin asked. “We’d really like to do a test run at a small rodeo in Lodestone in three weeks.”

  Lodestone might be a small rodeo, but it was an important one—with a big purse and lots of points to be won, since Labor Day weekend signaled the beginning of the end for cowboys and cowgirls to qualify for the world finals. The best of the best in rodeo attended Lodestone. It’d be the perfect time to start the buzz that Tanna Barker would be back in action the first of the year with a new horse.

  Then her hopes sunk a little. She’d assured Harper and the Split Rock crew that she’d be around the entire summer and three weeks remained. Lainie and Celia had both stuck their necks out to secure her the job. Quitting would be a shitty way to repay them.


  She looked up. “Sorry. Look. This is a lot to process. Obviously I’m very interested. But I’d like a day or two to think it over, see if I come up with any other questions or concerns.”

  Chuck nodded. “Fair enough.”

  Talk turned to mutual acquaintances, rodeo gossip and always—who was riding the top of the leader boards in rodeo events. They ended up closing the place down.

  After parting ways, Tanna opted not to drive back to Muddy Gap. She scored the last room at the motel across from the bar. By some weird coincidence or fate—or maybe the universe was testing her—she ended up in the same room she’d shared with Fletch on her first night in Wyoming.

  That seemed like a long time ago. She never would’ve guessed he was the one.

  As she stretched out in the middle of the king bed, images from that night kept flashing through her mind. Yeah, the sex had been rockin’, but there was so much more between them now. Though neither of them had bucked up and said the “L” word yet, there was love there. The type of forever love that didn’t just vanish after one stupid fight.

  Once they both cooled down, they could discuss where they went from here.

  Because she might be leaving the Split Rock, but she wasn’t leaving him.

  Early Sunday morning, after it’d sunk in how much of a dick he’d been to Tanna Saturday afternoon, Fletch drove up to the Split Rock. Her truck wasn’t parked in front of her trailer.

  A feeling of panic set in. Had she already left? He beat on the door harder than necessary. Hearing no response, he walked in, calling out, “Tanna?”

  No answer.

  Her bed hadn’t been slept in. Her coffeepot was unused. Her laptop sat on the coffee table. He slumped against the wall, relieved that she hadn’t just snuck out in the middle of the night, without saying good-bye, which was no less than he deserved after the way he’d acted in the last week.

  Fletch had made up excuses not to see her after she’d told him about the horse owners being so anxious to meet with her that they were driving to Wyoming as soon as possible. Was it a petty, assholish way to react? Yep. He’d justified his actions—if he spent time with Tanna he’d most likely come off as pissy, not supportive, and she deserved support at this crucial junction in her career. No matter how much he wanted her to succeed, he feared her doing so would mean the end of them.

  Fletch didn’t want them to end. Ever. He should’ve just told her how he felt rather than being such a chickenshit. He had lied to her; he’d never been in love before he met her. He’d never told a woman he loved her and he had no idea how to do it. Blurting it out during sex seemed . . . disingenuous somehow.

  And not telling her that you love her was somehow . . . better?

  At least his entire day hadn’t been a wash, fraught with frustration. Last night Fletch had spent a long time talking to Tasha. She suffered burnout from running a solo practice too. She swore she’d take less money—if that were possible—if it’d give her more time with her husband and the baby she carried.

  As they’d walked out of the restaurant Arnie and Jet had called, asking them to meet at the diner. They hashed out an informal agreement and the wheels were in motion to combine four practices into one. They’d agreed to share the news with their employees and meet again at the potential business site at the end of the week.

  He’d been so excited about this big change in his life, he’d found himself dialing Tanna to share the good news—but had hung up when he realized it was two in the morning. Oh, and she was pissed as hell at him.

  So where was she?

  As he scrolled through his contact list to call her, his phone rang. Unknown number. He answered it absentmindedly, “This is Dr. Fletcher.”

  “Fletch? It’s Bran. I’m callin’ from Les’s phone. Holy shit, man, I’ve got a big fucking problem with my cattle. Several of them have died and I don’t know what the hell is goin’ on. Never seen this before. Any chance you can swing by? Like immediately?”

  It was the first time he’d ever heard Bran panicked. “I’m on my way.”

  Chapter Thirty-five

  On the way back to the Split Rock late Sunday morning, Tanna turned on the road leading to Celia and Kyle’s.

  A sleepy-eyed Celia answered the door. “Tanna? Whoa. Look at you all fancied up in a dress.” She smirked. “Am I witnessing the walk of shame? Or did you actually get up and go to church?”

  “Neither. Long story.”

  “Come on in. I got nothin’ but time to hear it.”

  The dog promptly flopped in the middle of the floor and Tanna almost tripped over him.

  “Sorry. Patches always has to stay between me and the door. Some protective thing.”

  “How’s mama today?”

  “Anxious to hold the little bugger in my arms rather than inside me. This last month is gonna drag ass, I just know it.” Celia pointed to the living room and sat on the couch, taking up most of the space, leaving Tanna with the corner. “I can’t sit in the recliner anymore because I can’t get out of it.”

You are looking . . . rounder. But you do have that happy glow about you, so I feel entitled to hate you a little.”

  “And you’ve got that little line between your eyebrows that tells me you’re upset, or annoyed, or pissed off, or all three.”

  Tanna laughed. “Can’t pull one over on you.”

  “So, what’s up?”

  “Short version? I’ve been offered a chance to get back into training and possibly competing.”

  “What? When did this happen? That is so great!” Celia pushed her feet against the outside of Tanna’s thigh. “Now tell me the long version.”

  So she did.

  When she finished, Celia was uncharacteristically serious. “I’m not surprised someone wants to showcase your skill on their horse, but I am thrilled for you, T.”

  “Thanks. I really clicked with Madera. Even quicker than I did with Jezebel. It’ll sound corny, but it’s like we were waiting for each other.”

  “Not corny at all. So, what are you gonna do?”

  “I’ve got two options. Ask Chuck and Berlin if they’ll board Madera at Eli’s until I’ve fulfilled my commitment to the Split Rock. Which I don’t see happening. Or I can ask for two days off in a row, request the third day to work at the lounge. That’d give me two full days of training plus part of another the next three weeks.”

  “How far is their ranch?”

  “Four and a half hours. A hop, skip and a jump for an old road dog like me. And I heard from Garrett this morning. It’s official he’s settling in Colorado too.”

  “Doing what?”

  “He wouldn’t tell me anything except security. So it could be anything from bein’ a mall cop to working in an off-the-books secret military-type company, to bein’ a school crossing guard.”

  “That’ll be good for you, having him close by again.”

  “We’ve had several long talks and some things are clearer to me, as far as what happened with my dad before and after Mom died.”

  “You gonna try and mend fences with him?”

  “Nope. The ball is firmly in my dad’s court. But I’m gonna stop blaming him for the suddenness of the decision to sell the ranch when I was the one who missed the signs.”

  Celia frowned. “I’m confused.”

  Tanna patted her friend’s swollen ankle. “Forget it. I’m not confused and that’s a good thing. Where’s Kyle?”

  “At Bran’s. He had a bunch of cattle get out and they ate . . . well, they’re not sure what they ate. But five have died, and some calves are sick and some aren’t. Fletch has his hands full so Kyle went to help. I don’t expect I’ll see him until later tonight.” Her eyes narrowed on Tanna. “Didn’t Fletch tell you where he was goin’?”

  “I haven’t seen Fletch since Tuesday.” Lest Celia got it in her head to pry, she added hastily, “But I’ve been at Eli’s training when I haven’t been working, so we’re hit-and-miss.” She stood. “I did have another reason for coming by. I’m taking my horse trailer. It’s a mess. I’ve decided today is the day it gets cleaned out.”

  “You don’t have to move it to clean it out. Do it here.”

  “No way. You’ll volunteer to help and I’ll say no, and you’ll do it anyway, and your husband would get upset and have my hide.” She shivered. “Kyle is one scary dude when he’s upset.”

  “When have you seen him upset?”

  “At the hospital after your little bulldoggin’ mishap.”

  Celia grinned. “We probably wouldn’t have gotten married if not for those stitches.”

  “Wrong.” Tanna kissed her forehead. “You and Kyle were destined to be together.” She placed her hand over the hard mound of Celia’s belly. “I love this little bugger already, so take care of yourself and baby G, mama. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Harper showed up at Wild West Clothiers early Monday morning.

  Tanna had finished a new jewelry display. The pieces of twine draped between a small rack wrapped with raffia was supposed to look like straw . . . but it hadn’t turned out as well as Tanna had hoped.

  Harper paused in front of it. Looked it up and down and said, “Nope.”


  “Grab something to drink. We need to talk.” Then Harper turned over the BE BACK IN THIRTY MINUTES! sign and headed into the back room.

  She and Harper had a friendly working relationship, but they weren’t friends. And they’d spent very little actual time together, so this felt like she was in trouble with her boss.

  Tanna snagged a bottle of water and followed her.

  Harper had settled at the folding table, papers spread out in front of her. “It’s come to my attention that you’ll be requesting a permanent switch in the schedule. Since we don’t play favorites with Tierney’s sister as far as her scheduling preferences, I cannot play favorites with you. But this is a timely issue since I’ll be hiring permanent staff to pick up the slack after Labor Day. I’m reducing my hours due to my increased responsibilities at home with a second child. So Harlow will be staying on at Wild West Clothiers until that is finalized and you . . . are being let go. As of today.”

  “What? I have three weeks left.”

  That’s when Tanna noticed that Harper wasn’t looking at her. In fact, Harper hadn’t made eye contact once during this bogus firing. “This is crap. I deserve to know what’s really goin’ on here, boss.”

  Harper looked up, a tremulous smile on her lips. “Shoot. I suck at being the big bad boss lady and firing you for your own good like Celia and I agreed—”

  “What does Celia have to do with me losing my job?”

  “She came over yesterday and told me what was going on with you and why I had to let you go immediately.”

  That little brat.

  “While I admire your intent to finish out your commitment to us, I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. So I’m . . . um . . . firing you.”

  “Firing me,” Tanna repeated. “Because I won’t leave you shorthanded for the rest of the summer season?”

  “That does sound ridiculous. But yes. You are being relieved of your positions at the Split Rock and Wild West Clothiers effective immediately.”

  What the hell? This was beyond bizarre. “But . . .”

  Harper’s eyes were soft, but determined. “Tanna. Are you really arguing with me? This is your golden opportunity to return to the career you love—or at least loved at one time—or figure out if you’re done with it on your own terms. As good as you are at this job . . . for you it is just a job.”

  “Celia didn’t badger you into this?”

  Harper raised a brow. “Not hardly.”

  “You have staff to cover—”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “Who else besides Harlow? Is your sister Liberty returning to Muddy Gap? Because I understand if you want to give her a job since she’s a veteran injured in the line of duty.”

  Harper laughed. “My sister takes tomboy to the extreme. She’d be horrified if she had to actually wear something besides camouflage. Her idea of hell isn’t Afghanistan. It’s being forced to fix her hair, wear makeup and a dress, trying to sell clothing and accessories to women who love all that insipid frilly girl shit—as she calls it. I’d be too afraid to hire her because she’d pull out her sidearm and shoot customers who annoyed her.”

  Yikes. Liberty sounded nothing like sweet, fashionable Harper.

  “Liberty will find her place after her short recovery time—it’s just not here.” Harper slid a manila envelope across the table. “Your last paycheck. Also letters of recommendation.”


  Harper gave Tanna a smirking smile that was so unlike her. “Really. You were a great employee and I am thankful you were able to fill in. I certainly hope you won’t disappear out of our lives forever.”

  There was an opening. “How did things end u
p with the cattle yesterday?”

  Sadness crossed her face. “We lost twenty cows and twelve calves. Bran is just sick about it. We would’ve lost twice that if not for Fletch. He was there until after midnight.” Her gaze met Tanna’s. “Are you and he still . . . ?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “He’s a good man, Tanna. One of the best I know. He deserves a woman who’ll be there when he gets home at midnight. But he also needs to know when to say when with his job.”

  That shocked her.

  It must’ve shown because Harper laughed. “Get going before I change my mind and make you tear down that hideous display.”

  Another exhausting day and night. So exhausting that Fletch had overslept.

  So when Cora called to check on him at ten a.m., he’d mumbled something about being sick and told her to direct his emergency calls to Jet Eriksen for the entire day.

  Fletch hadn’t been lying, exactly. He was sick. Heartsick.

  He dragged himself out of bed and showered. Halfway to Muddy Gap he wondered if he should’ve brought her flowers or something. During the remainder of the drive he hadn’t come up with any great speech to give Tanna; he just hoped she’d give him a chance to speak.

  His stomach lurched seeing Tanna’s horse trailer stretched along the back fence—especially when he saw the living quarters’ door open and odds and ends littering the ground. He parked behind her, essentially blocking her in.

  He was not letting this woman go without a fight.

  Fletch marched up to the door. He didn’t bother to knock; he just barged right in. “Tanna?”

  She whirled around. “Fletch? What are you doin’ here?”

  His heart gave one last thump before it rolled over and dropped at her booted feet. This beautiful woman owned him. Heart and soul. Blood and bone.

  “I came to apologize.”

  “Okay. But it’s the middle of a workday. Are you on lunch break or something?”


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