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My Girlfriend's Sexy Mom Volume 1

Page 5

by Anya Merchant

  Kevin actually took a second and thought about her question seriously. Amy was a very pretty girl, but her mother, Malaya, had always been one of the local jerk-off fantasy idols for most of the teenage boys of the neighborhood. She was a short, skinny woman, with huge tits, a bodacious butt, and a face that was beautiful in a classical, modelling quality sense. He had almost done a double take the first time he met her, and often found himself hoping that Amy would end up looking like her when she got older.

  “Oh, of course I would, of course I would,” said Kevin. “I was just kidding. Obviously.”

  “Obviously,” said Amy, giving him a look that seemed like it could cause a second degree burn. “Anyway, I’ll stop by there for a little bit and then meet up with you later, okay?”

  “Not a chance, I’m tagging along,” he said. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  Amy rolled her eyes, but seemed to decide against objecting. The two of them walked away from the lake and towards the road.


  Amy’s house was just a short walk away from the lake. The two of them made the trip, and walked down a suburban street full of mostly identical properties. Amy’s house would have blended right in, if not for the attractive woman that was holding a yoga pose on top of a thick mat spread out across the grass.

  “Hey mom,” said Amy as they approached. “How’s it going?”

  Malaya pushed herself up to her feet and brushed off the tight black leggings she had on. Ever since Kevin had originally met her, it had taken a certain amount of mental gymnastics to separate her sex appeal from the fact that she was his girlfriend’s mom. This woman knew that she was a bombshell, and had zero qualms about flaunting it.

  “I’m good, sweetie. I am so excited, I’ve been waiting to meet to host this meeting all month,” she said. “And hello, Kevin. You’ve been showing my daughter a good time, I trust?”

  “Oh, you know it, Mrs. Hennel,” said Kevin. He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

  From what Kevin had been told by Amy, Malaya had been a single mother since day one, entirely on her own. He found it hard not to appreciate just what a difficult task it must have been. It also seemed a little bit strange to him. She was such a beautiful woman, and Kevin knew just from the things he had overheard around town that there were at least half a dozen bachelors who would throw themselves at her feet for the privilege of taking her out on a date.

  “Mom, I have to ask you a favor,” said Amy. “I realize this is totally out of the norm for me, but I want you to show me some of your belly dancing moves.”

  “Honey, I’ve been dying to teach you some of my stuff since the day you took your first step,” said Malaya. “Of course I’ll teach you. But first, I really need to finish my yoga practice for today. I want to be as centered as possible for when the girls get here.”

  Amy gave Kevin a strange and doubtful look.

  “Yeah, of course mom, we’ll meet you inside,” she said.

  “Actually, I would love if I could watch…” said Kevin. “I mean, just watch a little bit of you. Or uh, the movements, I’ve wanted to get into yoga for a while now.”

  His girlfriend turned towards him and blinked a couple of times in quick succession, almost as though she couldn’t believe that what he was suggesting.

  “Hmmmm…I don’t mind, Kevin,” said Malaya. “You are more than welcome to join me. God, with your enthusiasm, and the fact that you are a guy…you would be a hit at any yoga class you went to.”

  “Mom!” yelled Amy. “I think it’s best if Kevin comes inside with me, we can just wait for a bit until the dancing starts.”

  “Amy stop it, I’m a grown man,” said Kevin. “I can make my own decisions, and I’m honestly really in the mood for some yoga right now.”

  Amy’s lips pulled down into a frown, and she sighed, defeated. Kevin slowly stepped over and onto the grass, closing the distance between him and Malaya. Her body language was open, and she seemed to smile in a very secretive way, almost as though she was wearing the look of a temptress.

  “I only have one yoga mat,” said Malaya. “But if you push in close, I guess we could both share it. It will be a…very tight fit, but it beats practicing on grass. That is, if you don’t mind being in close contact with little old me.”

  “Oh of course not, Mrs. H,” said Kevin. “I don’t mind at all.”

  “Please, call me Malaya,” she replied.

  He smiled at her, and walked over to where she stood on her yoga mat. The look Amy was giving expressed her lack of enthusiasm at a glance, but he ignored it. Malaya seemed to call him forward, and as he stood next to her, she smiled at him.

  “Alright, so you can start by just dropping down into a basic pose, downward facing dog,” she said.

  “Alright.” Kevin slowly lowered himself down towards the mat. Malaya stepped onto the grass and placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on his stomach, guiding him into position.

  “Good,” she said. “Now, press into the mat as hard as you can with your hands, keep your legs straight, and try to lean your heels back into the ground.”

  “Like this?” asked Kevin. He felt Malaya’s hand glide across his back and buttocks, and then swoop around towards his crotch, copping a feel of his partially excited member under the pretense of correcting his posture.

  “Mother!” yelled Amy. “Come on, Kevin, let’s just go and wait inside…”

  “No, it’s okay babe,” he said. “Let me stretch out a little bit, your mom knows what she’s doing.”

  “Yes,” said Malaya. “I know exactly what I’m doing,”

  She crouched down, bringing her face into close proximity with his. He could feel her breath on his skin, hot and humid. His lips were being drawn towards hers, but the position he was in limited the movement of his neck. He heard Malaya laugh, and then she slipped underneath the space in between him in the ground.

  “Your form is terrible, young man,” she said. “Maybe I should correct it from down here, where I can get into a nice and comfortable angle.”

  “I like that idea,” said Kevin. His crotch was directly over Malaya’s hips, and he pretended to collapse under the stress of the position in order to fall on top of her. She took it in good humor and laughed. It was only partially a gag on his part. His cock was almost completely hard and aching for attention.

  “Kevin!” screamed Amy. “Let’s go, I have to talk to you!”

  “What, what’s the problem?” he asked in mock confusion. “What did I do?”

  Amy grabbed his hand with a vice like grip and pulled him away from her mother. Malaya just smiled as she watched the two of them head inside. Kevin caught her eye for a moment on the way, and felt a flicker of a very strange and illicit chemistry spark between the two of them.


  Immediately after the two of them made it upstairs and into Amy’s room, she turned towards him and began giving him the third degree.

  “Well I’m glad you and my mom are getting along so well,” said Amy. “I get the feeling that you are more excited for this than I am.”

  “Hey come on, that’s not fair,” said Kevin. “This was your idea, remember. And you should try to have fun. Something tells me it’s going to be a pretty interesting time.”

  Amy walked over to him. He was sitting on her bed, and she dropped down next to him, letting one of her hands rub the inside of his thigh. Kevin felt his cock begin to stir at her touch.

  “Just don’t forget whose boyfriend you are!” said Amy. “The lap dance I’m going to give you later is going to blow…your…mind!”

  She whispered the last few syllables directly into his ear. Her breath was warm against his neck, and it sent a hot, pleasurable chill down his spine.

  “I can’t wait, babe,” he replied. “Is there any way I can get a preview?”

  Amy smiled at him and then slowly shifted off the bed, kneeling in front of him. Her hands rubbed against his crotch, and she fumbled with the
zipper of his jeans.

  “I can give you something even better than that,” she said.

  Kevin felt his member spring to attention as she freed it from the confines of his pants. He felt her mouth make contact with the tip. Her lips were soft, and very wet. He leaned his head back and let out a small moan. He was right on the verge of losing himself to the sensation when…

  “Jeanette is here, you two have to…meet her.” Malaya had thrown the door open without knocking and was staring at the two of them with a shocked and embarrassed look on her face. Both Kevin and Amy had been too lost in the moment to hear her footsteps approaching.

  All Kevin could do was stare at Malaya, who was, in return, staring at his big, erect cock. Her cheeks were flushed red, and one of her hands was held up in front of her mouth, as though in disbelief. There was a hint of something else in her expression though. It almost seemed like curiosity, with a small sliver of arousal.

  “I’m so sorry!” said Malaya. “I, I should have…knocked.”

  She stood there for a few seconds longer, staring at his cock. Kevin met her eyes for a second, and a small smile wavered across her face.

  “Jesus mom,” said Amy. “Get out!”

  Malaya was broken from the spell, and turned and rushed out of the room.

  “I didn’t see anything!” she said. “Just come downstairs when you guys are decent, I mean, whenever you’re both ready. Take your time!”

  Kevin couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Amy punched him in the leg and glared at him.

  “It’s not funny,” she said. “That was so embarrassing!”

  “I don’t think she cares, babe,” said Kevin. “She must know that we have sex.”

  “She just walked in on me sucking your…your, thing!” she cried.

  “It’s really not that big of a deal,” said Kevin. “Everyone gets caught, now and then.”

  “Well if it’s not that big of a deal, than it’s no big deal for us to wait until later tonight,” said Amy.

  “Oh come on, Amy,” he protested. “Don’t be like that! How am I supposed to deal with this on my own?”

  “It’s not my problem, I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” she said. “Sorry, I just can’t, it’s too embarrassing now. God, it’s already going to be hard enough to face her without dying from the shame.”

  “Fine,” said Kevin. “Whatever.”

  “Hey come on, you know I’ll take care of you later…” said Amy. “Let’s get ourselves, go downstairs, and enjoy this belly dancing thing. I’ll learn a couple of cool moves and you can be my test dummy for them.”

  Kevin felt like had had a backed up hose between his legs, but her idea did sound rather appealing. He sighed, and then forced a smile and nodded to her.

  “Great!” she said. “Are you good to head down now, or do you want to take a second? To like, calm down, or whatever, I mean.”

  “I’m fine,” said Kevin. He stuffed his still somewhat erect cock back into his pants and zipped them up, and then the two of them headed downstairs.


  In addition to Amy’s mom, there was a group of two other women waiting for them downstairs. All of them were wearing tiny tops that barely managed to hold their breasts in place, in addition to exotic looking skirts made from strings of multicolored beads. Kevin felt himself growing excited as he walked down the stairs and into the living room.

  “I take it this is your daughter, Malaya?” asked one of them.

  “Yes, sorry. Let me introduce all of you. Amy, this is Jeanette and Shay. This is my daughter Amy, and next to her is her boyfriend, Kevin.”

  Kevin smiled at the woman and was a little taken aback by the way they returned the greeting. There was an almost dangerously seductive gleam in all of their eyes.

  “Hey there, handsome,” said the woman that Malaya had introduced as Shay. She was the youngest of the three, but like all of them, her figure was absolutely amazing. She had large breasts, a thin waist, and hips that seemed like they would fit the style of belly dancing perfectly.

  “Hey yourself,” said Kevin. “I uh, can’t wait to see some of your moves,”

  “And I can’t wait to show you…” Shay said, sauntering over to him. Amy elbowed him in the ribs and coughed loudly.

  “So…is there going to be music? I assume you’re going to need some if you ladies are going to be dancing?” Amy said, the irritation bleeding through in her voice.

  “Yes, of course, honey,” said Malaya. “We will get started soon.”

  Out of all of the women in the room, Malaya seemed to have the best body and outfit by far. The size of her top made it hard for Kevin to keep from just gaping at her. It barely covered her nipples, and showed off her cleavage in a way that was almost more alluring than a naked breast would have been.

  Her skirt was short, and through the hanging throngs of beads, he couldn’t make out even a hint of panties. As far as he could tell, she wasn’t wearing any. The sight made his cock rage with desire, and watched extra closely as she bent over by the stereo, seeing the edge of the bottom her buttocks poking out into the light.

  Amy’s arms were crossed, and she seemed to groan with every other breath. Kevin rubbed her shoulder encouragingly.

  “Hey babe, try to have fun,” he said. “Remember, you are here to learn.”

  “I know, it’s just…” she said. “Never mind, you’re right. Let’s try to enjoy this.”

  “Alright ladies, let’s get into position!” said Malaya. She pushed play on the stereo and quickly ran over to the center of the room. The two women moved into places slightly behind and on either side of her, and Kevin and Amy took a seat on the couch.

  The song started off with a light, Middle Eastern sounding drum beat. Malaya was turned away from Kevin and Amy, and she began by swaying her body from side to side, slowly and sensually. The other women joined in, and all of them seemed to move as one to the rhythm.

  Several Asiatic sounding wind instruments joined in with the drums, and the three women began to move faster. Kevin noticed for the first time that there was a bit of smoke and the soothing odor of a flower oil scented incense on the air. It seemed to add miles to the atmosphere.

  The dancers began to swing their hips around in perfect gyrating circles. It was slow, and the flow of it would increase and decrease tempo to match the music. They started walking in a pattern by each other, all of them holding their hands up in the air and showing off as much of their bodies as they could.

  Their arms begin to move more, shifting and folding in an almost hypnotic manner. Kevin watched as Malaya, Jeanette, and Shay all leaned forward in his direction, giving him an amazing view of their cleavage. One of his hands was resting casually on his leg, and he began to rub his thumb against his cock, speeding its transition into an erect state.

  All three of them began to come closer to the couch, closer to him and Amy. Kevin slid forward slightly, moving his legs to be slightly more open out of reflex. The women saw this, and seemed to smile at him. Malaya was right in front of him, and leaned her upper body forward, planting her hands on the back of the couch and dangling her tits in his face.

  Amy was watching her mother’s movements carefully. Her face was a mask of conflict. Part of her was angry at her lack of control over what was happening, but the rest could only admire her mother’s ability to transfix Kevin’s attention so completely.

  Malaya stepped forward, pushing her body and bust onto Kevin. He felt his hips push up, almost involuntarily. It felt amazing to have such a beautiful woman pressing herself against him. The two other belly dancing women also moved in, and their hands began caressing Keven’s chest.

  His cock was rock hard by this point. Malaya was rubbing against him, and seemed to be enjoying her own effect on him immensely. He had to consciously will himself to not reach his hands up and fondle her breasts. More than anything he wanted to just take her, throw her onto the couch, tear what little clothing she had on off, an
d then fuck her. The amount of effort it was taking to keep himself under control was quickly becoming too much to bare.

  Malaya seemed more than happy to go out of her way to make things even harder for him. She pushed her tits across his face, letting the soft flesh of her globes glide across him. Kevin was now lifting his hips up in rhythm with her motions, dry humping her right in front of his own girlfriend and her daughter.

  “Oh wow,” he said. “Malaya…”

  She smiled at him and leaned her face in close. One of the hands of the other woman came to rest on his crotch, and began rubbing his cock gently. His dick was pulsing, and he could feel himself on the verge of going too far. He leaned his head towards Malaya and finally began to feel her up with his hands, and then…

  The song ended. The three women pulled back almost instantly, and walked back towards the center of the room. They were all beaming, enjoying the intense high they got from performing. Kevin felt himself yearning for release, and wished they would have kept going.

  “Well…” said Malaya. “What do you two think?”

  Kevin looked over at Amy. She didn’t seem to be mad. Rather, she was resting her chin on her hand and had a very pensive look on her face.

  “That was amazing,” she said. “I want to learn as much of that as possible…”

  “Well let’s get started then!” said Malaya. “It’s a little after 2, and we have until school gets out in about an hour. Jeanette has to go pick up her daughter.”

  “Wait, did you say it’s after 2?” Amy frantically pulled out her phone and checked the time. “Fuck! I am late for work!”

  She jumped up from the couch and began scrambling to get her stuff together.

  “Shit, sorry Kevin, I totally forgot,” she said. “I’ll meet up with you later tonight, okay?”

  “Alright, that’s fine,” he said. “You can give me the, uh, favor you mentioned when you get back…”


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