Ceva 162
Ceylon 219, 375
Chamberlain, Neville 118
Chambers, William 101
Chambery 34
Champ de Mars 24, 25
Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompère de 530
Champmorin, General 39
Charlemagne 431
Charleroi 898
Charles, Archduke 137, 138, 164, 171, 178, 333, 346, 350, 431, 432, 479, 481, 483, 485, 489, 492, 493, 659–61, 663, 664, 665, 667, 668, 670–2
Charles, Hippolyte 167, 172, 179, 191, 334
Charles I, King 10, 11, 23, 28, 56
Charles IV, King of Spain 3, 496, 584, 585–6
Charles XIII, King of Sweden 763
Charlotte, Queen 100, 218, 295
Chastenay, Mlle de 151
Chateaubriand, Vicomte de 860, 906
Châtelet, Marquis du 43
Chatham, Earl of 129, 131, 209, 672–5
Chauveau-Lagarde, Claude François 41, 42
Chauvelin, Marquis de 107, 117
Chazot, General 37
Chichagov, Admiral 808, 810
Chile 653, 911
Christian Army of the Holy Faith 355
Christophe, Henri 404, 433
Cintra, Convention of 617–18, 619, 631, 632
Cisneros, Baltasar Hidalgo de 500
Ciudad Rodrigo 624, 708, 715, 721, 723–5, 730, 733, 746
Civitavecchia 358
Clairfait, Field Marshal Francis 33, 34, 134, 146
Clarke, General Henri 175
Clary, Désirée Eugénie 150, 157, 158, 159, 178, 334
Clary, Julie 150, 399
Clausel, General 739, 744, 749, 751
Clinton, General 591
Clive, Robert 102, 140, 259, 270, 589, 605, 613
Cobban, Alfred 914
Cobbett, William 575
Coblenz, Ludwig 481, 489
Coburg, Prince of 127, 137, 138
Cochrane, Sir Alexander 426, 436, 541, 558
Cochrane, Midshipman Archibald 542, 549, 552
Cochrane, Thomas, Lord 210, 260, 541–67, 577, 580, 581, 634–53, 911, 926
and Battle of Aix Roads 636–52
as radical MP 575, 728–9
Cocks, Major Edward Somers 743, 744
Code Napoleon 385, 386, 508, 509, 915–16
Codrington, Captain Edward 214, 215–16, 218, 446, 454, 456
Coimbra 697, 709, 710
Colana, Maria Giulia 508
Colborne, Sir John 894, 895
Cole, General Lowry 717–19
Coleman, Terry 366
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 291
Collet, Captain Joseph 564
Collingwood, Admiral 210, 231–2, 233, 426, 436, 437, 445, 448, 449, 450, 453–4, 455, 457, 536, 565–6, 579, 588, 926
Colloredo, Count von 350, 480–1, 489
Colman, Francis 727
Cologne 138, 139
Colpoys, Admiral 223, 237, 238, 239
Colquhoun Grant, Lieutenant-Colonel 877
Committee of Public Safety 48, 50, 52–3
Condé 127, 129, 138
Condé, Prince de 138, 392
Confederation of the Rhine 492, 515, 529, 832, 836
Congreve, William 579, 638
Constant, Benjamin 871
Constantine, Grand Duke 488
Constantinople 300, 305, 325, 531, 579
Conté, Nicolas 251
Continental System 516, 529, 532, 537, 582, 634, 676, 678, 706, 763, 765
Convention 28, 35, 43, 44, 47, 48, 53, 54, 117, 153, 154, 381
Cooper, Duff 81, 152
Coote Manningham, Colonel 592
Coote, Sir Eyre 436, 673, 674
Battle of 363–8
bombardment of 534, 612, 634, 635
Corday, Charlotte 49
Córdoba 613
Corfu 405, 436, 565
Cornwallis, Lord 132, 209, 225, 426, 427, 437, 438, 482, 591, 604, 605, 611
Corsica 59–60, 61, 67, 73–6, 81, 169, 171, 228, 268, 326
Corsican Independence movement 59–60, 66, 68–9, 71–2
Corunna 613, 620, 621
British evacuation of 628–32
Cossacks 796, 798, 803, 804, 808, 811, 813
Cotton, Sir Charles 210, 617, 619
Cotton, General Sir Stephen 739
Council of Elders 335, 337, 339, 340–1, 342
Council of Five Hundred 335, 337, 341
Couthon, Georges August 53
Craig, General 137, 139, 219
Craonne 850
Crauford, Brigadier Robin 706–7, 710, 725
Creevey, Thomas 380, 381, 382, 897
Cromwell, Oliver 54
Cruikshank, George 420
Cruz, Sir James 436
Cuesta, General Don Gregorio de la 699, 700, 702
Cuneo 162
Curaçao 433, 539–40
Custine, Delfina, Marquise de 44, 46, 156
Custine, General 34, 48
Dalhousie, Lord 750
Dalling, General John 261
Dalmatia 490, 830
Dalrymple, Grace 151
Dalrymple, General Sir Hew 614, 617, 618
Damas, Comte de 110, 111
Damascus 311
Damascus, Pasha of 300
Dance, Commander Nathaniel 210, 539
Danton, Georges 24, 40, 43, 49–50, 73, 189, 336, 337, 571
Danube campaign (1809) 654–76
Battle of Aspern-Essling 660, 666–8, 677, 902
Battle of Raab 669
Battle of Wagram 660, 670–2, 674, 677, 684, 903
Ratisbon phase 663–4
Treaty of Schönbrunn 675–6
Danube, River 481, 483, 664, 665, 666–7, 669, 670
Danzig 516, 523, 529, 766, 829, 841
Dardanelles 531–2
Daru, General 440, 777, 792, 793
Darwin, Erasmus 100
David, Jacques-Louis 50, 400
Davout, Marshal Louis-Nicolas 401, 486, 487, 513, 514, 515, 519, 520, 663, 669, 671, 834, 912
and the Hundred Days 874, 904
invasion of France 847
Russian Campaign 765, 771, 781, 783, 794, 803, 818
de Winter, Admiral 245–6
Deane, Silas 17
Decaen, General 405, 433
Decazes, Éli Due 907, 913
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 19, 24
Decrès, Denis 414
Dehli 433
Delacroix, Madame Charles 190
Delmas, General 177
Denmark 145, 352, 363, 532–4
Battle of Copenhagen 363–8
Dennewitz, Battle of 837
Denon, Vivant 251, 306
Denuelle, Eleonore 685
Desaix, General Louis Charles 79, 251, 305–8, 311, 325, 347, 349, 351, 912
Descartes, René 14
Desmoulins, Camille 571
Desvernois, Lieutenant 255, 282, 284
Detroye, Major 284–5, 314
Devonshire, Duke of 98
Diamond Rock 538–9
the Directory 81, 146, 152, 155, 160, 166, 175–6, 177, 178, 179, 184, 185, 188, 190, 191, 192, 222, 224, 228, 250, 251, 300, 304–5, 323, 334, 335–6, 337–8, 340, 342, 343, 345, 919
Disraeli, Benjamin 465
Djezzar, Pasha of Acre 311, 312, 314, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322
Dnieper, River 777, 778, 803, 806, 808
Docturev, General 797
Dolgorovki, Count 486
Dolomieu, Déodat Gratet de 251
Dominique 143
Don, General 462
Dorset, Duchess of 379
Dorset, Duke of 571
Dresden 766, 819, 825, 829, 831–2, 834, 837, 841
Battle of 837
Druot, General 912
Duchâtel, Adele 685
Duckworth, Admiral Sir John 531, 532, 579
Ducos, Roger 337, 340, 342
Duff, Captain 446, 454
Dugommier, G
eneral Jacques 78, 79
Dugua, General 324
Duhesme, General Guillaume Philibert 912
Dumanoir, Admiral 456
Dumas, General Alexandre 251, 302, 304
Dumouriez, General Charles 2, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34–5, 36, 37, 38–9, 40–1, 47, 54, 116, 117, 125, 180, 415, 476, 912, 918
Duncan, Henry, Admiral Lord 243–6, 452, 926
Dundas, Henry see Melville, Viscount
Dundonald, Earl of 541, 558
Dungannon, Viscount 600
Dunkirk 126–9, 132, 211
Dupont, General 613, 615, 621–2
Durango, Battle of 624
Duroc, Geraud Christophe 79, 472, 517, 528, 777, 814, 830
Dyott, Colonel 406
East India Company 357, 524
East Indies 142, 170, 219
Eble, General 810
École Royale Militaire de Paris 63–4
Égalité, Citoyen see Orleans, Duc de
Egypt 408, 434, 532
Egyptian and Syrian campaigns 249–56, 274–5, 276–85, 298–310, 311–16, 317–29, 569
Battle of Aboukir 324–5
Battle of the Nile 287, 289–94
Battle of the Pyramids 283–4
Cairo revolt 301–2
conquest of Upper Egypt 305–9
expedition to the Holy Land 311–16, 317–29
losses during 329
Napoleon attempts to create own empire 304, 311
occupation of Cairo 284–5
occupation of Malta 254–5
siege of Acre 317–23
Ehrman, John xii, 89, 91–2, 95
Eindhoven 139
El Arish 312, 314, 315
Treaty of 327, 328
El Lahun 306
El Mansura 298
El-Bekri, sheikh 310
El-Djabarti 302, 310
Elba 228, 229, 353, 375, 406, 431
Elbe, River 462, 463, 515, 821, 825, 829, 838
Elephantine Island 307
Elio, Francisco Xavier de 500
Elizabeth, Princess of France 29
Elliot, Sir George 289–90
Elliot, Sir Gilbert 76
Elliott, Hugh 572–3
émigrés, French 31, 33, 34, 138, 189, 377, 574
enclosure 103
Enghien, Duc d’ 392–3, 395, 430, 432
English Revolution 9, 54
Enlightenment 109
Erfurt 839, 840
Congress of 623
Erlon, General d’ 881, 882, 890, 902
Errol, Lady 618
Erskine, Sir William 128
Esdaile, Charles xii
Essling see Aspern-Essling, Battle of
Estates-General 11, 12–15, 16
Etruria 408
in 1788 2–4
in 1816 917–18
response to French Revolution 30–1, 108
Eustace, General 41
Eylau, Battle of 519–22, 902
Ferdinand, Archduke 432, 479, 481, 483, 485, 530, 663, 665
Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany 296
Ferdinand IV, King of Naples 267, 295, 296, 350, 354, 355, 357, 373, 374, 490, 872
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain 3, 585–6, 587, 741, 757, 863
Ferrara 168, 177
Ferris, Captain 557
Ferrol 436, 438, 439, 441, 627, 631
Fesch, Cardinal Joseph 679–80
Les Feuillants 25
Fichte, Johanh Gottlieb 632
Fielding, Henry 101
Finland 530, 623, 657
First Coalition 120
Fitchett, W.H. 271, 467
Fitzwilliam, Earl 91, 222, 429
Flanders 31, 132, 137, 140
British 131, 195–201, 202–10, 269, 289, 318, 347, 379, 449
command 209–10
discipline 198–9, 591
marines 206
mutiny 236–42, 270
tactics 212, 214, 218, 287
tasks of 208–9
Danish 364, 534
Dutch 139, 140, 228, 244–6
French 141, 195–6, 197–8, 208, 212, 252, 269, 273–4, 289, 318, 446–7, 449
for invasion of England 413–15, 423–4, 569
impressment 198, 242
Prussian 504
Russian 364, 368, 614, 617, 618, 619
Spanish 228–35, 430, 446–7, 449, 544
Swedish 364
Turkish 321, 324, 531
see also Aix Roads; Camperdown; Cape St Vincent; Copenhagen; Glorious First of June; Nile, Battle of the; Trafalgar
Fletcher, Colonel 704
Fleurus, Battle of 138
Florence 168
Flushing 673, 674, 675
Foley, Captain 289–90, 365, 367
Fontainebleau 853, 855
Treaty of 856
for armies 282, 312, 780, 803–4, 815
bread shortages 12, 20
on ships 199–200, 237
Foote, Samuel 100
Forfait, Pierre 414, 416
Fort Mulgrave, siege of 78, 79
Fouché, Joseph 336, 343, 377, 389, 392, 393, 401, 491, 530, 536, 654, 655, 674, 683, 686–7, 820, 857, 861, 871, 904, 906, 912
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine-Quentin 41, 42, 54
Foure, Pauline 310
Fourier, Jean-Baptiste 251
Fox, Charles James 93, 94, 107, 112, 116, 118, 358–9, 381, 429, 468, 493, 502, 575
view of Napoleon 382–3, 397, 502
Foy, General 739
advantages of war and expansionism 54–5, 118, 128, 146, 160, 294, 403
and conquest of Italy 73, 121, 161–74, 175–9
constitution of 1799 343–4
constitution of 1814 863
constitution of 1815 871–2
coup d’etat (1797) 191
coup d’état (1799) 336–7, 339–43
coup d’etat (attempted) (1795) 153–5
decadence of post-Robespierre 152
economic and social affairs 11, 338, 384–7, 535–6, 861–2, 914–15
education in 13, 386, 505
face Third Coalition 430–2, 434
insurgency in 121–5
invades Holland 117, 139–40
invades Switzerland 406
invasion of 842–8, 849–56
allies advance 849–50
allies debate wisdom of 842
Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube 853
Battle of Laon 851–2
Battle of Vauchamps 850
Battles of Mormant, Valjouan and Montreau 850
Napoleon dismisses allied peace proposals 850–1
Wellington enters France 755–6, 841
Irish expeditions 220–7, 244
legal system 385, 386, 915–16
monarchy 2, 18, 24, 337, 345, 858–63, 866, 913
Peninsular War huge drain on 758–9
plebicite of 1799 344–5
plebicite of 1815 872
political instability of 915
referendum makes Napoleon Emperor 396
relations with Austria 2, 31–3, 109, 159–60, 186, 187, 294, 402, 403, 441, 504, 530, 622, 623
Austria declares war on (1809) 657, 662
Austria declares war on (1813) 831–3
Battles of Marengo and Hohenlinden 348–51
declares war on (1792) 32
renewed offensive in Germany and Italy (1800) 346–51
relations with Britain 2–3, 10, 33, 402
attempts to divert British fleet 424, 427–8, 435
Britain declares war on (1803) 409–10
economic war 515–16, 523–4, 527, 532–3, 535–40
invasion of Ireland 172, 188, 427, 434
over Italy 406
over Malta 375, 379, 405, 408, 409
Peace of Amiens 375
plans invasion of 413–30, 434, 439–40, 442, 569
plans to unite fleets against 228, 235
p; refuses peace with 146, 172
trade and colonial rivalry 141–5
war renewed (1803) 380, 402–10
relations with Portugal 534, 538, 583–4
relations with Prussia 140, 402, 403, 502, 504, 527, 528, 657
at war with (1792) 31–4
Prussia declares war on (1806) 511
relations with Russia 294, 333, 402, 403, 409, 503, 516, 537–8, 622–3, 657
invasion of Russia 763–825
Treaty of Tilsit 526–30
relations with Spain 36, 46, 121, 353, 430, 495–7, 515, 582
invasion of 582–8, 613, 657–8
relations with Turks 300, 311–16, 320, 321, 326–7, 328, 352, 582
religious suppression in 48, 49
restoration of monarchy 858–63, 867
revolution see French Revolution
Second Treaty of Paris (1815) 907
taxation in 10–11, 15, 384
urban working class 11
Franceschi, General 721
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (Francis I, Emperor of Austria from 1806) 133–4, 137, 145, 346, 349, 431, 481, 483, 485, 492, 656, 672, 675, 821, 868, 871, 922
abandons Vienna 484
character 3, 350, 480, 657, 659
death 912
dissolves Holy Roman Empire 492
humiliated at Pressburg 489–90
Napoleon on 680
and Napoleon’s marriage to Marie Louise 687, 688–90
reaction to French Revolution 31, 32
Frankfurt 146, 841
Franklin, Benjamin 9
Fraser, Major-General 532, 533
Frederick I, Elector of Württemberg 490
Frederick the Great 3, 31, 474–5, 512, 824, 919
Frederick, Prince of Denmark 367
Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony 529
Frederick William III, Kaiser 31, 129, 133, 137, 485, 490, 512, 514, 817, 824, 871
character 3, 31, 403, 513, 657, 658
death of 911
enters Paris 853–4
Napoleon on 923
and regeneration of Prussia 823–4
Fremantle, Captain George 445, 458
French Revolution 9–82
end of revolutionary process 345, 375–6
and idea of national expansion 54–5
impact of 4–5
leaders of 16, 336
malcontents 11–12
outbreak of 18–24
taxation catalyst for 10–11, 15
turns full circle 401–2, 860–1, 913
Friedland, Battle of 524–5, 767, 902
Fuentes de Onoro, Battle of 715–17
Fulton, Robert 422–3, 579
Galicia 587, 624
Gambier, Admiral Lord 209, 534, 612, 634–9, 641–2, 643, 646–53, 729
Ganteaume, Admiral 292, 293, 428, 434–5, 437
Gardanne, General 523
Gardner, Admiral 209, 237, 238
Gardner, Lieutenant James 204
Garrau 175
Garrick, David 101
Gaston (royalist leader) 576
Gaza 327
Gemappe 896, 897
Geneva 348
Genoa 59, 79, 80, 161, 172, 186, 333, 347, 856
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