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Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  "Right," Mike said. "Well if you're not going to do that then the last thing we need is for you to sign some paperwork and releases for your audition."

  I paused. "Releases? What sort of releases?"

  He grinned. "I just filmed you naked giving me a blowjob. I need to have a paper trail saying you were okay with it at the time. Covers my ass in case somebody comes back later and tries to say they weren't interested. It’s all pretty standard stuff, really.”

  I shrugged. That seemed fair enough.

  "Besides, it's technically illegal for me to film you like that in this state without the proper releases. I could be in some deep shit if some inspector got a wild hair up their ass and decided to start trouble. Conservative state like this it isn’t entirely out of the question either. They don’t like our kind coming into their communities and corrupting their innocent church girls.”

  Mike chuckled again. “As though they need much tempting to be corrupted usually. God I love repression! Great for business, if you know what I mean.”

  I blinked. Now that was interesting. I hadn’t even considered that when I was filming myself having sex with Nathan we might potentially be breaking the law. Then again I suppose the laws were probably different for agents and production companies as opposed to people doing what they were going to do in the privacy of their own home.

  "That seems reasonable enough," I said. "What do I need to sign?"

  Mike handed me a stack of papers that was pretty damn thick. I glanced through them, and there didn't seem to be anything too terribly out of the ordinary. It seemed to mostly say what he said. Permission to film, all that stuff. And so I went ahead and signed without thinking about it too much. There really was too much crap there for me to read through the whole thing anyways. After everything we’d done I figured I could take this guy at his word.

  Mike grinned and held out a hand. It was odd considering everything we’d just done. Considering I was still topless and covered in his load. I'd been so intimate with him, done an intimate act that I usually only did with my future husband and even then only on special occasions, and now we were ending our time together with a simple handshake?

  I suppose that in the end that was a good thing though. I suppose that detachment was probably for the best. And so I reached out and took his hand. Shook it and my tits jiggled as I did so. I also noticed the way he glanced down. I grinned. Apparently even after he'd blown his load in my mouth and all over me he couldn't resist taking a look at my tits. And that sense of power and the arousal that came with it came back as he looked me up and down.

  "So do you have some place where I can get cleaned up?" I asked.

  "Oh sure," Mike said. "Wouldn't want your fiancé to know what you've just been up to, would we?"

  I laughed. "Yeah. He said it turns him on, but I'm not sure how he’d feel if he actually saw this."

  And so I wiped myself down. Made sure that all traces of his come were gone. It was particularly difficult to get out of my hair, but a little bit of wiping with a wet washcloth was enough to mostly take care of the problem. Finally I figured that I looked presentable enough. I turned and smiled at Mike.

  "Oh, one more thing," he said. “The matter of your payment for this audition."

  "Payment?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

  "It's just a little fee we give everybody for auditioning. Part of the process and all that," he said. “It’s actually illegal for me to film you for an audition like this and not pay you. All in that stuff you signed and all that.”

  My eyes went wide as he pulled the wallet out of his back pocket. He pulled it open and pulled out a pile of hundred dollar bills. Damn. I didn't think I’d get any money for just an audition, and here he was counting out one, two, I counted up until he took out ten hundreds and slapped them down in my hand. I stared, wide-eyed.

  "I get this just for an audition?"

  Mike shrugged. "It's all there in the paperwork you just signed. A thousand dollars for the rights to the audition video. Plus a little extra for you to think about before your wedding night if you decide to give me a call. Besides, like I mentioned before, we're not exactly your normal casting company."

  "I'd say not," I said. "So will you get in touch with me if you think I'm right for a role?"

  "Well of course we would," he said. "But I don't think they're the kind of roles you’d want to take considering how you feel about your fiancée. Just remember there's probably a hell of a lot of money waiting for you if you change your mind."

  I blinked. We'd been dancing around the subject of exactly what sort of organization he was a casting agent for, but what he’d just said put it in pretty stark relief exactly what sort of organization he represented. I suppose I had to accept the fact that I'd just done an audition for exactly the kind of company Nathan had warned me about when he was taking me out here.

  I suppose I should have felt taken advantage of, but all I really felt was a sense of empowerment. I'd had a little bit of fun, I'd really turned on a casting agent for what was probably a porn company even though he wouldn't come out and say it which was one hell of a big thing. I figured turning on a guy who probably saw hot girls going through his office all the time was like batting in the major leagues in terms of my fantasy of enjoying guys checking me out and getting turned on. Hell, it would probably be the major leagues in terms of Nathan's fantasy of watching guys checking me out. Assuming he ever found out.

  Which he never would, if I had anything to do with it. No, that wasn't happening.

  More than turning this guy on, though, I could rest assured and feel kind of smug that I'd managed to make it through this “audition” without being taken advantage of. I didn’t give him a chance to swindle me, or become the subject of one of the countless horror stories I’d heard about girls who had a brush with that industry. And to say that I had a sense of smug self satisfaction in the moment would be one hell of an understatement. No, I was feeling pretty good about myself. Indulging in a fantasy and getting out of a brush with the porn industry with my dignity mostly intact and no chance that it would be broadcast to the rest of the world?

  I'd call that one hell of a win.

  That good feeling lasted right up until the moment Mike led me out of his small office. He mentioned something about having another girl coming in, but that he had no doubt she wouldn't be nearly as fun as I was. I blushed under the praise, and then I turned to look towards where Nathan was still sitting in his car. It was running and he was obviously staring down at his phone, but seeing my fiancé sitting there waiting for me, knowing that he had absolutely no idea what I'd just done, suddenly it turned that blush from one of arousal and self-satisfaction to one of embarrassment and more than a little shame.

  The enormity of what I'd just done came crashing down on me. Immediately the depths of my betrayal hit me.

  It's not like this was just your regular run-of-the-mill betrayal. No, I'd cheated on him. There was absolutely no doubt of that. Only this betrayal ran deeper. He had a fantasy of watching me with another guy, and I’d just resolved to never tell him about his fantasy being fulfilled in one hell of a big way. If anything that seemed like the greater transgression. If anything that seemed like the thing that made me feel even worse about myself than the cheating.

  But I suppose it wasn't something that could be helped. No, I was still firm in my resolve that Nathan couldn't find out about this. That I didn't want to run the risk that instead of being turned on he would just be pissed off. That risk was too great. Especially with our wedding coming up in just a couple of months. I couldn't risk everything coming crashing down around me, and I'd played it safe enough with this guy that it's not like any evidence of my little indiscretion was ever going to get out into the world anyways.

  No, much better to keep my secret. As much as that tore me up inside. And so I put on a smile, a smile that was probably the best bit of acting I’d pulled off today considering how I was actually feeling de
ep down inside, and walked over to the car. Opened the door and prepared to face my fiancé.

  10: Fantasy World

  I was off in a fantasy world of my own creation.

  Ever since Vanessa walked through those doors I thought about what could possibly be going on back there. I thought about every stereotype I’d ever heard about a Hollywood casting couch, and I thought about inserting my innocent fiancée who didn't even want to have sex until she was married suddenly being thrust into one of those unsavory scenarios. I found myself wondering what she would look like leaning back on a casting couch with maybe an agent or a casting director leaning down over her. Telling her she could be a big star, if only…

  I shivered as I thought of that. My cock was rock hard in my pants. Hell, it was everything I could do to keep from pulling my cock out and stroking it right here in the middle of this parking lot and risking a public indecency charge, though I got the feeling from how deserted this place was that there wasn’t much danger of the cops patrolling. Hell, there didn’t even seem to be security people trolling this particular abandoned strip mall. It was abandoned, after all.

  I thought of Vanessa, poor naïve Vanessa, letting someone get her into a situation she couldn't handle. I thought about her getting turned on last night at the idea of Jeremy taking a picture of her, and I wondered if that would translate to a complete stranger or if it was only something that would happen with a guy she knew. It was probably impossible that something like that would happen with a complete and total stranger, but that sure as hell didn't stop me from fantasizing!

  Fuck, who was I kidding? I was totally going to stroke my cock. I reached down and started running my hands up and down the hard length of my cock. It was made all the more delicious because I knew there wasn't a chance in hell I was actually going to jerk myself off to completion in a parking lot like this. The frustration of knowing there wasn’t a chance I was going to be able to finish myself off just added to the already intense feeling.

  I shivered. I imagined Vanessa shivering. I imagined the strange faceless but muscular man hovering over her. Maybe even coercing her to go all the way. To finally complete that forbidden act that had been denied to me for so very long.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. Damn. If I thought I got hot at the idea of other guys checking her out, well let's just say that I seemed to have struck one hell of a major fantasy nerve by imagining her giving up her virginity to some other guy. It was insane. What kind of guy got off on the idea of his girl fucking another man before she'd fucked him? And yet there it was. My cock was suddenly harder than a diamond. I felt like I could thrust up and I would knock the steering wheel off of the steering column, that's how hard my cock was. I felt like if I actually did manage to jerk off it would go through the windshield like a bullet. That's how turned on I suddenly was.

  Holy shit. Who knew that the forbidden nature, the naughty idea, of my future wife getting it on with another guy, letting another guy be the first one to take her, would get such a reaction? It's not like it was something that was ever going to happen, particularly with our wedding coming up in just two months when I would seal the deal and that fantasy would be a moot point anyways, but damn what a turn on!

  And so partially because I was confident that it wasn't something that was ever going to actually happen, I allowed myself to go down that particular forbidden erotic rabbit hole in my brain. I allowed myself to imagine what circumstances would lead to Vanessa having some naughty fun. I allowed images to flash through my head of some faceless muscular guy hovering over her, his cock poised to enter her, her looking up, her chest heaving, thinking of me and how wrong this was.

  Holy shit! I felt a familiar tightening in my balls and I felt a tingling starting down at the base of my cock. In a panic I reached out and pressed a finger against the spot at the base of my cock. I really didn't want to come in my pants. I really didn't want to make a mess that would be ridiculously obvious when Vanessa got back out here. She’d probably figure out exactly what I was fantasizing about to get there, too, considering what we’d talked about the night before.

  No, that was definitely something I didn't want to go over with her. Not right now. It was already frustrating enough that she was going in there and it was like a black box where I had no idea what was going on which caused my imagination to run wild. It was like a fantasy world where I could project anything I wanted onto whatever it was she was doing in there. The last thing that I needed was evidence that I was doing that projecting. It would be too damn embarrassing, even if we had sort of come to terms with this ridiculous fantasy the night before.

  I might've still gone over that edge. I was sitting with my phone in one hand, the screen on but I was staring past it into that fantasy world. It might as well not be there. I had my other hand on my cock, and I was at that fateful edge that could only happen if you had a girl that was really damn skilled at giving hand jobs or you’d spent plenty of time learning how to edge yourself. I knew that all it would take was a breath to go over that edge. A single twitch in the wrong direction and I would be coming in my pants and creating a very embarrassing situation.

  Thankfully I never got that far. The door to the passenger side opened which caused me to panic. Which caused my cock to immediately deflate as my mind freaked out at the thought that somebody might be trying to jack the car. Then I freaked out even more at the idea that Vanessa might be climbing into the passenger side and would catch me doing what I was doing.

  I looked over and I breathed a sigh of sort-of relief. Not a robber. Just Vanessa. Although that was almost as bad a given my current predicament. Though my cock was rapidly deflating leaving me with one hell of a case of blue balls.

  Damn it. I needed to be a lot more careful about letting myself get carried away like that. Especially when I knew Vanessa was out there and could be popping in at any moment!

  "Having fun out here honey?" she asked.

  I looked over to her. Searched her eyes for any sign that she might know exactly what I was doing out here and was making fun of me. But there was no sign. No, she looked like she was genuinely just making conversation. I breathed a sigh of relief, but I tried not to make it too obvious.

  The last thing I wanted to do was give up the game now when I already appeared to be free and clear.

  "Oh you know," I said. "Just reading a book on my phone and waiting for you to get done.”

  I looked her up and down again. I’m not sure why I did, but I suddenly felt the urge to drink in her beauty. And damn did she look gorgeous as she always did! Hair up in a pony tail but still spilling down past her shoulders. Her T-shirt tight against her body and her nipples pressing out against the thin material giving me a nice view let me tell you! All of that moving down to her toned flat stomach and a pair of shorts that were so tight they might as well be painted on.

  All in all it was a captivating sight. A captivating sight that I was staring at more intensely than usual. I wanted to slap myself for being an idiot as soon as I realized what I was doing, but it didn’t stop me. No, I was staring at her so intently because I was looking for any sign that what I’d just been fantasizing about had actually happened, and I hated myself for doing it even as I was doing it.

  Damn it. There was just no escaping from this fantasy!

  Only as I looked her up and down I started to wonder if maybe there wasn’t some justification to giving her an intense once over like that. Like the fact that her hair was in a ponytail. I didn’t remember her hair being in a ponytail before. She’d been wearing it down. What happened in there to make her change her hairstyle like that?

  Not to mention the nice view I was getting of her chest. I distinctly remembered her wearing a bra when she went in. Didn’t I distinctly remember her wearing a bra when she went in? Her tits were the kind of thing that I paid attention to, but now that I was thinking about it I guess I couldn’t remember specifically if she was wearing a bra. It seemed like her nipples sticking out lik
e they were right now was the sort of thing I’d remember, but now that I was in the moment I was suddenly doubting my memory. Suddenly very unsure of myself.

  “So what happened with your hair?” I asked.

  Vanessa blinked and then her hand went to her hair. Her mouth worked in silence for a moment which I thought was definitely interesting, but then she giggled and seemed to shrug it off.

  “They had me do a couple of scenes while I was in there,” she said. “My hair was getting in the way so I pulled it back towards the end.”

  Her hair was getting in the way at the end. I could think of one thing she did for me where her hair usually got in the way resulting in her putting her hair up in a ponytail. My mind was flooded with images of her on her knees in front of some strange man leaning forward and opening her mouth into that “O” shape that I loved so much as she was moving down on my cock. My once-deflated cock was now rapidly standing back to attention as I thought of her being naughty like that even though her explanation was plausible enough.

  Really, I was being ridiculous. I was projecting my fantasy onto the real world when that’s the last thing I should be doing. I was trying to make the real world fit the fantasy narrative in my mind, and in the process I was turning my fiancee into a liar by implying that she would do some of the things that were running through my head and not tell me about it afterwards.

  And yet I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t stop digging even though the more rational parts of my mind were telling me I was being ridiculous and I needed to sit down and shut the fuck up before I pissed her off or something. Before she realized what I was up to the same way she’d managed to ferret out my fantasy the night before with surprising ease.

  I didn’t do any of that though. The rational parts of my brain weren’t calling the shots right now. No, it was the brain down below that was doing all of the thinking. It was asking the questions, thank you very much, and fuck however I might feel about that.


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