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Page 2

by Jodi Olson

  His hand caressed the top of hers and she suddenly wanted to know what it would feel like, to be in his arms, to feel those fingers stroke her lonely body. The thought of it made her head spin.

  Before she knew what was happening, his warm and rough fingers traveled up and down, and then moved to sensuously trace the line of her cheekbone and jaw.

  It had been too long since she had been touched like this and she moaned. The mere touch of his hand sent a warming shiver through her body. She should have pulled away from him, but she couldn’t. She wanted more. Soon his lips were on hers and it was divine ecstasy when he kissed her. Her knees trembled as his mouth devoured hers.

  When the screen door slammed, Ryan pulled away from her and she heard Adam’s voice cussing into his cell phone. “What do you mean, we have ten days to decide who keeps the ranch? That wasn’t in the papers you sent.” Brooke didn’t like the sound of this at all.

  Adam needed a drink and the day wasn’t even half over. He remembered where his father kept the whiskey and walked straight for it. Maybe if he drank enough he would pass out then the nightmare would be over.

  “Anyone else want one of these?” He held up the bottle of whiskey.

  He heard Ryan say ‘Yes’ so he shoved a glass in his hand and began to pour. Then he sat back in one of the chairs not saying anything until after he had a few shots of the whiskey.

  “It seems the old man wants us to decide which one gets the ranch before we even see any of that money. Can you believe that?”

  Adam sat with his arms folded waiting for a reaction from either one. The minute he’d stepped into the house and spotted Brooke wearing those cute little denim shorts he’d wanted to fuck her. He was used to women falling into his bed so he imagined she’d be easy as well. He saw Ryan and Brooke kissing when he walked in the door. Ryan may have been the one to get her purring, but he would be the one that made her scream with just his tongue. She would be shivering under him as he entered her silky heat. Her moans and screams of pleasure would be for him. Thoughts of her breasts were making his mouth water and his cock rock hard.

  He really didn’t care about winning the ranch since he had one of his own. Taking Brooke to bed - that was a much different matter.


  Ryan couldn’t believe if he’d heard right. They had to pick which one would keep the ranch and just how were they supposed to do that, he wondered. How could he compete with Adam when he didn’t have the advantage of being rich, or the resources of knowing someone who was and could help him out? The bank was repossessing his mother’s farm in two weeks if he didn’t come up with the loan money. He hoped to hell Adam didn’t really want the ranch because he not only needed the money to get out of debt, he needed a place to stay, at least for a while anyway.

  Now seeing the empty bottle of whiskey on the table, he couldn’t believe they’d polished it off so quickly. The last time he drank that much was when his ex girlfriend ran off with some cattle rancher worth millions. He loved her with everything he had to give, but it wasn’t good enough for her.

  Several years had passed, while he’d run his mom’s ranch, before she’d gotten sick, passed away and left him to take care of everything. Being with another woman hadn’t even crossed his mind until he saw Brooke bending over putting the groceries away.

  There was something about her that made him believe she was a lot like him. He also felt the need to pull her into his arms and kiss her again. The spark was there and he knew she’d felt it too.

  Ryan barely heard Adam excuse himself so that he could make a call to the office, something about calling his secretary before it got too late. He watched as Brooke got items out of the refrigerator for dinner. She hadn’t said a word the rest of the afternoon, and he was getting worried about it. “Can I help with dinner?”

  “I have a pot roast in the oven already; it should be done soon. You could set the table if you want.”

  Seeing the small smile on her face made his heart skip a beat as he took the plates from her hands. He thought she had the prettiest smile he’d ever seen, and looking at those pretty pink lips made him want to kiss them until he heard her beg for more.

  When they all sat down for dinner, Ryan decided he didn’t want to wait to see how they would work out who would get the ranch. He wanted it, and would do all he could to fight for what he believed should be his. He may not have thought much of Travis, his father, but damn it, he deserved something good to happen for a change. Travis owned him that much.

  Ryan spooned a heap of vegetables onto his plate, “So, Adam, how are we going to decide which one of us stays and which of us goes? I don’t know about you, but I was here hours before you showed up, so I think that tells you I’m ready to fight for what’s mine.” He dropped the spoon in the bowl and locked eyes with Adam, “And it’s this ranch.”

  “The ranch is mine.” Adam returned the gaze with one of his own. “You’ve only known for two days that you were even Travis Hunter’s son. I’ve been by his side for most of my life; that makes me the winner. I even run his damn company now too.”

  Ryan stood quickly from his chair, wanting to punch Adam. Ever since he found out he had a half brother; he’d wanted to hit someone or something. He reached over the table and grabbed Adam’s shirt, pulling him up hard. “I could care less about the damn company. I only want the ranch; you could buy a dozen or more ranches with your money. Soon, I won’t even have a place to live. My old man owes me.” With all of his might, he shoved his brother, watching him crash to the floor.

  He had to get out of the house and get some air. Slamming the screen door he left without looking back at Brooke or Adam.

  When he returned from his ride around the ranch four hours later the house was dark.

  Ryan stood outside of Brooke’s bedroom wondering if he should tell her he was sorry for ruining the nice dinner she’d made for them. He knew she must be upset too because there wasn’t anything in those papers about her being able to stay. He would say something to Adam in the morning, but right now all he could think about was Brooke.

  He couldn’t get her off his mind, and being away from her for four hours drove him nearly crazy. While out riding, thoughts of her played over and over in his head. All of them were of her naked and in several positions: those long, sensuous legs, wrapped around him while she rode his throbbing shaft, cowgirl style. He took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

  “Brooke, it’s Ryan. Can I come in?” He waited until he heard a soft voice telling him he could enter.

  She was sitting on the bed with a book in her lap, wearing a thin sleeveless nightgown that barely covered her thighs. The only light was a small lamp. Next to the lamp were several more books. He wasn’t much of a reader since he was always too busy on the farm. She looked as if she’d been crying and that bothered him for some reason.

  “Did you want something Ryan? I’m really into a good part in my book and would like to get back to it.”

  He saw she could barely look at him when she spoke. “It looks like you’ve been crying, why? Did Adam do something while I was gone? If he did I’ll kick his ass all the way back into town.”

  “No, he didn’t do anything. But I think he’s ready to kick your ass for what you did.”

  “I’m sorry Brooke, I mean - for ruining the nice meal you prepared.” He offered her a forgiving smile. “I know you worked really hard on it.”

  “It wasn’t that hard really. I just hope what took place won’t happen again. You two should try and get along. I’m sure Adam isn’t a bad guy like you think he is. Now - if there isn’t anything else, I’d really like to finish this chapter so I can go to sleep.”

  Ryan walked closer to the bed where he could see right through her gown and he let out a groan. His eyes darkened with arousal at the site of what she had hidden under her gown. He wanted her – now – right now - and there was no one around that would stop him, not even Adam.

  Ryan grabbed the book out of he
r hands and held it up high enough for her not to reach it.

  “What do you think you’re doing? I was reading that.”

  “You can read it later; much, much later if I have anything to say about it.”

  Brooke was riled up and she rose from the bed. With all her strength, she tried to grab the book but Ryan held it out of her reach, switching it from hand to hand. His face broke into a wide grin at the site of her. She looked cute when she got mad. Ryan grabbed her waist pulling her to him. “I’m going to kiss you again. Ever since earlier today, I’ve been wanting another taste of you.”

  “If you’re trying to distract me, it won’t work.”

  “What are you going to do, hit me with the broom again?”

  Brooke tugged on his shirt so hard that he dropped the book and they both toppled to the bed with Brooke underneath him.

  He moved his weight off and lay next to her. Cupping her chin in his hand, he searched her face for any sign for him to stop. Seeing none his lips came coaxingly down on hers. She returned his kiss with a burning, aching need. Her lips tasted sweet and he wanted more. His tongue licked a path down her neck stopping at the edge of her gown.

  Ryan knew the gown had to go so he pulled it over her head and tossed it aside, his eyes never leaving her body. She was completely naked, beautiful and heat consumed him as his eyes roamed down her sensuous form. “You are so beautiful, Brooke.” He groaned when he reached her breasts, they were exquisite and just right for his hands. Licking his way down her breast to the nipple, he took it in his mouth and gently gave it a tug with his teeth. His lips and tongue feasted on her breast like it was his last meal. Brooke arched her back, giving into the sensation. Her nipples were made for kissing and sucking, but he needed to move further down her sweet body. He stopped at her navel, rimming his tongue inside, making her lift off the bed.

  The center of her thighs was next as he licked her clit slowly at first, than faster as he began to ravish her with his tongue. Her sweet cream made him hunger for her that much more. Ryan knew she was on the verge of orgasm as he pushed two fingers into her, possessing her fully, and licking her clit hard. He was drawn to a height of passion he’d never known before.

  Ryan needed to be inside her now. His cock ached with need ever since the day they’d met and he wasn’t waiting any longer. He threw off his clothes and placed a condom over his hard, thick shaft. She lay there watching him, desire in her eyes. Within a few seconds he was back on the bed and on top of her with his hard rod pressing against her belly, ready to be inside her.

  His lean and muscular legs spread her legs and his tumescent shaft was poised at the entrance to her hot, wet channel.

  He moved slowly, even as she lifted her legs to wrap around him, pulling him deeper inside her. Her nails dug into his back as he plunged into her over and over again. Their bodies moved in exquisite harmony with one another. Brooke cried out her release as waves of ecstasy throbbed through her. Ryan quickly followed spilling his seed as Brooke’s womanly core tightened around his cock.

  They lay in each other’s arms, still sweaty from their lovemaking. Both felt so satisfied and heavy with sated exhaustion, it wasn’t long before they were soon fast asleep.


  Adam had locked himself in his father’s office right after the incident with his brother Ryan. When he called Karen, his secretary, she informed him that a rancher was suing them because of bad fencing material. He couldn’t believe it. That was never a problem before. He’d checked out all the supplies himself when he took over as owner. He thought it was odd that Ed Reynolds had quit the day he took over the company; maybe he was the one behind this mess. He promised Karen he’d go in town tomorrow and check into it.

  After ending the call with Karen, he started looking through the file cabinet beside his father’s long, wooden desk. There was more than being sued eating at his gut, and that something was the man claiming to be his half brother. Ryan did look a little like Travis, but he still wasn’t convinced he was a Hunter.

  If he knew his father they’re had to be another Will filed away somewhere, or proof that Ryan was indeed his brother. In the bottom drawer, Adam found two large, sealed envelopes. One read Travis Hunter’s Last Will and Testament and the other was labeled Ryan Hunter. Adam sat down back down in the big leather chair and ran his hand through his hair, trying to calm down before opening the first one.

  Adam opened the Will first. For some reason, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to really learn more about Ryan or not. The Will was over a year old, based on the date it was filed. According to the document, the ranch was to be given to all three. If they sold the ranch, Ryan and Adam had to make sure Brooke had a place of her own. Travis had wanted her taken care of no matter the outcome. The money from the estate was to be split between Adam and Ryan.

  Setting the Will aside, he slowly opened the other envelope, which held several documents. He dumped the contents onto the table; among them were several photos. In the first one, he saw a baby boy in a woman’s arms. The woman looked to be in her twenties and the baby a year old, if that. On the back, it read Victoria and Ryan. Several other photos showed Ryan and the same woman at different stages of their lives, and the last one was Ryan at age eighteen.

  The birth certificate was the next item he picked up. Travis’s name was in the spot where it listed the name of the father. Ryan really was his brother after all. He couldn’t believe it, after all these years of not knowing but wishing he had a brother, and now finally he did.

  As Adam started putting the papers and photos back inside the envelope, he noticed a letter that had slipped to the floor. It was a letter addressed to Victoria. The envelope was yellowed from age and from the looks of it never mailed. He didn’t think it was his place to open it so he slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans.

  He stood and placed both envelopes back into the desk drawer and yawned. His watch read two a.m. He turned off all the lights as he headed to bed. Along the way, he wondered if Ryan ever made it back and why he would even care.

  Adam had to pass Brooke’s room on the way to his. When he found the door slightly open he pushed it aside even more to peer in. The room was dark except for a small light on the table next to the bed. Quietly he started walking toward the table so he could turn out her light when he noticed she wasn’t alone. He watched as she rolled over and snuggled closer to Ryan. He could tell one of her legs rested on Ryan’s thigh.

  Fuck! He wanted it to be him she snuggled with. A muscle quivered in his jaw as he stood there seething. His brother may have won this round but he had something that now belonged to Ryan and he wasn’t going to hand it over just yet.

  As he reached to turn the light out, he kicked something by his foot. There on the floor was a book and when he bent to pick it up he saw the title Three Lovers. He turned it over and read the back. It appeared to be a romance book about two men and one woman. Did Dad know Brooke was interested in that sort of thing? The rest of the books sitting on her night table were all along the same lines. Wow, she’s really into reading it, but would she be into it for real? Silently, he flipped off the light and slid out the door before he was noticed.

  Adam was downstairs before anyone else was up. He hadn’t been able to sleep after everything he’d learned the night before. In the last week so much had happened; his father died, then he discovered his father had a widow, and he had a brother, and now the company was being sued because of fencing material. What next?

  Adam was on his second cup of coffee when Brooke and Ryan entered the kitchen. He winked at Brooke when he caught her looking at him and gave a deep laugh when she immediately looked away.

  “There’s coffee already perked and I’ve made enough breakfast for everyone. Help yourself, I’ve already eaten.” He watched as they filled their plates with food and sat down. “Last night, I was going through some of Travis’s papers and found his will. The will I found was a little over a year old. All of us get the ranch and if the
ranch is sold, we have to find Brooke a place to live; and make sure she is well taken care of.”

  “So we don’t have to decide who gets the ranch after all?” Ryan said, raising his brows.

  “No, he wants all of us living under one roof. Ryan, who is Victoria?”

  “Excuse me, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I think you all need to discuss this without me here.” Brooke left the room.

  “That’s my mother’s name. Why?”

  “During my search I found an envelope with your name on it. It contained several photographs and a copy of your birth certificate. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when you said you were a Hunter. You see, there have been others claiming to be Hunter kin, but it turned out they only were after money. I thought the same about you, but I was wrong.”

  “It’s understandable, you’ve never even heard of me until yesterday and now we’re all under the same roof because that’s how he wanted it.” Ryan pushed his chair back, “Hell, I’m sorry for fighting with you last night and shoving you. I should’ve controlled my temper more.”

  Adam looked to the door that Brooke had walked out of. “Now that Brooke has left the room there was something else I found in the envelope with your name on it. But I’m keeping it until I think you deserve to have it.”

  “So you’re blackmailing me, is that it? Why, just because I pushed you, is that it?”

  “No, that isn’t the reason, but I do want something.”

  “What could you possibly want from me?”

  “I want Brooke, but I’m not selfish; I’m willing to share her with you. If you’re not interested in that arrangement, then you’ll never see the letter from our father to your mother. I didn’t read it, but I have a feeling it explains why he left her.”

  “What if Brooke doesn’t agree? And what if I decide to take the damned letter?”

  “Oh, I think she’ll agree. Did you see the books on her nightstand? The top five were all romances that involved two men and one woman.” He smiled and ran a hand through his hair. “I think she’s very interested in living out that fantasy, not just reading about it.”


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