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Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set

Page 11

by Bree Cariad

  “Over my lap,” he repeated, firmly and yet still kindly.

  “You don’t have a paddle or anything.”

  He raised his hand. “Yes, I do.”

  He was even going to spank her with his hand. Well, today was a day for all sorts of new things. Shaking slightly and not from the cold, she moved to his right side and bent over his lap, squeaking softly when he pulled her hips forward so that her feet and hands did not touch the floor. Kathy felt incredibly exposed even though she was completely dressed.

  At least with his hand it wouldn’t hurt so much. He was being nice to make this more of a symbolic spanking rather than really planning to tan her hide. And as she did feel badly about letting him down, that was enough. She was sure.

  Until his hand fell.

  Her eyes widened and she lay across his lap in shock. That could not have been his hand. Not only had the sound been louder than the thunder outside, but it was shockingly painful. She looked over her shoulder as his hand fell again. A cry left her lips at the third swat and by the fifth, she began to fidget and writhe until by the tenth she lost the ability to count and just tried to not do something childish like put her hands back to protect her backside.

  How could anyone’s hand be that hard? She had held his hand. It was firm, masculine, and she loved how it felt when her small hand was wrapped in his. But surely, nobody’s hand should fall that hard.

  “Please!” she gasped as tears trickled from her eyes and her hiney burned with the strength of the sun. “Please, Xander. I’m sorry.”

  His hand continued to fall and her legs kicked and she squirmed, her right arm reaching back against her own reasoning to try and protect herself. Before she could do so, his fingers took hold of her wrist and held it firmly and yet gently to her waist as he continued.

  Cami was right. Her brother was serious about discipline. At some point, Kathy lost the ability to fight the battle going on inside and just burst into tears, her left arm grasping something to hold on to as his hand continued to rain down on her backside.

  When he finished she didn’t move, liquid running down her face as she hiccupped and coughed, unable to believe a hand had caused the same kind of reaction that it usually took her father’s paddle to do. As she began to catch her breath, she found herself lifted and in his arms. She grasped onto him and continued to sob softly as she found him rocking her back and forth.

  He hummed something soft in her ear as she slowly got a grip on herself. She felt strange, utterly exhausted and yet also free. Sure, when her father spanked her, it had assuaged her guilt and made her feel better. But this… Her arms wrapped around his neck.

  She wasn’t sure what it was, but something had been weighing her down for days and now it felt gone. As though his spanking her had knocked it loose allowing her a freedom she didn’t know existed. “I love you,” she whispered softly and his arms tightened around her.

  “I love you, too.”

  At his words, more tears fell from her eyes, but this time, they were tears of joy and lifting up her face, she met his kiss. Up until now his kisses had been gentle, kind, loving, and the kind of platonic kiss you would receive from a first boyfriend. This kiss, however, was different. His lips moved over hers and as his tongue traced a path along the crease, she found herself responding. Her heart sped up and her hands gripped his hair as emotion flooded her like nothing she had ever felt before. Just as she began to feel out of control, he slowed down, bringing the boil down to a simmer before pulling back.

  Looking into his loving eyes, she had never felt so happy. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Kathy. I’m not sure June can come fast enough.”

  Her heart sped up a bit as she realized what he was probably saying. June was when their contract was up. Was he saying he wanted to marry her?

  He stroked her face. “Honey, we’d better go back to the living room. I’m a man who isn’t used to living like a monk and while I have the best intentions of controlling myself and treating you the way my future wife should be treated, I also want you. It’s best we go hang out somewhere we can be seen.”

  Blushing, but thrilled as well, she nodded. He lifted her up onto her feet. “How do you feel?”

  “My rear end is on fire,” she said wryly making him chuckle. Looking up into his eyes, she added, “And I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life.”


  June, 9 months later


  Turning this way and that, Kathy gazed at her reflection in the three-way mirror. Her mother had done an amazing job on her wedding dress. When Xander proposed on Christmas Eve, it had been a wonderful moment. He had taken her for a walk in the lightly falling snow. His words were so wonderful they had made her weep and then he pulled out the ring. Tears sprang to her eyes as she looked down at her left hand. It had been so hard to give the ring up for the few days before her wedding as it was being secured to the wedding band.

  “When I put the ring on you on our wedding day, I don’t want it coming off,” he had explained.

  So much had happened in the last few months. She was accepted to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and would be starting in the fall. Xander had researched, taken several trips out there, and found them a wonderful little house relatively close to school. His support of her dreams, even when she still had no idea what those dreams were, made her feel lucky.

  Having only four courses her senior year had been a blessing as her mother had teased her that Xander was her most important course. Even if she had been teasing, she was still right. Kathy realized that she, herself, was also an important course. Being under Xander’s firm hand, she had learned a lot about herself. She thought she had understood who she was, but now, she had a steadier hold on it and thankfully a man who was willing to help her give a stronger comprehension if needed.

  Looking back at the mirror, she couldn’t help but smile again. The dress was simple, elegant, and Kathy knew she would look good next to her husband in his tux. Husband. Even the word made her want to squeal. In less than an hour, she would be Kathryn Daisy Covington and she could hardly wait. Right after the reception, they were going on a two-week honeymoon, though Xander had kept the destination secret so far. Afterward, they would move to Nashville so they could get to know the area before she started school.

  The door opened drawing her gaze and her parents stepped inside. Her mother looked wonderful in a simple dress in the soft peach she had chosen as one of her colors. Gerald looked handsome in his deep brown tux.

  “Oh, honey, you look beautiful,” Carilyn said, walking over to embrace her. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m ready.”

  Her father grunted a chuckle. “So’s Alexander. I just checked on him and Alex says he keeps saying ‘what’s the holdup.’”

  Beaming, she nodded and turned back toward her reflection. As a child, she used to dream of being a bride, but as she grew up, that dream had gotten muddied a bit. Now, looking at her reflection in the mirror, it felt fresh again and she couldn’t believe today she was getting married. It felt like she had waited forever.

  “So I’m guessing you’re in favor of courting now,” her mother teased, fluffing out her train.

  “Oh, yeah,” she agreed. “I think every girl should be so lucky.” When she signed that piece of paper almost exactly one year ago, twelve months seemed like forever and yet the year had sped by. Catching sight of the back of her dress, Kathy felt a special zing as she looked at the train. Carilyn had created their combined monogram in the tiniest pearls Kathy had ever seen. They shimmered in the low lighting of the brides’ room of the church they were getting married in— ACK.

  The door opened and Cami stuck her head in. “It’s a go! Mrs. Bretherton, you’d better take a seat. I think Xan’s ready to come in and just pick Kathy up, carry her down the aisle, and get the I-do’s out of the way.” She waved at Kathy but something in her eyes didn’t look right. Her eighteenth birthday ha
d been filled with sadness as the guy she had expected to court had left the town in the dead of night with his secrets exposed to the entire town. Since, she had bounced back but Kathy wasn’t sure it was all the way. However, as her mother started fussing with her dress, Kathy’s mind turned back to the wedding and she momentarily forgot her new sister-in-law’s troubles.

  The room was filled. The Covingtons knew a lot of people and her extended family came as well. She was just glad for her father’s calming arm as they walked down the aisle. Seeing Xander at the end waiting for her had almost made her forget there were rules – like the bride was supposed to go down the aisle slowly, not run down it and into her groom’s arms.

  Xander’s little brother Drake, whom she had gotten to know a little over the last few months stood as her husband-to-be’s best man and she smiled at him as she took her place at Xander’s side.

  “Dearly beloved,” Father Jeffrey said, his deep voice settling all rustling in the room. “We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Alexander Brandon Covington, Jr. and Kathryn Daisy Bretherton…” He continued to talk as she gazed into the eyes of the man in front of her.

  Thankfully they had practiced this several times, so it was easy to take cues like handing her bouquet to Camille so that they could exchange vows, of seeing the rings pass from Drake to their priest and knowing that the I-dos were on their way. Of Xander sliding a ring onto her finger with the words: “In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy ghost, amen.” And of her doing the same with his.

  But when the words, “And now I pronounce you man and wife. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. You may kiss your bride,” were spoken, a little devilish glee took her and she leapt into Xander’s arms, surprising both him and their audience. As she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with just as much passion as he kissed her, her heart soared. As he pulled back and grinned at her, he shook his head.

  “Dangerous woman.”

  Their reception was lively. Music, dancing, food, and tons of people congratulating the two of them left and right. They were able to sneak two slow dances in, but that was all. When her mother whispered in her ear it was time to change, Kathy fled the room, glad to get the next part going.

  She was nervous and gladly let her mother and new mother-in-law help her get changed into her going-away outfit, a soft green muslin dress that showed off the red in her hair.

  “Ready?” Charlotte asked with a soft smile. Kathy couldn’t have asked for a better mother-in-law. Xander’s mother was kind, loving, and knew when to keep her two cents out of things that were not her concern. It was an art Kathy hoped to pick up.


  Xander waited for her at the door and together they ran through a bevy of birdseed to his car, waving as they sped off. His hand took hers as soon as they left town.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”


  Giggling, she squeezed his hand and watched the world go by. The trees were thick around them and as the sun slowly slid down the sky, she wondered how far their honeymoon was. And then he slowed down and turned at a small sign that read Covington Haven.

  “Covington Haven?”

  “Yes. It’s our family’s vacation home. Mom and Dad said we could use it for our honeymoon. I think you’ll love it here.”

  The sun was almost down when they arrived but from what she could see, it was a two-story, colonial style home with huge columns and marble everywhere.

  “We can check it out tomorrow,” he assured her as he pulled their bags from the trunk. “For now, let’s go check out my, well, now our room.”

  He turned enough lights on so they could see their way through the foyer and up a curved staircase to the second floor and then down a hallway to the end. The door was already open and she slowly walked inside, taking it all in. A four-poster bed sat against one wall, with curtains tied up at each corner and she could understand why those curtains might be needed. Two of the walls were complete glass, making it feel as though the outside was inside. “Wow.”

  Xander placed their bags on a low table near another door and walked over to where she stood looking out the window at the forest. “Like it?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Stepping behind her, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” he admitted. “For years I never thought I would actually meet the right girl. Thank you for moving to Hyacinth. We might never have met.”

  “I don’t even want to think about that. Maybe I would have ended up in college where you had a case or something.”

  There was a small peace to watching the outside, but tonight was their wedding night. Surely they should be doing something else.

  “Are you nervous?” he murmured in her ear.

  “A bit.”

  “That’s natural. Does it make you feel better to know that I am as well?”

  “But you’ve been with girls before.”

  “Mmhmm, but never one that I plan on waking up with every morning. It’s different.” Turning around, she laid her head on his chest, breathing in the scent that was uniquely Xander. “Why don’t you use the bathroom first, Kathy?” When she nodded, he gently pulled away and walked over, putting her case in the bathroom for her before leaving her alone.

  It was a bit nerve-wracking getting ready for her wedding night. For some reason, Kathy had thought once the wedding was over, she would be home free. She had been so intent on getting through the wedding, the wedding night jitters came as a bit of a surprise. Not wanting to take too long, she forced herself to do what she needed to: brushed her teeth and hair, removed her dress, and changed into a nightgown her mother had packed for her. White satin, it didn’t fall as far as Kathy expected, landing just below her crotch. The panties that came with it were so tiny, they were barely there. Reminding herself that lingerie was supposed to be like that and that it was okay to wear it because Xander was now her husband, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

  He had turned off the lights and replaced them with two flickering candles seated by the window. At first, he stood looking out the windows. Having changed into a pair of silk sleep pants, his torso was bare and she couldn’t help but like what she saw. As he turned and smiled at her, her butterflies turned to something far more potent and as all fear flew away she ran straight into his arms.

  Their entire honeymoon was amazing, magical, and fourteen days she would remember for the rest of her life, but her wedding night would stay with her for two reasons. The first was that it was the first time she and her husband made love and it was so much more than she expected. She had been prepared for the pain but it was nothing in comparison to how good he made her feel. The second was that of all silly things to do, she freaked out when she went to the bathroom afterwards and saw the blood. No matter what Xander said, she wouldn’t calm down.

  “Kathy,” he had warned, but she was beyond reason. Until he pulled her after him to the bed, sat on the edge, and upended her over his lap. It was amazing how fast her head cleared at that point. Unfortunately, her clear head did not stop him from painting her behind a bright red. She had thought his spankings were rough over denim. That was nothing in comparison to bare skin. Her cries bounced off the walls and the windows until it sounded like more than one person was being spanked. When he was done, she lay panting over his lap, wondering how she had gotten herself into this position.

  And yet, as soon as he was done and pulled her into bed with him, she curled up, happier than she could imagine. As she drifted into an incredibly peaceful sleep, she realized that while she was hard headed, his hard hand seemed to be a great equalizer. Smiling against his chest, she took a moment to thank God for bringing her to Hyacinth and to Xander. Maybe when they got to Tennessee, he could help her figure out just the right guy for his sister. Cami needed a good man, too, with the same strength of character as the m
an in her arms. Yawning softly, her last thought before falling asleep was that he would need to have a hard hand, too.

  The End

  Courted by Fall

  In Hyacinth, Book Two

  Bree Cariad

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Bree Cariad

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Bree Cariad

  Courted by Fall

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-587-1

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1

  Tears in her eyes, Camille continued to wave long after Xander’s car was gone. That was it. Her favorite brother and her new sister-in-law and best friend were gone. Off to Tennessee where Kathy would attend college and he would continue his law career. Escaped from Hyacinth for good. Lowering her hand, Cami felt the tears slide over her cheeks and wasn’t quite sure why she was crying. The last few months had been filled with so much emotion and losing two of the people she loved the most, hurt.


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