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Grave Homecoming (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 1)

Page 20

by Hart, Lily Harper

  “Lead me to her, Olivia,” he said. “Hurry.”

  “I DON’T understand,” Maddie said, ripping her arm away from Dustin and taking a step back.

  Dustin didn’t appear too concerned with Maddie’s reaction. It’s not like she had anywhere to go but the water, and as far as he was concerned, she’d never brave escape that way. He didn’t know what Maddie did: Nick was coming.

  “What took you so long?” Todd snapped. “Did the grandmother give you problems?”

  “I don’t have the grandmother,” Dustin said.

  “But … .”

  “She was in the car and gone before I could get to her,” Dustin explained. “I thought we were here for this one. I certainly don’t want to play with the old one.”

  “Yes, but Maude knows someone was there,” Todd countered. “She saw me in the driveway.”

  “Did she recognize you?”

  “Not from that distance.”

  “So, what does it matter?” Dustin was nonplussed.

  “Where do you think Maude drove to?”

  “The senior center?”

  Todd smacked the back of Dustin’s head irritably. “She went straight to the police department, you moron.”

  “So? They don’t even staff that thing at night.”

  “Yes, but Winters will move mountains to get to Maddie,” Todd replied. “Think!”

  “So, he’s not out here now,” Dustin said. “He can’t possibly know where she ran.”

  “That’s all we have going for us right now.”

  “What is the deal with you two,” Maddie asked. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Oh, you’re asking the wrong questions, Maddie,” Todd said. “What you should be asking is why we didn’t start doing this sooner.”

  “How do you even know each other?”

  “Dustin does some work out at Uncle Henry’s greenhouse from time to time,” Todd said. “I was out there visiting my cousin one day, and Dustin and I got to talking, and … well … one thing led to another.”

  “Oh, really, how does that conversation go? ‘So, do you want to find a woman to murder tonight?’”

  Todd chuckled appreciatively. “It took a few beers.”

  “So you’re giving alcohol to minors, too? That’s great. You’re a real catch. I can’t believe anyone would ever throw you back.” Maddie knew antagonizing Todd wasn’t in her best interests, but she was so confused she couldn’t wrap her head around Dustin’s appearance.

  “Dustin is a good boy,” Todd said. “Just like I was a good boy. That didn’t stop bitches like you from thinking you were too good for me, though, did it?”

  Maddie was flummoxed. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, don’t do that,” Todd sneered. “I must’ve asked you out fifty times in high school.”

  “You only asked me out to upset Nick,” Maddie protested.

  “Are you stupid? As much as I like annoying Winters, I wanted you. Everyone wanted you. You were gawky and geeky in middle school, but you were smoking hot by the time high school hit. Do you really think Nick was why I asked you out?”

  Maddie nodded, flustered. “What could you have possibly seen in me?”

  “You’re either delusional or blind,” Todd replied. “Do you not know what you look like?”

  “I … .” Uncomfortable, Maddie shifted her attention to Dustin. “Why would you do this? You’re the new king. That’s what Christy said. You’re the boy everyone wants, just like … .”

  “I was,” Todd finished. “That’s not as much fun as you might think. When you’re the king, you can’t give in to certain … appetites.”

  Maddie felt sick.

  “Word gets around in a small town,” he continued. “I couldn’t play the games I wanted to play with the girls in Blackstone Bay. That’s why I had to start shopping out of town.”

  That explained Sarah Alden’s confusion, Maddie mused. “Did you find Sarah at the greenhouse?”

  “Good guess,” Todd said. “She was out there looking for some flowers to plant. She was talking to Uncle Henry, and I saw her across the aisles, and I just knew I had to have her.

  “I couldn’t take her right away, of course,” Todd said. “I pointed her out to Dustin, though, and he agreed she was the type of peach who needed to be plucked. So, we formed a plan.”

  “And what plan was that?”

  “Well, I charmed her, of course,” Todd said. “I talked her up. I told her how great my uncle’s greenhouse was. I made inane chitchat about what plants work in this climate. I never thought Carrie’s ramblings at family events would ever work to my advantage, but they did.

  “When it came time for Sarah to leave, I invited her out to dinner,” he said. “She was thrilled to go out with me. I mean, who wouldn’t be? I’m young and successful. I’ve never been married. I own my own business, for crying out loud.”

  “Yeah, you’re a catch,” Maddie mumbled.

  “I took Sarah out to a nice restaurant on the bay,” Todd said, ignoring Maddie’s sarcasm. “She ordered the lobster.”

  Maddie’s stomach rolled.

  “She was polite enough to have red wine, though, and that allowed me to slip a little something into her drink,” Todd said. “Nothing much. I don’t like women when they’re passed out. I just wanted her to be more … pliable.”

  “That’s why you wanted me to have the wine,” Maddie said.

  “It is,” Todd said. “The second I knew you were back in town, I knew I had to have you. You denied me all through high school. There was no way I was going to let you deny me again.”

  “Where did you take Sarah after dinner?” Maddie was terrified, and also curious. If she stalled long enough, Nick would find her. He wouldn’t abandon her. She knew that now.

  “We took her to Dustin’s place,” Todd said. “His parents were out of town, and he was eager to have some fun of his own.”

  Dustin nodded enthusiastically. “She was awesome. You should’ve heard the way she moaned and cried. She loved it.”

  “I still don’t understand why you did this, Dustin,” Maddie said. “You’re young. You have the world at your fingertips.”

  “Didn’t you hear your friend the other night?” Dustin asked. “That redheaded devil told you exactly why I did this. My grades aren’t good enough to get me into anything other than community college. I’m the football star, but no colleges are recruiting me. In a few years, I’m going to be nothing. I wanted to live now.”

  Maddie swallowed hard, her mind buzzing. “Does Henry know about this?”

  “My uncle? Are you kidding? He’s too soft,” Todd said. “Apparently he had some incident when he was younger and stalked some woman. He claims he was out of control, but I figure that it must run in the family. That’s what I’m going to use as a defense if I ever get caught, by the way.”

  “I’m sure you don’t think you’re going to get caught,” Maddie said.

  “Oh, I won’t,” Todd said. “Who would ever suspect me?”

  “Nick does.”

  “No, Nick wants to suspect me,” Todd corrected. “He knows he can never make an accusation against me, though. Our past makes that impossible. People will just think it’s sour grapes. Besides, you and I broke up. What would my motive be?”

  “We were never dating,” Maddie countered. “You can’t break up with someone you were never dating.”

  “That just looks better for me,” Todd said. He hunkered his tall frame down so he could meet Maddie’s terrified countenance on an even level. “What do you think, Mad? Will Nick kill himself when your body is discovered? He’s been pining away for you for years. I know he’s convinced himself you two will end up together, even if he’s not ready to admit it yet. When I take that away from him, what will he be left with?”

  “You’re sick.”

  “I’m enthusiastic,” Todd countered. “Speaking of that, I think we’d better get this show on the road.”

  “You want t
o do it here?” Dustin asked, unconvinced. “It’s cold.”

  “They’re going to search my house,” Todd replied. “Your parents are home. Where else should we take her?”

  “I’m not sure,” Dustin hedged. “It’s just so cold. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to … you know.”

  “Oh, grow up,” Todd scoffed. “Once she’s naked, you won’t be able to think of anything but taking her. Trust me. Her body is fantastic.”

  Maddie was out of time, and she knew it. There was only one thing she could do now. Without thinking of the consequences, Maddie lifted her leg and slammed it into Todd’s exposed crotch. He doubled over, screaming as the pain washed over him. Dustin was so surprised, he froze in place.

  Maddie took advantage of the few precious seconds she had and launched herself into the water. It was freezing, but it was her only option. She kicked out hard and stroked. If she was lucky, she’d make it to the other side of the lake before passing out.

  If she wasn’t, well, anything was better than what they had planned.

  NICK was sure he heard a scream. He increased his pace, and when he crested over the hill and dropped onto the sandy beach, it took him a second to register what he was seeing.

  Todd was doubled over and holding his groin. The other figure, one Nick recognized as Dustin Bishop without realizing the ramifications of what he was seeing, was standing next to Todd and waiting for instructions. There was no sign of Maddie.

  “Get her!”

  “No way,” Dustin said. “Do you know how cold that water must be?”

  Nick shifted his head, scanning the water. It was dark, but he could see a small blob bobbing in the middle of the lake. Maddie.

  “We have to get her,” Todd said. “If she escapes, she’ll tell Winters what we did.”

  “I think I already know.”

  Todd and Dustin both shifted at the same time. Nick was gratified to see the fear on Dustin’s face. The sheer hatred on Todd’s gave him pause.

  “Why am I not surprised? I should’ve known Maddie’s great protector would come for her.”

  Nick trudged closer to them. He kept his gun holstered. He didn’t want to give either of them a reason to panic. He knew Maddie couldn’t last long in the water, though. This had to end – and it had to end quickly. “I want you both to disarm yourselves and put your hands in the air.”

  “And what if we don’t?” Todd asked.

  “Then I’ll kill you.”

  “Oh, whatever.” Todd was beside himself. “You’ve never killed anyone. It’s not as easy as you think.”

  “I’m willing to kill you,” Nick said. “I think you’ve earned it.”

  “Oh, and what about young Dustin here? Are you going to kill him, too?”

  “I’m going to arrest him.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Todd said. “Can you take us both out before your precious Maddie freezes to death?”

  That was the question, wasn’t it? Nick reached for his gun, but it was too late, they were both rushing him at the same time. Nick didn’t think, he just reacted. Dustin got to him first, and he laid the teenager out with a quick punch to the face. His swing was short, but strong, and the teen hit the ground hard.

  If Todd was scared by the turn of events, he didn’t show it. He only slowed momentarily before launching himself on Nick. “I’m going to kill you!”

  MADDIE was drowning. The cold water sent her body into shock, and black clouds were poking at the edges of her mind. Nick was grappling with Todd, while Dustin lay unmoving at his feet, but they seemed really far away. Maddie’s feet were still treading water, but they were slowing.

  “You have to get out of the water, Maddie.”

  Maddie shifted, her mother’s concerned face wafting into view. “I’m … tired, Mommy.”

  “You have to swim back to the shore,” Olivia ordered. “You have to do it now. You don’t have a lot of time.”

  “I’m not sure I can.”

  “Madeline Graves, you can do anything you set your mind to,” Olivia said sternly. “You need to swim to the shore. Nick is there. He’s waiting for you.”

  “Nicky,” Maddie mumbled.


  Maddie tried to move. She really did. She felt as if her muscles were on fire, though, and instead she started sinking. She wasn’t going to make it.

  As the cold water enveloped her, and her head slipped under the water, Maddie’s last thought was of Nick. I love you.

  NICK slammed his fist into Todd’s face as hard as he could. He heard the unmistakable sound of bones breaking as Todd crumpled to the ground. Instead of cuffing him, like he should have, Nick turned his attention to the water just in time to see Maddie’s head slip underneath. “Maddie!”

  Nick raced toward the water, all thoughts of proper police procedure and possible prisoner escape fleeing. He had to get to her.

  He plunged into the water, forcing thoughts of the bitter cold out of his mind. He kicked hard, making it to the spot where he’d last seen Maddie quickly. He dove under the water, searching the murky depths. He splayed his hands out in the dark – his fingers brushing against something waving in the depths. Her hair! He kicked harder, and this time his hand found her jacket. He tugged her to him, the two of them emerging from the shallows at the same time.


  It was Dale Kreskin. He was standing on the shore, his gun trained on Dustin and Todd. Nick had no idea when he’d arrived. He was just happy to see him. “Get an ambulance,” he croaked.

  “Is she … ?”

  “Get an ambulance!”

  Nick managed to swim to the shore, even though his strength was waning with each cold stroke. It took everything he had to pull Maddie’s limp form from the water, and Kreskin ultimately had to help him. Nick held her close as he checked to see if she was breathing. When he couldn’t detect any warmth on her lips, he laid her flat on the ground and started pumping her chest.

  “Don’t you dare think of leaving me again,” Nick ordered. “You’re not leaving me.”

  “Winters, you should let me do that,” Kreskin said. “You’re going into shock.”

  “You’re not leaving me again, Maddie,” Nick said, lowering his mouth to hers and pinching her nose so he could fill her lungs with oxygen. “You’re not leaving me!”

  Maddie’s body convulsed suddenly, water spewing out her lungs. Nick cried out, relief washing over him. He tilted her body to the side. “Get it out, Mad. Get it out.”

  When she was done, Nick shifted her body so it was flush with his and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Maddie was confused, her eyes distant, but she recognized him. “Nicky.”

  “It’s okay,” he said, rocking her. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. Everything is going to be okay.”

  Maddie was too tired to put up a fight. “Nicky,” she murmured, unconsciousness claiming her again.

  Nick pressed his lips to her frigid forehead. “Everything is going to be okay.”


  “Sir, you’ve got to give her to us.”

  Nick clutched Maddie to his chest, the doctor’s words confusing him. “She needs me.”

  “Sir, she needs to be admitted and warmed,” the doctor said. “You need to hand her over.”

  Instead of waiting for the ambulance, Kreskin had piled Todd and Dustin into the back of his cruiser and herded an increasingly erratic Nick into the passenger seat. Nick had held onto Maddie so hard during the drive, Kreskin was worried he was smothering her.

  When they arrived at the hospital, the doctors immediately tried to take Maddie from Nick – but he was fighting their efforts.

  Kreskin grabbed Nick’s shoulders forcefully. “Winters, she needs help. I know you don’t want to let her go, but these doctors are here to help her. Hand her over.”

  In the back of his mind, Nick grasped the seriousness of the words. He reluctantly rested Maddie on the gurney in front of him. “I don’t kno
w how long she was in the water.”

  “How long were you in the water, sir?”

  “I’m … fine.”

  “He’s in shock or something,” Kreskin supplied.

  “I’m not in shock,” Nick protested.

  “You’re shaking like a leaf, man,” Kreskin said. “You should’ve waited for help to go in after her.”

  “I think he’s showing signs of hypothermia,” one of the nurses said, flashing a light in Nick’s eyes.

  “I’m fine,” Nick said, pushing her hand away. He was confused. He just knew he had to make sure Maddie was okay. He couldn’t let himself rest until he knew.

  “Admit him,” the doctor ordered. “I don’t care if it’s against his wishes. We can’t let the new town hero die on the eve of his big debut.”

  “I need to be with Maddie,” Nick muttered.

  He didn’t have the strength to fight when two nurses and two orderlies forced him onto a separate gurney. “She’ll be fine,” one of the nurses said.


  Nick was losing consciousness, but he was still alert enough to recognize a familiar face when it dropped down to brush an invisible kiss against his cheek. “She’ll be okay, Nick,” Olivia said. “I’ll be with her.”


  WHEN Nick woke hours later, he felt as if his whole body was on fire. He was in a hospital room, and he was alone. It took a few moments for the night’s events to come into focus.


  He rolled off the bed, scowling when he realized his police uniform had been replaced with a hospital gown. When he made his way to the hallway, he found Kreskin resting on a chair outside of his room. “Where is she?”

  Kreskin’s eyes snapped open. “You look better.”

  “Where is she?”

  “You don’t look good, but you look better.”

  Kreskin was smiling, and the expression irritated Nick beyond measure. “Where is she?”

  “So, hero, how are you feeling?”

  Kreskin was purposely-avoiding Nick’s question, which was enough to make him panic. “Did she … ?” She couldn’t be dead.


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