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Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel

Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: Job Prospects

  2: Out of the Bag

  3: New Fantasy

  4: Processing

  5: Drop Off

  6: Naughty Interview

  7: Naughty Audition

  8: Cheating or Fantasy?

  9: Indecent Offer

  10: Fantasy World

  11: Almost Caught

  12: The Plot Thickens

  13: Video Evidence

  14: Secret Revealed

  15: Confession

  16: Negotiations

  17: Down the Aisle

  18: Wedding Night

  19: Dirty Honeymoon

  20: To Have and to Hold

  More from Lexi Archer

  Model Bride

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, October 2015

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: Job Prospects

  It all started out as a lark. Having a little bit of fun with a friend who just got a new DSLR camera and wanted to try it out. Actually I had more than a sneaking suspicion that Jeremy wanted to do a lot more than take some pictures for a modeling profile, but I'd let him flatter me into it. Jeremy was good at flattering me.

  A little more than Nathan probably appreciated, but he was my fiancée's best friend. He was going to be the best man in our wedding in a couple of months after graduation, after all. It seemed crazy to think he wanted anything more than a hot girl to help him out with his own portfolio. I'd always wanted to try modeling, what girl doesn't, so I figured we could help each other out and it was a win-win. Nathan couldn't get mad about that.

  I never thought those pictures would actually go anywhere though. I just figured they'd be up on that modeling profile I created, and they would be something nice for me to say I actually did it once upon a time. That I was hot enough that a photographer wanted to take pictures of me. Never mind that it wasn't a professional photographer, that it was my future husband's best friend since childhood, and if I'm being realistic it was probably as much about him perving on me as it was about any desire for him to build his portfolio.

  Still, he was a photography major. So it's not like it was entirely out of the question that he had genuine motives.

  Anyways, all that's beside the point. All that just meant Nathan might be a little annoyed if he found out about my modeling career. The point is I was surprised in class one day when I saw a notification pop up. Something new in my campus email. Something from that modeling website. I raised my eyebrow as I looked up at the lecture and then back down to my laptop.

  Oh well. What the hell. I was just in a survey course that I'd neglected to take my freshman year anyways. It's not like I actually had to pay attention. We were close enough to graduation that my grade was all but guaranteed barring a disaster during the final. I could afford to screw around just a little.

  So I went over to the modeling site and opened it up since they wouldn't tell me what the message was in my email. Probably trying to get extra clicks, the bastards. I opened up my messages and was surprised to see something from an agency. Or an agent, at least, judging by his name: AgentMike. Now that was interesting. I tried to push down the flutter of excitement. It was probably nothing. It was probably just a company sending out messages to a bunch of girls and seeing who responded.

  Still, at the same time I couldn't help but feel just a little bit of excitement. I couldn't help but feel just a little bit of the Hollywood dream as I looked at that message. I was graduating in a couple of months and I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with my creative writing degree when I got out, so I couldn't help but indulge in dreams of Hollywood for just a moment. Dreams of being discovered, another pretty face from the Midwest who got plucked out of it by a talent scout and set on my path to fame and fortune. Bringing Nathan along with, of course, since he'd been faithful to me since before I got famous.

  I opened up the message. It was simple enough.

  "Hey! Really love your look. You have a fresh girl next-door thing together with a sexiness that is just amazing! We represent some big companies out in California who are always looking for fresh talent and I think you have it. Interested?"

  I thought about that for a moment. Was I interested? I grinned. You bet your ass I was interested! Once more visions of Hollywood danced in my head. Visions of my name appearing on top of a movie poster. Even if I just had a quick career, that would be plenty for me. It would be enough to get a few million dollars so I could come back home and live off of that for the rest of my life, popping out babies for Nathan and generally enjoying the lifestyle of a pampered person who wasn't going to have to work another day in their life!

  At least that was the dream, even though the more realistic part of me was saying there was a fat chance anything like that was going to happen. It's not like girls were just discovered and thrown on the track to stardom like that. I was enough of a realist to know that my fantasy was probably just that. Fantasy.

  I typed out a quick response. "I'd be interested. In class right now, but I could talk in a little bit?"

  I closed out the window and tried to pay attention to the class, I was all ready to go back to the lecture, but then I heard another ding. I looked at my campus mail and realized I was going to have to open the damn model website again. They sent me another message. And so I opened it up, went over to the site, logged in, and went back into my messages.

  There wasn't much in the way of response. Just a phone number. I noted it down. I'd have to call after class was over. This professor was understanding of seniors taking his class on a victory lap, but I don't think that understanding would extend to someone having a phone conversation in the middle of class.

  You can bet your ass that as soon as I was out the door I had my phone out and I wa
s tapping in that number though. I grimaced and not for the first time wished that the site actually had the ability to read the damn messages directly in your email. They wanted people to go over to their site so they could get the website hits. It was damn inconvenient too, because they didn't have a great mobile interface.

  As I tapped in the number I was so excited. I couldn't wait to call Nathan and tell him about this. I hadn't even told him about the photo shoot, though, now that I thought about it. Still, he couldn't be too mad about me getting those pictures taken, especially since it was his best friend who took the pictures and it was providing this great opportunity.

  Although, come to think of it, he might get annoyed precisely because it was his best friend who took the pictures. He did seem to get weird about how Jeremy got around me. Sure it was obvious to anybody who saw the way he acted around me at parties that he maybe had a little bit of a crush, but I figured it was a harmless crush. Besides, now wasn't the time to worry about that sort of thing. I'm sure Nathan would be so excited that I was getting offered something from an honest to God agency, even if it was just a feeler, that he wouldn't care about the pictures with Jeremy.

  At least I desperately hoped he wouldn't care.

  I was surprised when the phone picked up after the first ring. I figured if I was calling an agency I might get an automated system or something. That I would at the very least go through to some receptionist. But no, I picked up on the first ring and it was a gruff sounding guy on the other end.

  "This is Mike," he said.

  "Hi," I said. "My name is Vanessa and I just got a message from the model website where you said this was an agency…"

  "Oh! Of course! Vanessa. Glad to talk to you," the guy, Mike, said.

  His voice was suddenly warm and inviting. It was a stark contrast to the gruffness I'd heard a moment ago. Weird. I wrote it off though. I didn't care how he sounded as long as I maybe got a chance to catch his interest. Once more visions of Hollywood were dancing in my head.

  "So I was interested in finding out more about the agency?"

  "Certainly," he said. "I was wondering if we could maybe have you come down for an interview in person?"

  I blinked. An interview in person? That seemed like a tall order. I couldn't exactly afford a trip out to California. Hell, we were barely able to afford our wedding after our parents made it clear they weren't going to be able to help us out. We definitely weren't able to afford a honeymoon, which still depressed me just a little.

  Either way, the point was that the I had absolutely no way to pay to get out there to where they were representing people in California. Especially when there was no guarantee that I was actually going to get a contract or anything.

  I sighed. It really was too good to be true, just not for the reasons I thought.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong," I said. "I just don't have the money to fly out to California for an interview…"

  The guy started laughing. His voice was a deep rich baritone. Sure we were just talking over the phone, but it did send a little thrill through me hearing that voice. It brought to mind a very sexy man. At least in my imagination it did. He was probably way too old for me, or overweight, or bald, or something like that. There wasn't a chance he'd actually be hot, and even if he was hot there wasn't a chance that I would actually do anything with him. No, I was about to be a happily married woman. I wasn't going to go for other guys when I had Nathan!

  "What's so funny?" I asked.

  "I'm sorry," he said. "I think you misunderstand me. We're going to be here locally. We plan on interviewing several people, and I was hoping you'd be able to come out."

  I paused. That sounded more reasonable. Still, I wondered about this guy. That they just happened to be in town really did sound too good to be true. I couldn't imagine what kind of movie production company would just rove the country like that, but maybe it worked different for the talent scouts? I just didn't know enough about the industry to be sure.

  "So what kind of opportunities are we talking about here exactly?"

  "I can't exactly tell you who I represent, they're very private unless they decide to go with somebody, but let's just say I'm a recruiter for some of the more prolific movie agencies out there. If we like what we see then you'll have a chance for a great career in the movies, I promise!"

  I hesitated for a moment. I'm not sure why I hesitated, but there was something about the way he said that that made it seem almost too good to be true. Still, if it was at a legitimate place of business then it's not like it could hurt. I could always look up information about the agency later or something.

  "When is the interview?"

  "I could pencil you in tomorrow evening. Would that work?"

  I thought about that. I didn't think I had anything going on. Just spending time with Nathan, and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to let me go if he knew exactly what was happening here. He'd always supported me no matter what I decided to do. No matter how silly it was.

  "Yeah," I said. "I think I can make that."

  I paused for a second and then I realized that I needed a name if I was going to do more research into this company and figure out whether or not they were legitimate. "What agency did you say you represented, by the way?"

  "Great! I'll see you tomorrow night!" he said, and the line went dead. Almost as though he didn't hear what I'd just asked him. I pulled my phone away and looked at it. I cocked my eyebrow. That was weird. I was sure I'd asked him before he hung up. He kind of talked over me at the end, but still.

  I went back over to the crappy mobile version of the model website. I thought I'd seen his agency name before, but as I looked I remembered it was just his first name and then the word "Agent." There was nothing about what agency he actually worked for, or any of the deals he'd made.

  I clicked over to his profile and it was more of the same. Talking about all of the great deals he'd done, even a couple of models talking about the great opportunities he provided for them. I clicked over to some of their profiles. They looked legitimate enough, and there were some really gorgeous girls.

  Whatever. I figured if he was being secretive then maybe he had a reason. Maybe there was some Hollywood business reason for him to keep quiet. Again, I didn't know anything about how the business was run. That was why people got representation in the first place!

  At the very least there was that feedback from models that seemed a positive. I figured that was reason enough to keep interested. To figure there was at least a chance of him being legitimate. Besides, he'd had a profile on the site for a while. If somebody was causing trouble then usually they got chased off of the site pretty damn quick by the admins.

  I figured he had to be legitimate, and I hoped that wasn't just wishful thinking talking. The question was whether it was worth it or if he could actually do what he bragged about being able to do on his profile.

  Still, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. An actual agent, an agent who seemed to be able to get models deals if some of the feedback on his profile was to be believed, was interested in me. He'd picked me out of the blue. I was so excited! I never imagined something like that could've happened when I first allowed Jeremy to take those pictures!

  I thought about calling the guy back and asking who he actually represented, but I hesitated with my thumb over the call button. I didn't want to piss him off, after all. And so I decided that I would just wait and see what there was to see tomorrow. See if I could figure out what was going on then. There would be plenty of time for questions when I was actually there in person.

  No, instead I called Nathan. I couldn't wait to tell him about this! We were going to have to celebrate tonight, even if the interview tomorrow probably wouldn't come to anything.

  2: Out of the Bag

  "Are you ready for your celebration dinner baby?" I asked.

  "I'm ready!"

  I moved into the living room with the pizza in hand. I set it down in
front of her. Half cheese and half pepperoni so we could both have something we enjoyed. She smiled and clapped, but to my surprise she didn't reach out to grab a slice.

  "What's wrong?" I asked. "You love cheese pizza!"

  She sighed and smiled. "I think you need to have a seat for this. I might not be able to enjoy pizza if this pans out."

  I dutifully took a seat next to her on the couch, wondering what the hell was going on here. Wondering what could possibly have her thinking she couldn't enjoy pizza anymore. To say that my curiosity was piqued at this point would be an understatement.

  "So what's up babe?"

  She grinned, and her grin was infectious. "I got an offer from an agency!"

  I cocked an eyebrow. "An agency? What are you talking about?"

  "Well it's a modeling agency, or an acting agency, either way they saw my pictures online and they gave me a call. Said they represent some big movie companies and they want to talk to me tomorrow night!" she said.

  I sat back. I was definitely interested now. What the hell was she talking about? Best to start at the beginning.

  "Modeling? Acting? You've never acted like you were interested in modeling before…"

  She looked down and I saw a blush creeping on her face. Interesting.

  "Well I've always sort of been interested in trying it. People are always going on about how attractive I am even though I don't believe it," she said.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. We'd been over this plenty of times before, but I wasn't in the mood to go over it again. Vanessa had an unassuming beauty. The sort of beauty where she could stun everyone just by walking into the room but be completely oblivious to what she was doing at the same time. In short, she had no idea how hot she was even though guys were always hitting on her and girls were always acting catty around her, the first to my constant consternation and maybe just a little bit of arousal at seeing them chasing her and knowing she was all mine, and the second to my great amusement.


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