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Western Seduction (The Seduction Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Brenda Jernigan

  The duke had never mentioned he had children, and quite frankly, Brooke couldn’t blame Travis for being angry, not only with his father, but at her. She knew what it was like to be shunned by a parent, but that didn’t mean Travis’s disappointment would make her give up her one great chance at happiness.

  She watched him from beneath her lashes as he poured the drinks. His white linen shirt pulled across his back when he reached for the crystal decanter. A tall man . . . taller than most, he was rough, arrogant, brash as nearly all Americans were, but so intriguing that he held her attention, which was something Brooke couldn’t say about most men.

  His sun-streaked hair emphasized the darkness of his bronzed skin, and his strong features seem to draw her to him without his ever opening his mouth. And it was not a good thing. She didn’t want any part of Travis Montgomery. She was finished with men, especially those trying to control her.

  Travis handed her a glass of sherry then took his seat.

  This is more what I’d had in mind, Brooke mused as she accepted the glass, someone to do my fetching.

  Mr. Jeffries drank his Scotch. He looked like he needed it more than anyone. He sighed, then, once again, he gathered up the papers in front of him and began to read. “I, Jackson Montgomery, being of sound mind, do hereby bequeath my New Orleans plantation to Brooke Hammond and to my son, Travis Montgomery, equally in hopes that, together, they can run the plantation successfully. If, after one year they have not married, one of them wishes to leave the plantation, then one may buy the other out.

  “It is my hope that the Montgomery name will be carried on by my heirs, therefore, my other estates will be held in a trust for the birth of my first grandson. That’s correct, Travis. I can see your frown now. Even though I spent little time with you, I did give you my last name, and when you were grown, I provided a place for you and your mother to live. I will have you do two things: first you are to throw a party within two weeks of the reading of my will to announce Brooke Hammond to her neighbors. I wish I could give you my title, but since I was not married to your mother that is impossible. However knowing you, I’m sure you could care less about a title.

  “Secondly, I want you to do the proper thing by marrying and having children so that the name Montgomery will continue forward. Brooke will make you a perfect wife and bring the estates to you just that much faster along with money. Be nice to her.” Jefferies finished, took a deep breath, then added, “There is one exception.”

  Brooke’s head jerked around. “What?” she snapped at Mr. Jeffries. “I have no desire to marry this man or any other man. It’s simply out of the question.”

  “I don’t recall asking you to marry me,” Travis snapped, his words uncoiling like a whip. “It sounds more like you had my father hoodwinked,” Travis said. He jerked his gaze away from her back to the solicitor. “What was the exception that you mentioned?”

  Jackson took a drink. He looked pale. “If my son chooses to marry someone else and has a son, or his wife is expecting before or by the end of the working arrangement, then he doesn’t have to buy Brooke out. The plantation will be his alone and a small sum will be provided for Brooke to travel where she chooses to live. If there is no baby then the original buyout stands.”

  “Of all the sneaky underhanded deals”-- Travis shoved away from the table.-- “he knew damn well the Moss Grove cannot survive without income from his other estates. Now he wants to dictate my life to the point of when I have to produce an heir. I’m surprised that he didn’t live long enough that he could actually be in the bedroom to witness the consummation.”

  “It is my opinion that Jackson hoped you’d both see things differently,” Mr. Jeffries said before Brooke could respond. “Perhaps, with a little time . . .” He paused when he received a withering glare from Travis, but he proceeded anyway. “After all, the two of you have only just met.”

  “This isn’t at all what I had in mind,” Brooke said awkwardly. “I’ve traveled a long way to find that I might not have a home.” She cleared her throat. “I doubt that time will help anything.”

  “Exactly what did you have in mind, Miss Hammond?” Travis inquired, his brow raised. He didn’t wait for her to answer. “I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, your highness,” he continued. “How do you think I feel? It’s been my sweat that has gone into pulling this plantation out of ruins.”

  Travis stood, his hands braced on the polished, cherry wood table. He glared at her. “But I will tell you one thing, Miss Hammond. I do not intend to have you interfering with the operation of this plantation. Since my father has so conveniently tied up his money, there is nothing to fall back on. If we don’t make this harvest of sugarcane a success, then I--we will lose Moss Grove, and you’ll be part owner of nothing. Do I make myself clear?”

  It was as if he’d thrown ice water in her face, snapping her out of her stupor. Brooke shoved her chair back so quickly it teetered on two legs. She shot him a cold look. “Perfectly!” she spat. “Now, let me tell you something. You might not like this any more than I do, but I intend to make the best of this untenable situation by making this harvest a success.”

  He sneered. “And what do you know about sugarcane?”

  “Not much,” Brooke admitted when she really wanted to say, That it’s a hell of a lot sweeter than you! “But I can learn.”

  “Then you had better learn fast, Miss Hammond, because harvest time is upon us.”

  “It’s Mrs. Hammond,” Brooke informed him, the lie rolling easily off her tongue with ease.

  He lifted a brow in surprise. “And where is Mr. Hammond? Or do I still have more surprises to come?”

  “Dead, I’m afraid,” Brooke answered quickly, her eyes cutting to Mr. Jeffries to see if he’d dispute what he knew wasn’t true. Back on the ship, Brooke had decided the minute she sailed from the English shores that she’d pose as a widow, so she wouldn’t have to explain why she was no longer virgin, if and when the time came.

  Brooke noticed that Travis didn’t bother to express his condolences, but she was quickly learning that the exasperating man was nothing like the Englishmen she’d known. It appeared as if he wasn’t going to say anything at all. Apparently, he was waiting for her to speak first. Fine. She’d make an attempt at being pleasant.

  “Since we are partners, Travis, why don’t you call me by my given name, Brooke.” He was beginning to make “Miss Hammond” sound like a swear word.

  “That would mean we were friends, Mrs. Hammond,” Travis said, then dismissed her completely by turning his attention to Mr. Jeffries. “My father didn’t know, but I’m engaged to be married. My fiancée and my mother have traveled north to buy Hesione’s trousseau.”

  “So that’s where all the plantation money went,” Brooke concluded accusingly.

  Travis glared at her as if he couldn’t believe that she’d dared to interrupt him. Was his fiancée a meek little mouse who jumped at the chance to please him? “Not that it’s any of your concern, but Hesione comes from a very wealthy Creole family is therefore very wealthy on her own part. However, what money I have isn’t enough to pull the plantation through another bad year.”

  He swung back to Jeffries. “As I was saying, we can be married upon her return, and I’m sure an heir will be forthcoming.”

  Over my dead body! Brooke wanted to shout, but she held her tongue instead. She had been startled by Travis’s marriage announcement. She was hoping for some kind of working relationship with the ill-tempered man. It seemed that there were obstacles to surmount everywhere she turned.

  However, this fiancée made matters even more urgent. As soon as what’s-her-name returned, Brooke had no doubt that Travis would move quickly to marry the woman. She wondered if he really loved this person, or just her money. Brooke couldn't imagine him in love with anyone. He seemed too cold, almost dead on the inside.

  Of course, Brooke had sworn to herself that she would never marry, but if marriage meant keeping the home she’d just be
en given, then she would have to reconsider the situation because she had nowhere to go. And she certainly didn’t wish to take up the profession she’d left so far behind her. This plantation was her hope, her salvation, and her future.

  Brooke wasn’t sure how she was going to accomplish the task, but somehow she had to seduce Travis into marrying her before his intended returned. Of course, she had skills and knowledge in the ways to seduce men, but if Travis was truly committed to Hesione, she would have a difficult task of it.

  Perhaps, as so many men did, he could be persuaded to stray if he were away from home. With the harvest approaching, she figured she’d never get him to leave the plantation.

  Still, she had to think of something.

  It would have to be a marriage of convenience . . . her convenience.

  She watched as Travis shook Mr. Jeffries’s hand. So many possibilities ran through her mind, frustration among them. She had thought all her struggles were behind her, but it seemed that nothing had changed. Her future still depended on the will of a man.

  Brooke had promised herself that the moment she’d left the ship everything in the past would stay there and she’d start anew. She had been determined to make her life happy and satisfying. Now, there was one thing standing in her way.

  Travis Montgomery.

  Brooke sighed. The seduction of Travis Montgomery could prove a real challenge. Her subject didn’t look as if he would cooperate in the least. Where men usually were fumbling all over her, telling her how beautiful she was -- words she’d learned to ignore -- Travis had barely given her a second glance. His scowl when he did bother to look at her was hot enough to burn. Now all she had to do was turn those fires of anger into embers of desire.

  A slow smile touched Brooke’s lips. Since when wasn’t she up for a good challenge? Her entire life had been a challenge. Any sensible woman with common sense would pick up her skirts and run away.

  The problem was, Brooke wasn’t sensible.

  When she was through with Travis Montgomery, he wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Travis headed for the door, but Brooke wasn’t finished with him. “Are you going to show us to our rooms, or do I get to chose whichever room I prefer? The master suite, perhaps?” She knew she was being catty, but for some odd reason Travis brought out her need to provoke him. Perchance, she just wanted to see some unguarded emotion in him other than the frosty facade he had, thus far, presented.

  Travis didn’t answer her. Instead, he jerked the door open and shouted, “Mammy!”

  That’s how he called his mother? Brooke wondered. How rude. No, wait. Hadn’t he just said his mother was elsewhere?

  Just a moment passed, and a heavyset black woman appeared at the door. “Oui, Mr. Travis. What you bellowin’ about so early in the day?”

  All right, so Mammy was the housekeeper, but with the odd name, Brooke wondered if this was the woman who had helped to rear Travis?

  Poor woman.

  “Please show our guests to their rooms.” Travis paused, then added, “And Mrs. Hammond will be staying permanently. Make certain that her room is at the opposite end of the hall from mine.”

  Well, the line had been drawn, Brooke thought with strange satisfaction.

  Travis was making it utterly clear that he wanted no part of her. He didn’t bother to glance her way one final time, and his expression was just as distant as it had been all day.

  Brooke arched a delicate brow to acknowledge him, but remained silent. She knew too well that words could be used against her. It was best to remain silent and make him wonder. She well knew that Travis would do everything in his power to drive her off the plantation, but Brooke Hammond had no intention of leaving.

  She tilted her chin stubbornly upward and smiled to herself as she watched him leave.

  Well, Travis Montgomery . . . I’d like to see you try.

  About the Author

  I hope you enjoyed Shannon’s story and look forward to the next story in the series. I thought many of you might like to see a chapter of SOUTHERN SEDUCTION so I have enclosed the second chapter and hope you enjoy. The first chapter was woven into Shannon’s story. If you would like to keep in touch here are my links. And as always...thank you. I love to hear from readers -

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  Also by Brenda Jernigan

  The Ladies Series






  The Misfit Series








  THE MISFITS - box set

  STORMY PASSION - box set

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