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Hidden In The Woods

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by Rachel Burns

  Hidden In The Woods

  By: Rachel Burns

  Hidden In The Woods

  A Christmas Story

  Copyright 2015 Rachel Burns

  Published by Rachel Burns

  Text Copyright © 2015 by Rachel Burns

  All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act 1976, no part of the publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by and means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 1


  I woke up and peered out of the window. I could see trees passing by, lots of trees. Like one would see in the forest.

  I was used to palm trees, but these were tall evergreen trees.

  Because I knew that trees didn’t move, it meant that I was moving. I was in a car.

  I tried to sit up so I could better see where I was, but my head was so heavy that it felt as if it were weighing my entire body down.

  I fought to stay awake. I needed to get my bearings. I forced my head to turn, so I could see who was driving the car. It was a man with thick curly brown hair. He appeared to be around my age. His eyes were young and alive. But still, I had to say that he had old eyes as if he had been around and seen a lot of the world. He was very nice looking, somehow spirited. He had an air about him like those boys who had found it difficult to sit still at school until they discovered computer games.

  He glanced over at me and smiled brightly. “It’s all right, sweetheart. Go back to sleep. I’m taking you home.” His brown eyes appeared to be so kind and caring. I believed that he knew what he was doing. He had that air about him.

  Home sounded good. I desperately needed to go home and go back to bed. I wasn’t feeling very well. It would be best if he brought me home.

  I let my eyes droop shut and sleep take me over.

  I woke again. I was still in the strange man’s car, but he was parking now. We weren’t home. I could still see trees.

  I sat up and surveyed what I could see out the car window. This wasn’t only a couple of evergreen trees. This was the woods. We were deep deep in the woods, like Hansel and Gretel deep in the woods.

  I turned my heavy head. There was a little house in front of me.

  I turned in my seat, looking for … for … I didn’t know, maybe a diner or a gas station? I was looking for a reason why we would be here.

  I saw nothing but trees.

  He was standing outside of my car door, smiling as he opened it. I got out slowly and gazed around. My jaw was dropped, and I spun in a small circle. My legs were heavy from the long ride.

  He closed the door and leaned against the car. “So what do you think?” he asked me.

  “About what?” I asked, turning to face him again.

  “Your new home?” He was still smiling.

  “Why would I need a new home?” I asked him. He was talking in riddles as far as I was concerned.

  His face dropped. “You belong to me now, and this is our home.”

  I decided to ignore the ‘you belong to me’ comment. It could only be nonsense. “What happened to my old one?” I inquired.

  “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are with me now.”

  “Of course it matters. I want honest answers, and I want them now,” I demanded. His hippie way of talking was making me angry.

  “You will take a different tone with me young lady.” He pinched my ear in between his thumb and pointer finger. He lowered his hand, and my head had to follow.

  I tried to get him to let go of my ear. It was burning with pain.

  He steered me into the house with my face at the level of his waist.

  I slapped at his hand, but he ignored me.

  He walked over to a green leather sofa and sat down.

  I had to move with him for fear that he would yank my ear off.

  He pulled on my ear until I was face down over his lap. He let go of my ear and wrapped his left arm around my waist.

  I tried to squirm away from him, but he held me tightly.

  He brought his other hand down giving me sharps spanks to my bottom.

  I jerked together with each blow, trying to make myself smaller, less of a target. My breath caught in my throat, and I tried to get away from him.

  I put both hands on his knee and tried to push up and off him, but he held me tightly, as if I didn’t weigh a thing.

  This couldn’t be happening. I needed to get away from him and the pain. I was on the brink of becoming frantic with fear.

  “I’ll teach you how to talk to your daddy. And that tone is not, and will never be, acceptable. I see my little girl needs to be taught some manners.” Each word was followed by a spank. My bottom was burning as if it were on fire in the meantime.

  “Please stop, please stop hurting me,” I begged.

  “I will not. Not until you have learned your lesson.” He paused to answer me, but then he went right back to spanking me.

  Why did it hurt so much?

  I mean it was merely a spanking, and I wasn’t a little kid anymore. It shouldn’t be this painful … or effective. I wasn’t planning on using any kind of tone but a very respectful one if I spoke to him at all.

  Tears dripped from eyes unto his sofa. My shoulders were shaking and my heart and lungs hurt from lack of air.

  “I beg you, please stop. I will talk nicely from now on,” I promised frantic to get him to stop.

  He paused for a moment, and then he went right back to spanking me.

  I gave up trying to get away and simply laid over his knees hoping he would tire soon.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked me.

  I nodded fervently. “Yes,” I sobbed.

  He smacked me hard, and my breath jerked loudly inwards. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, sir?” I answered him, sounding as if I was in boot camp.

  Another painful smack met my tender rear end. “No, try again.”

  “I don’t know just please stop hurting me,” I begged him.

  Another smack was the only answer I received.

  “Just tell me what to say, please,” I begged in my desperation.

  “I am your daddy, and you will address me as such. If you don’t, this session over my knees will be a joke compared to what I would do to your backside. Have I made myself clear?”


  He spanked me harder than before, proving that his anger hadn’t been satisfied yet.

  It took a while for me to understand what I had done wrong. I should have said ‘Yes, Daddy’.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll say it. I’ll be good,” I pleaded for him to stop. Meanwhile, I was ready to promise away my soul.

  “I still haven’t heard you say it,” he commented, angrily.

  I was having a hysterical crying fit at the moment, and I couldn’t talk at all. That made him even madder, and he brought his hand down even harder.

  I was yelping and trying so hard to speak that I simply couldn’t. I wasn’t one
of those people who did well under pressure. I crumbled into pieces. In other words, I was a quitter, who sought the easy way out.

  He seemed to sense that because he guided my body away from his knee, so I was laying on his chest. “Hush, hush, my darling. Daddy is here. I got you. Nothing can happen to you as long as you are a good girl.”

  His arms were wrapped around me, hugging me tightly and rocking me slightly back and forth.

  “Now I want you to say it, and we can forget all about this nasty spanking.” He tilted my chin away from his chest so I was looking at him. “Who am I to you?” He asked me, sweetly. He said it as if he were speaking to a child.

  The word ‘Daddy’ didn’t want to part my lips and escape from my tongue. I couldn’t get my shaking under control either.

  “Daddy will continue the spanking. Can you endure more?” he asked me kindly.

  I shook my head as more tears rolled from my eyes. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “Daddy.”

  “That’s right.” He beamed at me. He pulled me close to his heart and hugged me.

  I was so completely drained that I let my head rest on his chest. My other hand was also lying on his chest. I stared at my hand and wondered what would happen next.

  A crazy man had obviously kidnapped me. He must have drugged me and yanked me out of my bed.

  My last memory was of me cuddling in with my pillow as I always do before I fall asleep.

  I had gone to bed late because we had company over last night. Yesterday, I had turned eighteen. Would I ever turn nineteen?

  “My little girl is still tired. I’ll bring you to your room, so you can sleep until you’re feeling better. How does that sound?”

  I nodded at him.

  “No, no. Daddy doesn’t want any nodding or head shaking. You’re a big girl now. Use words to say what you want to.”

  “I want to go to sleep, Daddy.”

  His entire face softened as he regarded me. He tucked a lock of my dark hair behind my ear.

  Then he stood up with me still clinging to his chest. He didn’t wobble or anything. I was still in his arms. He was acting as if I didn’t weigh a thing.

  He carried me to a staircase and walked downwards.

  I was freaking out but hiding it well. The only outward sign I showed was balling my fist into his shirt. A thousand thoughts went through my head in that split second, mostly me being chained to his basement walls.

  “Hush, my darling. It’s all right. Daddy won’t let you fall.” He flicked on the basement lights. There was a cozy living room down there. It had lots of bookshelves and a huge flat screen and everything else that one could imagine under an entertainment system.

  He still held me to his chest as I looked around the room. He was obviously a video junkie.

  “This is our family room,” he announced.

  “How big is our family?” I inquired.

  “It’s only the two of us.” His tone was light and friendly.

  “This is our kitchen. You can help Daddy cook sometimes. More so when you are older.” He somehow opened the door and didn’t lose balance of me. That meant that he was holding me with only one arm.

  I peeked in and saw a huge modern kitchen, but it didn’t have windows.

  He closed the door and continued on to the next room.

  Again he was able to open the door and turn on the light swiftly. I hadn’t stirred in the slighted from his chest. I didn’t even feel his hand move away from me.

  “This is your classroom. I’ll help you finish high school. After that, I’ll teach you whatever interests you. You just have to tell me.” We were out of the room in the blink of an eye.

  “And this is your bedroom.” He opened the door, turned on the light, pulled back the covers and tucked me in within a heartbeat.

  What was going on here? If my bottom weren’t burning so much, I would have believed that I was dreaming.

  I inspected the room. Again no windows. Then I noticed the pink walls and custom made built in furniture, all white. I had a desk where coloring books and colored pencils, all perfectly sharpened, were waiting for me to use.

  There was a white painted square-shaped table in adult size with teacups set up for a tea party. There were four chairs set up around the table and three were filled. One chair was occupied with a doll, another one with a huge teddy bear and on the other sat a rabbit with overly large ears.

  In one corner, a beautiful old-fashioned light pink dollhouse stood. The Victorian kind with intricate white trimming. It was undoubtedly a work of art. I wanted to examine it closer. It must be antique.

  “I made the dollhouse specially for you. I’m glad you like it. You can play with it after your nap. Daddy will help you into your pajamas.”


  “No?” he leaned back and smiled.

  “I can do it myself. Besides, I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Let Daddy make this very clear right now. I will be taking care of you in every way. You don’t need to be shy with me.” He started unzipping the jogging suit that I had fallen asleep in last night, which felt like many years ago.

  “No.” I looked up at him and pleaded with my eyes.

  “Is this honestly worth another spanking on your already very sore behind?” he asked me.

  “I don’t know,” I answered him honestly.

  He smiled broadly from one ear to the other. “Well I do, and it isn’t.” He removed my jacket, and I was completely naked from the waist up. “Daddy has a very beautiful little girl.” He stared down at me.

  I shifted my arms, so they covered my breasts. I hung my head, scared and ashamed. It was clear what he wanted to do with me now.

  “Are you cold?” He went over to one of the built in drawers and opened it. He pulled out a pajama dress. Giving it a shake, he opened the nightgown up, and he walked back to me. He stuck his arms through the sleeves. “Give Daddy your hands, darling.”

  I reluctantly did. But I did it mostly because I wanted to get the pressure off of my bottom.

  Within a second, the pajamas were on, and my pajama bottoms from last night were gone.

  I gaped up at him surprised. How had he done that?

  “Do you like your new pajamas?” he asked me.

  “Yes, Daddy.” I was capable of learning. I was even surprising myself. But this was taking on such a dream-like quality that I figured I should go along with it.

  “Good. Everything here is especially for you. My little girl should have it good with me.” He looked around the room satisfied. “I’ll just go throw these in the fireplace. I’ll be right back to sing you to sleep. Snuggle in for Daddy, darling.”

  I didn’t have to be told that twice. I eased onto my left side because that side hadn’t gotten as much damage during the spanking.

  I was glad it was over. It had hurt so much.

  He was back in a second. That had gone too fast. Something wasn’t right here. Could he be an alien?

  He sat down on the edge of my bed and started to sing in the purest and truest voice I had ever heard.

  I loved a good singer. I was fighting to stay awake and listen to him, but then the soft tones plucked me up onto the dream ship that he was singing about, and I couldn’t stay awake any longer.


  I couldn’t believe it. After all of these years, my little darling was finally in my house in her own room.

  She had noticed the dollhouse too. It was exactly like the one she had seen when she was five-years-old in New York.

  She’d been Christmas shopping with her mother, and I had been delivering an order of my dollhouses to a famous toy store. I’ve been making them for hundreds of years. Earning a good living doing it too.

  I saw my little darling’s face light up as she peered at the dollhouse yearningly. I wanted to give it to her right away. Her bright blue eyes had been all lighted up, and her dark hair had precious little curls in it. I was in love.

  Her mother glanced at the pr
ice tag and directed Britney away from the dollhouse, saying it was too expensive.

  My little darling twisted in her mother’s hand and waved goodbye to the dollhouse. It had been so adorable. She was a true little girl.

  My last little girl had just died, leaving me alone once again. Something I hated to be, but I felt that I was still in mourning. Britney was way too little for me to take yet anyway.

  I followed her and found out everything I could about her.

  I was extremely disappointed to find out that she lived in Florida. I hardly had an excuse to go there, but I had anyway. I kept an eye on her and watched her grow into a beautiful young lady.

  Now that she was eighteen, she was mine to take. I didn’t waste anytime getting her either.

  I would love her all of her life.

  I had tried to have a wife and a child at the same time before, but that hadn’t worked out with my second wife. At first, she hadn’t wanted a baby. Later when she changed her mind, she couldn’t have one. I was lonely for companionship.

  Once, I fell in love with a young woman. Mildred was more of a little girl than a woman. She had been the first to call me Daddy. My heart had melted at those words. That was over a hundred years ago, and I have been a Daddy ever since.

  My second little girl had rebelled against me, but she came around when she realized that I would take good care of her.

  My beautiful Britney was now mine for real. I had kept my eye on her. She had remained child-like. She didn’t turn wild when she reached her teens. My Britney stayed good. She stayed away from boys and slept with her teddy bear every night.

  I spent a lot of time watching her. She was what my Ma would call a homebody. She preferred to stay in a small radius never really going out.

  I had often seen Britney run errands for her mother. She would sit in her mom’s car and give a sigh of relief when she came home.

  She spent a lot of time sitting in her room and worrying about college.

  I went back out to the car to get her personal belongings. She still had her teddy bear, and she needed him to fall asleep at night. I had taken several other items from her room too. They were precious things that meant so much to her.


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