Book Read Free

The Oak Lord

Page 12

by Catherine Cooper

  Jack smiled at Camelin and mouthed, See you later.

  He felt a sense of relief as he walked back to the house with Nora. He’d no idea what Nora had transformed the torc into, but he knew she’d have disguised it well. In a few hours it would be Samhain. If he could carry it into Annwn before the next sunrise he’d be King.


  Jack helped Nora tidy up and set the table for his party. She picked up his cake and placed it in the centre of the table.

  ‘Hmm! I think we’d better add a few more decorations for this afternoon, don’t you?’

  She picked up her wand and flourished it in the direction of the cake board. Seven small sugar rats appeared. They were identical replicas of the Night Guard. With another flourish a grey and white rat joined them.

  ‘I’m sure they’d approve, don’t you?’

  ‘What about a bat and three small dragons, would that be possible?’

  Nora managed to create Timmery and the Dragonettes. She attached them to springy wires, one on each corner of the cake. They looked brilliant, almost as if they were flying.

  ‘Wow!’ said Jack. ‘What an amazing cake! It’s the best one I’ve ever had.’

  ‘We’re almost ready. I just need to put the finishing touches to the food and I think we ought to put the kettle on, your grandad won’t be long.’

  As Jack filled the kettle, he thought it might be a good time to tell Nora about his conversation with Alindyne, before grandad arrived. A loud knock on the front door interrupted him. Nora went to answer it and returned with Grandad. He grinned at Jack and flung his arms wide open.

  ‘Happy birthday! Come and give us a hug.’

  Jack was getting used to his grandad’s bear hugs. He braced himself as two strong arms enveloped him.

  ‘Thanks, Grandad.’

  ‘Cup of tea?’ asked Nora.

  ‘I won’t say no,’ Grandad replied, as he put Jack down and looked at the table. ‘You’ve been busy, I see. These are great decorations.’

  ‘The ghosts wail,’ said Jack as he pushed the one nearest to him.

  Grandad looked impressed.

  ‘It’s amazing what they can do these days. We never had anything like this when I was a lad. I’m forgetting something; here’s your card, Jack, and I’ve got a present for you too, from me and your dad.’

  ‘I’ve already seen his letter. Isn’t it great that he’ll be home for Christmas?’

  ‘And for good too,’ added Grandad. ‘Now, I’ll be back in a couple of ticks, I left your present in the car.’

  Jack opened his card and put it on the dresser next to the big card Nora had given him. He peeped inside. What would his friends say if they saw all the paw prints and squiggles?

  ‘No one else will see them,’ said Nora, giving Jack a knowing nod. ‘I thought it would be best if they were for your eyes only.’

  Jack smiled back. The kitchen door opened. Jack held his breath as Grandad brought in his present. It was a black bicycle, bigger than the one he’d had to leave behind in Greece. There was a bow and a tag on the handlebars.

  ‘Hope you like it,’ said Grandad, as he wheeled the bike to Jack. ‘Your dad thought you’d have been missing being able to go out on your bike. Now you’re out in the country, we both thought you’d be better off with a mountain bike. It’s got mudguards too.’

  Jack ran his hands over the shiny frame. It was perfect. The seat had been adjusted so it wouldn’t be too high for him. He felt the grips on the handlebars and rang the bell.

  ‘It’s brilliant, thanks.’

  ‘I thought we might go out for a ride, what do you say?’

  Jack looked at Nora. He didn’t know what to say, but she answered for him.

  ‘That’s a great idea. There’s nothing else we need to do until your friends arrive. Just be back in enough time to get washed and ready.’

  ‘We will,’ Grandad assured her. ‘I’ll just finish my tea, then I’ll go and get my bike. I hope you’ve got your cycle legs on this morning, only I’ve got a great route planned. We can stop for a sandwich when we’re halfway round.’

  Jack went over to his bike and removed the bow. He ran his hands over the handlebars, the frame and the seat. It really was just what he’d wanted. He could imagine giving Camelin a ride on the handlebars. They could have some great fun together. He was deep in thought when he realised Grandad was standing behind him.

  ‘I’m glad you like it. I won’t be long, I’ll be back in a few minutes.’

  ‘Thanks, Grandad, it’s great.’

  As Nora showed Grandad out, Jack raced upstairs for his hat and gloves. As he passed the small window on the stairs, he caught a glimpse of three boys standing with their bikes outside Nora’s gate. He saw Grandad put his thumbs up in the air to them. It seemed he was going on a bike ride with Techno, Benbow and Danny. Jack smiled. This was turning out to be a brilliant birthday.

  ‘Did you know about this?’ he asked Nora as he put on his hat and coat, ‘only I’ve just seen my friends waiting outside.’

  Nora laughed.

  ‘There’s not much I don’t know about in Glasruhen. They’ve known about it for a couple of weeks. Your grandad arranged it. He’s been hoping today would be a fine day and it is.’

  ‘I can’t wait to try it out. I’ve really missed having my bike.’

  A loud knock announced Grandad’s return. As Jack carefully turned his bike around, Nora took a basin from the dresser. She touched it with her wand and nodded in satisfaction when a cycling helmet appeared.

  ‘I told your grandad you could borrow Elan’s helmet.’

  ‘Thanks, I wouldn’t have been able to go without one.’

  Nora went ahead of him down the hallway. Just before she opened the door she turned and smiled.

  ‘Have a good time, and don’t forget to look surprised when you see your friends. You’re not supposed to know they’re waiting outside.’

  ‘I will, and I’ll see you later.’

  They had a great morning. Jack got the same feeling on his bike as he did when he was flying. He loved the wind rushing against his face and the feeling of total freedom.

  They stopped at a tea shop in a small village near Brion Ridge and Grandad bought them all lunch. When it arrived, Jack had never seen such enormous sandwiches. They all had a fit of giggles as they tried to get their mouths around the two great wedges of bread. Jack was glad Camelin couldn’t see him.

  After lunch they made their way back. They cycled past each one of Jack’s friends’ houses on their route back to Ewell House. Benbow’s house was first, then Danny’s, and Techno’s was last. In half an hour’s time they’d all be back together having fun at his party. Jack rode back to Brenin House with his grandad and they locked the bikes safely in Grandad’s shed.

  ‘I’ll be back to collect you all to go trick-ortreating later,’ Grandad called as Jack made his way to the bottom of the garden. ‘Have a good time.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Jack called back, ‘it’s been a great birthday so far. See you later.’

  He ran all the way through the yew tree tunnel to Nora’s garden. He knew this would probably be his last chance to tell Nora about his conversation with Alindyne. He walked slowly to the house as he tried to decide what to say. When he entered the kitchen, he could see Nora was worried.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked.

  ‘Elan sent me a message just after you’d gone. I’m afraid she’s not going to be able to come back for your party this afternoon.’

  Jack knew there must be a problem for Elan to miss his party. He was really disappointed she wasn’t going to be there.

  ‘Do you know why?’

  ‘I do. The events over the past few days have meant a lot of changes to our plans.’

  ‘It’s okay, I know she’d be here if she could.’

  ‘Kerne sent a messenger to Annwn. It wasn’t good news. They have scoured the Land of Shadows but there’s no trace of Velindur or the Bogie. Elan had hoped he�
�d have been found by now. If his whereabouts had been known, Kerne could have had Permeris follow him and do all in his power to prevent him from doing any harm. Everyone is very worried. A man without magic cannot just disappear. Kerne fears someone is hiding him. Elan can’t be here because she has gone to Elidon, as the Queen of Annwn. She hopes to be able to help Kerne locate Velindur before Samhain begins.’

  ‘Do you think he’s going to cause a problem later tonight?’

  ‘I do, and so does everyone else. Elan has made sure the entrance to the tomb is being guarded. We fear Velindur has received some help, but we have no idea from whom.’

  At the mention of the tomb Jack bit his lip.

  ‘Something happened the other night that I haven’t told you about.’

  ‘What might that be?’

  ‘I entered Alindyne’s tomb a few nights ago.’

  Nora looked surprised.

  ‘There’s not much happens around here that I don’t get to know. None of the trees have informed me. I’ve had a watch on the entrance because of Velindur, but I’d had no word that anyone, not even you, had entered.’

  ‘It began as a dream. I think crystal magic transported me there.’

  Nora looked at Jack intently.

  ‘… and?’

  Jack took a deep breath and told her everything that had happened, from entering the tomb to being called back to his bed by Orin. He relayed his conversation with Alindyne, except for the part where he’d asked his ancestor to be the Oak Lord. Jack didn’t know if his offer had been accepted and he wanted a chance to finish that conversation before he told anyone. When he’d finished he waited for Nora to speak.

  ‘Hmm! Immortal, you say? Now I didn’t know that either.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I was only helping Camelin to finish his punishment.’

  ‘I’m amazed you weren’t ill. The juice of the Crochan leaves is very potent. If you’d ingested it as a boy you’d have needed some very strong magic to save your life.’

  ‘What will happen now? Am I really immortal?’

  ‘You are. At some point after your coronation you would have been given the choice to remain mortal or accept immortality, but it seems the choice has already been made for you, as it was with Camelin. How do you feel about it?’

  ‘I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like to live forever, but it means I can always be with you all.’

  ‘Does Camelin know?’

  ‘I haven’t told anyone. I wanted to speak to you first to make sure it was true.’

  ‘It’s good you haven’t told anyone. It means that Velindur cannot possibly know of this. I have been worried for you and what might happen tonight. The one time we are unable to be with you is when you’ll be left inside Alindyne’s tomb. It’s a relief to know that Velindur cannot harm you. No matter what he’s got planned, you will be safe. Take strength from this and use the knowledge as your shield. I will let Gwillam and Elan know when I see them later tonight, but for now neither of us should speak of this to anyone else.’

  ‘I won’t, I promise.’

  ‘Good. But just look at the time, your visitors will be here any minute. Upstairs with you and get ready.’

  Jack took the stairs two at a time and threw open his wardrobe door. He pulled out his Hallowe’en costume but before he could get undressed, he heard a knock on the front door. Jack took his wand and pointed it at his toes. He quickly raised his wand upwards. There was a green flash, which made Jack blink. When he checked himself in the mirror he was wearing a bat costume. He dashed downstairs and entered the kitchen at the same time as Nora showed Techno in. He had a green face and hair and wore raggy clothes. Around the back of his neck was a plastic band with a bolt on each end.

  ‘Frankenstein,’ explained Techno, as he offered Jack a square box. ‘Happy Birthday.’

  ‘Thanks,’ replied Jack, as he took the present and card. He opened them quickly. ‘Wow! Double thanks. A light for my bike, that’s great. You must have known I hadn’t got one.’

  ‘Your grandad said you’d need one.’

  Nora went to open the door again. He could hear Danny and Benbow laughing as they made their way to the kitchen. They were both dressed as wizards. Each had a tall pointed hat and a magic wand. Jack also laughed when he saw them.

  ‘Did you plan to wear the same costume?’

  ‘No,’ said Benbow, ‘we didn’t know until we took our coats off. Here you are, happy birthday, this is from both of us.’

  Jack took Benbow and Danny’s present. It didn’t need unwrapping as it was in a shiny gift bag. He peeked inside, smiled and shot a glance at Nora.

  ‘That’s brilliant, thanks. I haven’t got a helmet of my own. I had to borrow one this morning.’

  ‘We know. We couldn’t let you keep on wearing Elan’s,’ said Techno. ‘Is she here yet?’

  Nora pulled out a chair for Techno to sit on.

  ‘I’m afraid Elan’s not feeling too good at the moment. We’ll save her some cake.’

  Jack’s three friends all looked at the table.

  ‘Wow!’ said Benbow. ‘Amazing cake!’

  ‘Nora made it,’ said Jack.

  The three boys all looked at Nora. Benbow stuck up his thumb.

  ‘I wish my mum could make cakes like that.’

  ‘I’ll let her have the recipe,’ laughed Nora. ‘Now, shall we eat?’

  Jack couldn’t remember ever having had a better party. The most popular game of the night was Hunt the Eyeball. It was one of Nora’s creations. Although edible, it looked incredibly real. They had a treasure hunt in the garden before the light faded. Jack’s partner was Techno, and Benbow and Danny teamed up. The prize was a treasure chest filled to the brim with jelly worms, which also looked very realistic. Techno was the first to solve the clues and Jack said he could keep the worms, which seemed to please him. Nora let him keep the wooden chest they were in too.

  The food looked incredible but when Jack bit into a ham sandwich, it tasted of raspberry jelly. The others thought it was hilarious that some of the food wasn’t quite what it seemed. Jack was in no doubt as to who had ‘helped’. He wondered if that was the real reason Camelin had been inside the pantry. Nora didn’t join them to eat and since she didn’t know about it, and the others weren’t complaining, Jack decided it was best not to say anything. He didn’t think Camelin would be too pleased to know his contribution to the party hadn’t spoilt their enjoyment. In fact, guessing the taste turned out to be an entertaining extra party game.

  For the second time that day, Jack blew out his candles. This time he remembered to make a wish. As Nora was wrapping cake for his friends to take home there was a loud knock on the front door. Jack ran to let Grandad in. Jack squealed with delight when he saw his grandad had dressed up as a vampire, complete with two fangs and a very pale face. Nora joined him at the door.

  ‘Come in, Sam, the boys won’t be long. Would you like a piece of cake?’

  ‘Thanks, I don’t mind if I do.’

  Jack gave Grandad his best scary laugh.

  ‘Good party?’ he asked Jack.

  ‘The best. It’s been a brilliant birthday. You look great.’

  ‘Count Dracula… I always thought there was royal blood in our family!’

  For one moment Jack wondered if Grandad knew about his coronation, but when he raised his arms and wrapped his cloak around himself, Jack realised he’d been joking. Grandad ate his cake while Jack and his friends got themselves ready. Nora filled a carrier with the goody bags, cake and the prizes they’d won, for the boys to take home. She passed it to Grandad, who peeked inside.

  ‘It’s a good job these aren’t going in your collecting cauldrons or they’d be full before we started. Are we all ready to go?’

  ‘Ready,’ they all replied.

  By the time Jack arrived back at Ewell House he was exhausted. They’d had a brilliant time. No one had asked any of them for a trick and all the people Grandad took them to
visit seemed to be expecting them. They were each laden with sweets and treats. Jack looked at his plastic cauldron. He knew Camelin would be pleased when he saw it. Once he’d said goodnight to his grandad, Nora sent him upstairs to wash and change. He went up to Camelin’s loft first and left the cauldron for him next to his raven bed.

  When he went back downstairs, Nora was waiting for him by the kitchen door.

  ‘Have you got everything?’

  ‘Yes, I’ve double-checked.’

  ‘Let’s escort the Fairies to the Meadow Mound. They’ll be able to enter Annwn from there. Can you help me with the cauldron?’

  Jack peeped inside. Nora had an assortment of things in the bottom. He wondered which one of them was the torc. When he lifted his side it was lighter than he’d expected.

  Jack was relieved to see the Fairies were no longer buzzing around when Nora opened the Herborium door. They were gathered around Raggs, who was just coming to the end of one of his stories. There was a rapturous applause.

  ‘Are you ready to go?’ asked Nora.

  ‘We are,’ said Rhoda. ‘Can Raggs and Orin come with us too? They’ll be able to go through the doorway in our mound. Raggs has got a protector and we’d all feel a lot safer if he was with us.’

  The room filled with high-pitched voices that all seemed to be agreeing with Rhoda.

  ‘That’s fine, but we must hurry as Samhain is upon us. Jack and I need to get to the portal on Glasruhen Hill as soon as possible.’

  Nora signalled for Jack to put the cauldron down. To save the Fairies having to transform and fly, Jack and Nora scooped them up and put them inside the cauldron. Once Raggs, Arin and Orin were safely inside, Nora and Jack picked up the cauldron and left the room. Before they set off for the meadow, Nora gave a long, low whistle. In an instant, Motley appeared.

  ‘Is everything ready?’ she asked.

  ‘Everything’s ready,’ Motley replied. ‘We only have to collect Raggs and Orin and then we’ll be off.’


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