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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

Page 18

by Heather Fleener

  Kat was still looking confused as they cleared the last landing at the bottom of the staircase and she stumbled into Ella’s back asking “Why did you call me Squirrel?”

  Ella had stopped abruptly at the bottom, overwhelmed by the crush of immortal bodies filling the hall and pouring through the open doors into the courtyard of the castle. Lorcan, ever watchful, had seen the pair making their way down the steps and waved them over to the center of the room where he, his five most trusted, Kendrick, and a handful of warriors had gathered. Ella was attempting to identify the best path to thread through the assembly when Kat grabbed at her arm and laughed, “Hold tight, Red.”

  As they materialized at Lorcan’s side, Kat was still laughing, “Are you going to chuckup?” Simultaneously the men surrounding them corrected, “Upchuck.” Kat gave a sweeping look of censure to them all for interrupting before returning her focus to Ella, “Did that make you feel ill?”

  Ella shook her head and looked away, uncomfortable. Kat prodded, “You have done that before, haven’t you?” Her tone was sullen and somewhat accusatory, as Kat had hoped to get one up on her friend.

  Ella’s cool response gained the attention of those surrounding them more than Kat’s question had, “Yes, Kat, care to drop it?”

  Kat frowned, “Oh yes, I almost forgot, vampires are asses. Blah blah blah…” Done with the drama, Kaitriana smiled sweetly up at her husband, as though she had not just insulted him and his men, “Are we ready?”

  Lorcan’s response was interrupted by Kendrick’s slap on his shoulder. The Warrior leader had just taken note of the band on Ella’s arm and the glittering design on her armor, “Seriously, Lorcan, do you intend lay claim to every exceptional witch? Ella is, by right, ours since she is a Fire Witch. You have Kaitriana. Your blood flows in her, so that is reasonable enough. Attempting to claim Ella as an Elite is overreaching.”

  Lorcan raised a brow, grinning good naturedly in response, “Ella did not seem to think so. Feel free to invite her back to the Fire Caste, but I will wager you that she will remain here.” At Kendrick’s frown, he laughed, “No worries that I will try to claim you Kendrick. I only want the exceptional witches in my Coven.”

  Lorcan stepped away to make his rounds and Kendrick did the same, making certain all were aligned with the plans and their individual and group responsibilities for that night. Ella was still a touch out of sorts and not fully focused, so when Lorcan reappeared next to her and Kat, she jumped. Lorcan and his mate exchanged a look before he wrapped his hand around Ella’s upper arm. The touch caused her to level her gaze calmly on his when he inquired, “Are you prepared for this Ella?”

  She gave him a confident nod and it was enough…it had to be enough. Ella was as integral to tonight’s planned assault as was his female. He gave her one last assessing look and shadowed with her and Kat to the edge of Carrowmere, the Warrior of Dark’s holding.


  The tall, gleaming structure stood out against the dark night. Though it was a few miles from their current location, it was clear that it was well kept and beautiful in its design. Ella was surprised. She had expected a crumbling old fortress to house the legendary Warrior of Dark and his wicked soldiers. Instead, the ancient castle had been maintained as beautifully as Laverock.

  Their plan of attack on the unsuspecting residents of Carrowmere had been detailed for the three hundred of Lorcan’s men and two hundred Warrior Witch scattered through the surrounding hills and trees. All were currently cloaked by one of Kaitriana’s spells. Lorcan gave his final hushed instructions, confirming the plan, to those assembled in his circle, “Colm, Broderick and Marcus will take Ella and Kendrick to the far west of Carrowmere.” He nodded to indicate the two remaining Elite and Kat, “We move to the East. While Kat and Ella take down the magical protection, we guard them. Once the walls begin to fall, we will take the interior as planned and the warriors will follow. Our sources say that Nicholas is in residence.”

  When all nodded their understanding, Lorcan took the hand of each of the females and tugged them in closer to him, “You are certain you are ready?” He could feel his own magic surging in response to theirs and he tamped it down. While he could have added his power to the task of destroying the barriers that protected Carrowmere, he had yet to grow accustomed to letting the magic flow unchecked and there was no need with these two powerful witches in his Coven. This was their destiny; neither would falter in this mission.

  His question had been for both Kat and Ella, his concern for the two obvious. Kat had not been involved in a skirmish of this magnitude since her injury at Darkenword and Ella had never been in a battle, period. His Vampiric nature caused him to want to shelter the females, protect them, but Lorcan knew these two had been created for exactly what lay ahead. Each witch looked to the other and back to him before nodding confidently. He spoke to the group at large once again, “Then we do this. Now.”

  Lorcan passed Ella’s hand to Colm, while keeping Kat’s in his own. Kaitriana smiled at her friend, patting her shoulder in a last bit of encouragement before leaning up to kiss Lorcan – for luck. Unable to contain his grin, he swatted her backside, advising for the hundredth time that his men needed no luck. With a final nod to them all, his group shadowed to their assigned location. Colm and the other Elite took Ella and Kendrick to the hill directly west of the structure.

  Ella passed a fleeting gaze over her companions and smiled a brief farewell before turning away. She began making the journey up the slight rise alone. The silent darkness of the night soothed what remained of her anxiety, her duties now consuming her focus. The magnificence of Carrowmere was more easily viewed as she climbed further away from her group. At the crest, with the massive stone wall that surrounded her target a mere fifty yards away, she paused to await the signal from Kaitriana. She experienced a fleeting touch of sadness over the thought of the destruction she was soon to render to the beauty before her.

  At the sight of the blaze of light that passed far above the highest tower - it would appear as a falling star to any that did not know otherwise - Ella glanced back at her comrades. Her eyes were already beginning to sparkle green and the light flickering at her fingertips overtook her hands. She raised them in the direction of the stone wall, beams of green light coming forth. Ella’s long strides took her closer to the invisible protection that acted as a secondary barrier to the Light warriors.

  As she continued her approach, the beams emitting from her palms grew in width, dually impacting larger areas. Sparks were forming where Light magic struck Dark. Closing her eyes, she let the Fire rise in her and the centers of the beams turned to flame. The heat from the coupled forces meeting the Dark barrier warmed the cooling night and the surrounding hillside was cast in an emerald glow.

  Centered now, she opened her eyes to find that a similar blue haze had spread over the eastern landscape. She knew that her actions mirrored Kat’s. Ella continued to walk forward, feeling the searing heat from the magical collisions on her skin. The Fire was calling to her, beckoning, pleading for freedom. Ella could feel it surging and she thrust her hands forward, willing it to come forth, surrendering to the will of the flames.

  Words of Ancient Witch speak formed unbidden on her lips, but she recited the chant as though she had for thousands of years. She felt otherworldly; the power in her magnifying in response to that Ancient incantation. There was a loud rumbling as the impact of her magical assault tore through the protection and impacted the wall with enough force to obliterate the stone. Portions of rock flew across the interior of the grounds and struck the face of the castle. Distantly she heard a shout of alarm. It was overtaken by the excited cry of the warriors on the hills far behind her.

  The Fire in her was liberated, sovereign. Ella’s acquiescence to its entreaty removed the last impediment and the magic unfurled inside her. An innate understanding spread over Ella. This power was not something that she merely possessed. The source of the Fire magic, all Fire magic, dwe
lled in her. The Fire bonded with her, weaving through her soul. The whisper that had been plaguing her consciousness these many months filled her with an awareness of the secrets of the Divine purpose of the Ancients.

  Abruptly she snapped free of the trance-like state. Ella had managed to stay on task, her actions automatic during those lapsed seconds. The only outward indication that anything had transpired was her quick gasp for breath. Reassessing her surroundings and still reeling from the supernatural enlightenment swirling in her brain, Ella forcibly made herself refocus on the mission before her.

  Feeling gloriously alive and powerful, each arm moved to extend from her side in opposite directions, toppling the wall to her left and right with crashing thunder. The lively cheer of warriors to the East echoed and Ella grinned triumphantly, knowing that Kat experienced the same success. Glancing back over her shoulder towards the sound of Broderick’s voice, she realized that her group had joined her on the rise. The strange look on the Ancient’s face caused her to swivel back around quickly to see if a Dark threat was looming. Seeing no peril, her frown told her puzzlement. Broderick had drawn the attention of Colm with the hard nudge of his elbow and Kendrick and Marcus were staring at her by then as well.

  It was Kendrick that spoke in an excited rush, “Her eyes are veiled!” He even leaned forward to make certain, tilting his head for a better look at the green wash of shimmering magic that eclipsed the entirety of her eye. Shaking his head, he issued a sudden bark of laughter, more astonished than amused, and slapped Broderick on the back, “I’ll be damned, the Fire Queen...”

  Nicholas had been in his chamber at Carrowmere when he heard the first rumble. Passing it off to thunder, he tossed back his bourbon and continued to brood over his plan to reclaim his Witch. Ella had not left the protective confines of Laverock these many weeks so he had been unable to snatch her away. He was growing impatient with the delay and more enraged each day that the Light had Ella. The magic he had seen in her a few weeks ago was strong and he had little doubt now that his belief about her parentage was correct. The longer Lorcan had her in his possession, the more likely he would discover any additional power that may be yet lurking, unrevealed. Not only did Lorcan have his Witch, the Light had just added a potentially incredible weapon to their arsenal. Since before her birth, he’d planned to keep Ella from the Light. He had failed miserably and this particular defeat was caustically eating through him. His demeanor had grown increasingly irate with each day that she remained in the Realm.

  Nicholas had just refilled his beverage when Dunkirk shadowed into the center of the room. Dunkirk was the only vampire in the Coven with the authority to enter his private space, but he still never came without invitation. Doing so caught the Warrior of Dark’s immediate attention, as did the terse words that followed, “We have trouble.”

  Nicholas gave a single nod of acknowledgment, not one to panic, and took another swig before returning the glass to the table and rising. At least he would have a bit of distraction. He moved to the chests holding his weaponry as the sounds from a rapid succession of explosions reached them. Still dressed from his training with the men earlier that evening, Nicholas began strapping on his weapons. Dark hair unkempt from continually running his hand through it, he looked powerfully fierce in his black fatigues. When he finished by sheathing the broadsword on his hip, his voice held as much contempt as his expression, “We have barely begun the renewed war and the Light is already becoming tediously predictable. I assume Lorcan and his witch have come to confront me?”

  “Aye, and your witch too,” Dunkirk already had his sword at his hip, a large battle axe hung there as well.

  Nicholas stopped and turned with an incredulous look. The full meaning of Dunkirk’s words struck him and then he bellowed, “The bastard brought Ella to this fight? There is no way she can be ready to fight against us.”

  Dunkirk answered soberly, “Your little fireball and the Chosen took down your magical protections and are ransacking the castle walls as we speak. She appears more than ready, Nicholas. The countryside is full of warriors, Witch and Vampire alike. We will be overrun with them momentarily.”

  Nicholas’s own forces were gathered at Carrowmere and they were not small in number. The latter part of Dunkirk’s report did not bother him, but the first fanned the rage that had begun to smolder when he had seen Ella at Laverock. “So, not only did the witch leave me to return to the Realm and join the Light, but now she raises her magic against me?” His dry laughter held no humor and his eyes went black, “Let us go see this, friend.”

  Dunkirk’s statements were confirmed moments later when the two appeared on the outlook post, high above the fray, on one of the towers. From their position they could easily gauge the destruction and the activities on the grounds below. The night was clear, except for the rising billows of smoke as structures ignited in flame. The clang of metal rang out when his warriors engaged with the enemy shadowing into the courtyard.

  Scanning, Nicholas caught sight of his witch. Seeing her clad in the leather of her fighting gear made him itch with the desire to touch her… and strip her out of it. She looked magnificent, invincible. The sight of Lorcan’s Elite mark decorating her torso doused the urge. She bore his mark, no other should dare to make claim to her, especially Lorcan. Clenching his jaw, seething, he noted that Ella had done her share of damage to his holding. A survey to his right revealed that Kaitriana had done the same to the other side.

  As soon as Ella ceased her destruction of the walls, Nicholas’s men began shadowing into the vicinity of the fiery-haired beauty, identifying her as a primary target. His voice was harsh with a mixture of protectiveness and temper when he issued the order, “She is not to be harmed.” Dunkirk acknowledged the dictate and shadowed to take position near Ella.

  While Nicholas watched, Ella pulled the long daggers sheathed behind her back. With a flick of her wrist she gave them her fire and took the head of his man that dared step too close. She delivered a solid side kick to the gut of the next that crossed her. Before that one could raise his sword, she torched him to ash with a wave of her hand. If Nicholas hadn’t been so pissed, he would have been proud.

  Nicholas recognized three members of the Elite and the Warrior Witch leader as they formed a protective half-circle behind her. Working as a unit they destroyed the Darks obstructing the path to the entrance of Carrowmere. The strength of their weapons combined with Ella’s Light and Fire was deadly efficient.

  Catching a movement to his left out of the corner of his eye, Nicholas pivoted, gripping the hilt of his sword. He was surprised to see the lithe figure of Kylie hop up on the battlement next to him. She had added a few more hot-pink streaks to her black hair and her ever-present sunglasses were perched on her head. She was already dressed for the melee below. Casting her a rueful smile, he waved a hand towards the scene, “I did not realize you were here tonight, Kylie. Why aren’t you already down there, getting your fill of Witch juice?”

  It was well known that Kylie hated all things Witch. Even the Dark witches avoided her lest she be inclined to tear out their throats. She ignored his question, her blackened eyes honing in on the Fire Witch. He was shocked that she sounded almost rational when she questioned, “Is that one your Witch?”

  Nicholas took a long breath and let it out with a sigh. It was not often that Kylie indulged in conversation about anything beyond butchering the enemy, so he humored her, “She appears to have forgotten that she is, but I intend to remind her shortly.”

  Kylie nodded thoughtfully and he almost fell off the wall when she glanced up at him. Her eyes were empty of the insanity that kept them in a perpetual state of black. Another reason that most avoided her…the irises of her eyes did not blacken like a normal Vampire, but instead her entire eye shifted onyx. Only the created Vampire - the Ancients - possessed that characteristic, and Kylie was not an Ancient. She possessed the strength and other abilities of the Ancients too. Something was off about her. Kylie had o
nly been transitioned a few months ago…he would know.

  Her eyes were a vivid cornflower blue and there was a sheen of moisture over them. She touched his arm with a poignant smile and instructed, “If you love something, you protect it. That is how it is supposed to be…” Trailing off, her arm fell back to her side and when she turned to look in the direction of Ella again her voice was a whisper, “And you love her, Nicholas.” There had been no question there.

  Whatever plagued Kylie, it was not something he could fix, at least not tonight. She stirred a protectiveness in him that he thought was long dead and he should have been acted on it sooner. He decidedly ignored her last statements and cleared his throat, “When we finish here tonight, retrieve your belongings. I expect you to make your residence permanently in my Coven and train with my men.” Nicholas knew that Kylie would never question an order coming from him. It was time that he removed her from the clutches of Turloch and Rhydach. He had saved her once, but he had done her a disservice by leaving her to fend for herself afterwards.

  Kylie acknowledged his command then fell into silence as she watched the battle. Finally, she laughed…a wicked laugh. When her eyes sought him this time, the film of inky darkness had returned, “I will have my fill of witches tonight. Look at all of them…so many flavors, so little time.” Her smile was maniacal and she waited for his approval.

  Nicholas gave her permission to proceed with only one restriction, “Stay away from the Fire Maker.” Kylie nodded eagerly and shadowed off.

  Shaking off the feelings the encounter with Kylie had roused in him, Nicholas returned to watching Ella. Seeing her work seamlessly with the other Elite - the obvious ease between the members of that circle - thrust him back into his angry state. Punishment was definitely warranted. Once he had her, he was certain a few nights in his dungeons would make Ella realize the foolishness of leaving him. Sword drawn, Nicholas shadowed down to the main hall of Carrowmere. The Elite would breach the interior any moment.


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