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Loving Link

Page 3

by T. D. Hassett

  “Maddie, Maddie. I've missed you! It's been forever," Christopher chirped.

  "I know! I missed you too, Christopher, but it's only been three hours," Maddie replied, stifling a laugh at his youthful exaggeration.

  "So now that the funeral stuff is over, what do we get to do while you're here? Can we go back to the art museum, or even better, what about the natural history museum? I love it there," he exclaimed.

  "Of course we can go to the museums. I love them too. But I’m starting a new job so I won't have tons and tons of time. Just enough for my number-one nephew," Maddie assured him.

  "Ha ha. Until Mom’s new baby is born I'm your only nephew. Besides, wait until you see the story I'm writing. Maybe you could draw all the pictures for it; that would be so awesome."

  Maddie smiled at Christopher calling her sister “Mom.” That was new, and she knew it meant the world to Isabel. Guess his mother, Sasha, hadn’t been bothering with the supervised visits she had requested in family court. She would ask about all that later, out of her nephew’s hearing.

  "Oh, no. Not another book about Mr. Refrigerator Man, superhero of junk food," Maddie uttered in mock horror.

  "No, I’m sick of Refrigerator Man. I got a new superhero I'm writing about. Come sit with us. We’re watching this cool show about prehistoric monsters." Christopher pulled on Maddie’s arm to get her to come toward the couch and sit down. Isabel made room for her and gave her an apologetic shrug. She probably felt bad about forcing Maddie to watch such a silly show.

  She still couldn't get over how tired Isabel looked. Even her strawberry hair seemed a bit limp and lifeless. She just hoped everything was going to go okay with this pregnancy.

  The three of them sat for the next hour passing around popcorn and watching the Discovery Channel shows that Christopher adored. A bit later Thomas came out and gave her a warm greeting, asking all about her last few months away at school. He explained that he'd been doing a lot of studio work trying to get a head start for when Becket would be meeting up this summer to record. All in all he was downright domesticated and looked like he enjoyed the time at home. It was a quiet evening for everybody. They all needed to get some rest. The funeral had made for a really long day.

  Chapter 9


  Link turned in response to his cell phone alarm going off. He grabbed for it and tapped the screen to dismiss it. His appointments for the day flashed before him. Geez, he’d almost forgotten, he had an appointment early this evening with Lori G to get some more work done on his tattoo. He was having a special type of ancient dragon designed as a sleeve and shoulder piece. It would wrap up his whole arm to end at his shoulder blade. They'd sat down and done the basic outline, but Lori wanted to do a bit more research before continuing with some of the fill color and detail work.

  He was looking forward to the gig tonight. He hadn’t performed heavier music live in a while and that was the benefit of Becket being on break. He could do some new stuff. His father would bitch that he should focus on what sells and wins awards, but that was his old man’s problem.

  Link wanted to play just about every type of music and not be pigeon-holed. Maybe he’d call Tommy and see if he knew the phone number for that girl from the funeral. As much as he’d sworn off women, he kept thinking about her and even had a weird dream about them together at a dog pound adopting a mutt. Hell, maybe it was the jet lag.

  Chapter 10


  Sasha clicked her long nails on the hotel desk and flipped to the next page in the City Advocate. A slow smile made its way across her face as she picked up the pen and circled the advertisement. It seemed regional band Zombie Punch had a special guest star sharing the stage this week at the Mission, a bar she hadn’t been to in a few years. Fortunately though, she remembered the place, and it was perfect for her plans. It had a small back room with a couch, a table, and a lockable door, making it somewhat private. It was just a room used for storage and the band members to hang out in. After shows you could often find everyone who was anyone hanging out back there, fooling around, snorting coke, or making connections. This was a bit of good luck for her. Now if she could only get her loser boyfriend Francisco to handle setting up the webcam then she would be in business.

  She had no doubt she could lure Link Jacks into that back room and get the kind of show going that would make her name a viral sensation. He had certainly checked her ass out enough times when she’d been married to Thomas. Without her marriage standing in the way she figured he would take the well-scented bait she planned to put out. Besides, in years past, Link could always be counted on to party, and she knew just who to call to make sure there was a ready supply of coke for the occasion. Between her come-hither routine and the aphrodisiac of some high-quality blow, he’d be a stallion ready to rut.

  Sasha only had a couple of hours before she had to be on set for the commercial she was shooting. It was a lame adult party-line commercial, but that was the kind of work she could get these days. She had set up several similar types of jobs on the east coast. It paid the bills, and conveniently enough, it got her to New York City for a couple of months. She ran her hands up and down her slim hips, pinching skin here and there. Always checking for those extra inches that might creep up.

  Yes, Francisco would help her with setting up the camera and getting the live feed hooked up to the Internet, but only because he didn't know her whole plan. Poor Francisco, he wasn't a bad photographer, just stupid. He really believed that she just wanted to try and get Link digitally caught in a compromising position so she could force her ex-husband's hand. Threaten to go public with a video of Link using cocaine or fooling around with groupies in a back room. He didn’t even know she planned to be the woman involved, that in fact it was key to her plan. She couldn’t become a viral sensation if she wasn’t a front and center part of the scandal. Francisco thought all this was about getting visitation with her son, Christopher. What he didn't need to ever find out was that she already had visitation rights, supervised, of course, because of her history. She just didn’t have much use for her son. Without full custody Thomas didn’t pay her child support, and that was where her biggest paydays used to come from, not the measly alimony check. Besides, an almost ten-year-old boy just made her seem even older, and in her line of business, thirty was on the shelf.

  With a glint in her eye she sent a quick text to Francisco letting him know where he should plant the camera. As soon as he set up the camera and leaked the video stream, she’d cut him loose and send him back to his frumpy wife. Hmm, perhaps she shouldn’t do anything hasty; sometimes plans had to be changed. Just to hedge her bet, she made a call to a local roadie that she knew would be working at the Mission. No sense leaving the whole set up and seduction routine all to her feminine wiles. Someone that could lock them in the storage room for a while would certainly ensure she had the time and privacy she’d need.

  Sasha took a spin in front of the mirror to admire her figure and then measured out two neat lines of coke on the desk. She slipped her straw out of her cigarette pack and snorted quickly. It was just what she’d need to get through today’s shoot and tonight’s performance. She’d soon be someone again, and she’d get back at Link for his treacherous mouth.

  Chapter 11


  Okay, she was definitely going to get a stalker award for this one, but if you can't look ridiculous in front of your best friend, then who can you act stupid in front of? Maddie was getting ready to go to the Mission and check out Link Jacks. She knew she was being silly. He’d been a teenage infatuation for her and nothing more. Why tease herself like this? Then again, the way he had looked at her at the memorial service just made her feel all grown up and womanly. Besides, she was in New York City. She might as well get out and have a little fun before she started the daily work grind. Not that she would mind working. She loved art and loved tattooing. Better yet, it wasn’t like the tattoo parlor opened up at eight a.m. or anything, s
o she could sleep in most days.

  The challenge would be talking her best friend and roommate into this sort of adventure. Punk and metal music wasn’t exactly Darling’s thing, but hey, she needed to live a little too.

  Darling Roberts had been Madison's roommate for four years now. Darling was the stereotypical sheltered little rich girl attending New York University on her father's very prestigious dime. Heck her name said it all: Darling, as in Daddy’s little darling. Madison, while not having trouble paying for college, thanks to Izzy, certainly had earned her way in the door with her good grades and awesome art portfolio. She had majored in art and loved the adventure of attending a big school in New York City. She was aloof enough about the social scene to not take anything or anyone too seriously. She’d dated casually, always careful about getting too involved. Heck, Robert had been her first real boyfriend.

  Darling, on the other hand, was studying law with a concentration in super conservative behavior. She went on a few dates but seemed to be waiting for Mr. Right to turn her into Mrs. Right. Despite all their differences the girls were close. Darling was the best roommate anyone could ever have. She was reliable, sweet, and easy to read. You could tell when she was upset about something because she started baking cookies, brownies, and other treats like a mad woman. Today’s invite to go out had thrown her for a loop; she was cooling her second batch of Snickerdoodles. Madison figured it was the venue. This was not exactly Darling’s type of scene, and she had put a lot of pressure on her best friend to attend tonight.

  "Oh, come on, Darling! It'll be fun. Throw on some jeans, one of my cute tops, and let's go. Consider it our last adventure before I hand in my senior portfolio and you take exams and we both graduate. Carpe diem!" Maddie encouraged.

  "Maddie," Darling said, dragging out the d sound, "I just don't know. It really isn't my scene and you've got your first day of your apprenticeship coming up. Besides, you just got back and all."

  "Just go with me for an hour of music, gawk at beautiful men, and then we’re out of there and back home in time for the Late, Late Show." Maddie pulled out one of her tight black tops and held it up against Darling’s torso. "See, this would look so hot on you. Black against your blonde hair, super cute."

  Darling took the shirt from her hands and held it up. She was folding for sure. She frowned before gently poking her cooling cookies "Okay, but just for a little while. You promise?"

  The girls spent the next hour getting ready, with Darling dragging her feet as much as possible and Madison urging her to put a little lip gloss on and live it up for once.

  * * * *

  The Mission was packed. The line behind Madison and Darling went all the way around the corner. They had gotten there just in time—ten more minutes and the house would have been full, with no more entries until other guests left.

  It was between bands. Roadies were quickly switching over drum kits and adjusting pedals on the floor for the guitarists when the girls managed to shoulder their way to the bar and get a couple of beers. A couple of girls vacated a pair of seats at the bar to go secure a place right in front of the stage. It was a lucky break to get stools in such a busy spot. Maddie looked around the place, feeling quite at home. She even slipped one of her brand-new tattoo business cards to the bartender. He looked like a possible referrer with his pierced eyebrow, tattooed neck, and multicolored hair. Darling just looked nervous, her eyes moving around quickly, never wanting to stare at anyone too long.

  "Maddie, this is so not my kind of place," announced Darling over the din of people talking and equipment being moved about.

  "Oh, relax already. Besides, Zombie Punch will be on in just a minute. This will be fun," Maddie assured her.

  As if on cue, a shirtless, wiry blond man took the stage, tapping the microphone. He looked to be in his late twenties with pierced nipples and tribal tattoos going up and down his torso. He wore black cargo pants and combat boots. He had what appeared to be a spiked dog collar around his neck. Maddie knew then that he must be the front man for Zombie Punch.

  The shirtless guy addressed the audience of the crowded bar with enthusiasm. "Are you motherfuckers ready for some noise?" he screeched into the microphone.

  The crowd went wild in response. Then with the flash of a flare light, the rest of the group took stage and the loudest music Maddie had ever heard in her life began. The sound was hard and fast. She couldn't stop smiling. This was not like what she was used to listening to. The Becket albums were totally different. She could barely keep herself still; the excitement of the sound and the glorious sight before her was all too much. And best of all, she had a clear view of Link Jacks furiously strumming his guitar, spiky black hair swaying side to side. He wore a tight black T-shirt that accentuated his muscular build. Even Darling was mesmerized. Her usually docile roomie was tapping her feet and wiggling around on her bar stool.

  Maddie so wanted to get a closer look at all that glorious man and ink up close and personal.

  Zombie Punch played two complete sets. The crowd in front had formed a makeshift mosh pit. The smell of sweat and beer permeated the entire club. Maddie could sense her roommate was getting into the spirit of the place. Darling had been clicking her nails on the now empty beer bottle and looking meaningfully at the harried bartender, both sure signs she was ready to party.

  "Okay, Maddie, we came, we saw, we need to conquer," Darling suggested with a bit of a beer buzz going. At last Ms. Conservative had been won over for the night.

  "I know. He is so hot, but I'm not sure about getting back there. Would you help me?" Maddie implored, giving Darling the wide-eyed look. "Please, pretty please."

  "Oh, Maddie! That’s ridiculous. You’ll get back there; you look great tonight and you could always just drop your brother-in-law’s name. Heck, why don’t you just ask Thomas to take you to the studio or something if you want to check out Link up close?” Darling paused and looked into Maddie’s hopeful eyes.

  “No way, I don’t want to hear one of Isabel’s lectures about womanizing musicians, and that’s exactly what I would get if I asked. Besides, I don’t want a date, I just want to check out his ink and maybe look longingly at him for a minute. I guess teen crushes are slow to die and I’m a fool.” Maddie sipped her drink looking for some liquid courage.

  “Oh, Maddie, just go see the guy, have a little fun! I can’t believe I’m the one telling you to go wild. Maybe I really needed to get out, finally let loose for a bit.” Darling slapped a twenty-dollar bill onto the bar when her beer arrived.

  Hmm, she would have to make her backstage jaunt quick before her roommate wound up drunk and/or out of control.

  “Go ahead Maddie, I’ll nurse one more beer and wait a while. I kind of hope the next band is as cool," Darling acquiesced, looking psyched to see the roadies setting up for the next act.

  "You are the best, Darling. I-O-U. And I just want to check out his ink, flirt for a minute, I dunno, walk on the wild side." Maddie hopped away from her barstool and began some reconnaissance on the backstage area.

  It looked like there was a side hallway next to the stage and that would be her best bet. All she had to do was get by a giant bouncer who was doing an excellent job keeping everybody from going down that hallway.

  Where there was a will there was always a way. She hadn’t survived under Susan and her various stepfathers’ care all these years without being a bit resourceful.

  It was now or never. As she closed in on the crowd, inspiration struck her. Madison made it to the entrance of the backstage hallway by the corner of the bar. She was stopped with the rest of the girls looking to get back there by a big, burly bouncer. The guy was at least six-feet-four, shaved head, and wore a no-nonsense expression on his face. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and just shook his head at all the groupies.

  "Sorry, ladies, we got special guests here tonight so no one goes back there without someone from the band escorting them." The bald guy spoke without smiling.
br />   A small posse of scantily clad coeds clambered around making puppy eyes at him and begging. This was not a man to be trifled with tonight. Maddie had seen the sort of performance these girls were putting on occur at the couple of Becket concerts Isabel had taken her to. She knew it wouldn’t get them anywhere. Granted, she’d only been in the VIP sections backstage under her sister’s watchful eye, but she’d seen enough shenanigans to get the gist of how it worked. Well, sometimes you just had to outthink or outplay an obstacle.

  Madison stayed to the back of the group and dug through her purse. Inside she found just what she would need, a black leather case Izzy had given her for Christmas. She’d thrown it in her big bag and never used it. It was supposed to be a dressy clutch that you threw your keys and a few credit cards in, but that was the problem with it. All you could put in the tiny thing was cards and keys, and Maddie liked to go out with a few more items than just the bare essentials. You never knew when you'd need some extra stuff. Case in point tonight.

  She found a couple of bobby pins in the bottom of her purse and twisted them into the rough shape of a ring. She also grabbed two small foil packs containing wet wipes that she'd snagged from a fast-food restaurant. She carefully flipped over the restaurant’s logo so it only showed the backside with the small print. She moved forward to make her play. She tapped Bald and Burly on the shoulder with her props held up in the air.

  "Sorry, Miss. No one’s getting back there. Not even if you got drugs or something there." He waved at her leather clutch. Burly wasn't playing tonight. Then again, at this point, getting in was a point of pride. She wasn’t playing anymore either.


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