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Stephen Hawking

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by John Gribbin

  Brin, David, 253

  Broglie, Louis de, 43

  Bruce, Lisa, 413, 416

  Bruno, Giordano, 198

  bubble universes, 249–251, 254–257, 380


  Calder, Nigel, 204

  Cambridge Evening News, 157, 277

  Campbell, Anne, 373

  Campbell, Joseph, 201

  Carr, Bernard, 185, 257

  Carrey, Jim, 396

  Carter, Brandon, 75, 83, 106–107, 110, 145, 169

  Castro, Fidel, 47, 49

  CERN machine, 35–36, 388

  Chandler, Raymond, 47

  Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 221

  chaotic inflation, 246

  Chapman, Mark, 238

  Charles, Prince, 241, 396

  chronology-protection conjecture, 352, 355, 358

  Church, Michael, 11, 17, 55, 69

  Churchill, Winston, 6

  Civil Rights Bill, 368

  “classical” cosmology, 25–46

  “classical” physics, 26–27, 223, 300–302, 384

  Cleese, John, 224

  Cleghorn, Bill, 11

  Clinton, Bill, 374

  “clockwork universe,” 29–30, 45

  Close, Frank, 386

  Cluskey, Leo, 408–409

  Cole, Lily, 407

  “collapsar,” 88, 90, 128

  Communications in Mathematical Physics, 145, 169

  “compactification,” 306–308

  Companion to A Brief History of Time, The, 361

  constant velocity, 34

  “cosmic egg,” 93–96


  anthropic cosmology, 254–255, 308, 380–385

  awareness of, 264, 269

  Big Bang cosmology, 131, 134

  breakthroughs in, 4

  classical cosmology, 25–46

  future of, 336, 378

  global cosmology, 314–315

  inflationary cosmology, 243

  modern cosmology, 35, 236–237

  quantum cosmology, 41, 253

  studies in, 63, 67, 101, 131, 141, 149–150, 180

  successes in, 194

  theoretical cosmology, 26–27

  cosmology group, 314–315

  Creation of the Universe, The, 128

  critical radius, 90

  Croasdell, Judith, 394

  Cumberbach, Benedict, 394

  Cygnus X-1, 162–163, 166


  Daily Mail, 289, 391

  Daily Mirror, 393

  Davies, Paul, 178, 272

  Dawkins, Richard, 380

  dead stars, 87–91, 175

  Desert Island Discs, 362

  determinism, 29–30, 44–45, 353

  Diamandis, Peter, 398

  Diana, Princess, 241

  Dicke, Robert, 129–130

  Dilke, Fischer, 142

  Dirac, Paul, 310

  Disabled Persons Act, 226

  Division Bell, The, 368

  Dix, Norman, 59

  Donovan, Bob, 110

  Dow, Graham, 16


  Eddington, Arthur, 261

  Efstathiou, George, 188–189

  Einstein, Albert, 4, 26–27, 31, 34–43, 67, 86–88, 93–98, 114, 119, 122–125, 142, 156, 180, 195, 200, 203, 207, 222–224, 254, 271–273, 297, 300, 305, 331–332, 347–350, 355–357, 365, 368–370, 387, 407

  Einstein-Rosen bridge, 347–350

  electromagnetic waves, 31–33, 207

  “electroweak,” 301

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 4, 241

  Ellis, George, 75, 83, 111–112, 118, 149–150

  Englert, François, 388

  expanding universe

  acceleration of, 382

  baby universes and, 346–347

  Big Bang and, 135, 214–215, 246–248

  black holes and, 346–347

  bubble universes and, 249–251, 258

  redshift and, 124–126

  relativity theory and, 31, 40–41, 46, 93–96

  theories on, 31, 40–41, 93–96

  extrasensory perception (ESP), 18


  Fahri, Edward, 250–253

  false vacuum, 245–254, 258, 388

  Faraday, Michael, 403

  Feaver, Canon, 19

  Ferguson, Kitty, 271

  fermions, 386

  Ferneyhaugh, Roger, 11, 13

  Feynman, Richard, 181–182, 207, 209, 212–213, 267, 372, 383–384, 404, 410

  First Three Minutes, The, 95, 131

  Flatland, 381

  Fletcher, Christopher, 22

  Ford, Harrison, 314

  Fowler, Willy, 132–133, 136

  free will, 29–30, 45–46, 353

  Freedman, Daniel, 265

  Freedman, Gordon, 329–332, 336


  Galfard, Christophe, 405

  Galilei, Galileo, 1, 6, 120, 198, 212, 222–223, 237, 297

  Gamow, George, 128

  Gandhi, Indira, 47, 273

  Gates, Bill, 373

  Gell-Mann, Murray, 147

  General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, 222

  Gibbons, Gary, 231, 247, 334

  Glass, Philip, 336

  God, 194–200, 379–386, 402–403

  “God particle,” 386

  Golding, William, 11

  Good Housekeeping, 394

  Gore, Al, 374

  Gott, Richard, 248

  Graham, Billy, 16

  Grand Design, The, 385, 402, 404

  Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), 302

  “granny paradox,” 352–354

  gravitinos, 303–304

  gravitons, 303–306

  gravity, law of, 27–31, 35–39, 196, 308

  gravity, quantum theory of, 299–306, 358

  Green, Michael, 306, 400

  Greenfield, Susan, 380, 403

  Guth, Alan, 217–218, 245, 250–253

  Guzzardi, Peter, 264–274, 278, 280–287, 316, 333


  Handel, George, 322

  Hartle, James, 212

  Hawking, 394

  Hawking, Edward, 15

  Hawking, Elaine, 374–376, 391–394. See also Mason, Elaine

  Hawking, Frank, 6–8, 14–15, 21–22, 48–49, 74, 106, 417

  Hawking, Isobel, 6–7, 14–16, 106, 293–294, 318, 334, 376, 417

  Hawking, Jane, 105–111, 139, 148, 182–187, 190–201, 224–225, 236, 242, 276–279, 337–343, 360, 375–376, 392–395, 413–416. See also Wilde, Jane

  Hawking, Lucy, 143, 165, 183, 190, 236, 242, 340, 375–376, 395, 398, 404–406

  Hawking, Mary, 15, 74, 417

  Hawking, Philippa, 15, 417

  Hawking, Robert, 190, 242, 340, 376, 404

  Hawking, Stephen

  achievements of, 4–5

  alleged abuse of, 391–393

  awards for, 191, 204–205, 220–222, 225, 241–242, 319–322, 337–338, 399–400

  baby universes and, 244–259

  Big Bang and, 86–101

  birth of, 6–7

  black holes and, 86–101, 159–178

  breakthrough years of, 138–158

  childhood of, 6–15

  children of, 115, 143, 165, 183, 190, 224, 340, 404–406

  college years of, 47–85

  divorce of, 360, 394

  doctoral thesis of, 78–85

  early years of, 6–24

  education of, 8–24, 47–63, 66–85

  fame of, 179–205, 313–344

  as global icon, 390–419

  illness of, 67–74, 80–81, 103, 111–114, 224–226, 275–278, 398–399

  marriage of, 105–111, 374–375

  Multiverse and, 379–389

  paralysis of, 4, 71, 189–190, 195, 203, 205, 367, 411

  quantum theory and, 206–213

  as science celebrity, 220–243

  singular solutions and, 122–137

  as superstar, 359–378

  teenage years of, 20–24

/>   time travel and, 345–358

  tracheostomy operation on, 276–278, 280, 399, 416

  views on disabilities, 224–229

  views on “end” of physics, 298–312

  views on political issues, 227–230

  views on religion, 16–18, 194–200, 379–386, 402–403

  work routine of, 233–235

  Hawking, Timothy, 190, 224, 236, 242, 280, 290, 335, 339–343, 376, 392–395, 404

  “Hawking factor,” 418

  Hawking Radiation, 155–157, 175–177, 221, 246–248, 252, 356–358

  Heath, Edward, 143

  Heisenberg, Werner, 44

  Hellyer-Jones, Jonathan, 376, 395, 414, 417

  Hertog, Thomas, 384

  Herts Advertiser, 23

  Hewish, Antony, 221

  Hickman, David, 330, 332–333, 335–336

  Higgs, Peter, 387–388

  Higgs Boson, 386–388

  Higgs field, 386–389

  Hodgkin, Alan, 157

  Holly, Buddy, 47

  Horizon, 241, 330

  Hoyle, Fred, 63, 68, 77–80, 132–133, 136, 139, 168, 261

  Hubble, Edwin, 40

  Huffington Post, The, 411

  Huxley, Aldous, 11

  Huxley, Julian, 5


  Illustrated Brief History of Time, The, 362

  Independent magazine, 292

  infinite density, 90–93, 97, 122–123, 206–207, 212

  Infinity Puzzle, The, 386

  inflation theory, 217–218, 246

  inverse-square law, 28, 31, 39, 381

  Israel, Werner, 164, 222


  Jackson, Michael, 291

  Jacob, Maurice, 276

  Jaded, 405

  Jenkins, Simon, 291, 295

  Joad, Cyril, 5

  John Paul II, Pope, 237–239

  John XXIII, Pope, 237

  Jones, Felicity, 413, 415–416


  Kelvin, Lord, 144

  Kennedy, John F., 66

  Key to the Universe, 203–204

  Kim, Sung-Won, 356–357

  King, Basil, 11, 22

  King, Billie Jean, 399

  Kolb, Edward, 314–315


  Laflamme, Raymond, 275

  Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 386–387

  Large Scale Structure of Spacetime, The, 149–151, 205, 239–240

  law of gravity, 27–29, 196, 308

  Lawrence, D. H., 117

  Leibniz, Gottfried, 326, 329

  Leigh, Nigel, 409

  Lennon, John, 238

  Levin, Bernard, 292, 294

  Lewis, C. S., 11

  light, speed of, 31–37, 43, 98, 254, 348, 356, 387

  light beams, 38–42, 207, 247, 355

  Linde, Andrei, 218, 245, 248, 253, 297, 325–327

  Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos, 201

  Lou Gehrig’s disease, 71. See also amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  LUCE (Logical Uniselector Computing Engine), 22–24

  Lynden-Bell, Donald, 139

  Lynn, Vera, 5


  MacLaine, Shirley, 3–4

  Macmillan, Harold, 55

  Maddox, John, 290

  Mahler, Gustav, 11, 111

  Marsh, James, 413

  Marsh, William Thomas, 19

  Masey, Sue, 391, 393

  Mason, David, 316, 339, 342, 374–376

  Mason, Elaine, 339, 342, 374–376, 391–395, 414, 416. See also Hawking, Elaine

  mass and energy, 42, 97–98, 248–250

  Master of the Universe, 320, 330, 343

  Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 29

  Maupassant, Guy de, 11

  Maxwell, James Clerk, 31–34, 36, 75, 299–300, 308–309

  McCarten, Anthony, 413

  McClenahan, John, 11, 15, 21–22, 55, 69, 74

  McKellen, Ian, 391

  meta-universe, 246. See also Multiverse

  Milky Way Galaxy, 40–41, 92, 124–127, 160

  Millikan, Robert, 180

  Mitton, Simon, 139–142, 150–151, 222, 239–240, 260–264, 284

  Mlodinow, Leonard, 402, 404

  momentum, 42–45

  Monroe, Marilyn, 66, 319, 334–335, 342, 369

  moon landing, 118

  Morris, Errol, 331–337, 361

  Morris, Michael, 350

  motor neuron disease, 71–72, 293–294, 366, 379, 411. See also amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  Mountbatten, Lord, 224

  moving objects, 28–37

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 11, 146

  M-theory, 380–385, 403

  Multiverse, 246, 248, 257, 379–389

  Music to Move the Stars, 376, 413


  Narlikar, Jayant, 78–80

  Nature, 154, 177–178, 289, 290

  Needham, Joseph, 104–105

  neurological disease, 71–72

  neutron stars, 26–27, 89, 92, 127–128, 161–162, 175

  New York Times, 241, 264, 267

  News of the World, 333

  Newsweek, 241, 299

  Newton, Isaac, 26–31, 34–39, 44–45, 105, 120, 196, 222–223, 297–299, 305–306, 309, 326, 329, 368–370, 400

  Newtonian physics, 26, 29, 34–37, 40, 45, 299–300

  Nobel, Alfred, 221

  Novikov, Igor, 346, 351, 352

  nuclear reactions, 87, 98–99

  nuclear weapons, 230, 373

  nucleosynthesis, 100, 132–133


  Oasis, 374

  Obama, Barack, 399

  Observatory magazine, 346

  occult interests, 18

  OK Computer, 368

  Ono, Yoko, 238

  Overbye, Dennis, 144, 201–202, 232


  Page, Don, 182, 185–186, 199, 225, 316, 336

  Parsons, Jim, 396

  particle accelerators, 35–36, 174, 301

  “path integral” approach, 207–210, 214

  Penrose, Roger, 82–84, 104, 119–122, 134–136, 141, 144, 149, 153–155, 164–166, 171–172, 235–236, 321, 383

  Penzias, Arno, 130

  photoelectric effect, 42

  Physical Review, 316, 357, 384

  Physical Review Letters, 351

  physics, “end” of, 298–312

  Physics Today, 328

  Physics World, 370

  Picasso, Pablo, 291

  Pink Floyd, 368

  Planck, Max, 43–44

  Planck’s constant, 43–45, 173, 211, 254, 347–348

  Poitier, Sidney, 399

  Polchinski, Joe, 352

  political issues, 227–230

  Popper, Karl, 120–121

  Priestley, J. B., 5

  “primeval atom,” 93–96, 237

  Principia, 29

  Pryke, Colonel, 19, 20

  pulsars, 26–27, 126–128, 134–136

  Purcell, Henry, 322


  quantum chromodynamics (QCD), 301–304

  quantum electrodynamics (QED), 300–301

  quantum fluctuations, 252–253, 358, 382

  quantum mechanics

  equations of, 44–45

  M-theory and, 380–385

  relativity theory and, 26, 152, 204–212, 274, 291

  sum-over-histories and, 354

  quantum physics

  gravity and, 35

  inflation theory and, 217–218

  relativity theory and, 27, 177–178, 309

  uncertainty principle of, 172

  workings of, 45–46, 309, 356–357

  quantum theory

  developing, 41

  particles and, 174–175

  principle of, 89, 211–213, 381–382

  relativity theory and, 26–27, 164, 206–213, 301–309

  quantum uncertainty, 172–174, 251, 258, 356

  quarks, 301–303, 309, 386

  quasars, 123–127, 134, 255


  radio no
ise, 123, 126–127

  radio “stars,” 123–124

  radio waves, 31–32, 123, 129

  Rayfield, Lee, 403

  Reagan, Ronald, 238, 273

  Redmayne, Eddie, 413–417

  redshifts, 124–126, 129

  Rees, Martin, 75, 83, 110, 153, 255–257, 299, 402, 407

  relativity theory, 26–27. See also theory of relativity

  religious views, 16–18, 30, 194–200, 379–386, 402–403

  Rolling Stones, 118

  Rosen, Nathan, 347

  Run for Your Life, 405

  Russell, Bertrand, 11, 143, 288

  Ryle, Martin, 221


  Sadat, Anwar, 240

  Sagan, Carl, 348, 350

  Sandage, Allan, 123

  Sandars, Patrick, 57

  Schaefer, Fritz, 371–372

  Scherk, Joël, 304

  Schmidt, Maarten, 123, 124

  Schramm, David, 148, 314–315, 341–342

  Schramm, Judy, 148

  Schwarz, John, 304

  Schwarzschild horizon, 123

  Schwarzschild radius, 90–91

  Sciama, Dennis, 68–69, 72–76, 80–85, 103–104, 119, 149, 153–158, 236, 266, 313–314, 334

  Sciama, Lydia, 236

  Scientific American, 172

  Shakeshaft, John, 150

  Shakespeare, William, 105, 200, 295

  Siegfried Idyll, 360

  Simpsons, The, 396

  singularity theory

  Big Bang and, 160

  black holes and, 82–85, 90–94, 111, 134–137, 159–168

  infinite density and, 90–94, 122–123, 206

  M-theory and, 383

  Smith, Alex Mackenzie, 405

  socio-political issues, 227–230

  solar masses, 89–91, 125–126, 161–162

  space and time, 35–40, 214–215, 350. See also spacetime

  space travel, 350, 397–398, 401, 417

  space warp, 35


  baby universes and, 252

  bent spacetime, 39–40, 86–87, 92, 96

  black holes and, 83, 86–96, 135–136, 144, 164–166, 170, 253

  dimensions of, 245, 346, 350, 353

  particles through, 209, 213–215

  theory of, 37–40, 347–351

  tunnel through, 347–348, 353, 356

  Speak to Me, 367

  spectrum, 123–124, 160, 285

  speed of light, 31–37, 43, 98, 254, 348, 356, 387

  Spencer, Lady Diana, 241

  Spielberg, Steven, 331, 354

  Spufford, Bridget, 323

  Spufford, Margaret, 323

  Star Trek: The Next Generation, 368, 404

  Starobinsky, Alex, 172, 245

  static universe, 31, 40–41, 93

  Status Quo, 318–319

  Steinhardt, Paul, 218, 325–329

  Stephen Hawking: A Quest for the Theory of Everything, 271

  Stephen Hawking’s Universe, 365

  string theory, 303–306, 309

  Stringfellow, Peter, 410–411

  “sum-over-histories” approach, 207–214, 257–258, 354, 383–384

  Sunday Mirror, 289


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