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Hidden In The Woods

Page 4

by Rachel Burns

“Good girl. Let it happen, darling.”

  I was coming again. This time, it felt even better. I thrust my hips up, pressing my nub into his moving body. I didn’t know what to do with my hands. I grabbed onto the faucet with my right hand and the side of the tub with my left hand. Then I grabbed hold of his arms. I didn’t want him to move away from me. I couldn’t release the pressure. I wasn’t ready to give up my orgasm.

  Once I was finished and had relaxed, I realized that he had held me tightly without moving while I came.

  He started moving again. I was getting more excited, but I was settling down.

  This was like a massage to relax me. I needed that now. I had never felt anything close to this. I was pleased that it hadn’t hurt as badly as I had expected.

  His eyes closed as he thrust deeply into me. He pumped himself into me a few more times, but not pulling back as he had done before. Instead, he went deeper with each thrust.

  He laid down on top of me, and then he wrapped his arms around me. “Such a good girl. Daddy knows what you need. You need lots of love. Of course, you do.”

  I caught myself nodding along with him. I truly did want to do that again. But I wasn’t about to admit that to anyone.

  My senses were coming back to me. I was his prisoner. He was keeping me here against my will and threatening severe punishments if I tried to leave him.

  I scolded myself to keep that in mind as my hands rubbed over his shoulders and strong back. Daddy was toned and well cut, like a movie star or a professional athlete.

  “You’re tired now, aren’t you? Daddy will get you cleaned up and off to bed.”

  As if to prove him right, I had to yawn.

  “Can you see into the future?” I asked him puzzled by what had happened.

  “No, I can’t, darling. I just know the way of things.” His hands were rubbing soap all over my skin. Before I knew it, we were standing, and he was showering me off. I was leaning on him and yawning. I could hardly stand.

  “What’s wrong with my legs?” I asked him.

  “You aren’t used to it. That’s all. This is normal for right now, but I got you. You won’t fall.” He lifted me out of the water and dried me off carefully but quickly.

  He hummed a soothing good night song while he worked.

  I was fighting to keep my eyes opened, but I barely could.

  Before I knew it, I was falling back into bed with my pajamas on.

  “You move so fast,” I said, turning to my side and cuddling into my pillow. I laid my arm around my teddy bear and guided him close to my heart so his head was under my chin.

  Daddy covered me up and kissed my cheek softly. “Sleep well, darling.”

  The light went off, and I fell asleep.


  I went back to the bathroom and cleaned up. I was glad that she hadn’t seen the blood. It would have upset her.

  She was already so dear to me. I loved her more now than I had back then. And back then I had been head over heels.

  She was so sweet and good. I had been worried, but today had been utterly perfect. Usually, my little girls needed more time to adjust, but Britney had longed for positive attention for so long that she took to this life like a duck to water.

  Britney had been good for me during school, and her letter to Santa had melted my heart. Of course, she would want a dog. She had been so lonely, but now she had me.

  Besides, every child needed a pet. A dog would be perfect for her. I was looking forward to having a dog. My last little girl had been afraid of dogs. She cried whenever she saw one and hid behind me.

  But Britney was a new little girl, and she was thriving already.

  I pictured her face when she saw the cake I made for her. She had been thrilled to get it. I had so many precious memories from today. Today had gone very smoothly. I hoped the rest of her life would be the same way.

  I went upstairs and worked on the dollhouses, making tiny furniture for tiny little girl hands. I made everything as sturdy as I could, knowing that the furniture could so easily fall out of their miniature hands.

  I glanced over at the monitor. I had a camera hidden in the corner of Britney’s room so I could see if she needed me in the night.

  She was sleeping like a baby. If she would ever wake up in the night crying, I would be right there. I felt that I was a very good father.

  My cell rang, and I recognized the number. “Hello Ma, how y’all doing.”

  “We’re good. How are things working with the new one?” Ma worried so easily, but what could happen to me?

  “Things are going better than good. We got a lot done today. She is taking to her new life like a duck to water. She is already happy with me.” I was smiling in a goofy way as I talked about my Britney.

  My parents had gone to have a look at her a couple of times before, and I know my ma had talked to her once. She’d asked Britney for directions.

  They said that she was pretty and sweet. Both were the most important qualities a child needed to be, and my Britney had them.

  “You lying to me, boy?” Ma was the type to be nice to someone’s face, but she worried about everything she couldn’t see. I had to convince her that everything was perfectly fine.

  “No, I’m not. She even wrote her letter to Santa Claus. You want to hear it? She wants a dog. We researched them on the computer and found a nice kind. I need to order one so that she gets here in time to go under the tree. Britney wants a girl dog.” I got excited when I talked about Britney.

  “Have you slept with her yet?” Ma asked me, cutting to the chase.

  “Yes, Ma, and to answer your next question she was a true virgin.”

  “Is she hurting?” Ma asked.

  “No, Ma. I was very careful. She even liked it.”

  “Course she did. A strong boy like you knows what he’s doing. Your Pa wants to talk to you.” I heard her hand over the phone. My parents hated everything that had to do with modern technology, but the cell phone helped them keep in contact with my brother and I.

  “Boy, is she being good for you?” Pa asked.

  “Britney is a very good girl. I love her so much already.”

  “Don’t you let her be playing any games with you.” I knew that my father would go on until I’d admit that I had spanked her already. He always acted like my new little girls were my first wives. He felt a need to give me tips.

  “She fussed when she realized that she was nowhere near her old home, but I gave her a sound spanking, and she has been nothing but good for me since.”

  “Good. It’s only fair to let them know right from the start who the boss is. After that, you can spoil them a little, but you have to do your duty and keep them sweet.” I knew that my Pa would have a soft spot for Britney once he met her. My parents had lost my sister when she was eight. She’d died of a fever.

  They called it irony. If she would have survived the fever, she would have lived forever.

  We had loved her very much and everyone in my family knew that little girls were something very precious.

  “Give me the phone back,” I heard Ma say. “Things are really going well?” she asked again. Nothing would help her to stop worrying. She needed to see for herself that everything was going so well over here.

  “Yes, Ma. In fact, I want to invite the whole family here for Christmas. That way you can meet her and see for yourselves how wonderful she is.”

  “We will gladly come. Won’t we, Pa?”

  “Good then it is settled. You will love this one.”

  We talked a bit, and then said our goodbyes. I glanced at the baby monitor, and Britney wasn’t in bed anymore. I hurried down to her in case she was hurting.

  She was back in bed when I got to her, and I was very fast.

  “Are you okay, darling?” I tucked the blankets in around her.

  “I feel a little sick,” she told me. She didn’t sound so good either.

  “Where does it hurt, darling?”

  “My tummy.”

  “Should I rub it a bit?” I offered.

  “No,” she said very quickly.

  “Is it your tummy that hurts, or is it a little lower?” I asked her.

  She started to cry, “I don’t know.”

  “I see. I’ll sit by you until you’re sleeping again. That would be the best thing.” I sat on the edge of her bed and waited. I knew she was tired.

  Damn it, and I had just had Ma on the phone. She knew all about herbs and women’s problems. My Britney was suffering, and all I could do was sit next to her and watch her suffer. I hated that.

  Mortals needed so much attention, and they suffered so much.

  Helplessly, I had to sit beside Britney and watch her suffer with my hands tied behind my back.

  She slowly fell asleep, but she cried softly every now and then. I was holding her hand, and she was sleeping.

  Should I sneak out and get back to work or should I stay in case she woke up and needed me?

  I held her hand for another hour, and then I slipped out. I would watch her more closely on the monitor.

  Chapter 3


  I woke up and looked around. I was scared and sore, but I knew where I was. “Daddy,” I called out. I didn’t want to get up, but I didn’t want to be alone either.

  “I’m right here, darling. How is your tummy?”

  I shook my head, thinking that he must have been here all night. He didn’t look tired or mad. Instead, he appeared to be concerned.

  I felt as if I were about to cry. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me today or if I would like it. Would I embarrass myself?

  “I think, I’ll make a bed for you out on the sofa. I’ll pamper you until you’re feeling better, and if it starts to hurt to the point that you can’t take it anymore, Daddy will call his Ma and tell her to come here, and she will make everything all better for you.”

  I felt the heat rise to my face, and I shook my head. I couldn’t tell anyone about where I was hurting. Well, I wasn’t actually hurting anymore. I was merely sore and sad.

  “Ma understands about women’s problems. You wouldn’t have to be embarrassed. She was pleased that you were a virgin. She wanted one for me this time round.”

  “What?” I had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Never mind. I’ll make you a bed.” He left and was back in a flash. He was lifting me into his arms when I couldn’t hold the floodgates back anymore.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “Certainly, darling.” He carried me into the bathroom and lifted up my pajamas and sat me down on the toilet.

  Damn, I was in this situation again. I couldn’t go. “I’m so cold,” I whined, hoping that I could get rid of him.

  “I’ll get you a robe.” He hurried off, and I peed. I wasn’t finished when he came back, but it was too late to stop. I cleaned myself up, and he helped me to stand up and wash my hands.

  He wrapped the robe around me, and I burst out in tears again. He was being nicer to me than anyone ever had been before, and I was playing sick to tell the truth of it. I needed a moment, perhaps even a day to get my bearings straight. Too much had happened in such a short time, and I didn’t know what was still going to come.

  The man who wanted me to call him Daddy hugged me and whispered in my ear that he loved me.

  He carried me out to the sofa, and I saw a perfect sick bed made up there. He had laid a warm looking blanket over the sofa, and he had a couple others folded back to cover me up with. Gently, he laid me down on the soft pillows and covered me up.

  “Yesterday was a lot for you. Today is a day to rest up and get feeling all better. Are you up to having a nice breakfast?”

  “Maybe just a little something, but not something heavy.”

  He looked positively thrilled that I wanted to eat something. “Okay, Britney. Here is the remote control. Daddy is watching to make sure that you aren’t looking at something that isn’t for your age.”

  I nodded and started paging through the channels. It was Saturday morning so there were cartoons galore.

  Daddy came back with a bowl full of hot oatmeal. I thanked him and thought how good it was to have such a conscientious stalker. He knew what I liked and what I didn’t.

  I fell asleep on his chest after I had eaten. I was being a baby, but it didn’t matter. He was here for me, and I think he was happy that I needed him.


  My little Britney was sore and confused. It was a very large step for her to be taking, especially for someone like her.

  She was walking on a fine line of being a woman in one moment and the little girl that she still was the next moment.

  She felt more comfortable being a little girl who needed to be held, than the woman who needed to be caressed and touched.

  I would help her balance everything out. She could have it all with me. I knew what she needed.

  Britney napped on the couch after she ate. I’d give her a bath and dress her warmly afterwards. She needed to get a healthy routine going. Then she’d get so caught up in living her life that she wouldn’t question the unimportant things like how she got here.

  The important thing was that she was here, and we could live together until the day she died. That was a day that was so far away that I couldn’t bear to think about it.

  I went into her classroom and prepared a lesson for when she woke up. I needed to keep her on her toes. I was positive that she didn’t miss her parents. I guessed the problem was that she felt guilty about enjoying what we did together.

  She was a sweet little girl and having sex was something disgusting and wrong if a girl wasn’t married. That had been drilled into her head.

  Teachers passed out condoms at school and the church told them not to use them. The real problem was that girls got married when they were too old.

  As not to scare Britney, I had waited for her to turn eighteen. I was living by her moral system, not mine. It had been a long wait, almost unbearable, but now she was here.

  “Daddy,” I heard her call out.

  “I’m here, darling.”

  She was sitting up on the sofa and looking around. She smiled half-heartedly when she spotted me.

  I was right. She felt guilty. I needed to explain that we were husband and wife.

  Alone the fact that we had made love together declared us man and wife. That was the way it had always been, and the old ways weren’t all bad.

  “How are you feeling, darling?” I asked her.

  She shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t know how she felt because she didn’t understand what was going on.

  I sat down next to her on the sofa. “I was thinking that I should give you a nice warm bath and then help you into something cuddly. You aren’t used to the cold weather here.”

  “No, I’m not,” she agreed with me.

  “Come on. Let’s go. After your bath, you can have a piece of cake. Would you like that?”

  She nodded at me.

  “Good girl.” I helped her to her feet and walked her to her bathroom.

  “Only a bath, right?” She glanced at me for a second, and then she looked away. She was terribly embarrassed.

  “Yes, only a bath. Nothing more,” I promised her.

  “A quick bath?” she asked, worried.

  “Yes, unless you want to soak in the warm water. That might be what you need to feel better.”

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  How could I not be head over heels in love with her? She was so incredibly adorable. She had no idea how much she had me wrapped around her little finger.

  I washed her and got her dressed. Today, I chose a dress that was floor length with a petticoat under it. That would keep her warm.

  Britney didn’t say a thing about the old-fashioned dress. Like I said, she was taking to this life like a duck to water.

  She smiled when she got cake for lunch.

  I was spoiling her, but she was mine to spoil.

/>   I loved her so much. It was the kind of love that grew with each passing second.

  Chapter 4


  Daddy was being especially nice to me, but he was dropping hints that I should be healed up, as he put it, by now.

  His patience was wearing thin.

  Otherwise, we got along well. We were the perfect couple. We had the same interests. He cooked and cleaned for me, only giving me simple tasks to help him. I wasn’t lonely, and he didn’t spank me again.

  He gave me a feeling like we were an old married couple. The kind that others look at and wonder how they do it.

  I guess the best way to put it was that Daddy was very respectful to me.

  The only problem was that we weren’t married. I had never said ‘I do’ in front of a preacher. No one ever asked me if I wanted to be here.

  I figured that I would have fallen head over heels for Daddy if I had met him in the normal way. He had that strong adorable boyish way about him. He could get so excited about the littlest of things.

  Daddy was also very energetic like boys my age were. But other times he would get a look in his eyes that spoke of experience and wisdom.

  Still, no matter how impressed with him I was, he was the bad guy, and I needed to get away from him.

  I figured morning time was the perfect time to leave him. Daddy liked to stay up late. He would say that he had work to do upstairs, and that he’d join me in bed later.

  Now that I wasn’t new, he found it difficult to get up in the morning, like a teenager boy would. My brother liked to sleep in too.

  I’ve always considered myself to be a morning person, but Daddy probably knew that already because he had been watching me.

  When I woke, I quietly tiptoed into the bathroom. I had an outfit to wear under the sink that I had hidden there when I was supposed to be playing before bedtime last night.

  I got dressed and tiptoed out of the room. I was up the stairs in a flash.

  The front door was locked, but I felt along the top of the doorframe and found the key hidden there immediately. I was meant to get away.


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