Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel

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Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel Page 12

by Lexi Archer

  I could worry about that later, though. Because right now what I really needed was to be a little naughty with my man. I needed to figure out just how far this could go, because if he was willing to see me with another man, if he was disappointed that I hadn’t gone ahead and fucked that Mike guy even if it meant I’d be giving up my virginity to someone other than my husband, well that opened up a whole world of possibilities I hadn’t considered just five minutes ago.

  I moved up until my lips were inches from his. “Well? Does that turn you on? I’m going to need a yes or no on that. Maybe just isn’t going to cut it.”

  “Fuck yeah it does!”

  “Even if me fucking another guy means you won’t be the first guy to get in my pants? You realize what that means, right? All this waiting and it would’ve been for nothing.”

  Nathan squeezed his eyes shut and shuddered. I felt his cock twitching under my fingers and I realized that he was actually coming. I felt something wet and warm spreading across my fingers. He was blowing his load in his pants! I pressed my hand down against his cock while he rode the wave of what seemed to be a pretty intense orgasm judging from how heavily he was breathing. Finally he came down and opened his eyes, locked them with my own.

  I figured that was probably a good thing he’d just blown his load. If we were going to have this conversation then it was definitely the sort of conversation that wasn’t good to have while he was feeling horny. No, being in those honest moments after an orgasm would definitely be more of a help than a hindrance.

  Nathan’s eyes popped open. He was breathing heavily and there was a large stain spreading across his pants. I pulled my own hand away and grabbed a box of tissues we kept on a nightstand at the side of the bed for just such occasions. He grinned sheepishly as he started to clean up and I leaned back on the bed thinking about options that were suddenly available.

  If he really was turned on by the idea of me with another man rather than pissed off then that meant I could go through with Mike’s offer. Of course I had no intention of taking that asshole Mike up on his offer. Not after the way he’d double crossed me. No, the best thing would be if I could find a way to take someone else up on that offer, he had mentioned something about a bidding war, while at the same time sticking it to that asshole.

  The only problem was I didn’t actually know anybody who might be interested in getting started on a bidding war for that sort of video. I glanced over to Nathan who was heading to the bathroom to clean up. I guess the other part of the problem was I didn’t know exactly how on board Nathan was going to be with the whole thing, for that matter.

  It was one thing for him to blow a load in his pants when we were talking about something that was still very much in the realm of fantasy. It was another thing entirely for him to come back into the room when he was feeling good and honest and tell me that he still got turned on by the idea of me fucking another man.

  The sink ran. Nathan came back into the room in just his boxers. He had a grin on his face.

  “Y’know it’s crazy, but I’m still turned on by the idea of you fucking another man even after blowing my load.”

  Okay. I guess that answered that question. Short and to the point. Now the question was what were we going to do about it?

  “Even if he’s the first man to do me?”


  “What about having someone film it and getting paid for it? That Mike asshole seemed to think that could be worth a hell of a lot of money if we played our cards right, but I have no idea who to get in touch with about that sort of thing.”

  Nathan sat down on the edge of the bed and there was a pause. A pause where I thought he might actually be reconsidering this. Not that I could blame him if he was reconsidering it. Asking him to let me fuck another guy before we got married, especially considering what a big deal I’d made out of the whole waiting for marriage thing up until this point, was asking a hell of a lot. I knew that.

  Heck, even as I thought about it I wasn’t entirely sure about it. Part of the reason why I wanted to wait for marriage was that I wanted to share something special with Mike that only we could have. Then again I suppose that letting another guy fuck me for the first time was something that we’d be sharing with each other in a fucked up way. It would be fuel for both of our fantasies and it would definitely be a “first time” that was probably unlike anything most normal couples ever did. So while it was crazy I figured that in a twisted way it would also be a testament to the strength of our relationship and a confirmation of our love.

  “I’m open to that idea too,” Nathan said. “The problem is I just don’t think there’s as much money in this as that guy was leading you to believe.”

  “What are you talking about? He handed me a thousand bucks like he was passing out candy at Halloween!”

  Nathan shrugged. “What if that was just the first taste? Something to get you hooked in the industry and then the real rates start up? I know these guys are appealing to a really niche sort of thing, but everything I’ve heard about the porn industry says that there just isn’t as much money sloshing around there as there was even a decade ago thanks to free video sites and all that crap.”

  “Oh,” I said. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  I really hadn’t thought of that. I didn’t know all that much about how the online porn industry worked. It wasn’t my thing. For that matter I didn’t really want to know how Nathan knew that much about how the online porn industry worked. All that I cared about was that my visions of paying for a honeymoon and maybe even a down payment on a new house to start our life together were starting to disappear as I realized that Mike asshole might’ve been lying to me about more than what I was signing away with that paperwork.

  “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try, though. That guy couldn’t have been lying about everything, right?”

  “That’s true,” I said, perking up just a little. Maybe it would turn out Nathan was right. Maybe Mike was lying to me to try and entice me to do more videos in the moment. Maybe he just really wanted to get his rocks off with the virgin bride and so he was doing the porn producer equivalent of lying to get a girl in bed and I hadn’t fallen for it. Still, it was worth a try.

  And if it turned out that there wasn’t the money out there that Mike was promising then I still had a night with my future husband to look forward to! There was just that one big problem.

  “How do we actually find a place that might pay us for that sort of thing in the first place? Mike has all the contacts. I don’t know anybody.”

  Nathan shook his head and started chuckling.

  “What’s so damn funny?”

  “I just never thought I’d be in a position where I was trying to figure out how to auction off my fiancee to the highest bidder to give away her virginity!” he said.

  Okay, yeah. When he put it that way it did seem just a tad ridiculous. I started laughing just a little. Then a lot. In a minute the two of us were rolling on the bed laughing and all the nervous energy, all the tension that had remained in the room after he came back, all the worries I still had that he might be mad that I kept that moment from him, were gone in a flash. It was back to just the two of us having fun together and I knew in that moment that everything was going to be all right between us.

  “I guess we’ll just have to look at who the competition is for Mike’s site and see what there is to see,” Nathan said. He reached out for my hand. “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?”

  I took his hand. “I’m sure if you’re sure.”

  “Then let’s get to work!”

  16: Negotiations

  I took a deep breath. The text was all ready to go. All I had to do was hit send.

  “Mike, been thinking about your offer. Would like to talk. - V.”

  My thumb trembled as I held it over the send button. I didn’t want to have anything to do with this slime, even if it was trying to pull a double cross on him and give him a taste of
his own medicine. It made me feel dirty just having his number in my phone.

  I hit send. It needed to be done even if I didn’t want to have anything to do with the asshole.

  I figured it might be a little while before I got a response. The guy was probably busy, after all. He was probably jetting around the country in coach luring other unsuspecting girls into his cut-rate lair to take advantage of them and get them to sign paperwork signing away the rights to their videos under false pretenses.

  Yeah, I was still pretty mad at the guy if I was getting this worked up. I wanted to reach through my phone and punch him in the face. It was too bad that wasn’t a feature that had been added to any phones.

  To my surprise the response was almost immediate. I smiled despite myself. Okay then. Maybe Mike was a little more interested in me than I’d originally thought. I figured that could only be a good thing. That meant it would be that much easier to reel him in. Or to try and reel him in, at least.

  “Was hoping I’d hear from you! What were you thinking?”

  Yeah, I bet he was hoping to hear from me. I wondered if he had any idea that I knew he’d posted my video online. Now that I had his attention the only thing I wanted to do was lay into him and let him know exactly what a prick he was for pulling that, but I resisted the urge. No, that definitely wouldn’t be productive. What I needed to do was act like I was interested in what he had to offer.

  It was going to be one hell of an acting job. Better even than anything I’d done in my first audition. Another message popped up.

  Yeah, he was really interested. Good.

  “Have you thought about the offer I made?”

  I barked out a laugh. Had I thought about the offer he’d made? I’d only been thinking about it almost every day since he made it. I’d been thinking about how it would potentially destroy my relationship if news of the terms of that offer ever made it out, and then when it was revealed tonight and it turned out Nathan was into it I’d been thinking about whether or not I would actually go through with it.

  Turns out the answer was yes. Just not with this prick. Of course he didn’t have to know that and he wasn’t going to know it. Not yet.

  I looked over my shoulder to Nathan who was sitting on the bed with his laptop back out typing away furiously. Every minute or so there would be a ping and then he’d start typing away furiously again. He had a look of intense concentration on his face and I desperately hoped that meant he was getting good news on his end, because I didn’t want to have to go through Mike for anything.

  “How are things going on your end?” I asked.

  He looked up and there was genuine surprise registered on his face. “Surprisingly enough I’m getting some nibbles. Apparently mentioning Mike is all it takes to get them interested. I guess the asshole gave us an in with the industry and we didn’t even know it!”

  I giggled as I turned back to my phone and tried to think about how I could respond to Mike without giving too much away. I wanted to make it clear that I was interested, but at the same time that he wasn’t going to be my only choice. Or my first choice, for that matter.

  “I’ve been thinking about it, but I’m not sure if I should even go with you.”

  His response was almost immediate again. Just the time it would take for some one to thumb out a response.

  “What? What the fuck are you talking about? Who else would you go with?”

  I sighed. I wanted to get him good and worried, and if I was going to do that the only thing I could think to do was mention how he published that video online. Let him know just how royally pissed off I was even though that was the last thing I wanted to do because I was afraid it would open the floodgates and have me telling him off before I could reel him in.

  “How can I trust someone who posts a video and lies about the paperwork I’m signing?”

  Again the response was almost immediate. This guy had a response for everything, though I had a hard time believing the response I got.

  “Hey that was just business babe. Just like this video we’re going to make with you giving it up. So stop lying and let’s get down to negotiations.”

  I couldn’t believe the gall of this guy. First he lies to me about what I’m signing to get that video online. He lies about posting the damn video online. And now that I’d called him on it he was turning around and acting like he was doing me a favor by letting me do another video with him? Oh yeah, taking this asshole down a couple of pegs was going to feel so good. For that reason more than anything else I somehow managed to keep things under control. I managed to keep from telling him exactly what I thought of him in that moment.

  That moment would come, but not now. Not yet.

  “Right, that’s nice but I’m in this for the money. Not for making you money. So you’re going to make me an offer I can’t refuse or I’m going to refuse ;).”

  This time there was a pause. Good. Maybe I was finally getting him to stop and think. Maybe he was panicking just a little. That was right where I wanted him. I figured I was in the stronger negotiating position anyways. I didn’t want to have anything to do with him so I could drop the conversation at any time and not give a fuck. He needed me for his video even if he had no idea that there wasn’t a chance he was actually getting me after that little stunt he’d pulled.

  “Who are you negotiating with? Is it those assholes at Sharing My Slut?”


  “It’s that prick Liam from Cuckold Casting Calls, isn’t it?”

  “Nope again.”

  My eyes went wide as he kept it up. This guy definitely wasn’t very smart, which made me feel like even more of an idiot that I’d fell for his ruse with the paperwork. He proceeded to go through every major site that was his competition, including a lot of sites that Nathan hadn’t mentioned in his own search, and all I had to do was send a “no” reply and he kept right on going. Talk about having market research dropped right in my lap. I started calling off the names to Nathan and his keyboard clicked furiously as he wrote them down and started looking them up.

  So far, so good. Time to twist the knife a little.

  “Look Mike, even if I was talking with any of those guys it’s not like I would tell you. What matters is I’ve got options, and we’re going to have that little auction you were talking about but you’re going to be bidding instead of auctioning.”

  I could feel the frustration coming through the phone as there was another pause. I imagined him staring down at his phone and trying his best not to throw it and ruin the thing or smash it in his hands. I got a great deal of satisfaction imagining him walking around and swearing up a storm as he was outsmarted.

  Sure there was a chance he wasn’t doing any of that stuff, but it was fun to fantasize.

  I turned over my shoulder to where I could still hear Nathan typing furiously at his computer. “How’s it going over there?”

  “Just got a response from those Cuckold Casting Calls guys he was talking about. How do you like this?”

  I walked over and looked over his shoulder. My eyes went wide as I saw the number on the screen. That would be enough to pay for our honeymoon and one hell of a down payment on a house in the neighborhood I’d been looking at. It seemed too good to be true. It seemed way too high. Maybe it was because Nathan had imparted a sense of reality about how much money the porn industry had, but that seemed ridiculous.

  “You’re sure about that? They’re not jerking us around or anything?”

  “I guess something like this where they can verify and sell the show live is a big deal for them,” Nathan said with a shrug. “I think it also helps that they’re in a bidding war with that Mike guy. From the responses I’ve been getting it seems he’s made a few enemies who are willing to throw money around to screw him over.”

  “Interesting,” I said. I picked up my phone and tapped in something that was about twenty percent higher than the number on Nathan’s screen and sent it to Mike. I figured there was no harm
in trying to inflate the number just a bit.

  “You’re lying,” he said.

  “He thinks I’m lying,” I told Nathan. “Any way we could convince him?”

  “Hold on a minute,” Nathan said.

  More typing. His eyes moved back and forth across his screen and a smile started on his face. Just the ghost of a smile at first, but after a couple more minutes he was grinning from ear to ear and then actually laughing out loud.

  “Wait for it,” Nathan said when the typing stopped and he looked up at me.

  “Wait for it?”

  My phone buzzed. I pulled it up and glanced at the screen. Another message from Mike the asshole. I swiped and my eyes went wide. Interesting. It looked like Nathan had been at work.

  “I can’t believe you called that asshole Liam! This is going to cost you.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, making a disgusted noise in the process that got Nathan’s attention.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Apparently we got his attention, but he’s still acting like an asshole about it.”

  “Well make him pay for it then,” Nathan said. “It’s the least the prick deserves.”

  So I started tapping in my phone again. Oh yeah, I was good and pissed off now. I didn’t think it would be possible for me to get more pissed off than I already was, but somehow he’d managed to cross that line. He was really going to pay for this now if he wanted to try and stay in the game.

  “I think what that should tell you is who’s in charge here,” I sent. “You’re not in a position to dictate terms. I am. You want me in your video you’re going to have to convince me you’re worth talking to.”

  Damn I felt slimy just knowing he was on the other side of a phone conversation from me. I was tempted to just ask him to meet us at our apartment so Nathan could beat the crap out of him, I figured he could take Mike in a fight, but that would probably just result in a charge for Nathan. Much better to hit this guy where it would really hurt.


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