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Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set

Page 20

by Bree Cariad

  The last year had been a whirlwind and amazingly had gone by fast. Kathy had remarked the same thing on her wedding day. That the courting period sounded like a long time when you were with the man you loved, but that it went by incredibly quickly. To think that a year ago, she hadn’t even known how she felt about Jerod except that she liked him. And now he was the most important person in her world.

  His proposal in April had been earlier than expected but welcome nonetheless. It gave them several months to plan their wedding and he had given her carte blanche with his house to make it her own. She loved her new home and except for updating it a little, hadn’t wanted to change much. Thankfully, Kathy’s mother was an expert on peeling old wallpaper and repainting and had helped her over the summer. Kathy had wanted to help but was on strict orders from her husband to stay away from anything that might hurt her or their baby and that included toxic fumes and painting apparently.

  A baby. Her little nephew was due over the Christmas holiday and her sister-in-law was taking spring term off college before jumping back in next summer. As such, Xan, Kathy, and the new little bundle would be spending four months at her parents’ house before returning to their home in Nashville. Cami could hardly wait for the little boy to arrive. She had every intention of spoiling him.

  A door opened breaking her reverie and she turned and smiled as her mother walked into the room. Her dress, a deep fall red, looked beautiful amongst the fall foliage that decorated the small church. “How are you holding up?” Charlotte asked, sitting down next to her.

  “I’m fine. How’s Jerod doing?”

  Her mother smiled. “Wanting us to get on with it. He can hardly wait.”

  In effect, this was Jerod’s first wedding, too. He and his first wife had run away to Reno to get married, a five-minute ceremony that could scarcely be remembered. She wanted him to remember their wedding for the rest of their lives.

  “And Kathy?”

  “Poor dear. Six months pregnant, but not one complaint – though I see her wince from time to time as she still suffers from morning sickness. Now stand up. We don’t want your dress to get wrinkled.”

  Standing in front of the three-way mirror in the brides’ room, Cami smiled at her reflection. Her wedding dress wasn’t traditional, but she hadn’t wanted that. When Stephanie appeared out of the blue after a year of not knowing where she was, Camille had known she should design her wedding dress. Her groom was made up of the colors of fall, of reds and golds and deep rich browns. Jerod was everything perfect about autumn to her: warmth, beauty, and change. As such, her dress was made from material to look like fall leaves cascading down her body. The deep golds, reds, and amber colors accentuated her organgeish-red hair that Kathy had styled this morning into ringlets that now cascaded over her bare shoulders.

  The door opened again and she and her mother looked over as her father walked in, dressed in a simple black tux and looking amazing. “It’s time,” he said simply. “Charlotte, Alexander is ready to escort you and Kathy to your seats.”

  “Okay,” her mother said, managing to keep her voice steady. Considering the tears already in her eyes and the fact her lips were quivering, that was quite the accomplishment. “Congratulations,” she said giving Cami a warm hug, managing not to get anywhere near her dress at the same time. Once she left the room, her father took her hand in his.

  “I’m proud of you,” he said quietly.

  “Because I’m getting married?” she teased.

  “No. Because you went about this the right way. Jerod’s a good man for you, but the woman you’ve become in the last year makes me very proud.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.” She gulped to try to quiet down the sob that wanted to escape.

  “And I won’t say anymore because if I make you cry before you walk down the aisle, your mother won’t be pleased with me.”

  Smiling, she took his hand and let him draw her from the room into the foyer. The doors were closed ahead of her, giving her a few minutes to catch her breath. It was happening. She was about to walk down the aisle and get married to the most amazing man on the planet.

  Some might think she was crazy because Jerod who was sweet and kind and loving, was also stern, and firm, and had a very heavy hand – which she appreciated tremendously. He had no compunction about turning her over his knee and walloping her backside with his hand or a branch. And his words a few days ago when she was freaking out because of something and began to wail and put herself down went through her mind now, making her both blush and yet, it also made her want to push forward and run to the man who had said them.

  “In a few days, you’ll be my wife. If you ever talk that way about the woman I love again, I’ll strip you down, pull you over my lap, and take a birch rod to your bare behind. And then I’ll wash your mouth out with soap.” Just the thought of it being over bare skin was shocking. Especially as he had taken to making her actually go get the rods. There was something very settling about picking out the item that was about to be administered to your behind. It made her an equal part in the punishment. Jerod would go with her, help her pick what he considered suitable branches, and then he would strip them of bark and twigs. Camille preferred not to think about the soap part of that comment. She had never had her mouth washed out before. It sounded like a very unpleasant experience and one she would prefer never to have. He had pounded on her jeans-covered rear so hard that day she could still remember it and then had pulled her onto his lap and held her close.

  And now tonight, she was going to be completely naked with him. That really made her want to charge forward through the closed door. Maybe she should be scared or worried, but both Kathy and her mother had discussed everything with her, and Kathy when they were alone had nothing but wonderful things to say about lovemaking so Cami was looking forward to it. Thankfully, her sister-in-law had not gone into specifics. After all, Xan was her brother. But she had commented that being married to a man with experience was a good thing.

  Notes from the wedding march drifted from the old organ and the doors opened. The sound of one hundred people shuffling to their feet filled the air and Alex pulled her hand through the crook of his arm. Long-term residents from Hyacinth greeted her with warm smiles and flower petals as she and her father slowly walked down the aisle. At the end, in a black tux and a cummerbund that matched her dress, looking even better than she could have imagined, stood the man she was about to marry. He had pulled his hair back at the neck and his gray eyes shown with more love than she even considered possible. Standing with his feet shoulder width apart and his hands behind his back, he radiated strength, making Cami want to run to his side. Thankfully her father held on to her arm tightly so she didn’t.

  Standing next to and slightly behind her husband-to-be was her brother Drake. Also in a tux, he looked amazing. His hair was slicked back on his scalp and he winked at her, making her grin.

  Finally they reached the end of the aisle and her father turned her gently toward him and kissed her on the forehead before taking her hand and putting it in Jerod’s. “Take care of her,” he said gruffly.

  “Forever,” Jerod promised, pulling her gently to stand facing him in front of Father Jeffrey.

  “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

  “I do.” Alex’s firm voice filled the room making her smile. Just as it should be. The man who had raised her, disciplined her, and loved her in a way she might never understand as it was that of a father for his only daughter, was the only one with the right to give her away.

  The service was simple. They exchanged the same vows spoken by millions of couples, making promises that in this moment felt deeper and more meaningful than anything she had ever promised in her life. When he slipped the simple gold band on her finger and vowed to love her forever, she had to fight back the tears. She almost couldn’t verbalize her part as she put the ring on his finger. Sobbing and figuring nobody could understand her, she somehow made it through. Jerod handed her his handkerchief h
alf way through and she kept it over her mouth so people couldn’t see her try to fight the tears.

  “And now I pronounce you man and wife. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” At Father Jeffrey’s words, the tears truly began to flow. “You may kiss your bride.”

  Jerod pulled her into the safety of his arms, holding her tightly against him as he rocked her back and forth, whispering in her ear. “I love you, Cami Kinsley.” Laughing softly, she wiped her nose on his handkerchief and smiled up at him. As his lips touched hers and his hands pulled her against his body, for the first time she truly understood how he felt about her. She felt his excitement and it jacked up hers a thousand-fold.

  “May I introduce, Mr. and Mrs. Jerod Kinsley.”

  The audience cheered and stood and her husband finally released her with a bit of a roguish grin. “We’ll finish that tonight, Mrs. Kinsley.” Grinning back, she slipped her hand into his and they walked down the aisle.

  The reception was lively and filled with wonderful people, but Cami was ready to get their honeymoon started. Every time her husband looked at her, there was a burning need in his eyes that made her feel like suggesting they leave now. Several times his hands brushed areas they had never touched before, a hand lightly drifted against her chest, fingers brushing across the apex of her thighs over her dress as they sat at the dinner table, hiking that need up even further and by the look in his eyes, he knew what he was doing.

  When the time came for them to leave, she was relieved. Her mother helped her change into jeans and a blouse. “Really, you’re wearing jeans from your reception?” she asked in amusement.

  “Jerod likes me in jeans.” And hopefully would take delight in getting her out of them.

  Hugged by every woman in the hall – including Jerod’s little sister Kim who had flown out just for the wedding, Cami finally made it to her husband’s side. He took her hand and they dashed out of the building, more from trying to get out of the wind quickly into the car rather than any worry about something thrown at them. They had planned on using rose petals anyway.

  Once inside his car, he pulled away from the curb and took her hand in his. “Feeling okay, love?”

  “Wonderful. Are we there yet?” she teased making him laugh.

  “We’re spending the night at home. So fifteen minutes.”

  It was a wonderful thought that they were spending their wedding night in their home. Not some hotel that had no meaning to them. Their home, their bed. Even the thought of it made her squirm with eagerness.

  As they pulled into the drive of their house, a truck she recognized drove the other way. “What was Drake doing here?” She hoped he wasn’t playing some boyhood prank.

  “I asked him to set a couple things up. He was excited to be a part of it.”

  “He adores you,” she said quietly as he pulled into the garage and stopped the car.

  Turning toward her, he smiled. “Yes, he looks up to me. But you should know that two weeks ago, your little brother took me aside and told me if I ever hurt you that there was nowhere on earth I could hide. He might adore me, but he loves you.” They entered the house which was already warm from the fire Drake had set in the huge stone fireplace. Hand-in-hand, they walked up to their bedroom where a brand new bed sat in the middle in an ornate cherry wood sleigh frame.

  Gasping, she ran toward it. “When did you get this?” She had been in the house just yesterday unpacking her clothes and it hadn’t been here. Running her hands along the smooth wood, she felt like she was dreaming. She had always wanted a sleigh bed.

  “Technically, it came three weeks ago. But we put it together this morning. It’s my wedding gift to you.”

  Strong arms encircled her from behind pulling her back against his chest. She couldn’t believe he had bought her something she had always wanted. It would take time, but she would figure out how he knew. For now, she just basked in the beautiful piece of furniture in front of her.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked quietly, pressing a soft kiss to her neck.

  “A little. I love you but I’ve never done this before.” As if he didn’t know that already, the man who had taught her that kissing was an incredible art that he was a master at. Kissing him made the little she and Damian did look like a kiddie game.

  “That’s all right, love. I don’t want to hurt you. A little pain is required unfortunately since you’re a virgin, but it’ll be of short duration, I promise.” Those butterflies began to flutter in her stomach again and she nodded. As if he knew it would make it easier, he let her use the bathroom and even though she had wanted him to undress her when she had been feeling brave at the reception, she was actually happy to escape to the bathroom for a moment. Now, all cautious and embarrassed, she changed into the babydoll nightie Kathy had given her. It covered all the important parts but was still sexy. At least she hoped Jerod thought so.

  As she left the bathroom, it was to find he had turned off all the lights except for one, basking the room with a soft warm glow. Having changed into sleep pants, which left his chest bare, she couldn’t stop staring. Sure, she had gone swimming with him last summer so she had seen him without a shirt, but this was different. She knew it and more importantly, her body knew it.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured as soft music played in the background and he pulled her close, their bodies swaying together. “You are so amazingly beautiful, Cami. I’m the luckiest man alive.” The warmth in his eyes and his voice helped a little of her bravery come back and she wrapped her arms around his neck.


  “Yes, love?” he murmured, kissing her.

  “Make love to me?” Her voice was breathy, but she hoped he could tell she really wanted him to touch her.

  His hand cupped her cheek. “Yes, my love. In more ways than you can even imagine.” Before her mind could try to make sense of that, his hands gently grasped the bottom of her nightie and pulled up. She reached her arms above her head, watching his face for any disappointment as his eyes slid down her frame which was naked except for a pair of tiny panties. “Absolutely perfect,” he breathed, lifting her up in his arms.

  After he placed her down on the bed, he pushed off his pants and slid in beside her, his hard, warm body caressing hers in ways she hadn’t dared to think of, let alone research. His hands, his lips, every part of him touched and pleasured her in ways that drove her need so high, she thought she would die if he didn’t go all the way. When they finally came together, it was completion. Cami never remembered any pain. All she truly remembered of their wedding night was how loving, thoughtful, and passionate a man her husband was.

  When he woke her up the next morning to a completely new pleasure, she was sure she had died and gone to heaven. Jerod Kinsley was definitely meant for her and he had been worth waiting for.

  The End

  Courted by Trouble

  In Hyacinth, Book Three

  Bree Cariad

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Bree Cariad

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

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  The trademark Blushing Books®

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  Cariad, Bree

  Courted by Trouble: In Hyacinth, Book Three

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-610-6

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any n
on-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  “You horrible piece of filth!”

  Ducking, Stephanie burst into tears as her father’s fist collided with her shoulder. “Please,” she begged, crouching down onto the floor of their small house. “Please, Daddy, I didn’t mean it.” She really didn’t. And yet somehow she kept getting herself into trouble. Everyone knew Fargyle Drive was forbidden. Why she insisted on going there this afternoon and flirting with the men was anyone’s guess. Nothing had happened. Sure, the men were a bit scary, but not as scary as her own father.

  “Tell that to someone who’ll believe you,” he barked, kicking her hard in the hip. “You’ve been nothin’ but trouble since I married your mom. Bastard child from a woman not worth it,” he spat. “And yet I’ve taken care of you. Shouldered the responsibility that should’ve been hers if the stupid woman hadn’t gotten herself killed.” He landed another blow that slammed her head back into the wall, stars erupting in front of her eyes. “I’ve had enough.” His strong, beefy hand grasped her hair and yanked her to her feet.

  “Ouch! Daddy!”

  “I ain’t yer daddy,” he slurred, dragging her through the room to the door. “And I ain’t takin’ care of you no more.” He slammed the door open, yanking her through the doorway while he ignored her screams and yells. Knocking her into the side of his 1984 Pontiac, he unlocked the door while she grasped the side of the car, desperately trying to stop the dizziness trying to take over. Once the passenger door was open, he shoved her inside and went around to the driver’s side.

  She couldn’t talk. Everything hurt too much. Her head, her hip, but mostly her heart. When her mother was alive, they were happy. The auto accident that took her had affected them both badly, but her father had turned to drink and from that moment on, she hadn’t been able to do a thing right. In the last six months, things had progressed from ignoring her to yelling to hitting. Sometimes the ignoring was the worst part, which was why she had begun to do things to get his attention.


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