Alexander I, Tsar 368, 393, 432, 488, 512, 537, 538, 622, 794–5, 818, 825, 837, 866, 907, 921
and burning of Moscow 787, 789, 791–2
character and appearance 3, 485, 657
Congress of Erfurt 623
Congress of Vienna 871
death 911
enters Paris 853–4
expansionism 430–1
and invasion of Russia 763–5, 780
Napoleon on 528
and Napoleon’s marriage 687
and restoration of French monarchy 862–3
Treaty of Tilsit 526–30, 533, 922, 923
Alexandria 255, 274, 275, 277, 281, 286, 294, 298, 324, 326, 328, 408, 532
Algeciras 556
Algeria 405
Algiers 551–2
Allemand, Vice-Admiral 641
Almeida 708, 715, 716
Almonacid de Toledo, Battle of 702
Alsace 32
Alvarez de Castro, Mariano 707
Alvinzi, General 176
American Revolution 9, 16, 17, 54
American War of Independence 2, 3, 94, 95, 96, 108, 109, 121, 128, 131, 195, 212, 260, 261, 482, 589
Amiens, Treaty of 375–6, 402, 406, 408, 409, 433, 471, 497, 558
Amsterdam 847
Ancona 168, 177
Angoulême, Duc de 392
Anna Pavlovna, Grand Duchess 688
Antigua 438
Antwerp 115, 116, 138, 673, 674, 675, 876, 888
Arakchev, Alexei 770
Aranjuez, Tumult of 585
Arcis-sur-Aube, Battle of 853
Arcola 173
Argaum, Battle of 610
Austrian 180, 432, 461, 479, 481, 659–61, 676, 833, 872
militia 661
British 128, 133, 379, 620, 631–2, 696, 758, 872
command 591–5
discipline 589–91, 592–3, 702, 732
on eve of Peninsular War 589–95
tactics 591
volunteers 419–20
Dutch 140, 876, 878, 881
French 180–2, 251–4, 255, 276–7, 281–2, 311, 323, 696, 712, 714, 720, 918–19
artillery 180–1
command of 471–2
conscripts 661, 822, 823, 833, 844, 918
cost of 338, 844
Grand Armée 471–8, 480, 482, 511, 517, 522, 537, 622, 631, 765–7, 779, 782, 797, 802–4, 808, 809–10, 813, 815, 817–18
hygiene 303
for invasion of England 415, 416
for invasion of Russia 765–7, 770–1
Napoleon rebuilds 821–2, 823, 833, 844
Napoleon’s reorganization of 346–7
post restoration 865
tactics 661–2
mass mobilization xi, 4, 54, 180, 918–19
Prussian 31, 133, 432, 479, 512, 823–5, 833, 836, 872, 880
Russian 113, 432, 479, 503, 517, 771, 777, 782, 785–6, 793, 816, 833, 872
Spanish 624, 625, 697, 699, 700, 720
Swedish 825, 833
Artois, Charles, Comte d’ (later Charles X, King of France) 32, 153, 391, 392, 393, 858, 859, 870
Aspern-Essling, Battle of 660, 666–8, 677, 902
Assaye, Battle of 433, 609–10
Asturias 587
Aswan 306
Asyut 306, 307
Auchmuty, General Samuel 499, 500
Auckland, Lord 116, 409
Auerstadt, Battle of see Jena-Auerstadt
Augereau, Marshal Pierre-François-Charles 161, 162, 169, 191, 337, 342, 401, 513, 519–20, 708, 838, 839, 912
Augusta, Princess of Bavaria 490
Aunitz, Wenzel von 350
Austen, Jane 101
Austerlitz, Battle of 179, 463, 486–9, 659, 902
Armistice of Leoben 178–9
Battle of Aspern-Essling 666–8
Battle of Austerlitz 463, 486–9, 659
Battle of Fleurus 138
Battle of Leipzig 838–41
Battles of Marengo and Hohenlinden by 348–51
Battle of Raab 669
Battle of Wagram 670–2
Battle of Zurich 333
empire 479–80
Napoleon seen as liberator by subject territories 481
and Napoleon’s defeat 926
Napoleon’s impact on 917
Napoleon’s marriage to Princess Marie Louise 688–91
and Netherlands 34, 109, 115–16, 126, 129–30, 137–8
relations with Britain 109, 115, 120, 133, 160, 170, 431
relations with France 2, 31–3, 109, 145–6, 159–60, 186, 187, 294, 402, 403, 431–2, 441, 504, 530, 622, 623
aims from invasion of 847
declares war on (1809) 657, 662
declares war on (1813) 831–3
France declares war on (1792) 32
new offensive (1809) 622, 628, 654–65
offensive in Germany and Italy (1800) 346–51
over conquest of Italy 161–6, 168–9, 170, 172–4, 176–9
reaction to French Revolution 31, 33
and restoration of French monarchy 863, 866
relations with Russia 333, 334
and Seventh Coalition 871
and Third Coalition 432
Treaty of Campo Formio 186
Treaty of Luneville 350–1
Treaty of Pressburg 489–90, 659
Treaty of Schönbrunn 675–6
Treaty of Tilsit 530
Ulm manoeuvre 461, 483
the Avengers 54
Avignon 33, 124, 333
Ayen, Duc d’ 17
Azores 560
Bacler d’ Albe, Louis-Albert-Ghislain 472
Badajoz 587, 711, 712, 715, 716, 717, 719, 724, 725
siege of 730–3
Baden, Princess Stephanie of see Beauharnais, Stephanie de
Bagration, General Peter 485, 487, 488, 771, 772, 774, 777, 778, 780, 783
Bailen 621
Bailli, Mayor of Paris 22
Baird, Sir David 591, 619, 625, 626, 627, 632
Balkans 109
Ballesteros, General 720, 747
Balliard, General 328
Baltic Sea 363, 368, 527
Barbados 143, 437, 438
Barcelona 545, 546
Barclay, Sir Henry 620, 621, 624
Barclay de Tolly, General Mikhail 770–1, 772, 774, 777, 778, 780, 781, 787, 829, 830, 872, 911
Barham, Lord see Middleton, Sir Charles
Barlow, Sir Robert 210
Barras, Paul 53–4, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 168, 188, 190, 191, 335–6, 337, 339–41, 387–8, 919
Barthélmy, François 188
Basle, Treaty of 140
Bassano 169, 178
Bastille, storming of the 18, 86
Batavian Republic 219, 490
Bautzen, Battle of 829
Bavaria 481, 490, 663, 838
Bayonne 756, 757
Beaston, General 909–10
Beatty, Dr 454, 455
Beauharnais, Vicomte Alexandre de 156
Beauharnais, Viceroy Eugène de 156, 334, 490, 664, 669, 677, 687, 688, 912
commands remnants of Grand Armée 817, 825
Egyptian campaign 310, 319, 326
in Italy 844, 855–6
Prussian campaign 1813 829
regent of Italy 510
Russian campaign 765, 767, 783, 784, 789, 794, 798, 802, 803, 808, 814, 818
Beauharnais, Hortense de 156, 334, 399, 687, 904
Beauharnais, Rose de see Josephine, Empress
Beauharnais, Stephanie de 509, 623, 685
Beaulieu, General 161, 162, 167
Beaver, Lieutenant 550
Bedouins 281, 299
Beethoven, Ludwig van 397, 431, 484
Beirut 317
Belgium 32, 33, 37, 69, 115, 116, 126, 133, 178, 185, 569, 847, 873, 874
Belliard, General 307, 308
Benevento 492
Bennett, Mr (MP) 590–1
bsp; Bennigsen, General Levin 352–3, 479, 517, 519, 520, 524, 525, 533
German campaign (1813) 833, 838, 839
invasion of France 847
Bentinck, Lord William 856
Beresford, General William Carr 497, 498, 499, 633, 696, 697, 699, 706, 716–19, 727, 739, 757, 864
Berezina, Battle of the 808–9
Berlin 514–15, 829, 837
Berlin decree (1806) 515–16, 535, 537
Bernadotte, Marshal Jean 138, 177–8, 188, 251, 334–5, 337, 339, 351, 399, 486, 488, 513, 514, 534, 669, 674
crown prince of Sweden 763, 765, 825
German campaign (1813) 833, 834, 837, 838, 839
invasion of France 847
King of Sweden 912
Bernard, General 606–7, 608
Berri, Duc de 392
Berry, Captain Edward 273
Berthier, Marshal Louis-Alexandre 161, 251, 304, 326, 343, 347, 348, 401, 472, 504, 663, 854, 860, 874, 912
and Russian campaign 798, 814, 821
Bertrand, General 822, 912
Bessborough, Lady 376, 407, 458, 461–2
Bessières, Marshal Jean-Baptiste 613, 912
Biberach, Battle of 476
Bilbao 745
Bissel, Lieutenant 643
Black Legion 224
Black Sea 113
Blackwood, Captain 445, 448, 452, 457–8
Blake, General 613, 624, 724
Blakeney, Robert 732
Blücher, General Gebhart von 285, 476, 514, 824, 835–7, 911
German campaign (1813) 833, 835–7, 838, 839, 841
invasion of France 842, 847, 849–50, 851–2
Waterloo campaign 872, 876, 877, 878, 880, 882, 883, 884, 886, 891, 893, 896, 897, 900, 902, 906
Bohemia 479, 663, 665, 834, 866
Bolivar, Simon 397, 911
Bologna 168, 177, 406
Bompart, Commodore 225–6
Bonaparte, Carlo 58, 59, 61, 64
Bonaparte, Caroline 70, 400, 509–10, 690, 822, 844, 912
Bonaparte, Elisa 61, 71, 73, 179, 400, 509, 912
Bonaparte, Jérôme 70, 79, 155, 179, 399–400, 766, 767, 771, 853, 889, 893, 912
as King of Westphalia 508–9, 529, 680
Bonaparte, Joseph 60, 61, 65, 67, 70, 79, 149, 155, 158, 168, 179, 185, 309, 334, 398, 399, 406, 845–6, 903, 912
as governor of Paris 846, 853
as King of Naples 490, 507–8, 521
as King of Spain 586, 613, 619, 621, 628, 633, 700, 707, 721, 722, 723, 730, 740, 745, 750, 757
Bonaparte, Letizia 57–9, 60–1, 63, 66, 67, 69, 74, 75, 76, 155, 158, 179, 185, 326, 399, 857, 904, 912
Bonaparte, Louis 61, 69, 70, 79, 155, 173, 179, 399, 912
as King of Holland 490, 508, 537
refuses Spanish throne 586
Bonaparte, Luciano 59, 70, 191
Bonaparte, Lucien 61, 70, 74, 79, 155, 179, 334, 336–7, 341–2, 399, 509, 853, 904, 912
Bonaparte, Maria Anna see Bonaparte, Elisa
Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I, Emperor
Bonaparte, Pauline 70, 79, 179, 400–1, 403–4, 687, 857, 912
Bonapartists, pogroms against 907
Bordeaux 124, 143, 860, 861
Borghese, Prince Camillo 912
Borisov 808–9
Borodino, Battle of 781–6, 787, 818, 903
Boswell, James 59
Bott (rebel leader) 242
Boubon, Duc de 392
Bouchard, Captain 301
Bouille, Marquis de 23
Boulogne 369–71, 413, 416, 430, 435, 559, 579
Bourbon dynasty 480, 515, 657, 760, 851, 858–63, 866, 867, 919
in conquered territories 916
French 11, 12–15, 16, 914
Bourgogne, Sergeant 810
Bourgoin, Mlle 685
Bourienne, Fauvelet de la 253, 323–4
Bourrière (French resident in Hamburg) 536, 537
Bowen, James 210, 215, 216
Boxtel 139
Brazil 582, 583, 653, 911
Brenner Pass 178, 348
Brereton, General 437
Brest 144, 426, 427, 436, 437
Brett, Oliver 735–7
Bridport, Lord 172, 209, 219, 223
Brienne 61–2, 849
Bright, John 575
Brisbane, Admiral Sir Charles 210, 539–40
Brissot, Jacques Pierre 24, 36, 40, 48
Bristol 224
in 1807 531
and American War of Independence 94, 95, 97
art, architecture and literature 101–2
Battle of Aix Roads 634–53
Battle of Camperdown 245–6
Battle of Cape St Vincent 230–5
Battle of Copenhagen 363–8
Battle of Trafalgar 447–59
Battle of Waterloo 889–903
complacent foreign policy 108–9
and Corsica 74–6, 169, 171, 268
defences 274, 421
empire 102, 108, 141, 403
and First Coalition 121
Glorious First of June 211–18
industrialization and urabanization 102–4
military standing in 1795 140, 145
monarchy 2, 9, 56, 104
and Napoleon’s defeat 926
Peninsular War 587–8, 695–760
political climate 97–9
revolutionary seeds in 106–7, 574–6, 727–30
propaganda offensive 417–19
relations with Austria-Hungary 109, 115, 120, 132, 133, 160, 170, 431
relations with Baltic powers 352, 363
relations with Denmark 532–4
relations with France 2–3, 10, 33, 35, 108–9
aims from invasion of 847–8
attack on Boulogne 423, 430
blockade of French ports 425–6, 434
consistent opposition to Napoeon 5
declares war on (1793) 117–18, 119
declares war on (1803) 409–10
economic war 515–16, 523–4, 527, 532–3, 535–40
failure to strike decisive early blow 35, 118, 125, 145, 576, 925
and invasion of 842, 850
over Ireland 172, 220–7
over Italy 406
over Low Countries 115–18, 126–7, 139–40, 333–4, 842, 847
over Malta 375, 379, 405, 408, 409
peace initiative 1795 146, 172
peace initiative 1806 493, 501, 502
peace initiative 1812 765
reaction to Revolution 85–8, 105–7, 109, 118, 130–1, 568–9, 925
and restoration of French monarchy 863, 866–7
sole opponent of (1801) 351
threat of invasion by 191, 192, 413–30, 434, 439–40, 442, 457, 569
trade and colonial rivalry 141–5
war renewed with (1803) 380, 402
relations with Portugal 121, 160
relations with Prussia 109, 111–12, 115, 120, 132, 133, 170
relations with Russia 109, 111–14, 120, 145, 170, 171, 346, 363, 422, 430, 502, 527, 529, 765
relations with Spain 36, 109, 111, 120, 131, 145, 169–70, 171
designs on Latin America 493–501, 588
Spain declares war on (1804) 430
relations with Turks 531–2
social and economic conditions 97, 99–107, 142
Treaty of Amiens 375
vitality of parliamentary debate in 98–9
Walcheren expedition 672–5
Brittany 124, 138
Broglie, Comte de 17
Broke, Sir Philip 210
Brooke, Frances 103
Brougham, Lord Henry 501, 705–6, 726
Browne, Captain Thomas 747
Bruce, General 334, 912
Brueys, Admiral 277, 288–9, 290, 291, 293
Bruix, Admiral 340
Brunswick, Carl, Duke of 33, 512, 513, 881
Brussels 116, 138, 876, 888
Bryant, Sir Arthur xii, 700, 713
Buckingham, Duke of 407, 601, 859
Buenos Aires 171, 497, 498, 499, 500, 535
Bülow, General von 837, 847, 850, 851, 880, 886, 891, 893, 896, 897
Buonaparte see Bonaparte
Burdett, Francis 727–30
Burgos 626, 628, 739, 750
siege of 743–4
Burgoyne, General 591, 607
Burgundy 261
Burke, Edmund 105, 106, 117, 573
Burney, Charles 376
Burney, Fanny 377
Burrard, General Sir Henry 614, 616, 617, 618
Bussaco, Battle of 709–10
Bute, Lord 94, 98
Buxhoevden, General Freidrich 479, 487, 517
Byng, Admiral 647
Cadiz 171, 270, 273, 435, 444, 445, 446, 448, 587, 588, 703, 711, 712, 740, 747
Cadoudal, Georges 391, 392, 394, 396, 580
Caffareli, General Louis 251, 302
Cairo 282, 283, 284–5, 298, 301–2, 324, 325, 328, 532
Calabria 633
Calder, Sir Robert 210, 438, 440, 445
Caldiero 483
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de 11, 12, 189
Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques 344
Cambrai 127
Camelford, Lord 578
Campbell, General Alexander 701
Campbell, Colonel Sir Neil 855, 857
Campbell, Thomas 409
Camperdown, Battle of 245–6
Campo Formio, Treaty of 186
Canada 589
Canning, George 91, 381, 422, 429, 465, 531, 533, 583, 587, 673, 925
pro war 381, 407, 532, 588, 632
Canopus, Battle of 328
Cape Colony 170, 250, 405
Cape of Good Hope 142, 219
Cape St Vincent, Battle of 230–5, 295, 496
Caracciolo, Count 296, 355–6
Carbon, François 389–90
Caribbean Sea 142–5, 432
Carier, the Butcher of Nantes 54
Carlscrona 368
Carnot, General Lazare 2, 30, 80, 81, 155, 156, 159, 180, 188, 190, 191, 337, 351, 396, 861, 871, 904, 912, 919
Caroline, Princess 578
Cartagena 566, 587
Carteaux, General 77–8
Casabianca, Captain 292
Castaños, General 614, 624, 625, 716, 735
Castiglione 169
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Lord 105, 429, 673, 727, 925
at foreign office 856, 863, 866–7, 873, 905, 906, 917
at war office 531, 583, 595, 613, 614, 618, 632
death of 911
pro war 381, 407, 532, 588, 619, 632, 843
Catalonia 587
Cathcart, Lord 463, 534
Catherine the Great 3, 36, 109, 110–14, 120, 170, 171, 172
Catherine Pavlovna, Grand Duchess 530, 687, 688, 764
Catherine of Württemberg 508
Catholic emancipation 375, 382, 502, 503
Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis de 688, 764, 777, 814, 819–20, 832, 844, 850, 855, 912
Caulaincourt, General Auguste de 472, 784, 814, 818
Caulfield, Lieutenant 566
Cavendish, Lady Harriet 458
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