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Through the Mirror and Into Snow

Page 20

by Ann T Bugg

Loud hammering awakened the girls. They stretched and yawned, then bolted up, disappointed to be in Val’s bed. Glancing over at the manuscript scattered across the bedroom floor, they looked at each other, afraid to say anything, for fear they had both been dreaming.

  Samantha finally broke the silence. “That didn’t seem like we were just reading a book or having a great dream, Val. It was way too real.”

  “I know. I feel the same way.” Their shoulders slumped. They got out of bed without the usual hop in their step to get the new day going.

  Half in a daze about what happened, their weary bodies slinked down the stairs, half asleep, for breakfast. They were surprised to see the mirror hanging in the living room.

  “That explains the banging,” Val said. “I guess my dad finally got around to hanging—” She grasped Sam’s arm.

  They both smiled at each other. It had to be real.

  Separately throughout the day, they went to it several times, hopeful that once again the mirror would reveal the forest instead of their reflection. When it didn’t, they wondered if their over-active imaginations got carried away while reading the story.

  On the last night before Samantha was to be taken home, they went over to the mirror together. They gasped and grabbed each other’s hands when they saw a man walking away from a tree. They went over and called out for him, but he couldn’t hear them. He had nailed up a parchment on the tree. They read it together, out loud.

  “Lord Wilhelm and Lady Dorothea are proud parents! All are invited to attend the festivities this Saturday at the castle.”

  They smiled and hugged each other. “I knew it wasn’t just a dream!” Samantha squealed with glee.

  Together they touched the mirror, but nothing happened. It gradually faded back to their reflections while they watched with heavy hearts. Perhaps they would not get their chance to go back and live another adventure this time, but they certainly would never stop trying. Holding on to the happy dream of another adventure, they cheered up and bolted for the stairs.

  “I get the white chess pieces,” Samantha said, making her way up ahead of Valerie.

  “Okay, but I get the purple hat!” After reaching the closet and taking the hat off its hook, Val looked down at the pile of clothes. She dug in back and pulled out the bag.

  “Why didn’t we think about that?” Sam asked, shaking her head.

  Val put them back. “Hopefully they’ll come in handy again.”

  “I hope so. I can’t wait! Wilhelm and Dorothea would be the best parents ever! We’re aunts…sort of.”

  “Maybe we will go back. According to the tales, Snow will have another run-in with her stepmother.”

  “You think they’ll need us again?” Sam asked.

  “If they want to live Happily Ever After, they just might.”

  THE END…until next time.

  PS – Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy.

  About The Author

  Ann T. Bugg is the Queen of her castle where she lives in southern Minnesota with her Knight in shining armor (who has come to her rescue more than once) and her own little Princess Valerie. The pets in her enchanted kingdom come in all shapes and sizes, as do all the critters that make their way out of the enchanted forest. Horseback riding and long walks with her dogs are on her list of hobbies, but writing will always be her first love.

  The Before Happily Ever After Series

  Through the Mirror and Into Snow, Book #1

  Into the Forest and Down the Tower, Book #2

  Off to Camp and Discovering Art, Book #3

  Down the River and Awakening the Rose, Book #4

  Soaring Up to the Clouds, Not Knowing Jack, Book #5

  Past the Fields, Where all is Golden, Book #6

  At the Museum, With Wandering Eyes, Book #7

  Overboard and out of This Realm, Book #8

  Ann T Bugg is the pen name for June Kramin

  For her women’s fiction, visit

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