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Pure Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 3)

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by Tamara White

  Pure Elemental

  Evelyn Storm Series Book 3

  Tamara White

  © 2017 Tamara White

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to all my readers. I love hearing your feedback on the books, and I love hearing the theories about what could happen next. I hope you enjoy this as much as the previous ones.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 1


  Ah, fuck! Now what the hell am I supposed to do now? I’m locked in a stingy, god damn cabin with no way to warn Evie and the others about her father. I still can’t believe he’s doing this!

  I woke up a couple hours ago, and I’ve been trying to get out ever since. No matter how hard I try to break through the barrier nothing happens. It’s like running into a wall made of glass, and it’s starting to take its toll on me. You can only try so many times before it becomes pointless.

  I’ve explored the cabin to see what there is and it’s just a cabin. There are two small bedrooms, a bathroom, and a lounge area. No tv, no books, and no board games. I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon, but everything that could help, has been taken away or nailed down.

  There are no knives or forks in the kitchen, only spoons. There’s no heat to the stove, so I guess they must have turned the gas off. Then there’s the furniture. Everything has been nailed down. I mean literally. They’ve screwed the couches and beds to the floors along with the dining table and their chairs.

  Max must have been planning this for a long time to be this organized. No one could do this in a few days. How far does his betrayal go?

  I spend hours alone in here, trying to figure out a way to escape. After checking all the windows and looking for a way to escape, I give up. There’s no way out. Whatever they’ve done, there’s no way out. I can’t even use my elements.

  I’m sitting on the couch wondering how long I’ll be here, when I hear voices from the other side of the door. Leaping up, I position myself behind the door to try and surprise them. Maybe if I’m touching one of them while they’re pushed out of the door way, I can get free too.

  The door opens, and I dive at the guy with dreadlocks, taking him to the ground, but I didn’t account for him carrying someone. A body lands on the floor before Zeke punches me in the face taking me down. I get back up ready to fight my way out, when I see Christian’s body on the floor. Oh no, what have they done to him?

  “Are you finished yet?” Max asks from the doorway. In his arms, he’s carrying Evie. She’s unconscious and looks so pale. What’s happened to her?

  “What did you do?!” I am shocked at their appearance and pull Evie from his arms. I thought he’d make me fight him before allowing me to take her from him, but he gladly hands her over.

  Zeke, the dude with dreadlocks, picks Christian up and puts him on the couch before walking back to Max. He keeps glancing at Evie as if he wants her, and I don’t like it one bit.

  Max sighs, obviously exasperated with me but so what? I want answers. “I didn’t do anything. They’ve just had a little sedative. Ok, a lot of sedative. They’ll be fine. They should wake up in the next couple of hours, so I’ll see you then,” he turns on his heel leaving me alone with Zeke.

  “You’re despicable, you know that, right? When her bonded find out you’ve taken their pregnant partner, they’re going to destroy you. I hope for your sake, you run fast when they get here,” I smirk at him.

  Every word I said is true. Once they realize Evie’s gone, they’ll do anything to get her back. They won’t let her be tortured again. I doubt we’ll be here long. Once Evie’s awake, she’ll tell Dane and the others exactly where we are, and they’ll be screwed.


  No, no, no, no, no, this can’t be happening!

  Evie and Christian are gone, Dane’s dying, and we have no idea what to do. None of us can heal. By the time someone who can heal gets here, it will be too late.

  Jimmy’s applying pressure to Dane’s wounds, while Mike calls one of the doctors to the house. My Dad is calling a water elemental that he knows can heal, but who knows how long that will take?

  Teddy and Richard are arguing over near the house, while I just stare at them. I’m in complete shock. I have no idea how to lead everyone. How could this happen? How could Max do this?

  “We need to move him. It’s a clean wound, straight through, but I don’t have the power to heal him. I’ve managed to slow the flow of blood, but he’s unconscious, which isn’t a good sign,” Jimmy looks up at me.

  I nod and walk over to Teddy to see what he thinks we should do. Dane is the one in charge of us on our missions, and, right now, I wish it was him dealing with this and not me. I have no idea what to do in this situation.

  “No, he’s already wounded. I won’t risk it!” Teddy shouts at Richard as I get closer.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. “We need to move Dane and get someone to heal him.”

  Richard and Teddy stare each other down. Sighing in exasperation, Richard turns to me, “I was saying we should take him up to William. He may be stuck in a barrier because he wants to hurt Evie, but he loves Dane. He raised Dane as his own, and he wouldn’t want to see him hurt, or die, because we didn’t trust him enough. Trust me, in this he can be trusted.”

  As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. William may want to hurt Evie, and he may not be Dane’s biological father, but he’s always been a great father. Besides what other choice do we have? I can’t stand by and watch him die.

  “Ok, let’s do it,” I say, determined to keep Dane alive no matter what. I’d make a deal with the devil himself if it would save him.

  “Jimmy, can you keep your hands over both sides of the wound while Teddy and I take Dane upstairs?” I ask.

  Jimmy who’s still holding his shirt over Dane’s wounds, nods. “Yeah, man. I’ll help as long as you need me.”

  “Ok, then. Mike, we’ll take care of Dane, you focus on Evie and figure out where she is. It won’t be long until they try to stop us from feeling the bond. I have no idea what Max wants with Evie and Christian, but we need to find out where they are. Dad, I need you to track down Zach. He hasn’t shown up yet, and we need him now more than ever. Go to his house and tell him to get his ass here now!”

  Everyone’s on board with the plan, so we move Dane upstairs as quick as we can. Richard’s in the lead opening doors for us, and as we approach the room William’s locked in, I have a moment of doubt. Is this the right choice? What if I’m making a horrible mistake? I pray that I’m making the right decision.

  Richard opens William’s door and William leaps from the bed, gasping at the sight of Dane covered in blood. Teddy and I manoeuvre him onto the bed with Jimmy holding both of his hands over the wounds.

  “Dane! What the hell happened?!”

  “Well, turns
out that Evie’s father is a traitor, and he stole her before stabbing Dane. Are you happy now? Evie’s gone, and Dane’s dying because he tried to protect her!” I growled, gritting my teeth in fury.

  “Aren’t Evie’s mother and father locked away? How did he escape?” he asks, running his hand over the top of Dane’s chest. At least he’s not wasting any time healing him. I watch the skin heal before my eyes, glad that Richard was right. He’s healing him as we speak, but I’m worried we weren’t fast enough.

  “Evie’s adoptive parents are still locked away. Ky’s talking about Max. That bastard tricked us all into trusting him, then kidnapped her and Christian. When we got there, Dane was surrounded by a pool of blood, unconscious,” Teddy responds for me. It’s taking a toll on Teddy as well. He’s holding back a lot of his fear, but I can feel it through the bonds.

  “Max is her real father? Oh no,” William says paling. In his shock, he stops healing and I panic.

  “What are you doing? Don’t stop healing him! He’s dying for fuck’s sake!” I am furiously close to losing all control.

  He looks down as if realizing he stopped and continues healing him, “You need to find them.”

  “Well, duh, we have Mike tracking them so we can get them back,” I say, stating the obvious.

  “No, I mean you need to find them and get them now. Max was in contact with me over the past few weeks. He was the one to tell me Evie will be the downfall of our kind. He plans on sacrificing her to the demons so we can continue ruling. Once he sacrifices her, they’ve promised him the power to resurrect his bonded,” William watches us as a heavy silence descends upon the room.

  “As much as I don’t want some immature, little girl leading us, I don’t want my son to lose his bonded,” William adds, surprising us all.

  “Ok, hurry up and heal Dane so we can go find them,” Teddy says frustrated.

  “I am healing him. The blade he was stabbed with had a magical ability, which is making it take longer. He should have regained consciousness by now. My guess is the blade’s magic has put him into a coma.”


  Watching William while he heals Dane, I can’t believe Ky’s letting him near Dane. How do we know William isn’t keeping him in a coma, rather than letting him regain consciousness? He just basically admitted to being in league with Evie’s father, but no one seems to care.

  Evie’s bond is still strong as ever, but I can’t pinpoint where she is, and I can’t contact her.

  “Well, as charming as it is to watch you show compassion for Dane when, only a day or so ago, you wanted to hurt Evie, why should we trust you? How do we even know you’re telling the truth?!” I ask.

  “Theodore, stay out of it. I trust William with my life,” my father says heatedly.

  “No. I won’t trust anyone but the people in my bond anymore. Trusting people outside of our bond has led us to disappointment. Hell, I don’t even think I trust you right now,” I say, glaring at my father.

  If only they had been stronger willed, then maybe we wouldn’t be dealing with demons. Maybe if they led our people, and outed us to the humans a long time ago, we could have prevented all of this. Now we’re stuck dealing with demons, angels, fallen angels, and who knows what else? Don’t get me wrong, I love Evie with all my heart, and if things didn’t happen like this, then maybe we wouldn’t have met her, but this is so much for all of us to deal with. We’ve almost lost Evie twice and now Dane. Who has to die before we catch a break? All I want is to help Evie raise our babies without all of this world domination shit. It shouldn’t be this hard.

  My father claps me on the back “Son, you know you can trust us. We will do everything to help get Evie back to you safe and sound. Anything you need, just ask.”


  You have no idea how hard it is to track down your bonded without actually following the trail. If I was following after Evie in a car, it would be easy to determine how far away she is. But solely focusing on the bond is hard enough when she is conscious, since she’s unconscious it’s near impossible. Plus, we don’t have time to wait for her to gain consciousness.

  The closest I can guess is she’s somewhere near Cleveland, but I can’t be sure. I need to be sure. Maybe I can get a vision of where she is or what’s going to happen. At least once we know more and have a definite direction, then we can leave.

  We’ve realized the reason I’d barely been receiving visions lately is because of how powerful we’ve become. I no longer just get them when they need to be sent, I have to concentrate on receiving them.

  “Dad, can you let the guys know Evie’s somewhere in Cleveland, but I’m going to try to look into Evie’s present and future to determine where exactly?” I call out to my father who’s been waiting just outside the room.

  “Ok, I’ll let them know,” he calls back.

  A moment later, I hear him running up the stairs. At least the others will know where she is if the vision takes too long.

  For the first time in forever, I pray. I pray to the Creator that he’ll allow me to see something that will help us find Evie and Christian unharmed. I don’t want a vision filled with fear or pain, but hope.

  Closing my eyes, I focus on thoughts of Evie. After a few minutes of nothing, I feel the vision inside me. It rushes to the forefront of my mind, overwhelming me to the point that all I can see is green. As I focus, I realize I’m in a forest of some kind. Trees surround me and the leaves across the forest floor are a dead giveaway. Still, there are too many forests in the Cleveland area to choose just one to go to. I need something more to find her exact location.

  ‘Where’s Evie?’

  As if my thoughts alone summon her, I see her. She’s standing at the window caressing her stomach while Zach hugs her from behind. They both have their hands on her stomach and are looking at it in awe. What’s happened to give them that look? And how is Zach with her?

  Oh no, he must have been taken. Son of a bitch! The night the sensor went off, he must have been taken, and someone else has been texting us instead.

  They’re in a cabin surrounded by woods. The cabin looks pretty old, but there’s something about it that seems off. I approach the cabin door ready to open it when light flares around the cabin. They’ve put a barrier on it stopping them from escaping, I guess. Why is it flaring now though? I’m not here so it shouldn’t be stopping me.

  I push against the barrier, hoping to walk through but not expecting to get through. The light lets me through no problem. Huh, that’s strange. Maybe the Creator heard me and is giving me a little help.

  Evie and Zach are still over by the window talking softly to each other, and Christian is sitting over on the sofa in the room, saying very little. He looks defeated, and I feel sad for him. He’s done something to piss them off is my thought.

  I can’t tell what Evie and Zach are saying. It must be about the babies because Evie keeps gesturing to her stomach. She’s looking outside longingly and looks hopeless. She gestures to her stomach and outside in a frustrating manner. It looks as if Zach is trying to convince Evie to run if she gets the chance.

  I look around the room for clues as to where they could be and hit the jackpot. On the desk by the door, there’s a map for Cleveland Nature Reserve. This must be the old ranger’s cabin from back in the day, when the forest used to be monitored around the clock.

  I smile and stare at Evie, “I’m coming, baby.”

  She spins around and looks towards me as if she heard something but that’s impossible, right? The vision starts to fade, and I know the Creator has given me a gift to find her. Not only that but she knows I’m coming.

  Thank you, Creator.


  Not again! What is it with drifting off and waking up in some kind of fantasy land? Oh wait, am I in the afterlife? I remember being stabbed with a huge freaking sword before passing out, so I must be dead.

  ‘You’re not dead.’

  Whoa, who said that? It’s definitely not good if
I’m hearing voices. Now the voice is laughing in my head. Not a little chuckle, but a full laugh that comes from the bottom of the belly.

  “This isn’t funny, you know? Who’s there?” I shout, turning in a full circle as the room changes from a beautiful garden to a white room.

  “I’m sorry, Dane, I don’t mean to frighten you, it’s just I haven’t had many visitors in a long time. The only one I talk to are my angels. Even then, it’s not through direct communication,” a man says, appearing in the middle of the room.

  “Holy crap. You’re the Creator,” I am awed that I’m seeing the Creator. No one can ever say they’ve seen the Creator. I wonder if he meets all the souls personally before allowing them into the afterlife? Maybe that why he’s here? I get to be accepted in personally.

  “Dane, you don’t need to worry, you won’t be here long, I’m just here to fill you in. I didn’t think it was fair to send one of my angels to explain this to you. Speaking of my angels, Raphael will be here soon,” he says, smiling secretly at me.

  Raphael’s coming? Where has he been?

  The Creator looks nothing like I imagined. I imagined an old man with a beard, and creepy, white, toga robes letting everything hang free. The man I’m faced with looks to be in his mid-twenties or early-thirties, and has the barest of hair across his face. His skin is smooth and tanned, and he’s definitely not wearing a toga. He’s wearing a dark navy suit, and his hair is slicked back nice and neat. If I didn’t know who he was, I’d assume he was a human on his way to wall street.

  “I hear that a lot. I’m never what people expect, but I appear to everyone how they imagine me, so I guess if anyone’s to blame for my appearance, it’s you,” he smirks at me.

  Whoa. Evie was right, he can hear all my thoughts. That’s slightly creepy.

  “Of course I can. This is my world.”

  “Ok, then, I’m really starting to freak out here. Can I sit down?” I look for a place to sit. ‘Screw it I’ll sit on the floor,’ I think just as 2 chairs and a table appear from thin air. Cool trick.


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