Book Read Free


Page 1

by stacey-leanne


  Several car doors slammed shut in almost perfect unison, out in the street the flashing blue lights illuminated the row of houses. I sat perfectly still feeling the blood drying in the cracks of my hands, my back pressed against the wall. Everything was quiet for a moment. The black metal of the gun rested between the arches of my feet, cold and unrelenting I stared at it. I’d kicked off my shoes, the white leather on them speckled with crimson, laces blotted, but noticed only now the fine dusting that had reached up my ankle. I rubbed at it, black in the neon blue light and it crumbled away from my skin. Downstairs I heard the boom of the front door being levered off its hinges, followed by the shout’s from the police announcing their presence. Pounding feet in heavy shoes flooded up the staircase, opening doors before reaching the bedroom where I sat silently, torches shone into my face, white light encasing my tearstained features. I looked up but was blinded, the glowing orbs piercing my eyes. I slowly placed my hands atop my head, my heart beat drummed in my ears, a slow thud louder than all the noise. It was over now, nothing would be the same.

  A whisper of autumn wind rippled the lace netting that hung across the square box window, the ivory curtain billowed into the room before falling flat once more. The walls were painted a sickly peach colour, a gaudy border plastered with flowers skirting the middle, peeling and ripped in places. I stared at my hands again, the faint yellow outline of bruising edged down my wrist from under the shiny polyester sleeve of my suit jacket, I tugged at the material feeling it hitch uncomfortably across my shoulders.

  “It won’t be long now love.” My husband, the optimist. I glanced upwards at him noting the empty look that glazed his eyes as he stared at the royal blue carpet beneath his boots, he chewed his bottom lip the motion tugged the coarse auburn hairs on his chin up and down. Twelve years together and never in all that time, through so many highs and lows had he felt like a stranger until now. I sighed and returned my eyes to my hands. It seemed an eternity before the heavy wooden door was pushed open allowing in the rumble of sound from the corridor beyond, a man stood clutching a clipboard to his chest.

  “Rebecca Taylor?” He queried checking the piece of paper which was clamped to the board.

  “Yes.” Chris, my husband, answered for me.

  “They’re ready to come back in now.” He smiled weakly and held the door open wider.

  “Ok?” Chris asked as he stood from his seat looking at me nervously. My mouth felt dry, my legs suddenly heavy I merely nodded grasping his outstretched hand and rising to my feet.

  “Court room two.” The clerk instructed pointing to his left. We moved along through the crowd of people who were streaming in various directions talking loudly on mobile phones or flicking through reams of paper as they walked, high heels clacking on the tiled floor. I stayed close to Chris, his six foot four towering form, broad shouldered with dish plate hands parted the crowd with ease. A large white sign was stuck to the wall with a black arrow stating ‘Court 2’, outside it a set of seats were screwed into the wall, I faltered in my step seeing a familiar heavily made up face glaring in my direction.

  “There she is. The liar!” The woman stood sharply, her arms folding across her chest she was joined by two other women who mirrored the venom in her stare. Chris stepped across me pressing me to the opposite side of the corridor.

  “They shouldn’t be able to come near her.” He hissed at the clerk.

  “It’s fine let’s just go in please.” I mumbled.

  “Yeah, you should stare at the floor slut!” The woman barked making me look up, a wave of anger flooding my body. I stared at her, platinum blonde hair bobbed at the neck, heavy blue eye shadow with curling false lashes, bucket loads of fake tan and bright red lipstick. “Something to say?” She almost laughed.

  “Come on.” Chris wrapped his arm around my waist ushering me through the doors into the quiet of the court. I shuffled quickly into a row of padded seats positioned under the upper balcony, out of sight of the family and friends, the judge was already in his chair scanning paperwork which had been placed before him.

  “It will just be a few moments before the jury come in, can I get you anything?” The clerk asked in a whisper. Chris looked at me and I shook my head.

  “No we’re good thanks.” He said his deep voice painfully loud amongst the silence.

  I placed my hands up to my face resting my elbows upon my knees and closed my eyes.

  “Becky!” Yvonne, my ward manager, jogged up the corridor towards me her black pumps squeaking against the grey tiles, she pushed her glasses up her nose and stopped in front of me her hand resting on her waist. “We need you back in A and E.” She said apologetically.

  “I was due to finish an hour ago!” I moaned, my locker keys limp in my hand.

  “I know Hun, I’m sorry but we have a bus load of rugby lads who’ve come in from a crash and we’re swarmed.” She placed her hands on my shoulders. “Please!” She begged.

  “You know I won’t say no.” I scolded lightly.

  “I love you.” She grabbed my face and kissed my head forcefully. “Can you take bay one to three please?” She turned heel and disappeared back towards a ward labelled minors.

  I followed behind her reaching up and retying my dark hair into a bun. The ward was manic, nurses battling drunk hulks of men who were singing and trying to waltz with them whilst dripping blood from various wounds, sneaking gulps of gas and air from one bed bound comrade who had a suspected broken leg.

  “If you do not sit down and be quiet I will call in the police!” Yvonne roared her round face red and wobbling as she span in a circle. “This is a hospital not a bloody sports field.” There were a few catcalls and murmurs that faded away quickly under the glare of the nurses, but the men retreated hastily. I suppressed a smile and grabbed a chart for bed one scanning the notes, concussion, head wound in need of stitching, glass fragments in lower left arm needing removal and stitching, I swung into a narrow room lined with shelves, pulled across a metal tray on wheels and reached for the equipment I needed.

  Pulling aside the blue diamond checked curtain I pushed the trolley ahead of me and entered the cubicle.

  “I’m Nurse Taylor, is it Ben?” I asked smiling lightly. The man lying on the bed smiled back and nodded gingerly, a stained bandage wrapped around his head making his brown hair poke upwards in a giant tuft.

  “Ok Ben well I’m here to stitch up and clean these cuts of yours.” I said gently unwinding the bandage from over his ears.

  “I hope you have a steady hand.” He laughed, his voice eloquent clipped English.

  “Yes luckily for you I do.” I replied reaching for the cotton wool swabs to clean the gash that stretched up into his hair line.

  “You’re married?” He asked. I paused unsure of how best to respond.

  “Yes I am.” I replied placing the used crimson dipped balls into a cardboard kidney dish.

  “I noticed the ring.” He added.

  “Oh.” I prised the edges of the cut together with one gloved hand and adjusted the needle with the other. “This may hurt a little but try to stay as still as possible.” I pressed the tip into the flesh glancing at his blue eyes to check he wasn’t about to leap off the bed, but apart from a small grimace he didn’t move.

  “I’m not too bad with pain really, must be a perk of the sport you get used to being hurt.” He muttered.

  I moved onto his arm, carefully removing sparkling flakes of glass from a series of cuts until I was happy it was all clear.

  “Only one of these needs stitching the rest are superficial they will just need a dressing on and some TLC for a week or so.” I began pinching the skin together threading the needle carefully and neatly through both sides, he remained silent.
  “I’ll just go and get a few dressings is there anything else that you need looking at? Any other pain?” I gripped the edge of the trolley, he was staring at me his eyes slightly narrowed, piercing blue behind thick lashes.

  “No not that I’ve noticed.” He mumbled still staring.

  “Ok well I will be right back.” I pushed the trolley out and swung around the corner.

  “Everything ok?” Yvonne asked depositing a pair of gloves in a yellow topped bin and reaching for hand sanitiser.

  “Yeah.” I shrugged reaching for the dressings and returning to the cubicle.

  “Ok here we go.” I stopped. Ben was lying on the bed, he had removed his stained striped rugby shirt and was resting his arm across rippling stomach muscles gazing at me with a smug smile.

  “They are bringing spare kit in, these are covered in glass and blood.” He pointed at the shirt which he had thrown onto a chair.

  “Ok well let me just slap these on and then once you’ve seen the doctor I see no reason why you can’t go home.” I ripped open the dressing’s applying them hastily before turning to leave.

  “Hey.” A strong hand gripped my forearm.

  “You need to get off me!” I snapped pulling away in surprise.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you I just wanted to say thanks.” He had sat up releasing his grip.

  “It’s my job, you don’t need to thank me.” I recoiled my heart drumming in my chest and slipped through the curtain.

  “Yvonne?” She was talking lightly with another nurse.

  “Oh Rebecca we have just about got this under control if you want to clock off.” She said faking a faint.

  “Are you sure?” I asked even though I was praying that she was!

  “Yes get home to that gorgeous hubby of yours.” She patted my arm playfully. I smiled grateful to be able to leave and pulled the bobble from my hair allowing it to fall back around my shoulders realising some of the pressure building behind my eyes.

  A few minutes later, with my jacket on and rucksack flung over my shoulder I exited the building and headed towards the car park cutting across a flower border to save time passing dark narrow corridors between wings of the building I headed towards the far corner.

  “Hey.” The voice made me jump, dropping my keys onto the floor. Ben stood there, his dirty shirt creased with the rivets of dried blood, trainers pulled hastily on so the laces hung loosely out of the sides.

  “What are you doing out here?” I fumbled on the ground for my keys trying to keep him in my line of sight, every hair on the back of my arms and neck were on end something felt wrong.

  “I came after you silly.” He laughed his breath rasping slightly.

  “Is there something I can help you with? There are plenty of other nurses inside, I’m sure the doctor will clear you soon.”

  “I don’t need to see another nurse, I want to see you.” He smiled.

  “Well unfortunately I’m clocked off now and heading home so if you go back in….” He stepped forwards placing his palm against my mouth silencing me while forcing me back into the dark crevice between the buildings with his body. I struggled against him, he was shorter than Chris barely a few inches above my own height but his weight was unmoveable.

  “Why are you being like this? I saw the way you looked at me in there, its ok.” He pressed his lips against my ear his breath hot and fast smelt of alcohol. I kicked out as hard as I could but he merely grunted and grasping hold of my hair twisted strands tightly around his fingers spinning me sideways before smacking my head into the brick wall, he roughly held me up as I slumped forwards barely conscious.

  “See what you’ve done now? You’ve ruined your beautiful face.” Holding both of my wrists in one of his hands he shoved my arms above my head and began fumbling with the drawstring tie on my pants. I moved around trying desperately to pull away, tugging with as much strength as I could muster I managed to free one hand pressing myself away from the wall forcing him to stumble backwards slightly. A heavy blow to my ribs sent me crashing to my knees, I gasped drawing in shallow breaths as I was hoisted to my feet. His hand forced its way under my top tugging at the edge of my bra and pinching the skin hard. I felt his teeth graze the side of my neck, biting down, he shoved my hands higher grating my wrists against the bricks. I felt his weight against me, his heel kicking my leg aside, the air brushed against my skin. His breathing became faster, I struggled again but was met by another crunching blow into the wall. Minutes passed as I fell out of consciousness.

  “Ben! What are you doing?” A man’s voice hissed from nearby, I looked up through rapidly swelling eyelids and saw the outline of someone under the orange glow of the street lights positioned around the edge of the car park.

  “Fuck off mate.” Ben almost shouted.

  The man hesitated then stepped forwards and grabbed him by the shoulder.

  “This isn’t right, you need to get your head together and get back to the bus now. You know what would happen if you got arrested, you would lose everything.” The man said firmly. There was a pause where neither of them spoke, two silhouettes face to face outlined by the streetlights.

  “You need to forget you saw this.” Ben threatened, I spluttered on blood that was pooling from my broken lips, glancing upwards I flinched as a kick ripped into my stomach, I heaved with the pain as Ben laughed storming away out of sight. The other man shuffled from side to side his head spinning in different directions as he looked around, my eyes were beginning to close again a heavy fog falling across my mind as everything went quiet.

  A small door opened and a police woman stepped into a booth surrounded by glass followed by Ben Hewitt who stood solemnly his blue eyes wide, dressed impeccably in an iron grey suit. Beside me Chris tensed his teeth audibly grinding. To the left two rows of elevated pews overlooked the floor where solicitors stood stolidly, another door opened and in filed the men and women of the jury.

  I held my breath, my heartbeat drumming in my ears.

  “Has the jury reached a verdict on which you all agreed?” The judge asked in a booming voice. The spokeswoman stood up her face stern.

  “No.” She said, a muffled string of expletives could be heard from above.

  “Has the jury reached a verdict on which the majority did agree?” The judge wound his fingers tightly together and glanced in my direction.

  “Yes.” The woman said with a sigh.

  “On the charge of sexual assault how do you find the defendant?” He asked.

  “Not guilty.” A cheer erupted from the balcony, the room seemed to spin around me.

  “On the charge of actual bodily harm how do you find the defendant?”

  “Not guilty.” A further cheer rang out and Ben smiled eagerly upwards.

  “On the basis of the findings of the jury I find the defendant Mr Ben Hewitt not guilty of both charges, which means you are free to go.” The judge lowered his eyes to where I was sitting. “However, I must add that the attack on Mrs Taylor was very real and it is my own personal opinion that somebody who you may be acquainted with Mr Hewitt may know something about it.” He raised his eyes to the balcony which until now had contained whisperings of ‘liar’. “To those who are muttering, I repeat once more, this was a very real, very violent attack on a young woman who has endured enough suffering and most definitely does not require anymore. It is a huge shame, if not criminal that the forensic tests undertaken by the local police were somehow misplaced as I am sure with that evidence we would have been able to bring to justice the man responsible for this despicable act.” The judge glared at the police officers present.

  “Come on.” Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “This is bullshit lets go home.”


  “I’m ready to come back to work. More than ready actually.” I smiled eagerly, the three faces before me stayed stern behind the desk.

  “Mrs Taylor there is no doubt that you are a brilliant nurse, we just qu
estion whether given the severity of the….” He paused and looked to the suited woman on his right.

  “Ordeal.” She suggested helpfully.

  “Yes, ordeal, whether you are emotionally fit to come back to work in such a stressful environment.” He finished, placing his pen carefully against his paperwork.

  “Not to mention one that holds such bad memories for you.” The woman added folding her glasses and clipping open a case.

  “With all due respect those memories don’t fade regardless of where I am.” I snapped. I rubbed my temple with my fingers.

  “Look the truth is I can’t sit at home any longer, it’s been nearly three months, there’s only so much daytime TV that I can stomach. I love my job it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do, I’m good at it and I don’t deserve to have it taken from me for something that wasn’t my fault.” I finished lamely tears stinging my eyes.

  “Mrs Taylor would you mind waiting outside while we discuss this a little more.” The third man, younger than the rest, smiled encouragingly and stood up to cross the room and open the door. I filed out and sat in the corridor on one of the shiny plastic seats, trying desperately to catch a snippet of the conversation from the room in front of me. Two nurses walked past deep in conversation, their pale blue scrubs rustling as they moved, catching sight of me they smiled sympathetically, I tried my best not to scowl at the blatant show of pity. The attack had made mainstream news and although I hadn’t been named, everyone local knew it was me and now after the verdict the whispering and stares had gotten even worse. I ran a hand through the loose bit of hair that had fallen into my face and sighed.

  “Ok if you would like to come back in.” The young man had reappeared.

  “That was quick.” I mumbled as I retook my seat opposite the board.

  “So we have agreed that you should be allowed to come back to work.” The woman started, the tone of her voice implying she was less than happy about the decision. “However there are a few conditions.”


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