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Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel

Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  Damn! He must have already been on the edge to explode like that. I wondered if he’d been sitting out here edging himself while he thought of me being naughty. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  I was just glad that he hadn’t actually blown his load prematurely while I was in there, though I guess I really had no place to get upset about what someone was doing while I was in there doing my audition considering what I was doing for my “audition.”

  “So is that the end of your questions?” I asked.

  “Depends,” he said as he took a deep gasping breath. “Is that all that happened?”

  I didn’t even hesitate. I knew if I hesitated it would be the end of my little subterfuge. No, to hesitate was to give myself away.

  “That’s it,” I said.

  “Not bad money for less than an hour of work!” Nathan said. “And that’ll give me fantasy fuel for months!”

  Yeah, everything was working out great for Nathan. Except he had no idea that I’d just sucked off a complete stranger behind his back. He had no idea I’d just fulfilled his fantasy of stepping out on him. He had no idea that I was keeping that secret from him.

  And it was going to stay that way.

  12: The Plot Thickens

  “Come on man, you only have a couple of weeks to go and then you won’t be a free man anymore!”

  I grimaced into my beer and did my best to hide that look from Jeremy. Yeah, I wouldn’t be a free man anymore. I’m sure he’d give up just about anything to shackle himself to Vanessa, and thinking about that was the last thing I needed to be doing right now.

  I didn’t want to have to explain to him why I was suddenly getting a hard on while we were sitting at a table at some bar that was halfway between where we both worked.

  “I told you I’m not doing a bachelor party. You can beg and you can plead but it isn’t happening,” I said. “I’m not into that sort of thing.”

  “Well maybe you don’t want to do it for you, but think of all the guys you’re friends with who need something like this!”

  Yeah, I had a pretty good idea which guy in particular he was talking about. I kept my thoughts to myself, but I had a strong feeling that if he was with a girl like Vanessa, or if we were in some weird parallel universe where somehow he’d gotten his wish and he was actually with Vanessa, then he wouldn’t be interested in a bachelor party.

  No, he’d probably be spending every waking moment down at a church on his knees thanking whatever higher power had altered the fundamental laws of the universe to allow a guy like him to get with a girl as hot as my fiancee.

  I sighed again. Really I didn’t know why I kept hanging out with him. At first it was because of Vanessa wanting to play nice. She’d put so much effort into acting nice around Jeremy for my sake that I didn’t have the heart to tell her that he’d already been a friend who was well on his way out by the time I got with her and her being nice to him was just prolonging it because he suddenly wanted to hang out with us all the time while she was around.

  I just needed to sack up and tell him to fuck off, but now he was in the wedding. If I got rid of him then it would throw off all of Vanessa’s planning. And of course he had been the one who was sort of responsible for us finally admitting that fantasy to one another even if we hadn’t gone farther than a little bit of dirty talk.

  Even if there was a part of me that secretly wished she had gone farther than that, as crazy as it seemed.

  “I’m not doing a bachelor party and that’s it,” I said. “I don’t feel like I should have a party and risk things with Vanessa just because you guys want to see some strippers or something. You can go out and see strippers without dragging me into it.”

  “I don’t know why Vanessa would be worried about you seeing strippers considering what she’s done,” Jeremy muttered, taking a pull from his beer.

  “What was that?” I asked. That sounded suspiciously like he was saying bad things about my fiancee, and if there was one thing I wasn’t in the mood for it was listening to Jeremy saying bad things about my fiancee. Particularly when he spent what little time he wasn’t lusting after her trying to put her down in a clumsy attempt to get me to leave her.

  Presumably so he could swoop in when it was convenient for him and take her off my hands. As though there was a chance in hell something like that would actually happen.

  Jeremy laughed. “Right man. Very funny.”

  I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. Pulled him away from glancing up at the television.

  “I asked you a question. What the hell were you talking about?”

  Jeremy stopped for a moment. He peered at my face as though he wasn’t sure quite what to make of what I was doing. He was staring at me like I was a complete idiot and I can’t say that I particularly cared for that look.

  “You know what I’m talking about man,” he said. “Like Vanessa could ever have a problem with you going to see some strippers after what she’s done.”

  “Let’s pretend for a moment that I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about,” I said. That was pretty close to the truth since I truly did have no idea what the hell he was talking about. Though from the look on his face it seemed that he still thought I was putting him on or something which just made me more angry.

  “Come on man, the video? You can’t tell me you don’t know about that. You perv, getting off on seeing your girl with other guys? You should’ve told me about that a long time ago! I would’ve been more than happy to help you out!”

  I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. More than anything I felt sick to my stomach. What the hell was he talking about? It was impossible that he could know about my fantasy. About our shared fantasy. The only person who knew about that fantasy was Vanessa, and I didn’t think she’d tell him.

  Unless. My cock sprang to attention and it didn’t matter how queasy I felt because suddenly I wondered if there was something she wasn’t telling me. I wondered if maybe the reason he knew about my fantasy was because she told him about it while she was busy fulfilling it with him!

  The thought was both infuriating and one hell of a turn on at the same time.

  Only it couldn’t be true. What did he just say? If he’d known about the fantasy he would’ve been more than happy to help out. Yeah, I bet he would’ve been more than happy to help out. The asshole. Sniffing around my girl ever since the first time he met her. Only saying he would’ve been more than happy to help out implied that he hadn’t had an opportunity to help out.

  So what the fuck was he talking about?

  Okay, best to play this safe. Best to figure out what the hell was going on here without revealing too much on the off chance that he was just fishing. That would be embarrassing if I accidentally revealed too much or, even worse, gave away the fantasy when he really had no idea what he was talking about.

  It seemed like a faint hope given how specific he was just a moment ago, but I could hope, right?

  “What are you talking about Jeremy?”

  “The. Video. God, you don’t have to keep playing dumb. I know all about it. I found it and I’m not ashamed to admit I watched the thing. Hot! Who knew Vanessa had it in her to be such a naughty little minx?”

  A video. Vanessa. A naughty little minx. To say I was feeling a bit of conflicting emotion would be one hell of an understatement. I was angry at Jeremy for talking about Vanessa like that. I was confused because I didn’t know what he was talking about even though he was going on like I should know everything. I was aroused because it was sounding suspiciously like there was a video out there of my fiancee being less than faithful to me.

  Of course that also made me a little angry. If there was a video out there then Vanessa had to know about it. There was only one instance where a video like that could’ve possibly been taken, and she’d assured me that nothing had happened. I was more angry that she’d tried to hide something like this from me and I had to hear about it from Jeremy acting like a smarmy asshole than I was
upset at the idea of her doing it in the first place.

  No, I was more turned on by the idea of her actually going through with making a video than anything else!

  “You really have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” he asked. “Are you sure you want to see this? Because if you do the wedding is definitely going to be off!”

  I slammed my hand down on the table. “Would you cut the bullshit and all the shit talking about Vanessa and just say what you’re going to say? I’m sick of this! You’re always hitting on her or talking about what you’d like to do with her and she’s not yours!”

  Okay, so that was a little more heated than I’d intended. Jeremy stopped and looked at me in shock. That was the first time I’d ever said anything like that, though I probably should’ve said something a hell of a lot earlier than now.

  “Hey man, no need to get mad at the messenger. I’m not the one who’s out there doing porn, I’m just the one who came across her video.”

  Came across her video. Yeah, that was likely. I wasn’t sure how he found it but I had a feeling there was a pretty creepy explanation for it that I didn’t want to hear right now.

  “How did you find that video Jeremy?”

  He looked up and the wide-eyed stare left no doubt that he’d used some sort of creepy computer tech means to get at the video.

  “I was doing a reverse image search of Vanessa with some of the pictures I took, part of the processing and all that, and I happened to find this is all.”

  “A reverse image search,” I said.


  “And it was part of your process for finishing up a bunch of images you already gave her to publish online?”

  “Hey, do you want to see what your fiancee has been up to or do you want to go into specifics about how I found it?”

  I sighed. He had a point there. I very much wanted to see the video even if I also wanted to reach across the table and throttle him for pulling this bullshit refusing to reveal it to me. It really was taking all of my self control not to smack that smile that really shouldn’t be there after the way I’d yelled at him right off his face again.

  He chuckled and pulled out his phone. Presumably to pull up whatever video he was talking about. Of course he wouldn’t care if the wedding was called off. He’d probably be ecstatic if it was called off because then in his imagination he could swoop in and “comfort” Vanessa while I was out of the picture.

  Besides, I had mixed feelings about seeing whatever it was he was talking about. On the one hand if there was a video of Vanessa out there then I very much wanted to see it. On the other hand I wasn’t sure that in the middle of a bar was exactly the place to pull up a porn video.

  “This isn’t the place Jeremy,” I said.

  Of course he went right on pulling it up. He flipped the phone around and I saw something that made my blood boil even as most of it went shooting down to my cock. What little of my blood wasn’t already on reserve to maintain all other critical bodily functions.

  From the way I felt like I was about to pass out from what I saw frozen on his screen it seemed that my brain decided none of those other bodily functions were particularly necessary.

  It was a frozen shot of a beautiful girl staring at a camera like in one of those stupid casting couch videos you saw online. A stupid casting couch video that I never thought could actually be true because they’d have to get the girl to consent and sign paperwork and everything only there was my beautiful fiancee staring out at me from Jeremy’s screen and of course they had to have tricked her in some way because otherwise there was no way she would appear on one of those videos.

  Only that was her. I couldn’t deny that at least. Jeremy hit the play button with his thumb and the video lurched, but then it froze and the video was buffering. I breathed a sigh of relief. If just seeing her staring out of his phone at me like that was enough to nearly make me pass out then I didn’t want to think about what might happen if I actually saw the video here rather than in the privacy of my own home where I could process it.

  I needed to do a hell of a lot of processing if this is what I thought it was. I couldn’t see the link for the video Jeremy pulled up, but I could see the name of the company who made it. Plenty of information to track it down later.

  I hoped.

  Of course there might be an easier way to get at that video too.

  “So where’s the full video Jeremy?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Let’s not bullshit each other Jeremy. You were creeping on my fiancee and that’s how you found that site. You’ve been a total pervy creep around her since the day you met her, and I know you downloaded the full video even if you had to pay for it. So where is it?”

  “Hey man, I don’t know if I appreciate your tone of voice.”

  “And I don’t know that I appreciate the way you’ve been acting around Vanessa. You haven’t been a very good friend, have you? Why don’t you change that and show me the fucking video?”

  “Please! I’m doing you a favor! I don’t see why you’re leaping to that bitch’s defense when she’s nothing but a common whore showing herself off to the highest…”

  I saw red. I was lightheaded. I don’t know what came over me. What I did know was there seemed to be a brief moment where I completely blacked out. When reality reasserted itself around me I was surprised to see Jeremy on the floor next to our table rubbing his eye which looked like it was starting to turn purple. I could make that much out even in the dim lighting of the bar.

  Damn. Had I done that?

  “What the hell man?” Jeremy shouted.

  A couple of other people who were in the bar were standing and looking over at us. The bartender, a guy both of us knew who didn’t particularly seem to care for Jeremy, was staring at us but didn’t say anything. I knew he wouldn’t say anything if this deescalated now. The question was how was I going to do that?

  I rubbed at my wrists. They were really starting to hurt. Damn. I’d never actually punched someone out of anger. I’d never punched anyone for any reason, come to think of it. I mean that seemed like a stupid thing to say. Why else would you punch someone other than being angry at them? Self-defense maybe?

  The point is it fucking hurt. I really hoped I hadn’t broken anything. That would be perfect for our wedding photos, me in a cast, assuming there even was still a wedding after all of these revelations were worked through. There was just too much to think of, too much to work through, but before I did any of that I needed to take care of business with Jeremy.

  Business I should’ve taken care of a long time ago.

  I leaned down over him and he flinched away from me. Good. Let him think he might be in a little bit of danger. To be perfectly honest he really and truly was just one more negative statement about Vanessa away from me taking him back behind the bar and having a heart to heart between my fist and his face away from prying eyes and pesky witnesses. I was surprised I was that angry, but there it was.

  “Jeremy, consider yourself uninvited from the wedding. If you show up then I’m going to beat the shit out of you and call the cops. Maybe not in that order, but either way you’re getting the shit kicked out of you. I know most of the other guys in the wedding party would love a chance at that.”

  His eyes widened but he didn’t say anything. He just nodded. Good. We understood one another.

  “I also don’t want to hear about you saying anything about Vanessa to anyone ever again. I don’t want you around her. I don’t want you at any gathering where she might be. More than anything I very much don’t want anyone to find out about that video, or, well, just go back to what I told you about showing up at the wedding and imagine something a hundred times worse than that.”

  This really wasn’t me. I was usually so calm and collected. There was just something about the way he’d been talking about Vanessa coupled with anger that really should’ve been directed at her for not telling me about that video tha
t was causing me to bubble over in a big way right now. There must have been something about the look on my face, too, because he went wide-eyed and nodded again.

  I reached out and patted him on the face which caused him to wince. I made sure to get him right on the spot where it was starting to bruise. Give him a little something to think about.

  “I’m glad we understand each other,” I said. “Now get the fuck out of here.”

  Jeremy scrambled up and he was out of the bar in an instant. I made my way over to the bar and sat down. Sighed.

  “Trouble?” the bartender asked.

  “No, that was just something I should’ve done a long time ago.”

  “Not talking about your ex-buddy over there. You have the look of a guy who just found out some really bad news.”

  “Something like that. Mix your strongest booze with some soda and pass it my way. I have some thinking to do.”

  13: Video Evidence

  I stared at the screen. It felt so weird for so many reasons.

  Oddly enough the weirdest thing was that I was actually staring at a porn site. An honest-to-God porn site that took your money in exchange for showing you videos of naked women.

  It had been forever and a day since I visited a site like this with the intent to actually spend money. Why bother when there were so many sites out there that would show you a five minute clip, and that was all you really needed for a little fun?

  Not to mention Vanessa. It’s not like she was a prude who didn’t like me visiting sites like this. It had never really come up, but something told me she wouldn’t have a problem with it if she did see me visiting a porn site like this. I especially didn’t think she’d have a problem with it considering everything we’d discussed after our mutual fantasy came to light.

  Of course that was the problem, wasn’t it? She really couldn’t have a problem with me visiting one of these sites now, and the reason she didn’t have a moral high horse to sit on was staring at me from the screen. Staring at me from a preview showing me what I could expect if I actually forked over the…


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