Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 31

by Heather Fleener

  He looked to those he had just mentioned, “I cannot take any of you to Rhydach’s castle, because Darks are only permitted to shadow to the inside of the building. Rhydach has never permitted any Vampire to see the exterior since we cannot shadow to a place we have never seen. He may be deranged, but it is rather cunning, because no disgruntled Dark can ever lay siege. The castle is cloaked in magic, so it is impossible for the Light to find and it is impossible for me to shadow any of you there en masse without raising the alarm. But I could take some magic in with me...” Dunkirk looked pointedly at Ella, “Particularly if they are expecting me to bring a Witch. With the right magic, my plan will work. ”

  A soft, female voice interjected then, “And us, we will be included in this plan. Our Queen will have her Caste with her when she rescues her mate.” In the chaos, none had notice the arrival of the ten, male and female Fire Makers, the strongest warriors in the Caste outside of Malcolm. He was, of course, absent. Ella glanced up, locking eyes with the speaker, Eirene. She experienced a rush of magic then, its strength seeping into every part of her and she nodded her acceptance and her thanks to the female leading the band of warriors.

  Determination wiped away some of the distress from her expression. Her eyes were requesting his support when she lifted them to Lorcan. Kat was already at her mate’s side, hand on his arm, giving him the same look. His voice was hushed when he spoke to his mate, “Ella is not even fully recovered from her last battle. She was barely managing to open the doors at the front of the castle when I came to get you both. You cannot think she can possibly face Rhydach?”

  He ignored Ella’s heated assertions to the contrary, more interested in the assessment from his female. It came quickly, no doubt or hesitation in Kaitriana, “She is capable of doing what we need.” When Lorcan continued to look skeptical, she added, “If you do not let her do this, you may as well hand her over to Rhydach. It will destroy her if you keep her from attempting to free Nicholas.” In case he needed any more convincing, she stepped up and gave him a smug smile, whispering, “She is a Queen, Lorcan; we are made of sterner stuff. This plan will provide us with an opportunity to end Rhydach.”

  Lorcan frowned disagreeably at each female in turn, before giving the same to Dunkirk, “These two are more trouble…” he trailed off. Finally, when the pleading gaze of each female continued to eat away at him, he sighed his answer, “You, Dunkirk, may enter. Your warriors remain outside.”

  At Dunkirk’s nod of acceptance, Lorcan swung the towering gate open.


  Dunkirk shadowed inside the hall of Rhydach’s ancient castle. It was stark, dreary. The stone walls were darkened with age and the interior was not modernized. The massive area of the main entry was lit with torches spread evenly along the walls and chilled from the drafts of the night’s winds.

  A few of Rhydach’s men stood guard there, all taking note of the burly vampire’s arrival. The leader of the three approached with surprise widening his eyes, “You brought the witch.” He shook his head in a bit of amazement, “Nicholas will have your head, though I can now see why he is so enamored with the little piece.”

  When he stretched a hand forward to stroke Ella’s hair, Dunkirk knocked his fingers away, inquiring gruffly, “Is Rhydach holding court?” At the other’s nod, Dunkirk tugged Ella forward. She was unbound, but a golden cuff was set on her upper arm, just above Dunkirk’s hold.

  Dunkirk escorted her up the stone stairs and down a long winding hall to a set of massive doors at the end. His voice was barely audible, so not to risk being carried past the barrier of the door and into the occupants on the other side, “You are certain you can do this? You cannot allow yourself to be riled. Your magic cannot rise, no matter the condition we find Nicholas in.”

  He waited for her nod and then a minute more to make certain Ella had a handle on herself. Shouldering his way through the door, Dunkirk was intentionally rough in his treatment of her when he pulled her along behind him. His booming voice marked their entrance, “Rhydach…I have brought your witch.”

  The cavernous room immediately fell silent. Ignoring their audience, Ella ran her gaze over the interior until she found Nicholas. He was kneeling on the floor, bound in heavy chains. She was unable to keep her gasp of horror contained. His face was badly beaten, his torso bared and equally bruised. Criss-crossed lash marks covered his back and long burn marks ran down every bit of flesh that wasn’t bloodied from other abuses. She knew full well who was responsible for those and her gaze swung to the front of the large chamber and locked on Cordelia. The bitch smirked. She was standing regally between the male witch Turloch and the stately chair occupied by Rhydach on a raised platform overlooking the room.

  Nicholas turned livid, ignoring his pain, “Dunkirk, damn it…no! Why would you put that band back on her? Why would you bring her here?”

  His objection was quickly overtaken by the cackling glee from Rhydach, rubbing his hands together in his excitement. Ella’s gaze swung from Cordelia to the Ancient. She had never seen the evil one personally and she doubted she would soon forget the encounter. His fangs were long, protruding well over his bottom lip, and dried blood caked the corners of his mouth. His eyes were such a light shade that they appeared white. The skin pulled tightly over his bald head was so pale it almost glowed in the flickering light from the torches.

  Rhydach ran his hands over the arm of his chair, his long fingernails made a horrid noise with the motion. He pushed himself slowly up, “So Dunkirk, to save your friend you brought me the prize…the Fire Queen.”

  Not waiting for Dunkirk’s agreement, Rhydach made his way down the few steps from the platform, dark robes flowing behind. His attention was drawn to Nicholas momentarily as the Warrior began struggling in earnest against his restraints, “My my, Nicholas, no wonder you wanted to keep the witch for yourself. She is a beauty. Does she taste as delicious?”

  Nicholas’s eyes darkened with murderous intent, “I will have your head, you son of a bitch.”

  Rhydach grinned cruelly in return, “Not before I have yours. Unfortunate for you, Nicholas, but please know that I will enjoy your witch very much before I end her too.”

  While the two were distracted with their exchange, Ella took a quick assessment of her surroundings. The room was massive, longer than wide, it had a fireplace at the back end and then two midway down the east and west walls, directly opposite each other. Apparently Rhydach felt secure in his home, only fifteen Dark warriors were in attendance presently, including the two that guarded Nicholas. The remainder of the crowd appeared to be Dark Vampire dignitaries of some sort, about twenty more in all.

  Startled by the unexpected appearance of Rhydach when he shadowed directly in front of her, Ella took a step backwards. The evil pouring from him was stifling and she shuddered as he trailed a sharp claw down the side of her face, “Pretty, pretty witch…I think I must eat you…” The Dark one cocked his head to the side, as though deciding where to bite first, drool dripping from a fang.

  Ella sneered at him, “Your own Witch isn’t tasty enough for you? She does look rather vile. How disappointing it must have been for you to discover that you bet on the wrong horse and shackled yourself to that nasty tramp.” Even before she had finished waving her hand to indicate Cordelia as the target of her slur, her head was snapped to the side with the force of the blow delivered by Rhydach.

  Dunkirk took a protective step closer, but Ella was not finished. She spit the blood from her split lip into her enemy’s face, “Even were you to combine the powers of Turloch and Cordelia, they will not equal mine…yet you think the best plan is to make me into your evening snack? And is that before or after you kill the strongest warrior that you have? Are you ignorant or mad?” Ella flicked her eyes over Rhydach as though examining a specimen she found lacking, “So your big plan is basically to hope that the Light just decides to roll over…”

  Their exchange had the focus of all in the room. None witnessed the t
raded glances between Dunkirk and Nicholas, or the light stroke of Dunkirk’s finger across the cuff on Ella’s arm, directing Nicholas’s gaze there. His eyes widened in surprise and Dunkirk gave him a slight nod to acknowledge that Nicholas was correct in his understanding. Dunkirk cocked his head, appearing to be enthralled with the play between the witch and Rhydach.

  Rhydach grasped her chin and yanked her forward. Dropping his face near hers, his rancid breath caused her stomach to roll, “Do not play games with me, Witch. Are you suggesting that we barter for Nicholas’s life? You will give yourself to me?” His eyes were already flickering with darkness at the appealing thought.

  Ella was truly amused and she did not bother to hide it. This one was certainly obtuse. Abruptly and condescendingly she answered, “No, I will not.” Before he could raise objection or fist over her behavior, she went on, “I am telling you that you would be an idiot to kill both myself and Nicholas…when you could ally with us instead.”

  Ella grasped his wrist and boldly tugged his hand away from her face. Her daring caused him to eye her curiously and Rhydach was unable to hide his instant fascination. Keeping her hold on his wrist, she explained too sweetly, “Rhydach, my power rivals Kaitriana’s. Nicholas is the Warrior of the Dark…Lorcan’s equal. I know you saw how that brute abused me on the practice fields that day. Why should we submit ourselves to Lorcan’s rule? I have never shared the loyalty to the Light that is so deeply ingrained in the other Witch. I think we may well be better served…better rewarded…here.”

  Rhydach grasped at her hand, his eyes darting around with the pace of his thoughts before they settled on hers again, “You would join the Dark?”

  Ella smiled at him and gave a single nod of her head, “If it means being with Nicholas, I would indeed. He did not leave you to join the Light, Rhydach. Nicholas left for me and me alone. If I am here, there is no reason for you to doubt him. Has he not served your purpose well all these years?”

  Rhydach ran a sharp nail across her palm, studying the delicate Fire Queen’s hand captured in his own. He was still not quite ready to give up on the idea of tasting her, “And, you would submit yourself to me.”

  Ella mocked his ignorance, “No, Rhydach. I am mated to Nicholas and you are really a disgusting beast. I am, however, cognizant of the…benefits…that can be had through an alliance.”

  Rhydach’s mad laughter followed her insult, but ceased abruptly and he jerked her hard against him, “And why should I trust you or Nicholas?”

  Her magic sparked and surged, almost as though instinctively rebelling against the closeness with such evil. Ella focused it and pressed herself even closer to him. Her gaze fell down, as she caressed her hand up the length of his arm. Her movements caused his eyes to flicker dark, his tongue to dart across his pasty lips. Ella slid her hand up further, stroking the side of his check softly before she dropped her hand to his chin and grasped tightly. When she lifted her head finally to answer, her eyes were veiled completely in glittering green magic. The significance of it registered with him at the same time that she whispered, “You probably shouldn’t.”

  Light and fire, so bright as to be nearly white emitted from her hand, searing the flesh from his face down to the bone beneath. Rhydach’s shrieking pain echoed through the chamber before he managed to wrench himself free from her hold. She charred the bone where she’d held him. He finally found words through his agonized confusion, “The band…your magic cannot be.”

  Dunkirk had already shadowed behind Nicholas and dispatched the two guards keeping watch. Ella was retreating away from the immediate vicinity of Rhydach, sending a ball of light and one of fire at Cordelia, whispering to herself more than any other, “One for me, one for Kat…” The magic burst over the evil witch’s skin before she realized that she had become the focus of Ella’s attack. Her screams were in harmony with Rhydach’s and the chamber erupted in chaos as the Dark’s in attendance made move to draw weapons while dodging Ella’s magic. Rhydach’s face was even more grotesque, disfigured by her magical burn that appeared unhealing, and Cordelia’s skin was scorched, her hair mostly gone.

  Ella touched the band and it sparked bright blue before falling from her arm. She flung it at Rhydach, “The band is a replica. It serves no purpose except as a beacon for Light. Your lair is hidden no more.”

  Before her explanation was finished, the Light warriors appeared in the room – Lorcan and his Elite, Kaitriana and the Fire Makers. Ella moved to strike both evil rulers once more with Light and Fire, but her magic sparked at her fingertips and faded. She looked in bewilderment at her hands and tried to surge the power once again, only to have the light appear briefly and dissipate. Noting Ella’s struggling magic, Eirene ordered half of her Caste warriors into position, flanking their Queen in defense. The others she sent to Nicholas, with the same order of protection given.

  Kaitriana stepped up next to Ella, her fury rising sharply with her first look at Cordelia in over five hundred years. The encounter brought the rush of memories of her parents’ deaths and the grief tearing through her ratcheted up the magnitude of her magic to a nearly uncontrollable level. The orb of light she directed at the other struck home and Cordelia screamed in excruciating pain when flesh and muscle melted away, leaving only exposed bone and hanging bits of flesh on the left side of her body.

  Lorcan noted that tears raced down Kaitriana’s cheeks, even as another orb of blue left her hand, inflicting the same damage to Rhydach as Cordelia seconds before. His hand fell to her shoulder, his magic leaping in response to hers. When she swiveled to look back at him, the magical veil in her eyes mirrored that in his. That connection allowed her to gain control over her emotions. She could also feel his magic, as though it were seeping into her skin via his comforting touch. His eyes shifted back to just that inky black swirling within rings of blue and he winked at her, ordering affectionately, “Rein it in and focus, Kaitriana.”

  Kaitriana nodded firmly, back under control, and stepped around him to take Ella’s hand. Her concern was obvious, but before either witch could address the issue, both were flung back by an invisible force into the stone wall in the back of the chamber. It took Kaitriana all of two seconds to regain her feet. She was still pulling Ella back up when she found her next target. That female vampire with the crazy pink streaks was standing on the platform at the head of the room. Her eyes were awash with a black veil and Turloch was smirking with enjoyment as he stood back, to the side, watching her.

  She had her sword drawn and was shouting obscenities in Kaitriana’s direction while another blue orb took shape in the witch’s palm. Nicholas yelled as he struggled against his bonds to gain his feet. His fear was more for Kylie than Kaitriana, “Stand down, Kylie. Now!”

  When Kaitriana unleashed the orb, Sayer knocked her arm askew, causing the light to strike three feet to the right of the female Vampire. Kylie growled low, the color washing her eyes almost sparkled when she coldly faced first Nicholas, “Traitor!” And then she shrieked with added ferocity for Sayer, “Bastard!”

  Broderick positioned himself between Kylie and Kaitriana with a curt explanation, “She is wielding the power of an Ancient.” His eyes clashed with Sayer’s and his statement held no hint of question, “She isn’t one.” Sayer confirmed just as Broderick unleashed a wave of his own against the unsuspecting Vampire.

  Kylie was knocked back against the chair on the platform, but jumped easily to her feet with a growl. Her focus shifted to Broderick. Her gaze broke from his when she suddenly flinched and grabbed at the right side of her head. There had been no injury; she had not struck it in her fall. When she straightened, recognition was on her face this time when she looked at Broderick. She remained motionless, breathing heavily, her swirling black gaze clashing with an identical one in Broderick before she snarled, “Do not challenge me, Warrior. Maeve will not allow me to engage you.”

  That was enough to throw Broderick off kilter and give Kylie an opportunity to strike. She unleashed
another one of those invisible waves, this time knocking Eirene and her band of four warriors to the ground. She pointed an accusatory finger at Broderick, “Your precious Calliope killed us all!” She shadowed away and Turloch disappeared immediately after.

  Kaitriana, angry and overwrought after the confrontation with Cordelia, reacted fiercely. Her palm snaked out to strike Sayer’s face. Through grit teeth, she warned, “Don’t ever interfere with my magic unless you wish to find yourself on the receiving end.” Sayer glared at her and turned on his heel.

  Taking advantage of the break in the attacks from Kaitriana, Rhydach managed to find the strength to shadow to his witch and then shadow them both away. He left the remainder of his men to retreat or fall to the Elite. Those that were not dispatched in the next few moments took cue from their leader and shadowed away as well.

  Ella had both hands in front of her, staring at them in confusion. Lorcan was studying her as well and ground out harshly, “What the hell happened, Ella? We will not likely get an opportunity like this again.”

  Before she could answer, Colm gained their attention. A scuffle had broken out in the last moments of the battle, between Colm and Dunkirk, over the Elite leader’s insistence that Nicholas remain bound. As a result, Broderick now had his sword point thrust against the flesh of Dunkirk’s neck and Colm had his in the same position against Nicholas, “What are we doing with these two, Lorcan?”

  Lorcan answered sternly, irked over their collective failure to destroy Rhydach, “Bring them with us, under guard. We may well be overrun with Darks momentarily, let’s return to Laverock.” Ella started to object and Lorcan latched a tight grip on her arm, “Do not start with me, Witch. I agreed to his rescue, I did not agree to anything beyond that.”



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