Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 30

by Heather Fleener

  Nicholas followed the direction of her gaze and then stepped into the line of her vision before giving her a playful swat on her bare backside, “Get some clothes on, lush. Be quick about it, you have already slept two full hours past dusk and Dunkirk is impatient.”

  Ella did just as he asked and was prepared to depart in no time. When she exited the bath he was sitting in one of the large chairs on the far side of the room and crooked a finger at her, “Come here, Princess.”

  Cocking her head to the side with her study of him, Ella made her way to his spot. When she dropped in his lap, he wrapped her tightly in his arms before he pressed a black box into her hands. Opening it, she was thrilled to find a dainty gold chain with large dangling emerald that matched the bracelet on her wrist. She beamed at him, but he was already pulling the bauble free and draping it around her neck when he whispered, “I had almost forgotten how much I like giving you presents. Your delight at every little thing always touches my heart.”

  Ella thanked him with a lingering kiss, her hand falling to his chest with an affectionate rub. His voice was husky with desire when he pulled back, “One more thing, Princess.” He pressed on her shoulder until she was reclining against the arm of the chair. He watched with satisfaction as her gaze turned heated, sparkling, when he raised his wrist to his lips and made a tiny wound. Her lips had already parted before he offered it there and she closed her eyes with a sigh of pleasure before clasping his arm in both hands and holding it firmly against her mouth.

  His desire was evident in his molten gaze by the time she finally released her hold. Reaching down, he grasped the neckline of her shirt and with a sharp tug sent the buttons scattering across the floor. He was already rising, with her held tightly in his arms. Striding to the bed, his fangs were grazing over her neck, “I think Dunkirk is going to have to wait a bit longer, Witch.” She laughed throatily and nodded her agreement.

  A short time later when Nicholas left her at the gated entrance of Laverock, he did so with a heated kiss and a promise for a quick return and then he was gone. Bags at her feet, Ella was staring glumly at the gorgeous castle when she noticed the dark-haired figure of Kaitriana sauntering towards the gates. Once opened, Kat snagged a bag and put a comforting arm around Ella’s shoulders, “You’re late.”

  At Ella’s questioning look, Kat grinned, “Visions, dear. I knew you were coming, but I thought you would arrive earlier.” Ella spied Lorcan waiting at the top of the stone steps and her stomach clenched, wondering how he would treat her. She did not know what he knew of her relationship with Nicholas and she was in no hurry to find out how he felt about it. Ella expected one of his infamous lectures shortly. His smile of welcome was reserved, but there was affection in his eyes when she moved past him into Laverock. Maybe it was because she had been mindful enough to don the bracelet with her Elite marking before she arrived.

  Finally she remembered Kat’s statement and answered, “We were a bit…delayed.”

  Kat laughed merrily, “As in…preoccupied doing the horizontal tango?” Lorcan heard the last bit and was shaking his head at them both.

  Ella quickly corrected, “Mambo,” and did not confirm or deny. Instead she put the question to her friend, “Your vision…do you also know then that Nicholas will be safe?”

  Patting her hand, Kaitriana was already headed towards the stairs, “I cannot control what I see or when I see it, it just comes and goes.” She dropped her voice in a conspiratorial whisper that was meant to be heard, “Lorcan says Nicholas is the meanest damned warrior he has met and has no worries that he’ll be fine. I think the only reason that Lorcan has not demanded that you return to the Realm is because you are keeping Nicholas preoccupied with naughty business. You have effectively neutralized the biggest remaining threat in the Dark armies and you did not even raise a weapon. Maybe Lorcan will give you a medal, but then that might encourage all of his warriors to start shagging the enemy and…”

  Lorcan’s bellow was not subtle, “Kat…behave!” Moved by it, Kat pulled Ella hurriedly up the remainder of the stairs and to her rooms to get her settled. The night turned to dawn with no news regarding any out of the ordinary happenings within the Realm, although Ella stayed all night in the great hall just to await any such word.

  She was exhausted the next evening. Not rising until after sundown, Ella was anxious to be ready so that she could go below and wait in the chance that news might come. By the time she finished her shower, the nightly Coven gathering had ended and the castle was relatively quiet. She settled on one of the comfortable couches near the large hearth for her nighttime vigil.

  Thankful for the distraction when Kat and Lilly sprawled out on adjoining couches next to her, Ella warmly greeted them both. Kat eyed her with a perplexed frown, “You are awfully pale, has that Dark been feeding you?”

  Ella’s eyes widened, a stain of pink tainting her cheeks, “Well yes, Kat, but just a little, and…”

  Kat interrupted, irritation in her voice, “Typical male…he may not need to eat food regularly, but you do Ella. I will lecture him on the subject of making certain he keeps proper food for you when he returns.”

  Ella laughed at her misunderstanding, “Kat, we have a pantry full of food but I am a horrid cook. Nicholas brings me a meal every evening.”

  Kat winked mischievously at Lilly, then focused on Ella, “Oh, so when you said he feeds you ‘a little’ you meant he likes to give you his blood. Naughty business, Ella…naughty.”

  Ella rolled her eyes at her friend’s antics, “You mean to say that you and Lorcan do not do this?”

  Kat laughed delightedly, “Oh yes, but I am part Vamp, while you on the other hand…” Suddenly serious, Ella’s head spun at Kat’s quick change, “Have you been letting him take too much? You are seriously pale, dear.”

  Ella waved off the concern with her answer, “He used to drink more, but this past week, just a sip or two. He was concerned that I may still be recovering from my injuries.”

  Lilly was eyeing her speculatively, and quietly interjected, “That may well be. I understand that the Darks did quite a number on you.” Ella really liked the pretty, blonde Vampire. The ironic part was that with her near platinum hair, violet-colored eyes and sweet disposition, most would think she were an angel before they ever guessed her to be a Vampire.

  Kat piped up at Lilly’s reminder, “That horrid bitch Cordelia…if I ever have the opportunity, I’ll shackle her to a boulder and drop her in the deepest part of the ocean. Swimming with the fishies for eternity would be good for her.”

  Ella’s hands sparked flames at the reminder and she looked down at them, bemused, “Stress reaction. My powers have been a bit off the last few days.” When the flames died, she continued, “You have dibs on her, Kat, but if I find her first I am going to set her aflame, repeatedly, until her bones are charred. You may heal her from it and then feed her to the fishies if you wish, dear.”

  A droll voice interrupted their camaraderie, “Well if isn’t the misfit Witch, returned home. I am surprised Lorcan let you back inside. Rumor is that you shackled yourself permanently to that Dark devil, Nicholas.”

  Ella’s hackles rose, but before she could turn and fire off either insult or flame, Kat had shadowed from the couch. Appearing before Cade, she was already shaking her head in silent reprimand. The male Witch strolled through the hall with a luscious female vampire clinging to his arm, approaching the trio. Cade had just this past week assumed leadership of the Casters, and his arrogance had been brimming before that. He easily disengaged from his companion and rumpled Kat’s dark locks, “Pet, I thought I had taught you better than to hang out with questionable persons.”

  Much to Ella’s delight, Kat beamed up at him, perfectly sweet, “Why do you think I avoid your company, Cade?” She suggested in a hushed whisper that he apologize to her friend posthaste.

  Instead, he moved past Kaitriana. Reaching the back of the couch where Ella had perched to watch the exchange, he rumpled her
hair just as affectionately. Apparently he held no real ill will towards her and the fact that she had not been receptive either to him personally or to his attempts to teach her spell casting. Leaning in, even as he smiled, Cade gave one of her fiery tresses a tug, “If you are not successful in turning that evil beast to the Light, I will not forgo the first opportunity send him to hell, Ella.”

  Her eyes narrowed dangerously, her spine going rigid. Those eyes went shimmery green and her answer was cool, “And perhaps the bigheaded Caster is too young to have ever witnessed exactly what a Fire Queen is capable of…would you like a demonstration?”

  Cade locked gazes with her, not backing down, but after only a minute he reached forward and chucked her under the chin with a whispered instruction, “That is exactly the attitude they need to see from you, Lovely. Remember it.” Her face reflected her puzzlement but Cade had already dismissed her to wink suggestively in the direction of Lilly before moseying back to his date. Kat called out her goodbye as he made haste towards the front doors of the castle. When he looked back over his shoulder to return the same, Kaitriana flipped him off.

  The door had not even closed behind him when it was pushed open again by Lorcan. A handful of Witch were in his wake…Fire Witch. By his expression, it was obvious he had not extended an invitation. The group contained the current leadership of the Caste. Ella thought each one walked as though they had sticks rammed up their nether regions.

  As Chosen, it was Kaitriana’s duty to wrangle them, but she had a less affable feeling towards the lot since she had come to understand how they had treated Ella’s mother. She personally would have never survived in their Caste, given their love of rules and her love of breaking them. Smiling nonetheless, Kaitriana shadowed to her mate’s side to intercept the envoy and said pointedly, “Now is not really the best time for this.”

  Malcolm, the strongest witch in the Caste and designated leader, interjected with a sneer, “Since Ella has finally decided to cease living in sin with that blackhearted Dark and return to the Realm, this is absolutely the most opportune time. We understand that it is in her nature to be of weaker character given her parentage, but the rumor is that she has the strength of a Queen. We need to ascertain her abilities for ourselves. If she does, Ella will return to her Caste and be instructed in the appropriate conduct for one of our nature. Ella may then assume her leadership role when I determine that she is ready.”

  Diplomacy left her, along with all tact by the time that speech was finished, and Kaitriana tossed out disdainfully, “Oh, you are expecting Hell to freeze over sometime soon?”

  Lorcan, bless him, stepped between Kaitriana and the other before she could do him bodily injury, though in the next instant, she realized it may not have been to intercede. He might, in fact, have wanted to hit the jackass first. Blackened eyes ringed vividly in blue clashed with the witch’s when his fist contacted none too softly with the chest of the other. Rage tinged his words, “Ella is the Fire Queen and you will conduct yourself in her presence with the proper respect towards the leader of your Caste. Are we clear?”

  Malcolm only looked down his nose towards the Vampire. He had not loved the idea of subjecting the Witch breed to Lorcan’s rule anyway. Now that the supposed Queen of the Caste had risen, he was certain it was a good time to withdraw from that alliance, “Possessing the power does not make one ready for leadership, as you should well know. Kaitriana is the Chosen, yet you subject her to your authority; she is not free to assume her role and lead the Witch breed. Now you dare challenge me over how Ella should be managed? You are a hypocrite, Lorcan.”

  By this time Kaitriana had stepped to her mate’s side, furious over the confrontation taking place in her home and livid over Malcolm’s assertions. The little prick. In all of it, none had witnessed Ella rise or her unhurried walk in their direction. She was scarier in her calmness than if she had been shrieking, “You have been too long without your true leader to recall this truth. Let me remind you. I am the Queen of Fire, I am sovereign, I am the magic…your magic, all Fire magic, abides in me. Without me you have no true strength, you are merely a spark, a shadow, and are not capable of fulfilling your purpose or our destiny.”

  The group of five Fire makers all faced Ella. It would have been difficult to ignore her. She was regal in her presentation, standing tall, completely certain of herself and her place, but her eyes were veiled in that dazzling green and fire stroked up her forearms, as if lovingly caressing her skin. It appeared to even dance on the curls hanging down her back. Her eyes riveted on one when she continued, “You either yield to me and continue in our alliance with Lorcan, or you leave the Caste, Malcolm.” Her mystical gaze swept those in rank behind him, “And you may take those that join you in your sanctimonious hatred with you.”

  Ella dismissed them that easily, pivoting to walk back to her former spot. There had been no room in her words for argument, nor was there any when she returned easily over her shoulder, “Ever dare to cast aspersions over the circumstances of my birth or my mother again, Malcolm, and I promise you that I will not cease your torture until I grow tired of listening to your sniveling pleas to end your rotten existence.”

  Lorcan was staring at her, awestruck, not realizing Ella had possessed that strength of character, while Kaitriana was dying to do a happy-dance and give Ella a high-five. She maintained her calm outward demeanor despite the fact that she was giddy inside. The Queens were rising and these females were going to be a force to be reckoned with.

  Malcolm was sputtering, red-faced when he took himself off. A few in the group had lingered long enough to apologize before taking their exit as well. When Lorcan made move to follow Ella to where the three women had earlier gathered, Kat’s hand on his arm held him back. Her hushed words followed, “Ella is not ready to discuss her leadership of that Caste and the significance of this. She needs her Mate; she is in misery without him.” To her surprise, he didn’t issue the slightest objection, prompting her to query, “You understand?”

  Lorcan leaned down to kiss her brow, then slid his lips to her ear and tucked her tight against him, “You are a wise Witch, Kaitriana. Never doubt that I find you perfect…as my partner, not my lackey.”

  Beaming at him, she kissed his cheek, “I never have.” Laughing then, she left his side to rejoin Ella and Lilly before the fire and the three returned to their earlier banter as though the scene had never occurred. The remainder of the night was passed with friends and a vat of Kat’s potent Witch brew.


  Her third night back in the Realm was uneventful and Ella was beside herself with worry by the fourth. Awash with feelings of anxiety and dread, she had made herself sick and taken to her bed. She was dozing restlessly when a loud commotion in the outer bailey awakened her. Rushing out of her rooms and nearly tumbling down the staircase as she took it too quickly, Ella was struggling with the weight of the door when Lorcan jerked it open. She smacked her face hard into his chest.

  Ella had not even righted herself before she was questioning, her eyes swimming with hope, “Has Nicholas returned?” Lorcan remained silent, grasping her upper arms tightly as Kat came streaking out onto the landing as well. He maintained his hold on Ella and shadowed her to the gates. Ella had already doubled over with her fear in the second it took Kat to join them. Dunkirk was on the other side of the walls, at least fifty Dark warriors in rows behind him. Nicholas was not among them. The Darks were surrounded by the full contingent of Lorcan’s men and the Elite were in a tight circle behind her gigantic friend.

  Kat stepped in front of Ella. Placing her hands on the gates, she stabbed Dunkirk with an appraising look. Not cowed by the mighty force of magic staring him down, Dunkirk gave her the same assessing look in return and tossed out with a grin, “You really are a tiny bit of fluff, aren’t you?”

  Shocking Lorcan and the Elite watching her, Kaitriana smiled fondly, “Well, to a giant such as yourself, I would imagine so, Dunkirk. My grandfather wants to know
when you’ll be paying him a visit.”

  Lorcan was at her side by that time, having pulled Ella with him. His hold was the only thing keeping Ella upright, “Damn it, Kat, you could have told me five minutes ago that you knew this one.”

  Kat wrinkled her nose up in amusement and shrugged, “And spoil all the fun?” Her gaze landed on Ella. Immediately solemn and sympathetic, she added, “Nicholas is not dead…yet. If you do not pull yourself together Ella, I will not allow you to be part of the plan for his…rescue.” Her gaze shifted back to Lorcan, gauging his reaction. She was rewarded with his thunderous frown.

  Dunkirk addressed Ella, catching her attention and waving a hand to his men, “Nicholas was successful in freeing those loyal to him, Ella, but he was captured.” The tears streaming down her face were breaking his heart, but he went on nonetheless, “Rhydach will execute him tomorrow if you are not brought to him.”

  Ella was already nodding when Lorcan bellowed, “Absolutely not! You think you can bring a force of Darks to my gates and that you are going to just leave with the witch? We will not trade a Queen to rescue a bloody Dark.”

  Dunkirk just gazed at the Warrior of Light, unaffected, not intimidated. He broke his stare only to direct his attention and his words back to Ella, “These men are loyal to Nicholas, not Rhydach. Each and every one of them will pledge himself to you, Ella…to the Light.” When she did not question and Lorcan offered no further interruption, Dunkirk reached up to stroke where her hand had a white-knuckled hold on the bars of the gate. He then closed his hand over hers tightly, willing her to have the strength to join him in this, because at the moment she looked weak and devastated, “I have a plan, but we need to act quickly. We must have the assistance of Lorcan and his Elite, as well as Kaitriana if we are to be successful.”


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