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The Binkle and the Catawampus Compass (Binkles and Magic)

Page 9

by Lynella, Faith [fantasy]

  “That advice scared Mella since even the bravest men in the village were too frightened to speak after going to his cave. But she loved her father so much that she put her fears aside and walked four days to the Python Healer’s cave.

  “The snake told her, ‘You’re a foolish girl who should be afraid of me, like all of the other people from your village.’

  “She answered, ‘I do fear you. But my love for my father speaks louder to me than my fears do.’

  “The python asked, ‘If your love is more powerful than your fear of me, would you let me wind myself around your body? (A python kills its victim by coiling around it and crushing the body to death; then it swallows it whole.)

  “She hesitated, but only for a moment. By letting the snake wrap himself around her, she proved she was more courageous than the brave men who ran from it. Mella carried the snake for four days back to her father, and the snake was able to cure him. Her father was grateful and praised both Mella and the snake. Then she carried the snake coiled around her another four days, all the way back to his cave.

  “At the snake’s cave, the Python Healer said, ‘Mella, you are both wise and brave. You’ve learned that courage and love are stronger than fear.’”

  Grikkl ended, “Jeep, I tell you such stories to show what’s possible when a person has enough courage to face their fears. Mella was even strong enough to build trust with a snake. It’s not a bad thing to have fears—if you can do what you know is right, anyway.”

  Chapter 10—


  Another time, Adah commented to Jeep, “Don’t be afraid of your emotions. Fear is just one of them. They’re your heart entering into the conversation. Into the experience. They add the color, the sparkle to life.”

  “But my emotions are so rotten, I don’t want to feel them. Better that I push them away.”

  “My dear boy. If you shut off your emotions, you shut them all off. Not just the yucky ones. You turn off the love and joy too. You’ve got a lot to learn about riding the emotional roller coaster. Life is not all ups—it can’t be.

  “But the downs don’t feel good. Better to shut them out,” insisted Jeep.

  “Don’t act surprised when I tell you the way out of ups and downs is binkles. They can turn a down into an up—or an up into a way-up. There are no yucky binkles. When your heart is happy, you forget about being miserable, or angry, or even annoyed. So downs won’t pull you down with it.”

  “Of course, your answer to everything. More binkles,” scoffed Jeep.

  “And why not, pray tell,” said Adah, with a waving finger. “Since it is.”

  “I’ll not argue with you—for a hug. I think I’m catching on how this works,” he winked.

  A day later Grikkl asked, “Want to go back to the Chamber of Ancient Wisdom?”

  “You bet! Hoping you’d ask. Only this time I’m going to explore in one place instead of leapfrogging all over.”

  As before, Cerberus led the way until they reached the rock walls that blocked the tunnel. Grikkl chanted at the first wall. The next time he blew the musical notes to move the rock wall aside. At the two wooden doors, Cerberus took charge. He sniffed, made low woofing sounds, and listened. Finally Cerberus laid down in front of the door to the right. Today, at least, that door was the safe one.

  But Jeep was shaken by the dog’s choice. While Cerberus was going through his routine, Jeep decided which door he’d choose if it were up to him. I chose is the wrong door! (Fortunately, only taken in my mind.) Without Cerberus I’d have taken The Door of No Return.

  Once inside the Chamber, Grikkl gestured for Jeep to follow him to a nook with works of art. Several elaborate tapestries hung upon the rock wall, each showing a unicorn.

  “Take a look at these, Laddie. You’ve probably seen unicorn pictures like them.”

  “Sure, I’ve seen unicorns before,” said Jeep, without much interest. “Are they real? To listen to Adah, you’d think so.”

  “Adah has known a few unicorns in her time, that’s true. The better question is whether or not they’re real for you.”

  “It’s just a horse with a horn.”

  “Not so, Laddie—not even close. Would it surprise you to know those tales about unicorns are actually about the power of binkles?”

  “How’s that?”

  “Glad you asked. That’s what we’re here to talk about.” The gnome and boy settled into their seats and Grikkl propped his feet on the nearby trunk.

  Grikkl’s tone and manner seemed like a history lesson. “The unicorn has appeared in folklore for thousands of years. It’s a symbol of supreme power, a power that’s sought by all. Those ancient tales are as dissimilar as the minds that wrote them. But as much as those tales differ, they all agree that the unicorn was powerful.

  “The creatures were a common symbol during the Middle Ages, when those tapestries over there were made. To be precise, the unicorn represents a blend of power and purity. And because of that, it was always in danger. Kings and soldiers tried to capture it in order to possess its remarkable strength. They didn’t understand that the unicorn can’t be controlled, not by weapons anyway. Its immense power cannot be taken by force. It can only be shared willingly. They didn’t realize where a unicorn’s power came from. Why it worked. So even if they did capture or kill that noble creature they still couldn’t gain the true source of its power.”

  “But wasn’t that a long time ago?”

  “True enough, Laddie. Even so, the unicorn matters to you today. It stands for binkle power as a living, potent force in the world. The maiden represents innocence and purity of spirit. She loves the unicorn. It loves her back—heart to heart. They make binkles together. Both of them are pure in heart. Together, they create a living force, a force for good. And just like it was back then, even today that power is still in peril.

  “Adah and I and unnamed others are devoted to protecting the binkle. I’m sad to say the days are dark, and evil forces once again threaten the world. A major conflict is near at hand. Many signs indicate that the evil ones are gaining strength.

  “Ancient people understood this wisdom about binkle power. But most of what was widely known has been lost except to those few who passed it on one person at a time. Like I’m doing now with you. The loss was sometimes accidental, but more often than not it happened because evil forces wanted it that way. There have always been wicked people whose power depends on this wisdom remaining forgotten.

  “Binkle power promotes goodness and provides protection against wickedness. When a person acquires enough of its special energy, it becomes impossible for them to be fooled by lies or liars, in any of their many forms.”

  Grikkl’s tone became grim. “So far, Jeep, you’ve been getting to know the gentler side of binkles. The fun of it. But there’s a darker side, too. Those who want to control binkle energy are ruthless. If they can’t control it, they’re just as willing to destroy it—like they did with the unicorn.”

  “But why? Who wouldn’t want binkles? They make me happy—they make everybody happy, don’t they.”

  “Yes, happiness... who wouldn’t want that?” Grikkl replied wistfully. “Believe me, there are plenty of people who get their pleasure from taking other people’s joy away. It’s a dark kind of power that doesn’t want joyful energy around.

  “When a person gets enough binkle energy on a regular basis they have more confidence. People without joy and energy are much easier to manipulate. So if someone wanted to control them, an easy way is to crush their spirits, make them weak. Now, can’t you see why wicked men want this knowledge to stay forgotten?”

  As Grikkl spoke his temper seemed to intensify. Jeep hadn’t seen Grikkl in such an agitated state before. Grikkl’s words trailed off with his mind far away, as he idly rubbed his foot. The silence was broken by a tormented cry. “Uuglash!” Jeep almost jumped out of his skin.

  “You must learn to recognize and fear Uuglash, Grikkl snarled. He’s pure evil—th
e face of your enemy and mine. He’s the killer of hope and joy, the destroyer of innocence and integrity. Evil, for the pleasure it gives him. But I’ll bet you’ve never even heard about him, have you?”

  Jeep shook his head, frightened by Grikkl’s angry outburst. “No, not unless he uses other names...”

  “Disguises, you mean. That he does. Lots of them. He keeps popping up in one form or another all through history. Bad things happen when he shows up—real bad. But if you look beneath the surface you’ll find Uuglash, alright—a force for pure hate. Power gone mad—that’s him.

  You don’t encounter Uuglash face to face often—he’s too smart for that. He has helpers—legions of them. He infects the minds of power-hungry thugs who are eager to do his bidding. It’s their foul names that history records. They take the credit as though their malice was something to be proud of. But behind them you’ll find Uuglash—if you know what to look for.”

  Each time Grikkl said “Uuglash” he snarled, and his anger went up another notch. “He’s real!—not just an old gnome ranting on. Not by a long shot. I can prove it, just so you know.”

  Grikkl’s feet still rested on the crate. He leaned forward and ever so slowly removed his left boot—suspense building all the while. Jeep bent over to better see what Grikkl was doing. When his sock came off, there it was—the awful evidence! Jeep gasped and looked away, both horrified and sickened.

  All Grikkl’s toes and half his left foot were gone!

  “Does it hurt?” Jeep couldn’t help asking.

  “The pain’s still there, Laddie, but it’s in my head—every time I think about him. Every time I see Uuglash’s mark on me. It was horrible—still is. Though it happened a hundred years ago. Whenever I look at my poor excuse for a foot it stings like a searing fire all over again—feels like it’s a fresh, bleeding wound.”

  “How did it happen?”

  “Just a moment’s inattention... I was lucky to escape at all.”

  Grikkl grimaced as he relived the horrible encounter in his memory. He sat in silence for several minutes. When he spoke again, his mood had brightened a bit. Not yet his usual self, but the dark mood was receding.

  “Hey, maybe I’m like Captain Hook—forever in pursuit of the one who lopped off my limb. Neither one of us can have peace while the other lives.”

  “But how...,” Jeep tried to ask again.

  “Not now, Laddie. Not here.” He glanced about the chamber, which was a tangible monument to the binkle’s might against the foes of goodness. Let’s stop a while. You go explore. Poke around in the loot around here. Bound to be more entertaining than listening to me reliving ancient history.”

  As much as Jeep wanted to look around, it didn’t feel right to leave Grikkl by himself just then.

  “Another time. Better I sit here with you.”

  “That’s alright, Laddie. I’ll be back to myself in a few minutes. Don’t worry about ’ole Grikkl. I’ve lived with this a long time. Go on.”


  Jeep headed straight to an enormous pile that looked like loot from sunken treasure-laden ships. It must have been underwater a long time because barnacles and crusted deposits covered much of it. The heavy wooden chests overflowed with gold. Some was in bars or coins, but even more of it was cast into delicate jewelry and statues in olden times. Jeep asked if it was pirate treasure.

  “Aye, Laddie, pirates stole it but they didn’t get to keep it.”

  Grikkl described fearsome sea battles in which the pirates were defeated. “Brave captains turned the tide against those vicious, blood-thirsty beasts who preyed on sailing ships. Many ships were sunk on both sides—so much life lost. The treasure is all that’s left. Those perilous times make for a distressing tale, though one overflowing with bravery and honor. What you’re digging through is more than a king’s ransom, for sure.”

  “But if their ships were lost, how’d their treasure end up here? Who lived to tell about it?”

  “Why, it was the mermaids and mermen themselves who saw it all. The People of the Deep passed the word to those they trusted. Otherwise, no human would ever have learned what happened. Dangerous battles spread over years. Wreckage of it was far apart, littered across the ocean floor.

  “Now, I’m not one to criticize, but usually you can’t expect much from mermaids when there’s work to be done. They’re happy just to drift along on the sea currents and sing their wattery songs. But they offered to bring up this whole lot of stuff. And they made a real job of it, too. You can thank the mermaids for rescuing the treasure you see there—a worthy reminder of those long-dead heroes.”


  Once they were seated again, Grikkl leaned forward and spoke just above a whisper, like he was confiding a secret. Can’t imagine what could be even more mysterious or important than what he’s already told me.

  “Binkle energy is so important for survival that everyone has an organ inside their body to collect it and monitor how much a body has. It’s called the krindle.”

  “Never heard of it.”

  “Of course not. Its very existence is part of the lost wisdom.”

  “But Grikkl, how can the human body have an organ that science hasn’t discovered?”

  “The organ is known, sure enough. It’s right there in the anatomy books, though with a different name than krindle. But scientists didn’t have a clue what its real purpose is. And like most secrets, it’s hidden in plain sight—nice as you please. A person has to know what to look for to recognize its crucial function.

  “Science doesn’t know about binkle energy or how badly people need it for their health and happiness. Too bad, since binkle power acts like a curative tonic. It vibrates high enough to recharge the mind, flesh, and emotions at the same time and gets them all healthy.

  “Everybody needs to feel binkles every day—they’re stronger than vitamins for making the body and mind work the way they’re supposed to. When a person can’t get enough binkles their krindle dries up. If they go too long without them, the krindle could be destroyed... forever.”

  Jeep asked in alarm, “You mean, there won’t be any more binkles for them?”

  “Aye. Laddie—feels almost as bad as a death sentence. A flat and joyless existence.” Jeep shuddered. Grikkl patted his shoulder until the horror of it faded.

  “Remember when I told you that you’ll need to learn to protect yourself? It’s Uuglash and his lot you’ll need protection from.”

  “Why would they care about me? I’m a kid. I can’t do anything to them.”

  Grikkl paused and fiddled with his beard. “Maybe not yet, but one day you could be

  a threat to them. Sooner or later, they’re bound to detect what you’re up to. You’ll leave

  a trail of happier people, and they’ll notice you.

  “Those nasty characters are smart enough to take you down before you understand how to use so much power. It might not happen right away—but it could. They might come after you when you least expect it. So you’d have to defend yourself. That’s one possibility.”

  Grikkl’s voice dropped ominously. His eyes pierced into Jeep’s. “But there’s another possibility that worries me more, Jeep. You could invite them in. Invite them in...”

  “I’d never do that, Grikkl. I don’t want anything to do with them.”

  “I know that, Jeep. That’s not what’s worrying me. Remember, they’re the bad ones—they like to do terrible things to people. The world of evil is where they live and play. Being wicked just makes them stronger, more evil.

  “You’re not like that—not at all. You couldn’t ever be as good at being bad as they are, understand?” He waited until Jeep nodded that he was following.

  “The way a person invites them in is to forget to trust the power of goodness. Instead, they rely on evil methods to get what they want. That’s their game, remember?”

  BANG! A crash echoed through the cavern.

  The sound startled Jeep so much he jumped out of his seat.
After looking around, he saw it came from Grikkl hitting two heavy books together. Grikkl chuckled at how well his attention-getting trick worked.

  “Bang! Just like that... Bang!—They’ve got you! You’re theirs—because you invited them in.”

  “What if I didn’t mean to? Can’t I get rid of them?”

  “Sure, you can push them out. Anyone can slip up once in a while, but these evil ones are like termites. If you keep letting them in they just get harder to get rid of the next time. One day, you let them stay without minding too much, and they’ve got you!

  “The reason why it’s worse for you than most people is you’re getting stronger in ways that matter. Your krindle works better, and it’s going to get stronger yet. If you let evil come in to stay, your krindle could stop working. It needs lots of binkle energy to make it strong, to keep it functioning. If you’re doing bad things, that’s the same as krindle poisoning.

  “Uuglash’s team wins both ways—whether they hurt you bad enough to make you stop, or whether you shut down your krindle through your own harmful behavior. Can’t you see why you’d be a real prize for them?” Again, Grikkl nodded gravely and held Jeep’s gaze. “Not to mention the fact that they’d like nothing better than to hurt one of my apprentices. They’d welcome a chance to take a poke at me, too.”

  Jeep gasped and his voice stumbled. “Now..., now..., now hold on a second, Grikkl. Did I just hear your say you consider me your apprentice?”

  “Aye, Laddie.”

  “Does that mean you’ll teach me what you know?”

  “Aye, a chunk anyway. We’ll get to that in good time... But now, there’s a serious matter to work out.”

  “Remember when you threw the rock at Merve? When you used force against him that way, you weren’t any better than he was. Throwing the rock is the kind of behavior that invites Uuglash in. No real harm done yet, but be forewarned.”

  “But I was scared.”

  “Aye, fear calls them, like bees to a blossom. Yielding to fear makes you weaker and them stronger. Even if you’re frightened, you must never be mean—no matter what. It’s much more dangerous than you realize. Promise me that you won’t act without honor.”


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