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Western Seduction (The Seduction Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Brenda Jernigan

  “So sad,” Shannon said.

  Travis shook his head, “When I first arrived, I could tell right away that Luke had changed. He had a light in his eyes once again.” Travis smiled. “And you’re the reason.”

  Shannon shrugged. Had she made a difference in Luke? She would like to think so. Her thoughts filtered back to the day she’d met him. He definitely wasn’t happy then. So maybe they had made progress since she wasn’t on a coach heading back to New Orleans. She smiled, feeling a little better.

  Luke found Molly face down on the bed crying. Her dirty blonde hair spread over her arms hid the child’s face, but the sniffles could be heard. He entered her room and closed the door behind him.

  After easing down on the side of the bed, he placed his right hand on Molly’s back. “Why are you crying?” Luke asked softly

  She raised a tear-streaked face to him. “I--I don’t want her for a mother.”



  Luke reached over and took her small hand in his. “That really isn’t much of a reason. Do you think Shannon will replace your mother?”

  Molly nodded.

  “I thought so, but no one can ever replace your mother. She was a very special woman, and I knew her a lot longer than you did.” He squeezed Molly’s hand. “Your mother would be disappointed in the way you are acting.”

  Molly wiggled her hand from his, then sat up straighter and rubbed her eyes. “She would? Why?”

  “Because she would want someone else to come into your life to show you how to be a lady.”

  “I don’t wanna to be no lady.”

  “You will one day, and there are certain things that I can’t do for you that Shannon can,” he paused. “Besides, I thought you liked her?”

  “She’s all right.”

  “Well, now you won’t have any more nannies, so there won’t be any changes in your life from now on, and we’ll be a family again.”

  When he didn’t receive any comment, Luke continued, “I’m going to have to go away for a few days with Uncle Travis. I want you to behave while I’m gone. Shannon has been hurt and needs your help.

  Molly threw her arms around his neck. “I don’t want you to go, Pa.”

  “I don’t want to go either, sweetheart, but it’s necessary to keep everyone safe. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  Later that night when Shannon and Luke were alone, they lay in bed talking, a candle burned low beside the bed.

  “I hate I’ll have to leave you so soon, but I feel it’s something I have to do. We cannot stay under Mexico’s rule much longer,” Luke said. He slipped his arm around her and pulled her next to him.

  Shannon’s hand rested flat on Luke’s chest. This felt so comfortable and right, she thought. She tilted her head back so she could look up at his strong face. “’Tis necessary. Back home we felt the same aboot the English. They were always tellin’ us what we could and couldn’t do. Ye needn’t be worryin’, we’ll be here when ye return.”

  She moved slightly so she could see Luke. She couldn’t quit staring at him, remembering how it felt when she’d kissed him. She felt a ripple of excitement. His brown hair was slicked back away from his hard features, and his eyes appeared like embers in the candlelight. The smoldering flame she saw in his gaze startled her, and for once he wasn’t hiding his feelings. She was filled with a strange inner-excitement because his nearness made her senses spin.

  She laid her head back on his chest, her fingers making small circles on his chest. Luke was so big and strong and disturbing in every way. She was well aware of the muscles beneath her fingertips. A profound longing to reach over and taste his lips consumed her. But all this was new to her. She wanted Luke to make the first move to show that he really cared for her.

  Luke watched the way Shannon’s hair floated around her shoulders. The soft flesh beneath his hands promised the woman he held was indeed his wife. How many years had he been without the company of a woman? He could feel an invisible web of attraction building between them, so powerful that his skin tingled.

  He tilted her chin so he could see her face more clearly. Was that desire he saw flash in her eyes? The knowledge that she experienced the same feelings that he did, felt like a prairie fire sweeping over him, causing him to harden and throb. He couldn’t stop himself from rubbing his thumb back and forth across her lips. She was drawing him to her just like a thirsty animal to water.

  He bent his head, his mouth mere inches from hers. “I want to make love to you Shannon,” Luke whispered. “Is your foot too sore? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Dinna worry aboot my foot, Luke Griffin. I want ye too,” she murmured as her arms snaked around his neck.

  The small gesture and her admission pushed Luke completely over the edge. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered he’d said something about going slow. Slow was the furthest thing from his mind. He pulled Shannon up to him, their naked bodies fitting perfectly as he kissed the side of her neck. Hot skin next to hot skin.

  “You really don’t know what you’re doing to me,” he murmured as he trailed kisses up her chin.

  He felt Shannon tremble as he tenderly kissed her earlobe. Her back was smooth. Her skin silky. He’d never felt anything so soft . . . so inviting. Her breast crushed next to his chest were much too tempting, he thought as his lips sought hers. The sweetness of Shannon’s mouth caused him to groan. His tongue stroked and caressed hers until Shannon responded with a passion of her own, feeding his hunger. “You make me forget everything.”

  She looked at him and whispered, “Ye are the bravest mon I’ve ever met, Luke Griffin.” She nibbled the side of his mouth as she added. “Ye now have a family that loves ye verra much.”

  Her words would remain in Luke’s mind forever, as would her scent. It seemed to fill his soul. Luke finally felt that we was beginning a new life, and he could put the past behind him.

  Shannon desperately wanted to learn how to please Luke. When she touched her tongue to his, instinct told her she was doing something right because she felt him shiver slightly. As her tongue tangled with his, Luke’s hand slid up the side of her breast, covering it possessively. He outlined the tip of her breast with his finger.

  His mouth left hers. Ever so slowly, he lowered his head where his lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness. He fastened his mouth to her breast and began to suckle. A sudden heat swept over her and she moaned with pleasure. Embarrassed by her action, she had no time to dwell on the matter. His mouth vacated her breast. And then his tongue licked a hot path across her skin where his lips fastened around her other breast as his tongue teased her nipple. She was barely aware that his hand had moved lower until he touched her thigh, causing her to jump.

  “There shouldn’t be any pain this time,” Luke soothed. “It is only the first time that there is pain.”

  “Are ye sure?”

  “I’m sure,” Luke said.

  She relaxed and opened her legs for him. His fingers slid between her curls and began to massage her. Shannon arched against his hand. She tried to look into Luke’s eyes but he was trailing kisses down her stomach until his lips replaced his fingers and a jolt of pleasure shot through her, much stronger than before. She began to whimper for something . . . she wasn’t sure what. He was right this was different from the first time they had made love. She couldn’t help whispering his name, “Luke.”

  When she thought she could take no more, Luke recaptured her lips in a kiss like none before. His lips were demanding, and she tried to give back all she could.

  Luke had never known lovemaking could be this good. And it was taking every ounce of strength to hold back. He cursed himself for wanting her. But when she whispered his name, he was hurtled beyond a point of no return. Then he remembered Shannon was now his wife. Warmth of a different nature spread through him; marrying her had been the best thing he’d done in a long while.

  He positioned himself to enter he
r with a strong thrust only then did he feel her tightness just as she gasped. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Nay. ’Twas just a surprise.”

  Luke waited until her body had adjusted, but the heat filling his loins was so unbearable he needed to move again . . . slower . . . steady until Shannon began to move with him. She wrapped her legs around him and arched her hips so he could move freely. He’d found heaven.

  Shannon had lost complete control. Never feeling like this before, she marveled at the completeness she felt as Luke plunged one final time and shuddered at the same time she saw white lights exploding all around her. She savored the feeling of satisfaction, the shortness of breath and the happiness swelling within her.

  Luke collapsed against her, then rolled to the side, still keeping her within his arms, “We’re now officially married Mrs. Griffin,” he said huskily.

  She heard his hard breathing as she rubbed her hands up and down his back “I like the sound of that, Mr. Griffin, and I like it when ye hold me this way.”

  “I like it, too,” Luke admitted before he drifted off into a very peaceful sleep

  Chapter 14

  The sun peaked over the horizon as Luke and Travis rode out early before the rest of the household had begun to stir. Luke thought it would be easier on the children if there weren’t any tearful goodbyes. Besides, he wasn’t sure how long he would be gone and didn’t want to lie when they posed the question.

  Just as they rode up the small hill behind the ranch, Luke thought he saw something in the clump of trees that was a few yards away. He twisted in the saddle to get a better view.

  “What’s wrong?” Travis asked.

  “Nothing. Thought I saw something. Guess I’m not fully awake since I’m jumping at shadows this morning.”

  “I appreciate you leaving the children for this one mission,” Travis said. “Austin said he wants to take San Antonio, but some other towns need to be taken before he gets there.”

  “Have you actually joined the army?”

  “Didn’t have to. They’re using both enlisted men and volunteers. We—” Travis pointed to his chest. “--Are the volunteers.”

  “Are you going on to San Antonio afterwards?

  “Nope. I’ve been asked to join a ‘Corps of Rangers.’”

  Luke frowned. “Haven’t heard of them.”

  “Not surprised.” Travis replied. “They’re trying to get a group of men ... I guess you could call them lawmen who will protect against outlaws and Indians.”

  “Sounds like a good job for you. You never have liked staying in one place long.”

  “We’ve got a motto,” Travis said with a smile. “Ride like a Mexican . . . Trail like a Tennessean . . . And fight like the devil.”

  Luke chuckled. “That’s in the future. Let’s talk about the present. How many men do the Mexicans have?”

  “Seven hundred fifty last count.”

  Luke rubbed his chin. “Hmm, not sure I like those numbers. We’re still out numbered.”

  “True.” Travis nodded. “But smarter.”

  Luke laughed, feeling some of the tension ease from his neck. “Has it occurred to you the Mexicans are probably saying the same thing?”

  “Probably,” Travis admitted as he shifted in the saddle. “We’ll have that to consider when we get there. We have a good group of men so I’m not worried. Changing the subject, I’m glad you got married.”


  They rode around a ravine before straightening so they could ride side by side.

  “I think Shannon is a good choice and someone who can handle your children,” Travis said, but added. “As we know they can be a handful.”

  “I know.” Luke sighed. “It’s my fault. I let them run wild after their mother died.” He slowed his house to a trot since they had been moving at a good pace for a couple of hours. “I kind of hate leaving Shannon on crutches. Let’s hope she’s still there when we return.”

  “You know it’s bad when you have to marry the nanny to keep her.” Travis smiled.

  “Oh shut up,” Luke snapped. “You do know one of these days you’re bound to get married, settle down, and then I’m going to rib you to no end.” Luke wasn’t going to put up with his brother needling him. “By the way, where are we going?”

  “Gonzales. Maybe Mission Concepción,” Travis replied. He pointed. “See that rider up yonder under the oak tree?”

  Luke peered up ahead and sure enough there was someone mounted on his horse sitting under a tree. He appeared to be waiting for them. “Yep.”

  “It’s Deaf Smith. He’ll tell us where we’re needed.”


  “Erastus Smith. He’s kind of hard of hearing so remember to speak loud. He’ll ride with us the rest of the way.”

  “Are the rest of the men afflicted?” Luke asked with an arched brow, imagining the ragtag army he’d yet to meet ... one couldn’t hear . . . one couldn’t see . . . another couldn’t walk. Yep, this battle would be a cinch.”

  “Nope. Believe it or not Deaf Smith is the best damn tracker around,” Travis told him as they slowed their mounts.

  “Howdy folks,” Deaf said with a slow drawl. “You ready to ride?” A medium built man with a high forehead and a copious nose, Deaf’s brick-colored hair gave him a warm, friendly appearance.

  “Deaf.” Travis motioned toward Luke. “This is my brother, Luke.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Deaf gave a quick nod. “Let’s get the lead out. Don’t want to get caught by the Mexicans. There’s a water hole up ahead. We can stop there, water the horses, then I’ll answer your questions.”

  They rode at a good clip each man lost in his own thoughts. The land was flat and they could make good time. The sun had broken through the clouds taking away the morning chill.

  Finally a small stream came into view, and they halted the horses to give them a rest and to get water.

  Travis dismounted. “We still going to Gonzales?”

  “Nope,” Deaf said, then spit out a stream of tobacco juice. “We took that one with eighteen men.”

  “No shit,” Travis said.

  Luke added, “Impressive.”

  “Yep. Didn’t believe it myself. Got that gol-dang old cannon back too,” Deaf said with a twinkle in his eye. “And you know it’s the damnedest thing. They stitched a wedding dress into a flag bearing a black cannon and the words ‘Come and take it’, then hung it on the front of the cannon so everyone could see.”

  “Did we have any cannonballs?” Travis asked.

  “Nope. Shot pieces of scrap metal,” Deaf said with a laugh. “Heard tell that they’re callin’ it the first shot of the Texas Revolution.”

  “Any casualties?” Luke asked Deaf.

  “Nope not a one.”

  Luke nodded and said, “Let’s hope our luck continues, so it’ll be a short war.”

  Mounting once again, the three men rode through hills dotted with mesquite trees and scrub brush. They had only ridden about an hour when Luke spoke up again, “Well, I’ll be damned if it isn’t George.”

  Up ahead standing next to his horse was their third brother, George. George’s head snapped up as the group approached.

  “Well look what the dogs dragged up,” George said with a smile. He was the oldest of the three, and shorter by a head than the other two.

  Luke and Travis dismounted and gave their brother a hug.

  “Damn, it’s good to see you,” Luke said. “It’s been too long.”

  “Glad you could join us,” Travis chimed in, and then turned to Deaf. “Deaf, this is our older brother George. I told him what we were going to do, but never expected him to show up.

  “Damn glad you did, boy. We need as many as we can get.” Deaf leaned down and shook George’s hand. “Looks like the Griffin boys are well represented. Any more of ya?”

  “Just the three of us.” Luke removed his hat and slapped it on his leg to remove the dust. “It’s been a long haul since the three of us
have been together. Ashamed it has to be in a battle.”

  “Like I said, it’s good to have you, however, you three need to quit jaw-jacking and let’s ride before the next skirmish starts without us,” Deaf told them. “Ya’ll can catch up tonight when we camp. Let’s ride.”

  Hefting himself back into the saddle, Luke snatched up the reins and followed after the others, his thought churning at something Deaf had said earlier. According to Deaf they should reach the mission late tomorrow. And Luke found he was anxious to get this over with and return home. A small fact that really surprised him. He missed Shannon.

  True to Deaf’s word, it was nearing dusk when they arrived at the Mission Concepción. The whitewashed walls of the mission seemed to have risen up from the brown dirt that surrounded it. However they didn’t stop at the mission but rode a little ways to what appeared to be a group of men already gathered. Deaf had told them while they were riding that Jim Bowie would be leading this attack.

  There he was up ahead. “Gentleman. Glad you could join us. I’m Jim Bowie. Our other division will be commanded by Fannin.” Bowie nodded toward them and immediately turned to Deaf. “Deaf, you need to go and scout the Mexicans, so we know what we’re up against. Grab a fresh horse then head on out.”

  Luke had heard stories of Jim Bowie, but had never met him. The man was famous for his famed “Bowie Knife” – it was a one-edged blade that was so perfectly balanced it could be thrown twenty feet and kill a man on the spot.

  Bowie was an Indian-fighter who hailed from Tennessee. Yet here he was helping the Texas cause. Maybe the man just enjoyed fighting and that was what brought him to Texas. No matter the reason, Luke was glad to have an experienced leader.

  After Deaf had ridden off, Bowie turned to the others. “Welcome to Mission Concepción. We arrived yesterday and setup in that horseshoe-shaped gully over there. We will be on one end and Fannin’s men on the other.” He pointed. “Go ahead and get yourself a good position. We’ll know more when Deaf reports back.” Bowie rubbed the back of his neck. “Doubt that anything will happen before morning, so relax while you can. Let me know if you need anything.


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