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Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)

Page 22

by Mary Tate Engels

  Another murmur across the crowd grew in intensity and threatened to disrupt the proceedings as people all started talking at once.

  "Hold it!" Zach held both arms up in the air to quiet them. "This isn’t about mermaids. This is about --"

  "Money!" someone shouted from the back of the room.

  Siena stepped to the microphone again. "Money isn’t the only thing at stake here in Haven’s Point. It’s the health and well-being of our citizens, especially the women." She looked at Zach with fire in her eyes, then turned and faced the audience with all the determination she could muster. "Ladies and gentlemen, the most important element tonight is not Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon. It is my request that the Town Council vote to bring a Mammo-Van to town. I have all these signatures on a petition to support it." She waved the papers in the air. "Therefore, I’d like to make a motion – "

  "Don’t try to divert the attention of this council," Walter warned. "There’s already a motion on the floor!"

  "No motion’s been made," Zach said. "We’re still in discussion."

  "We want some action, not talk," someone else inserted.

  Siena looked at Zach. She could see his misery and hear her own defeat in the tone of the audience. And in that moment, she decided that selling bras in Haven’s Point was not worth this fight.

  But getting a mammo-van was.

  Her bare-chested marketing was putting Zach’s integrity and position in jeopardy, and that wasn’t fair to him. There was no way to win with this unruly crowd. They were out to get her and by God, they would.

  Siena cleared her throat. "Excuse me, please. I want to talk about taking care of our women’s health. Mammograms are the first line of defense against a deadly disease, breast cancer. Along with self-examination." She paused and looked around. "Can we say that in public? Well, it’s about time we do. We need to provide the health care in Haven’s Point that will save the lives of people like my Aunt Addie, and Zach’s mother, Roberta. That’s why I make the motion to bring in a mammo-van. And if you will agree to this proposal . . ." she took a deep breath, "in exchange . . . I’ll close Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon."

  The room grew pin-drop quiet. Then, one lone person started to applaud. They all turned to see Rich Fairchild standing at the end of the row, clapping, all by himself.

  Siena fully expected the applause to grow, but no one joined in. No one. Not even Walt. Rich stopped clapping and sat down.

  Zach scrambled to the mic. His voice boomed across the room. "No! Siena, you can’t give up your dream. It’s good for Haven’s Point and for you and for all of our women!"

  At that, the crowd stood and exploded into applause. A few men in suits walked out and there were no smiles on their stubborn faces.

  Siena looked at Zach with tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe he’d risked everything and gone out on a limb for her. After all this time, he had defied the majority and stood up for the minority, her friends. She threw her arms around him murmuring, "I love you!" in his ear.

  Later, Siena recalled that chaos ensued. It all happened so fast, she wasn't sure the order of events. There was a shuffling noise from the rear of the auditorium, on the far left side, from the right. People rushed to the middle aisle. Siena thought at first that everyone was leaving, walking out in disgust along with the men in suits. She’d lost and so had Zach by his support.

  Then she noticed that people were coming forward to the front of the room. OMG – maybe they were coming to carry her out!

  Stunned, she recognized Claire, Roberta, Zoey and Monique along other women who’d been in the shop in the last week. Some had made purchases, but all, to a woman, had signed the mammo-petition. Now all were stepping to the front of the room, making a large and solid contingent of women. Then she saw the signs the women held high overhead.






  Siena felt giddy. For a moment, she couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. They got it! And so did Zach, it seemed. This group was standing up for her – as well as for themselves. This was about more than a shop, more than any single business success, more than one lone woman. They were fighting for her, for themselves, and by God, she would fight for them.

  Then a man pushed through the crowd and joined the sign-waving women. Siena recognized George. George! She wanted to hug him. Santa Claus never looked better. He raised his sign high for all to see:



  More applause.

  Siena high-fived him and mouthed, thank you above the crowd. Give him credit. The man was brilliant and bold.

  Zach raised his hands for quiet. "Gentlemen, the women of Haven’s Point have spoken. I think it’s time we listened to them. I think Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon has achieved approval for a business license by at least 51%. What do you think?"

  A quick motion and vote was taken. The boisterous crowd applauded and someone started chanting, "A-maz-ing Lace; A-maz-ing Lace."

  Zach called for quiet again. "Next we will consider the motion, brought by Siena Summerfield, to provide a mammo-van for Haven’s Point. Do I have a --"

  "I so move!"

  "Second! Second!" The crowd screamed. It was hard to determine who yelled it out first.

  "Any discussion? All in favor?"

  Amid loud shouts of "Yay!" the motion passed.

  Siena became caught up in a melee of excitement and cheers. They moved her along and she ended up at the Cocklebur Bar and Grill, surrounded by her supporters, mostly women. They happily toasted each other and celebrated a victory that was a long time in coming.

  But Zach was not among them.

  Later, Siena returned home alone. She wished, even expected, Zach to join her. But he didn’t. He was probably defeated by her win and couldn’t face the victor. For her, victory wasn’t worth this. But she couldn't back away from the women who supported her. Aunt Addie was right. They needed her. And truthfully, she needed them.

  Claire and the road back

  Oh yes, I was worried about this girl. Siena had such bold ideas and good intentions for us. Of course, George and young Zoey helped her get Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon online in a website that is open to the whole wide world. It's quite amazing, really. She's even making sales of lacey lingerie in Ireland. Isn't that something?

  I've never been so proud in my life. Not when my Danny became President and CEO of the bank. Not when my daughters graduated college. Not even when Brianna took a job in my homeland of Ireland and became friends with my dear cousin, Brigit. Maybe I'm so happy because I had a hand in some of this, too.

  When the women marched up with those signs, I knew, just knew she'd be all right. Yes, I had a sign, too. Even Zach spoke up for her, risking his very job, he did.

  'Tiz a smart girl, that Siena is. She encouraged all of us to think of a business. I'm going to open a B&B in my big old rambling house and call it Irish Haven, like my Aunt Sinaid did so many years ago. I might even teach my guests to make Irish lace.

  Siena was so strong, facing the men of the Town Council. But so was everyone else, who stood up to support her, including the young women and all the Lacy Ladies. Even George. What a fine man he's turned out to be. Well, I suppose he was fine all along, we just didn't notice it. But Addie did. Addie was special to know those things. And now, so is Sienna. I do hope she stays and keeps Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon solvent. But with Zach in her heart, I don't know.

  I'm proud of what we've done. We've got our power back, thanks to the magical, Amazing Lace. This should make everyone of us believe in its power and magic.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Siena hesitated before she opened the door. His name was etched on the
glass – Phillip Fairchild, LLD.

  Here she was at the office of yet another influential Fairchild in town. She should be used to the fact that they were all over the place in Haven’s Point. This Fairchild was a lawyer, and she wondered mildly if he had the Fairchild family trait – narrow-minded arrogance. She decided to meet that arrogance, damn it, with her own strength. She wouldn’t let anyone push her around any longer or make her feel inferior just because he had more power or money than she.

  She stepped inside the cool interior. So why did Phillip Fairchild, LLD ask for her presence here today? To tell her that someone was suing her for trying to be successful in a town doomed to failure? Or maybe for unveiling the mermaids, a crime punishable by . . .

  "Nice to meet you, Ms. Summerfield. I’ve heard a lot about you. You made an impressive showing at the City Council, and an impact in our home. Margaux, that’s Rich’s wife, has my wife Esther all worked up over those mermaid stained glass things. There’ll probably be one hanging in our home by the end of the week. Come on in. Mrs. Cassidy is already here."

  "Roberta? What are you doing here?" Siena hugged Roberta and took the seat he offered. She noticed that his mahogany desk was slightly smaller than the banker Fairchild, but larger than the mayor’s. Maybe that damn desk size was a power symbol for the men around here.

  Phillip sat down and smiled. Damn! Smiling wasn’t a Fairchild trait. Was this an evil omen? Were there fangs hiding somewhere beneath those cupped lips? Or was he just being friendly before handing her the bomb? Siena crossed her legs, showing off her dark green tights and stiletto boots, her own personal power base.

  "I was waiting until I had all the details before calling you in," he said.

  "Look, Mr. Fairchild, I’d just like to say that I’ve done nothing wrong, especially by modern standards. Do you realize that if anyone sues me for unveiling the mermaids or for opening a bra shop, the headlines will make the city of Haven’s Point look pretty silly. I’ll fight you all the way. I’ll go to the Today Show and GMA. I’ll – "

  He held up one hand. "Hold on. Let’s talk a minute. I don’t know what you’re thinking, Siena but apparently it has nothing to do with why I called you here."

  "I just want you to know it would look bad if you try to – "

  "Please. Let me continue."

  She folded her arms and waited. It might be worse than she imagined. They probably accused her of being a modern day witch or something equally dumb. But why was Roberta here?

  He opened a manila folder on his shiny wooden desk. "I have here the last will and testament of Adele Summerfield Santioli."

  Instant tears filled Siena’s eyes. She had forgotten all about the will. Of course, there would be a will. But she thought it would be later, in the summer when Dana came. "Oh . . . Aunt Addie’s will?"

  "Let's get on with this. It starts, Being of sound mind, etc., etc., etc., I bequeath all my personal belongings, certain properties, my shop and apartment and the entire building on the bay to my grand-niece, Siena Rose Summerfield to do with as she sees fit." He looked up. "Is that you?"

  She nodded, pressing her lips together. Then she realized something. "Her last name was Santioli? Then she really was --"

  He nodded. "Yes, she was married to Luciano Santioli. I have the license here in her papers. When he disappeared, after seven years' absence, he was declared deceased. Addie had that done legally, in order to clarify her estate."

  Siena nodded. Her aunt's love story was still hard to grasp.

  "And as a result of the combined estates, there are considerable properties."

  Siena nodded, not really understanding anything except that the shop would be hers. That was no surprise.

  "Yes, but there's more. Now we have inheritors listed as Dana Summerfield, who is unable to attend. I was able to contact her and she has given her permission for us to proceed. And we have listed Roberta Cassidy, who is present. And there is another . . . " he paused, "someone by the name of Sierra Summerfield. I was not able to reach her."

  "Probably my mother's long lost sister."

  "With your permission, we will proceed and try to notify that person later."

  Siena nodded.

  "There are three houses, one known as the ‘singing house’ up on Irish Hill. It supposedly has a ghost that sings." He paused to look up and roll his eyes. "That one will go to Roberta Cassidy."

  Roberta muffled a cry. "What? She's giving me a house? A whole house? But I can't accept -- "

  Siena squeezed her hand and nodded. "It's a good thing, Roberta. It's okay to accept a good thing. Besides it's what Aunt Addie wanted."

  Phillip held up his hand. "Please can we continue? You know how Addie named things. The Cape Cod house is for Dana . . ." He paused to take a breath. "Quote – in case Dana ever wants to settle down. And also she left a car, a Subaru, excellent traction for all weather. That will be for Siena unless you want to give it to Dana. Now, Addie claimed that these old houses were haunted, but I don’t have verification on that." He tried, unsuccessfully, not to smile.

  "That sounds so like her." Siena smiled at Roberta. "If Aunt Addie thinks there are ghosts, I'm sure they're friendly."

  "The car is parked in Claire Fairchild’s garage. Probably needs some minor work before it’s movable, but I’m sure it’s in good shape."

  "Wow, this is surprising," Siena said. "I don't think either of us considered this kind of inheritance from Aunt Addie. Thank you very much, Phillip."

  "Oh, I'm not finished. There's another house that Addie called the ‘queen’s lace house’ on Blueberry Lane. Has that decorative stuff around the eves."

  "Gingerbread?" Roberta said. "Like Claire's house?"

  "Yes, that's it." He smiled slightly. "You’ll see that they’re all very nice properties. They are historic houses and date to the 1860’s." He paused again. "I have documents to that effect, listing the original owners. They're rented right now, but when you take possession, you can do whatever you want with them."

  "So Phillip, what about the 'queen's lace house'? Who gets it?"

  "That one is for you, Siena. But there's more," he continued. "Are you familiar with the old fishery warehouse? Building’s not worth much, but the property’s good. Right on the bay."

  "That old thing with the falling down pier?" she giggled nervously. She and Zach had walked there when they found his father’s wrecked boat nearby.

  "And there is a vacant lot. Very nice location, around the other side of the lake."

  Siena just sat there in shock as he listed properties.

  Phillip continued. "Of course, you Siena will have access to Addie's bank accounts and investments. I’ll give you documents to take to the bank. You will be pleased."

  She blinked, barely able to take it all in. "Phillip, are you sure about all this?"

  "Absolutely. This is all legal and legitimate. I took care of it myself."

  "How? I mean, why? Aunt Addie lived so frugally, we all thought she was living on a thread of income."

  "Obviously, she could have lived better," he said. "She could have closed her shop and moved to Florida. She could have done a lot of things to make her life easier."

  "But that wasn't the Down East way," Roberta said. "Like Claire, they both had more means than they revealed."

  "They cared about the people of Haven's Point," Siena said simply.

  "Furthermore," Phillip continued, "As the wife and only heir to Luciano Santioli, the world renowned artist, she inherited everything he created. She lived frugally, well within her means. And I guess she just wanted to hang out with her friends here in Haven’s Point. Who can say? Addie chose to live her own lifestyle." He placed his hands on the mahogany desk. "One more thing, Siena."

  Siena put her hand to her head."What else?"

  "You are to share ownership of the 'queen's lace house' with one Sierra Summerfield."

  "What? I don't even know this Sierra."

  "My understanding from Dana Summerfield is that
she is your sister, not hers."

  "My sister? I don't have – " Siena halted. What in hell was going on here?

  "Apparently this is something that Addie wanted you to know. And she chose this way to tell you."

  "But how, why? Why didn't Dana – " But Siena knew that Dana couldn't. "Where is this Sierra?"

  "We don't know yet. Still trying to reach her."

  "What happened to her?"

  "That's something to discuss with Dana."

  "Oh you bet I will." Siena felt slightly dizzy – this whole thing was crazy. Totally and completely nuts, like her mother. She couldn’t understand, believe - grasp - what he was saying. As the truth began to sink in, Siena broke down and cried. Right there in Phillip Fairchild’s office. It was embarrassing. "I'm sorry," she sniffled.

  Roberta patted her shoulder. "Sometimes Siena, you just have to let go."

  Phillip was nice and offered a box of tissues. He asked his secretary to bring Siena and Roberta little glasses of chardonnay. "I can tell you’re surprised by all this. Everybody reacts differently, but tears are normal. I don't always serve wine, but sometimes inheritors need a little celebration. When you’re ready, I’ll drive you around town and show you your properties."

  Siena dabbed her eyes and took a sip. Then, another.

  "Now, this paper will give you permission to access her bank accounts. Just give it to the officer –"

  Siena blinked back tears. "Fair Bank of Haven’s Point?"

  "That’s one of them. There are two other banks. In Portland and Freeport. I think she had some considerable accounts and wisely spread her finances around."

  More tears.

  Finally Siena looked up and wiped her drippy nose. "Is Rich Fairchild your brother?"

  "My cousin."

  "In spite of your weird family, you’re really an all-right guy, Phillip."

  He laughed. "I guess we can all claim a little weirdness in our families."

  Siena felt stronger by the minute. "I can hardly wait to see Rich. And hand him this piece of paper." She raised her chin and smiled. "I’m ready to take that drive now. And see all our properties." She put her arm around Roberta's shoulders. "Come along, Roberta. We're going to have some fun, which is what Aunt Addie would want."


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