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Aberdeen, Lord 378
Aboukir, Battle of 324–5
Aboukir Bay 288, 293, 328
Acre 300, 311, 577, 578
siege of 317–23
Acton, John 267
Adam, Robert and James 101
Adams, President 495
Addington, Lord 375, 376, 378–9, 380, 382, 402, 406, 407, 408, 429
Ahmad Pasha 300, 317
Aix, Island of 563–4
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Al Azhar mosque (Cairo) 301–2
Alava, General Miguel 757
Albert, Prince of Naples 296
Albuera, Battle of 717–19, 727
Aldenhoven, Battle of 126
Aleppo 311
Alessandria, Convention of 349
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